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Page 12

by Maya Banks

  His taste was warm and salty as he pushed inward. He stroked for a few seconds and then withdrew, letting go of her head.

  Sebastien stepped up, slid deep into her mouth and thrust hard for several seconds before he pulled out and directed his release onto her body. It hit her neck just below her chin and slid in a warm trail down her throat.

  With a guttural sigh, he gave one last yank and then Garon stepped forward, his cock bumping impatiently against her chin.

  “I want to come inside your mouth,” Garon said even as he sank deep.

  She nodded but there was no need. He was in control. If he wanted to come inside her, he would. It was as simple as that. If she’d had any reservations—and she had—about submitting to these men, they were gone in a heady swirl of lust and desire. And trust.

  She trusted them to take care of her and to respect the gift that she’d given them.

  Still holding her breasts to prevent anything from leaking onto the floor, she leaned into Garon, using her lips, her tongue, her mouth to give him as much pleasure as they were giving her.

  “So good,” he murmured. “So damn sweet. I’ve never felt anything so good in my life.”

  As soon as she put more suction, he went tense all over and then he cupped her cheek as if to reassure her.

  “I’m coming, baby.”

  As soon as the warning came, hot cum filled her mouth, jetting to the back of her throat in forceful spurts. She swallowed rapidly but more spilled onto her tongue until finally she couldn’t keep up and it gathered at the corners of her mouth and leaked out each time he withdrew to thrust again.

  The wet sucking sound filled the room. She swallowed and swallowed again to clear her mouth until finally there was no more. His movements slowed and then he paused, holding himself still for a long moment.

  “You’re amazing.”

  The compliment rumbled out of his chest and he cupped her face with both hands before finally allowing his cock to slip free of her lips.

  She automatically glanced down, curious about the sight of their release on her breasts and chest. There was a sticky sensation on her neck as she lowered her head. It was warm and wet on her body. Glistening in the low light.

  “Clean her up and send her to me,” Xander said in a low voice.

  She jerked her head around, momentarily befuddled. She’d forgotten all about him. How could she not have? Nothing had existed for her but those three men pushing into her mouth.

  Xander regarded her lazily from the bed but there was a fierce light in his eyes. Lust. Arousal. He’d obviously enjoyed watching her with his men. But then he’d already said as much. The unconventional arrangement centered around the fact that he liked and wanted to share his woman with these men.

  What would have made him desire such a thing? Who could know and was there a distinguishable reason anyway? Some things just were. She liked grapes. Was there a deep explanation for why? No, she just did. Perhaps that was the way it was for Xander. He liked kink. Definitely enjoyed it. And he was in a position to get precisely what he wanted, so why not?

  Nico helped her to her feet and held her a moment until he was sure she was steady. Sebastien returned from the bathroom with warm cloths, and he and Garon carefully wiped the traces from her body.

  Then Nico pulled her into his arms, cuddling her close as he stroked her hair. “You were magnificent.”

  He kissed her forehead and then pulled away. Garon got her next, wrapping those big arms around her. When he was done, Sebastien swung her into his arms, surprising her with the motion, and then he carried her over to the bed where Xander lay.

  After gently setting her down, he backed away and Talia’s gaze drifted to where Xander was stroking his cock. It was rigid and straining upward, his balls drawn tight with each pull.

  “I’m close,” he grated out. “Get on your knees between my legs. I want you on top and I want you to swallow every drop.”

  She crawled over his legs and then settled between his thighs. As she bent over to take him into her mouth, a hand slid between her thighs from behind and softly stroked over her clit.

  It was a shock to her already heavily aroused system. She nearly orgasmed on the spot and gave a quick gasp, halting her progress toward Xander’s cock.

  She glanced back to see Nico standing just behind her, his fingers gently exploring her pussy. He was careful not to touch the areas where she was sore, but his fingers on her clit felt so good.

  “Here, Talia,” Xander ordered. “Make me come so he can make you come.”

  Oh, that sounded wonderful.

  She curled her hand around Xander’s cock and did an upward pull before fitting her mouth to the tip. As soon as she opened her mouth to take him inside, Nico began rubbing her clit in a tight circular motion.

  She closed her eyes, groaning as she sucked Xander inward.

  “That’s it,” Xander breathed out. “Just like that. Use your tongue. Sweet. Very sweet. Your pretty little mouth has gotten quite the workout tonight, hasn’t it, Talia?”

  She took him deep, wanting to elicit a reaction from him. She wanted this to be good, the best damn blow job he’d ever received.

  He made a strangled noise as her lips came to rest against his pelvis.

  “God, Talia.”

  It seemed to be all he could say.

  She began to work up and down, eyes closed, moaning as Nico worked her toward a fast, impending orgasm. She was already so high, so worked up from her interlude with all three men that she didn’t need much. She actually fought against it, not wanting it just yet. Not until Xander.

