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Romancing His English Rose (Entangled Scandalous)

Page 11

by Hemmerling, Catherine

  “I am fine, darling. Just anxious over what we are about to do,” Simon assured her. And that much was true, he thought. Any number of things could go wrong tonight. It would be wise to be worried. “Now then, shall we be off?”

  “Yes,” Rose replied and—hand in hand—the pair made their way down the back alleyways and shadowy streets to the Shrewsbury Manse.

  The trip didn’t take long and even Simon had to admit that Rose was able to move faster, easier, and with more stealth than if she were wearing a full dress. He just had to make sure she remained behind him or next to him, for the one time she darted ahead, he was so distracted by the beguiling curve of her calves, he narrowly missed running into a tree.

  However, the couple made it to the mansion without any real mishap and soon they were creeping alongside the house to where the telltale circular window was seen. One look at the window, however, proved that it would not be as easy as he hoped, for it was a good ten feet off the ground. Rose and Simon stood below the blasted thing for a number of seconds just staring at it, as if somehow that would cause it to lower itself four or five feet.

  “Now what?” Rose whispered, looking at Simon.

  “Do you think if I held you on my shoulders you could reach the window?”

  “Enough to see inside, maybe, but I don’t think I would be able to open it.”

  “That’s all right,” Simon replied. “I don’t believe that type of window opens anyway.”

  “Then why do you want me to reach it?”

  “I just want you to look around. Hopefully something you see will give us an idea of where to look for the entrance.”

  “Oh,” Rose said. “That’s quite a good idea.”

  “I’m so glad you think so,” Simon responded wryly.

  Rose caught his tone and she stuck her tongue out at him.

  “Very mature,” Simon muttered, as he crouched down to allow Rose to sit on his shoulders.

  “It would behoove you not to make snide comments to a person who will very soon be able to step on your head,” Rose suggested.

  “And it would behoove that person not to do anything that may cause me to drop her on her pretty little bum.”

  “Point taken,” Rose acknowledged with a nod as she climbed gingerly onto his shoulders, clinging uncertainly to his head.

  “Hmph,” Simon grunted, both in response to Rose’s acquiescence and with the effort needed to raise them both up from his bent position.

  Once he was fully standing, Rose was still about a foot below the window. Using the wall of the house for balance, she moved to a kneeling position on Simon’s shoulders, from which she was able to successfully stand, one foot on each shoulder.

  Simon reached up to encircle Rose’s ankles with his hands to provide her more stability.

  “Thank you,” she called down softly.

  “Don’t thank me,” came his strained response, “just tell me what you see.”

  Rose didn’t reply and Simon could only hope she had turned her attention to what lay on the other side of the small window.

  “Well?” Simon asked a minute or two later.

  “I think I’ve seen enough,” Rose whispered back. “I’m coming down.”

  Simon released her ankles but did not move his hands away. Instead he used them to help her back into the sitting position. From there, he sank back down toward the ground where she was able to climb off of his shoulders.

  For some reason, Rose chose to dismount over his head instead of down his back, and when the end of her coat caught on the back of his head, Simon got a glorious view of her entire scandalously clad body.

  “Oh my,” Simon groaned as his mouth went very dry. Rose had the most amazingly curvaceous body. Who would have known that under all those voluminous gowns there was such a shapely and womanly figure? No one, he hoped. And as far as he was concerned, no one would ever know.

  In fact, when she was his wife, he planned on insisting she wear even fuller, more concealing clothes than she did currently. He did not like the way the necklines on the currently fashionable dresses seemed to be dropping lower and lower.

  His wife? When had he started thinking of her in those terms? And with something like jealousy? He had always known she would be his wife, but he never thought to feel any responsibility for her, much less toward her. Damn, this was really going too far. As soon as they found the evidence against Caleb, Simon was going to have to figure out how to keep Rose at arm’s length…figuratively, not literally. Definitely not literally.

  “Simon, are you all right?” Rose asked, once she had righted herself.

