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Page 4

by Maya Banks

  “This bothers you?”

  “I’m not sure,” she said honestly. “It’s not that I’m being demanding. It just seemed so presumptive to just come into your private quarters and unpack my things. I began to worry. What if I put my things where you didn’t want them? What if you intended me to only have a portion of the room? I don’t know what your expectations are. Beyond…sex,” she choked out. “You made yourself abundantly clear in that area. I feel like I’m in some sort of minefield and uncertain of where to step for fear of a bomb exploding in my face.”

  He sighed and pulled her toward the bed. He sank onto the edge and held her there in front of him as he stared up into her eyes. Eyes that carried a wealth of emotions, none of which he’d wanted her to feel.

  “What I want is for you to make yourself at home. No, you will not have a room of your own.This is your room. What’s mine is yours for the entirety of your stay. You belong to me and I keep what is mine close at all times. You’ll sleep in my bed. You’ll bathe in my bathroom. You’ll dress in my bedroom. Your toothpaste and all your feminine accoutrements will be in my bathroom.”

  She slowly nodded her understanding but she nibbled nervously at her bottom lip, a gesture that he found endearing. She was a shy one. She certainly had her moments of spirit where she spoke her mind and stood up for herself, but she was adorably shy. He was looking forward to drawing her out of her shell.

  The fact that he would be her first lover satisfied him on many levels. He very much wanted to draw those first sighs of pleasure. To be watching as she experienced what it was like to be possessed body and soul by a man.

  He was as hard as a rock and throbbing painfully imagining the full seduction scene when he took what he’d considered his for many years.

  He reached up to stroke her cheek and then gently prodded her lip until she set it free. Plump and swollen from her nervous habit, it was a temptation he couldn’t resist.

  He pulled her down until she was once more in his lap, her body soft against his. Cupping her face, he angled his mouth to brush across hers, tasting her for the first time.

  It was heaven. So very sweet. For a moment she went completely still and then she softened against him, her lips melting over his. She emitted a breathy sigh, allowing his tongue to slip inside her mouth.

  She tasted of things he’d long forgotten. It had been a long while since he’d been so gentle and patient with a lover. But this was Talia. She was no woman to simply slake his lust with. She was no vessel to accommodate his sexual needs.

  She deserved, and would get, the most tender of wooings. He would ease her into the role he’d envisioned for her. And he would be the one to take her virginity. That was for him alone.

  He nipped at her lip and then slid his tongue deeper, tasting every inch of her mouth. Tentatively she brushed her tongue over his and he nearly groaned at the sweetness of the gesture.

  She was so very beautiful. Perfection. All he wanted. Young. Innocent. Willing to please. Obedient to his every wish. His fantasies surrounding her had kept him up many a night and now that she was here, he could barely contain his impatience to mark her. To possess her and to live out every single one of those decadent fantasies that had lived so long in his head.

  He was a depraved son of a bitch and she was an innocent virgin. The two seemed incongruous, but somehow he was going to make it work. He couldn’t change who he was and he damn sure wasn’t going to give her up.

  She would adjust. She had to because he’d never let her go.

  He drew away, though it took every bit of restraint he had not to roll her over onto the bed and take her now. Only knowing that she deserved better and that he was determined to give it to her kept him from acting on his urge.

  “I’ll have someone come up to unpack for you,” he said in a voice he didn’t recognize. Then he checked his watch. “You have half an hour to shower, if you so choose, and change for dinner.”

  Pink stained her cheeks. “And what should I wear?”

  He smiled his approval. It hadn’t been a test, but if it had been, she passed with flying colors. He would have allowed her to wear whatever she liked. He wanted her to be comfortable. But that she was already leaning in the direction he wanted her to go gratified him.

  He touched her cheek again, fascinated by the softness of her skin. “You’re very beautiful, Talia.”

  She flushed deeper but her eyes shone with delight at the compliment.

  “You likely haven’t checked the closets yet but they are full of clothing in your sizes. There is a particularly lovely sarong that is hanging next to a pink top that I think would look spectacular with your coloring.”

  She nodded and started to get off his lap, but he caught her hand and turned her back to look at him.

  “Don’t, however, wear any underthings. No bra. No panties.”

  Her eyes widened and her lips parted as a rush of air whispered past them.

  He smoothed his thumb over her knuckles and then raised her hand to his lips.

  “I won’t expect you to plunge directly into my world. I’ll ease you into it as much as possible. Soon, I’ll expect you to wear nothing at all if I command it so it’s better to begin getting used to any embarrassment or discomfort you feel now.”

  She slowly nodded her understanding, but her cheeks were still streaked with color.

  “No one will know but you and I, Talia. And Garon, Sebastien and Nico, of course. But no one will be able to see. Except your breasts of course, but it’s damn near a sin to restrain breasts as lovely as yours. I’ll enjoy seeing what I can’t yet touch and will enjoy the others looking upon your beauty as well.

  “But it will give me even greater pleasure to know that underneath the sarong, you are bare and that if I so chose, it would be a simple matter of sweeping aside one delicate piece of material and you would be available for my immediate possession.”

