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Taneika: Daughter of the Wolf

Page 20

by R. Casteel

  She went into the clinic as Taren drove away.

  “Hello, Taneika,” the receptionist smiled. “Taren’s not shot again, is he?”

  “No,” she laughed. “I need to see Jeanie about a natal checkup.”

  “Congratulations, dear.” Her eyes got big with excitement. “Have a seat. Jeanie should be with you shortly.”

  “Jeanie,” the receptionist said as she entered the front office. “Taneika is here for a natal exam. I told her to wait and that you would see her.”

  “Great. I know she’s excited.” The joy faded as reality hit her. “Damn you, Taren.”

  “Is something wrong? You look troubled.”

  “I’m sorry, I can’t discuss it.”

  A few minutes later, another patient left and Jeanie came out to the waiting room. Taneika could tell by the expression on her face that she wasn’t entirely overjoyed to see her. I guess if I was in her shoes, I wouldn’t be overjoyed either.

  “Taneika, you can come back now.”

  They walked back to the room in silence and Jeanie closed the door behind them. The apprehension showed in the little worry lines on her face and Taneika felt sympathy towards her.

  “So, you’re pregnant. Does Taren know?” Jeanie took her blood pressure.

  “Yes. He knows everything.” Taneika paused. “He’s asked me to marry him.”

  Jeanie gave her a penetrating stare, exhaled tiredly and took the pressure cuff from around her arm.

  “I see.” Jeanie turned away. “I am having a difficult time with this, Taneika. Knowing that my brother is getting married to a….”

  “Wolf,” she finished for her. “I don’t understand why I am this way…but if Taren can accept me and we can be happy, isn’t that enough?”

  Jeanie turned back with tears in her eyes. “I hope so…for both of you.” She put her arms around Taneika and gave her a hug. “Welcome to the family. I’ll help all I can.”

  Jeanie finished the exam and rolled the sonogram away. She sat on the edge of the table. “The baby appears healthy. Are you sure it’s Taren’s?”

  “Why would you ask that?” She couldn’t keep the hurt or the anger from her voice. “I was a virgin. Taren is the only person I’ve ever slept with.”

  “By the size of the baby, you’re at least four months along.”

  Taneika didn’t have to count the months she had known Taren, or the time from her last cycle. “That’s impossible, no way!”

  “With you, it could very well be possible. Taneika, how many times have you…changed since you became pregnant?”

  She sat back stunned, thinking. “I don’t know, several times. Only once since I….”

  “Since you what?” Jeanie sat up straighter and leaned closer.

  “Completed the change.” Taneika’s voice was low, barely above a whisper.

  “Sorry, I didn’t hear you.”

  “Since the wolf inside came out.” Taren stood in the doorway. “Is the baby all right?”

  “Yes, the baby…Oh God! You mean, she…she.” She whipped her head towards Taren.

  “Yes.” He watched the color drain from his sister’s face and her eyes got large.

  “I’ve got to sit down.”

  “Sis, you are sitting.”

  “Oh.” She looked down as if seeing the table for the first time. “Right.”

  “Jeanie,” Taren walked over to the table and put his hand on her arm. “You must realize she can’t go to anyone else for medical help.”

  Taren felt sorry for his sister. Placing her in this situation wasn’t fair, but what was family for if they couldn’t pull together in times of difficulty?

  “If you will excuse me a moment.” Jeanie walked in a daze to her desk and opened the bottom drawer. Pulling out a pint of whiskey, she unscrewed the cap and drank from the bottle.


  She buzzed the front desk. “Cancel my appointments for this afternoon, and reschedule please. Oh, and take the rest of the day off.”

  “Are you all right, Mrs. Yates?” The speaker amplified the confusion and sudden worry in her voice.

  “Yes…I’m fine. Please lock the door on the way out.” She took another swallow from the bottle and recapped it.

  Her hand shook as she replaced the bottle in the drawer. “I…I was afraid this could eventually happen but I couldn’t bring myself to believe it from a medical standpoint. Of course, I realize the ramifications if she went somewhere else. I’ll help you any way I can and I know I can speak for Bill too. Do you two want to spend the night or do you have other plans?”