  “I’m fine,” Simon ground out. “Just tell me what you saw in the room.”

  And I will try to forget what I just saw under your coat, Simon thought irritably.

  “I, ah, saw a number of display cases against all the walls but one. The wall between this room”—Rose pointed to the room he just had her look in—“and that room”—she pointed to the room to the left of them—“is only lined with built-in bookshelves.”

  “Hmmm, well that makes sense,” Simon said slowly. “That is the wall of the second library Pembroke and I told you about.”

  “I would guess, then, that our belief the secret entrance is in the second library is correct. Somehow that bookshelf is hiding the way in.”

  Simon nodded. “I agree.”

  “So how do we get inside?”

  “This way,” Simon said, motioning for Rose to follow him.

  Staying low and in the shadows as much as possible, Simon led Rose around to the back corner of the house. Just as he remembered, there was a basement level window behind a thick cluster of ferns.

  “When I was little, I used to hide in the basement to get away from Caleb. This window latch was broken, so I was able to get in and out through here, which allowed me to avoid the little hellion no matter where he may have been.”

  “Do you suppose the latch has been fixed by now?” Rose wondered, as she knelt down to peer into the window.

  “There is only one way to find out.” Simon got down on all fours and, using his fingertips, he felt around the bottom sill of the window. It took a moment, but soon he was able to pry the window up an inch or two.

  “You did it!” Rose exclaimed softly.

  “Al-most,” Simon grunted. Apparently it had been a while since the window had been used, but with a few more tugs and pushes the window finally opened the rest of the way. Sticking his head in to look around, Simon received a nice face full of cobwebs.

  “Ugh,” Simon grumbled as he drew back out of the window, gossamer-like wisps covering his hair, face, and ears. He ran his hands back and forth through his curly hair and over his face in an attempt to remove all the sticky strands. He truly hoped the spiders that had made the webs had moved out long ago and had not just been transferred to his being.

  Rose giggled at the sight of him covered in webs, but when he glared at her, she immediately stifled the laughter and started helping him clean off the remaining mess.

  In her attempts to help, Rose was unaware of how her breasts kept rubbing up against Simon’s chest and shoulder, but he was painfully responsive to her movements and soon, he no longer cared about the cobwebs. Much more important was the need to kiss Rose until she was just as frustrated as he was. Grabbing her hands and wrapping them around his neck, Simon pulled her close until her face was barely an inch from his. He waited until Rose met his gaze and her eyes registered that she knew exactly what was about to happen.

  Then Simon leaned in to capture Rose’s lips with his own. He was gratified to hear her moan softly and to feel her melt willingly into his embrace. He may have been the one thinking about doing things to her from the moment he saw her that night, but she seemed just as ready for a little physical interaction as he.

  Simon’s kiss was fierce and passionate. He knew before he even touched his lips to Rose’s that this embrace was not going to be sweet and gentle. He had hoped that by indulging in one
soul-searing kiss, he would be able to purge the worst of the desire from his system and again concentrate on what they needed to do that night.

  However, Simon quickly found out that the kiss simply made him hungry for even more. Now was certainly not the time and definitely not the place, so, as much as he would like to continue making love to Rose right there among the ferns, Simon knew he needed to put an end to this madness.


  Rose found that she was unable to hold herself up. It was as if Simon’s kiss had completely melted every bone in her body and replaced them with molten lava. She felt on fire from head to toe. In an instant, she forgot where they were, what they were supposed to be doing, and—in all honesty—she doubted if she could even recall her own name if someone were to ask her right then.

  All of a sudden, with a low groan, Simon pulled back from Rose and held her an arm’s length away from him. It took Rose a few seconds to realize what had happened and when she finally did, she began to blush hotly.

  Good Lord, where was her self-control? What kind of woman allowed herself to be seduced in the middle of a flower bed? Truly, the minute Simon touched her, she was lost. Rose found that fact both humbling and rather mortifying.