  Her breathing changed, became more erratic and her pupils dilated.

  “I, of course, would not do such a thing. Not tonight at least. You are a virgin still, and I don’t want you to worry that your first sexual experience will be painful or rushed.”

  She swallowed and averted her gaze. He could feel her discomfort radiating in waves. He rose to stand in front of her. He gathered her carefully in his arms, tipping her chin upward so he could press a kiss to her lips.

  “So shy. So modest. I want you to be comfortable around me, Talia. It is why I go to such great lengths to make this transition as easy as I can when I burn with impatience to have you.”

  “Thank you,” she said softly.

  One eyebrow arched. He hadn’t expected her to thank him and he wasn’t sure how he felt about it. She sounded sincere, not at all like she was mocking him. There was no hint of sarcasm.

  As if realizing he hadn’t been certain how to take it, she quickly took his hand, twining her fingers with his. It was the first overt gesture she’d made to touch him or to initiate contact with him, and he found it pleased him greatly.

  “You must know how nervous I am. I’m terrified if you want the truth. But I appreciate how…gentle…you’re being with me. It truly means a lot that you’ve done so much for me. Not just for me but my family. It’s true you could do what you want with me. I’m here. Alone. There is no one to run to. I’m completely at your mercy and if you so chose, you could take me now. You could invite your friends in and force me to do whatever it is you want. But you’ve done none of those things and moreover, you seem to genuinely care about my feelings. About how comfortable I am.”

  He was horrified that such a thing had even crossed her mind. He wasn’t even sure if he was capable of responding. The words were stuck in his throat, and he had to suck in air through his nose for several long seconds.

  “Xander?” Her worried voice reached through the fog surrounding his mind. “Did I offend you? I’m sorry. I was just being truthful. I do appreciate your kindness and your generosity.”

  He put hi

s finger over her lips before she could go any further. And then he shook his head. “I’m shamed that you would even consider for a moment that you had anything to fear from me. Nico was right. You are terrified. I should have done things differently. For this I apologize. It pains me that you would be frightened of being hurt and used in such a manner.”

  “I don’t fear you,” she said in a soft whisper. She squeezed his hand as if to emphasize her statement. “My fear isn’t of you but of the unknown. Of failing you. Of not being what you want.”

  She fidgeted a moment, looked briefly away but then found his gaze once more. Her eyes were earnest like she very much wanted him to understand her thoughts.

  “I was told in stark detail what to expect before I arrived here. But hearing it in abstract is one thing. I thought I had it settled in my mind but when I arrived and then suddenly here you are and these other men and it was all so overwhelming. I thought, oh God, this is real. And then I realized that maybe I would not be what you want. I have no experience. You know this. I don’t know how to please one man much less four. I can’t even imagine being naked in front of you.”

  His heart squeezed and he couldn’t help the smile that curved his lips upward. He hugged her to him again, wanting nothing more than to allay her silly fears. Not please him? She pleased him just by being here.

  When he pulled away, he trailed his fingers through her hair, smoothing it away from her cheeks and tucking it behind her ears.

  “I like that you aren’t experienced. If I’d wanted a woman with considerable knowledge, it would be very easy for me to have one. I don’t want them. I want you. I will delight in teaching you everything you need to know about pleasing me and the others.”

  There was a hint of relief in her smile this time. Then she twisted his hand so she could look at his watch and then winced. “My half hour has dwindled to fifteen minutes. I must go now if I’m not to make you wait.”

  He caught her before she could slip away and simply held her a long moment before pressing a kiss to her forehead.

  “Take your half hour, Talia. For this night, I find myself feeling very lenient with you. I will send Nico up to collect you in thirty minutes’ time.”

  Chapter 5

  When the knock sounded at her door, Talia turned nervously, still tying the ends of the sarong around her waist.

  “Come in,” she called, hoping she said it loudly enough.

  The door opened and Nico appeared, his gaze seeking her out. Her hands began to shake and she glanced down to refocus on the task of securing the sarong.

  Nico walked over and gently took the ends from her grasp. “Let me.”

  He tied a secure knot, leaving it loose enough to angle over her hips. When she thought he would have stepped back, he remained close and dropped one hand down the long slit that traveled the length of her leg from hip to ankle.

  “Are you wearing anything underneath?”

  Her eyes widened and for a moment she was too taken aback to say anything.

  He slid his palm up the underside of her leg and over the bare curve of her behind. “I asked you a question.”

  Her brow furrowed. His hand was on her bare ass. He ought to damn well know she wasn’t wearing underwear.

  He continued to stare at her and his hand tightened against her skin.

  “No,” she finally whispered.

  Nico nodded and then let his hand fall away, gently rearranging the sarong to cover her once more.

  “Good girl,” he murmured. “Xander will be pleased that you complied with his wishes.”

  There was a look in Nico’s eyes that made her breath catch in her throat. She should have protested him touching her so intimately. But she’d been too mesmerized by that intense gaze. And Xander had made it very clear that she was to…submit…to his men as well as to Xander.

  He guided her toward the door but paused as they stepped into the hallway leading to the stairs. “Are you nervous?”