  “We’re going up to the cabin for a few days. Not sure how long we’ll be there. I stopped by the house and grabbed a snowmobile and trailer.”


  Jeanie got up and made her way across the floor. “Taneika, at this point the baby has a healthy, strong heartbeat. It appears that when you…when you change it speeds up your metabolism, and the baby’s. How much, I don’t know. When you come back, I need to know if it has happened again. Now, if you don’t want to get caught in the dark, you two had better leave.” She gave them a hug and returned to her desk.

  As Taren walked out the door behind Taneika, he saw Jeanie reach toward the bottom drawer. Her face was wet with the tears she was unable to hold back any longer.

  Chapter 24

  While still some distance from the cabin, Taneika spotted a deer. “We need fresh meat.” She pointed to the deer as it bounded away.

  Taren pulled up and she stripped off the snowsuit. “You go on ahead. I’ll meet you at the cabin.”

  He sat there watching her naked backside running through the woods. Her image stirred his loins and he hoped she wouldn’t be long in reaching the cabin. Taren drove on, his thoughts on an evening of pleasure on an old bear rug.

  As he pulled up to the cabin, he noticed the tracks but it was too late. Harold Fallings stepped out of the shadows. Son-of-a-bitch! Taren took off his helmet and slammed it on the ground.

  “Well, well, well…look what we have here. ‘Welcome to my parlor, said the spider to the fly.’ Figured you’d show up here when the bitch agent didn’t show up. Don’t try anything, Taren. At this range I don’t miss. Turn the engine off and stay awhile.”

  Harold was standing there with a pistol aimed at his chest. His own weapon was deep inside the snowsuit, hopelessly out of reach. Taren slowly reached over and turned the key, shutting off the engine. A deadly calm surrounded the house. Pure hatred for this man and fear for Taneika caused his heart to pound wildly. Every muscle tensed, waiting for the slightest change to overtake Fallings and get control of his weapon.

  “Where’s the little wolf-loving bitch? I want to see her face when I shoot your ass. After that, just to let you know, we’re going to have a good time before I slit her throat.”

  Taren forced his features to remain calm against the rage he was feeling. With his last dying breath, he would somehow kill this bastard before that happened.

  “What, don’t you have anything to say?” Harold laughed. “You cost me a small fortune and I expect to have my pay in flesh. Maybe I’ll tie you up and let you watch. Tell me, is she a good fuck?”

  Harold’s smile was evil as he rubbed his crotch. Please, God, if I’m going to die, let it be with my hands locked around his neck, Taren prayed.

  Movement in the trees caught his eye. Stay hidden, my love. Please, stay in the trees. Without taking his eyes off Harold, he watched as blurs of gray and white filtered through the trees. I know what you’re thinking of doing. Please, don’t try it. For God’s sake, think of our baby.

  “Go ahead, Taren.” He sneered. “Try it. I know you want to.” Harold stepped off the porch, the sound of crunching show loud in the deadly silence. “What’s the bitch’s name, Taren? Teakie, Tanaka, I know it’s an Indian name. Taneika, that’s it. I think I’ll call her FUCKaneika.” He laughed at his crude joke. “Shame you’re not at man, Taren. Then you would know how to treat a whore like her

  Harold’s words traveled the distance to where she was hidden. Having worked her way behind him, she summoned the wolf. My mate’s life is in danger. By the power of Orion, be swift in your coming.

  She bolted from the trees.

  His heart sank and then leapt to his throat in fear. He wanted to scream for her to go back, that her life and the baby’s life were more important. The fear in his eyes must have given him away. Harold smiled and turned his head.

  “Time to say goodbye, Taren.” Harold raised his pistol.

  “No!” Taneika screamed.

  Her scream became that of an anguished animal.

  Taren watched as thick dark gray hair appeared over her body. Like soft sculptures, clay on a pottery wheel, she collapsed in a billowing cloud of snow, blocking out his view. A snarling wolf exploded from out of the cloud as Taneika continued toward the unsuspecting Fallings.

  Taren saw Harold’s finger on the trigger tighten.

  A terrifying screech sounded from overhead and Harold looked up.