  She needed to do something to remove herself from his presence—both physically and emotionally. So, moving with purpose and efficiency, Rose maneuvered out of Simon’s grasp and went over to the window. After a quick glance at the floor below the window, she turned and began lowering herself down into the basement.


  “Bloody hell!” Simon swore, as he saw Rose disappearing through the window. “What are you doing?!”

  Jumping to action, Simon hurriedly grabbed Rose’s hands to help her drop safely into the dusty basement. Then he quickly followed her through the window.

  When he, too, was safely inside, he turned to Rose and said, “Are you crazy? What if you had fallen?”

  Simon knew without even looking that Rose was rolling her eyes as she said, “If I can climb two stories down a rose trellis, I think I can handle a small drop into a dark basement. Besides, if we don’t quit wasting time and start getting on with this mission, we won’t be done before sunrise.”

  Feeling properly rebuked, Simon muttered, “I didn’t realize kissing me was such a waste of time.”

  “Did you say something?”

  “No.” Simon sighed. Apparently all this raging, unrelenting desire was making him cranky. He really needed to get away from Rose soon, otherwise he was going to end up stark raving mad—just like Caleb, Simon thought in a weak attempt at humor.

  “Well then, help me find the door. I can hardly see a thing down here,” Rose snapped.

  Simon had to chuckle. Apparently he wasn’t the only one feeling a little prickly tonight. “Here,” he said, reaching for Rose’s hand, “this way.”

  Simon led Rose in the general direction of the door. It was definitely dark in the large cellar, but after a moment their eyes adjusted somewhat, and Simon was able to lead them successfully out of the room and up the narrow staircase to the kitchen.

  Holding his finger to his lips, Simon indicated that they should be very quiet as they walked through the kitchen to the hallway that led from the back of the house in the general direction of the home’s front entrance. Fortunately, the second library was situated nearer the basement, so they didn’t have to walk down the clear, open hallway very far. Within seconds, Simon pulled Rose through the second door on the left and softly shut the door behind them.

  “Stay here,” Simon whispered.

  Rose nodded and waited by the door as Simon walked over to the window and pulled the curtains back. Bright moonlight immediately filled the room and, in comparison to the darkness moments before, it seemed as if a dozen silvery lights had been lit. With the aid of the shimmery glow, Simon was finally able to see the contents of the room. He had to admit it was rather impressive.

  One wall was dedicated to a display of medieval artifacts. There was, in fact, a full set of armor standing in one corner, sword raised, as if to protect the entire room from marauders. There was another area devoted to Oriental weapons of some kind. Simon was familiar with most of them, but—although they were clearly deadly instruments—there was a beautiful artistic look to them, many with graceful curves and intricate carvings.

  Under the window, gleaming in the moonlight, there was a massive display case—the type you would see in a jewelry store—full of snuff boxes, just as Simon had remembered. There were hundreds of the jeweled and lacquered boxes. If this was the size of the collection Caleb had of rings, Simon knew he and Rose had a difficult task ahead of them.

  “Memory, don’t fail me now,” Rose breathed softly.

  Simon looked to find Rose by his side. She appeared completely monochromatic in the moonlight—as did most everything around them—except for her beautiful hazel eyes. They gleamed like gems in the silvery light; also shining there was a surety and confidence that instantly made Simon feel more optimistic.

  “So, do you want to help me look for a way into this hidden room of Caleb’s?” he asked with a smile.

  “Oh yes,” Rose replied, obviously quite excited about finding a secret door or passageway to the enigmatic room. Together, they searched through the shelves looking for any levers, triggers, or mechanical devices. They weren’t having much luck until Simon noticed a rather plain looking leather-bound book on one of the upper shelves. The area directly in front of it showed a strange wear pattern that was not present anywhere else along the shelf. It almost appeared to be track marks.

  Simon cocked his head to the side so that he could read the title of the book. It read The Ultimate Arbiter Elegantiarum: a book that prescribes, rules on, or is a recognized authority on matters of social behavior and taste.