  She blinked, surprised that he’d ask and that he seemed to genuinely be concerned. Well, she wasn’t going to lie.

  “Extremely,” she breathed out.

  He took her arm, tucked it underneath his and gave her hand a warm, comforting squeeze. “Don’t be. I know this is overwhelming for you, that this situation is…foreign. But know that Xander, myself and Bastien and Garon will never harm you.”

  There was no logical reason she should believe a complete stranger, but she found comfort in the quiet vow. There was no hint of deception in his eyes. Just earnest determination, as if he wanted nothing more than to reassure her.

  No, it probably wasn’t smart for her to believe anything at all, but she found she did. How she could trust this man, she had no answer for, but she found herself curling her fingers tighter around his arm as they descended the stairs. He’d suddenly become her anchor in a stormy sea of uncertainty.

  “Are you afraid of me?” Nico asked.

  There always seemed to be a surprise. It was a bad habit she had to break herself of. It seemed nothing was off limits and the normal boundaries of propriety were clearly not upheld here.

  He stopped at the base of the staircase and glanced down at her, waiting for her response. He looked…well, he looked like he actually cared one way or another whether she was scared of him.

  She blew out her breath. “You know what? I’m not. I probably should be. I should probably be a lot of things right now. I’m questioning my sanity. I’m questioning whether any of this is real, but oddly enough, no, I’m not scared of you.”

  He smiled then, and it was amazing the transformation. From the serious, almost somber countenance came a startling handsome light. His eyes warmed and he reached up to touch her cheek.

  “I’m glad. I want you to promise me that if you ever feel threatened or afraid that you’ll come to me.”

  She cocked her head to the side, enjoying the feel of those strong fingers on her skin. “I will,” she promised quietly.

  With seeming reluctance, he dropped his hand and then took hold of her arm once again. He led her through the spacious living room and into the formal dining room that overlooked the huge terrace that spanned the entire backside of the villa.

  Xander was already seated. Garon stood to the side on a cell phone, his expression one of concentration. Sebastien was just taking his seat further down the table from Xander.

  When they saw her, Xander rose, Garon simply shut his phone in midconversation and Sebastien stopped in midair, resuming his stance instead of continuing down into his chair.


  The one-word command from Xander sent a shiver down her back. It was delicious, though, and somehow being there beside Nico had infused her with confidence she badly needed. Sheglanced up at him, flashing a grateful smile before hurrying toward where Xander stood.

  Xander’s arm was outstretched and she instinctively stepped into the shelter of his body. He made a sound of approval as he curled his arm around her, pulling her in tighter. He kissed her forehead.

  “You look beautiful. Did you carry out all of my instructions?”

  She nodded and then verbalized the response, not knowing if a simple nod would be sufficient. “Yes.”

  “Show us.”

  That drew her up short. She glanced up at him, automatically seeking confirmation that he was serious. His lips tightened and she realized that she’d displeased him. But did he expect her to…?

  Apparently he did.

  She started to argue, to tell him that Nico’s hand had already been up her sarong and over her ass. He could certainly vouch for the fact that underneath the very thin, very sheer flowing material, she didn’t have a stitch on. But she realized that any further delay would only make him more displeased than he already was.

  Her hand shaking, she slowly reached down to pull aside the sarong.

  “Turn so we can see,” Xander directed.

  She briefly closed her eyes and summoned all her courage for what she was about
to do. She was naturally modest and didn’t have one single exhibitionist tendency. Seeking the spotlight was not in character for her and the idea that she would be on display for these four men plus whoever else happened to wander through made her want to break out in hives.

  “We’re waiting, Talia,” Xander said in a clipped tone.

  She turned so her profile would be presented and then she carefully pulled the material up and over her hip until the curve of her behind was presented.


  Using her other hand, she gathered the material that shielded the juncture of her legs and pulled it up and out of the way so that her entire lower half of her body was bared to their gaze.

  She’d never felt so vulnerable in her life. Then she made the mistake of glancing up and making eye contact with Garon and then Sebastien. They were obviously aroused, their gazes burning over her skin. But there was blatant approval there and no disrespect. No tasteless remarks. No catcalls or whistles. Nothing at all except long, lingering looks filled with lust and a promise of the darkest kind of pleasure.

  Her gaze cut to Nico, but he wasn’t looking down. He was staring right back at her, his gaze fastened on her face, meeting her eyes, and in his depths she found support. Comfort.

  Xander slid his hand over her behind and cupped her intimately before motioning for her to let go of the sarong.

  “I’m pleased you followed my directive,” he said. “In time, I’ll cease to question and assume that you have obeyed me. But that trust must be earned. Right now we are still learning each other and it’s understandable that you would have been reluctant to do as I asked. I’m very pleased that despite whatever discomfort you may have felt over fulfilling my wishes that you did so without question.”

  He leaned over and cupped her jaw, sweeping his mouth possessively over hers. “You please me very much, Talia.”

  She stared back at him, a little dazed by all that had occurred. And they hadn’t even sat down to eat yet. She was still reeling from…well, pretty much everything. The entire day.


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