  Sharp talons ripped into Harold’s face and he dropped the gun, trying in vain to dislodge the hawk. His screams became terrifying as the hawk sank a talon into one of his eyes.

  Taneika leapt from the ground catching Harold in the chest, her solid weight and speed knocking him down. Instantly her jaws snapped shut, sending her canine teeth deep into Harold’s throat.

  A blur of gray went past Taren as Lobo joined the battle. She struck, her teeth sinking into the soft flesh between the legs. Grrrrrr. You have an itch there? Let me scratch it for you.

  Taren stood there in shock. The attack had been so sudden and fierce there was nothing he could do.

  Harold’s hellish screams faded as Taneika’s powerful jaws closed off his windpipe.

  Taren watched as blood sprayed from a severed artery, turning the snow around Harold’s head bright red. Both wolves shook their quarry ‘til there was no more movement. Only the slowing trickle of blood from torn flesh remained of an evil life of greed.

  The two wolves released their hold and backed away, blood dripping from their snarling lips. Lobo’s mate walked up, sniffing Harold as the last of his life’s blood was pumped from his body. Seeing there was nothing else to do, he hiked his leg and pissed.

  ‘Woof!’ Lobo barked. Why did you do that?

  ‘Woof!’ It beats walking back to a tree.

  Recovering from the vicious attack, Taren squatted in the snow. “Taneika, come here.”

  She walked over, laid her head lovingly on Taren’s leg and licked his hand.

  “I don’t know if you can understand me, but I hope so. You need to go find your food. I’ll be right behind you. Go quickly.”

  She looked up at him with big amber eyes and whined.

  “Go, before you change back and don’t have the food you need.”

  Taren started the snowmobile as the three wolves headed toward the trees.

  He had gone several hundred yards from the cabin when he spotted a gray form lying in the snow. Pulling up he jumped off and ran to the still wolf.


  As he reached the wolf, it sprang from the snow and knocked him over.

  “Lobo? You scared the life out of me. I thought you were Taneika. I haven’t got time to play games. I’ve got to get to Taneika.”

  He started to get up and Lobo pounced on him, rolling him in the snow.

  “Damn it, Lobo! Enough.” Taren brushed the snow off and climbed back on the snowmobile.

  A hard tug at his pant leg and a low growl caused him to look down. Lobo had a mouth full of material and was trying to pull him off the seat. “What the hell has gotten into you?”

  Lobo let go of his pants leg and stood in front of the Artic Cat. Putting her front paws on the cowling, she tilted her head from side to side. As if asking, ‘Now what you gonna do?’

  Shaking his head in utter frustration, Taren dropped his hands away from the controls and turned off the motor. “All right, you win. I’ll stay here.”

  Time seemed to stand still in the woods. His impatience grew with each passing minute. Damn, this is ridiculous.

  “Are you laughing at me, Lobo?”

  Her ears went up and she turned, running through the woods.

  “Finally.” Taren started the engine and followed.

  He found Taneika, her skin still bleeding, lying next to the deer.

  Lobo went up to her and she wrapped her arms around her neck. “Good girl.”

  Taren trotted over and fell in the snow beside her. “Are you okay, love?”

  “Relax, dear. I’m fine.” She tore off another chunk of meat and chewed it.

  “I suppose it was your idea to have Lobo keep me away?” Taren smoothed her blood-matted hair from her face.

  “Yes, I…I wanted to spare you from seeing me change.”

  “Do you remember what happened?” Taren questioned softly.

  “Yes. I was afraid he was going to shoot you. I couldn’t let that happen again.”

  Taking her in his arms, he held her close, rocking her much like he would a child. “Promise me you won’t do anything like that again. I couldn’t stand it if something were to happen to you.”

  “I’m fine. Quit worrying.”

  Taren sat back and looked at her. Something was different but he couldn’t place what it was.

  Until she stood up.

  “My God, dear. You’ve gained considerably around with waist.”

  His eyes were large and frightened and she looked down. She felt a distinctive kick in her womb. “I was afraid that would happen.”

  Taking her breasts in his hands, he felt the increased fullness and weight. “You need to explain it to me then.”