  Grinning, Simon said, “I think I found it.” He indicated the book in question and pointed out the strange grooves in the wood just in front of it.

  Rose snorted with derision. “Of course he would use a book on how to be a gentleman as the trigger. What a monumental poseur.”

  “Very well said, my dear.”

  “Thank you…now how does that book work?” Rose said, reaching up to feel around the volume.

  “Judging from the marks,” Simon replied, grabbing the book firmly, “I suspect you just…pull…on it.” Which he did just as he uttered the word pull and with a muffled pop, one side of the bookcase angled toward them about an inch. Moving over to the right, Simon felt along the edge of the bookcase and found that he could now wedge his fingers behind it and, with very little effort, he was able to pull the entire bookcase open, as one would a door.

  Simon looked back at Rose and smiled. Caleb be damned! he thought. For today, he—and his fiancée—would finally see inside Collicott’s legendary hidden room.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Very few things that are considered impossible actually are.

  —The Duke of Lancaster

  Rose couldn’t believe it. They had found the secret room and the way inside it! Wait until Lady Lancaster hears this, she thought. She glanced at Simon expectantly, but he was looking back over her shoulder. Curious as to what could be more interesting than the room they had just uncovered, Rose asked, “Simon, is something wrong?”

  “Wait just a moment, dear,” he replied. He went over to the library window and closed the curtains, giving another cursory look around the room. When he returned to her side, Rose looked at him inquisitively.

  He shrugged. “Just in case one of the servants awakens. I wouldn’t want anyone to find anything out of place.”

  Rose was impressed once again with Simon’s forethought. Flashing him an approving smile, she looked at the opening in the bookcase and then back at him.

  “Oh, by all means…ladies first,” Simon said grandly, with a sweep of his arm.

  Rose’s smile turned into an excited grin and she ducked through the narrow gap. She moved into the room just far enough to allow Simon space to e
nter behind her, but then she stopped. Looking around, she was just able to see a lamp and flint on a nearby shelf. Realizing the chances of finding the ring in the dark were pretty slim, Rose decided to risk lighting the lamp. And within moments the small room was filled with a golden light.

  Simon ducked around her and she watched him immediately remove his overcoat and use it to cover the window. Rose then tugged and pulled on the bookshelf until it was almost closed, but not quite. Honestly, she didn’t want to hazard not being able to find the release mechanism on this side of the shelving if she didn’t have to.

  When they were both finished with their tasks, they took a moment to look around at the contents of the room. As Rose saw through the window earlier, most of the wall space was occupied by more jewelry-store-type display cases. There were also items hanging on the walls and set on pedestals around the room. In one corner, there was a massive floor-to-ceiling armoire. It sat next to a display of strange objects, the majority of which Rose did not recognize, though the most prominent pieces appeared to be whips and belts of various sizes, made of leather and chains.

  She moved a little closer to examine the curious collection further.


  Glancing in Rose’s direction, Simon realized that the group of objects she found so intriguing was not something to be viewed by an impressionable young lady. Apparently Caleb was fascinated by the ancient art of torture and, presumably after the passing of Frederick, he had decided this room was as good a place as any to house his, er, playthings.

  Quickly moving to intercept Rose’s investigation, Simon turned her firmly in the direction of the case holding Caleb’s innumerable rings; if for no other reason than to distract her, because while Rose had been sidetracked by the oddities in the far corner of the room, Simon had swiftly made note of the rest of the collectables in the space. If there had been any doubt before, Simon was now convinced that Caleb was completely off his rocker.

  Aside from the smaller weapons of torment and the poison rings, the rest of the room was filled with torture devices—archaic and new alike. And where an actual guillotine or rack wouldn’t fit, there was a detailed scientific drawing of both framed and hung as if it were a piece of fine art. It was truly a horrific compilation of items, displayed by someone with an incredibly dark and twisted mind. Simon shuddered at the blackness that must make up Caleb’s soul.


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