  “A wolf’s pregnancy lasts about two months. Every time I make the switch, even partially, it speeds up my metabolism and the baby’s growth.”

  “Promise you won’t do any more changing ‘til after you deliver.” Taren held her close with his arms around her ample waist. “Sit on the seat while I cut some more meat. Soon as you get cleaned up, we’ll head back and let Bill know what’s happened.”

  As they pulled up to the cabin, Taneika looked away from Harold’s body.

  “Put it behind you, dear. It was him or us and thanks to the hawk’s attack, neither of us was hurt.” Taren carried the meat in and stirred the coals in the fireplace. While Taneika washed away the blood, he sliced a piece of meat for his supper.

  Their meal was eaten in silence and then they extinguished the fire. Taren threw a tarp over Harold and they headed back to his truck.

  With the trailer loaded and lashed down, Taneika wrapped her arms around Lobo’s neck. “Hey girl, its time you started your own family. This is a good place with plenty of food. You and your mate stay here and I will come back to visit you.”

  Lobo looked up with sad eyes. I’ll miss you, she whined.

  “I’ll miss you too, but you and your mate need to start your own pack.”

  Will you bring me a pizza when you come back? Lobo wagged her tail expectantly.

  “All right, I’ll bring you a pizza,” she promised.

  And a beer? Lobo sat up begging.

  Taneika laughed. “Okay, one beer.”

  Lobo jumped forward on her hind legs and with both front paws on Taneika’s shoulders began licking her face. Oh, thank you, she barked.

  As they pulled out, Taren looked in the mirror. The two wolves were standing side by side, watching them leave.

  Taneika curled up beside him and was soon fast asleep. Gently he stroked her hair as the events of the day played out in his mind. We were lucky today. He looked at her sweet lovely face.

  A hawk flew low over the truck and disappeared into the night.

  Thank you for watching over us.

  Taren backed the trailer into Bill’s drive and got out. The porch light came on and the door opened.

  “Jeanie said you were going to be up there for a while. What changed your mind?” />
  “Fallings was waiting for us. You might want to send somebody to get the body. It’s next to the house.”

  “Are you both okay?” Jeanie asked as she came out and stood beside Bill.

  “We’re fine but I’d appreciate it if you’d check Taneika again. She had a stressful day.”

  “Sure, come inside. You can spend the night here,” Jeanie offered.

  Jeanie gasped as Taneika got out of the truck. Taren’s warning look of, ‘Not now, I haven’t got time and I’m not in the mood for it,’ flashed in the artificial glow of the bright porch light. She closed her mouth and laid her hand on Bill’s arm.

  Taneika looked exhausted but what concerned her the most was the increase in her waistline from a few short hours ago. Only one thing could have caused it. A complete change of her body over a long period.

  “Taren, if this keeps up I don’t know how the baby will handle it. This has got to stop.” Jeanie carried her medical bag to the bedroom.

  “Damn, Sis. Don’t you think I know that? We went up there to get away from Fallings, not to confront him.”

  “Come on, Taren.” Bill put his arm across Taren’s shoulders and walked with him to the kitchen. “Leave Jeanie to look her over and you can tell me what happened.”

  Jeanie listened to the baby’s heartbeat for several minutes and took Taneika’s blood pressure. “Taneika, I want you to get a good night’s rest, and tomorrow I’m going to do another sonogram. There’s a strong heartbeat and you’re doing fine, considering what you have been through. Your baby is bigger than it was earlier today and that has me concerned.”

  “Don’t blame Taren. I had to do it to save his life. The baby will be fine.” Taneika curled up on the bed and closed her eyes. “I just need some rest.”

  Jeanie covered her and quietly left the room. She returned to the kitchen. The anger that had been building over a situation out of control had reached the boiling point.

  Taren was sitting with his elbows on the table and his head resting on his hands. She walked up and placed both hands flat on the table as he slowly looked up. “Look, Brother, I know you’ve had one hell of a day. But you are going to listen to what I have to say.”

  Taren sat up and groaned. Sis was livid. Her eyes were narrowed into little slits and the muscles in her face were taut with anger.


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