  But she didn’t have long to wait. Xander thrust upward with his hips as she moved down and immediately he began jetting into her mouth. She coughed and then swallowed and then her mind blanked. Everything seemed to go white as her release billowed over her, overwhelming her every thought and reaction.

  She had no idea if she swallowed or not. She was helpless to control anything at all. The pleasure was sharp and unrelenting. So much bigger than it had been before.

  When she came to awareness, she was facedown against Xander’s pelvis and she needed to breathe badly. She rose upward with a gasp and realized the mess she’d made on him.

  “I’m sorry,” she began.

  “Shhh, my darling,” Xander said as he lifted himself upward.

  He made a grab for the cloth tossed to him by Garon and he quickly wiped her face before cleaning himself up. Then he pulled her into his arms, hauling her over his body before leaning back on the bed.

  She lay sprawled across him, limp, sated and thoroughly exhausted. Her eyes were already closing even as he murmured for her to sleep.

  Chapter 15

  Talia lay in the lounger by the pool, drifting into sleep as the sun rose higher overhead. Her sunglasses were perched on her nose and her eyelids were so heavy that she was losing the battle to keep them open.

  The heat caressed her skin and she arched lazily before finally closing her eyes for good.

  It had been a week since Xander had taken her virginity. In that time, he and the others had spoiled and pampered her endlessly.

  It was an interesting contradiction. She was supposed to be their submissive and yet her every whim was catered to. Food, attention, tenderness was lavished on her. It was true they directed her movements. She was expected to obey. They’d foregone her wearing anything at all unless they went to the beach and then she donned a swimsuit so she wouldn’t be chafed by the sand.

  And yet she didn’t feel…subjugated. Far from it. She felt privileged and cherished.

  The problem was, they had yet to have sex with her.

  Her imagination had done some serious stretching as she’d visualized all the different ways that they could make love to her. Some she was sure defied the laws of physics and others she wasn’t sure were humanly possible, but now that she’d opened that door to the idea of multiple partners, it was a wide-open world.

  Oh, they’d touched h

er. They’d pleasured her. She’d had more orgasms than a girl ought to be allowed to have. She spent most of her time in a sated stupor.

  But no actual penetration.

  Almost as if sensing her frustration and impatience, Xander had told her the night before that he wanted her to have time to heal before they were demanding of her body.

  She wanted them to be demanding. She wanted to be demanded.

  She wanted something, damn it!

  She was well on her way into a coma when a noise roused her from her nap. She opened her eyes, thankful the shades were still in place. Garon loomed over her, a glass of lemonade in one hand and a tube of sunscreen in the other.

  “Xander worries you aren’t adequately protected from the sun.”

  Talia smiled. “He’s sweet, but I lathered up a while ago.”

  Garon frowned. “When? You’ve been out here for several hours.”

  “Ah, hmm, well, I didn’t realize it’s been hours. Maybe he’s right and I need more. I don’t want to burn.”

  If she burned, they’d never touch her, and that was the last thing she wanted.

  She started to reach for the tube, but Garon cast her a baleful stare.

  “Are you thirsty?” he asked, holding the tube from her reach.


  He frowned again as he handed her the ice-cold glass of lemonade. “You shouldn’t lay out here in the sun without proper hydration. I don’t know what Xander was thinking letting you come out alone when one of us isn’t around to watch over you.”

  She smothered a laugh. He was too cute and growly and she didn’t want to offend him because the thing was, he was very sincere. He took his duty as her watchdog very seriously. As did Nico. Sebastien, she’d learned, was all bluster and inside a total cream puff.

  He liked to act all laid-back and like he didn’t really care. He liked to pretend to be a hard-ass. But when it came down to it, he did every bit as much to fuss over her as the rest.

  This was truly paradise. Completely removed from reality. She couldn’t imagine any other woman possibly having such an existence. It was like something plucked from her deepest, buried fantasies and brought to life.

  After being the caretaker for so long, she was finally the one being taken care of. It was…Well, she didn’t have the words to describe how wonderful it felt. She couldn’t really dwell on it without choking up.

  She sipped at the lemonade and sighed in pleasure. Everything here was so simple. That in itself was a distinct joy.

  “Your mother called for you,” Garon said as he knelt by her lounger.

  Talia sat up in the lounger and raised her shades with her free hand. “She did?”

  Garon nodded. “Xander spoke with her himself. He assured her you were fine.”

  “Xander spoke to her?” Talia croaked out. “Did she realize…I mean did she know…”

  “Who he was?” Garon asked with a smile.

  Talia nodded numbly.

  “I’m guessing you didn’t tell her the whole truth about where you were going,” Garon said gently.

  Talia blew out her breath, her shoulders sagging. Garon took the glass from her before she tilted it over.

  “No,” she admitted. “I gave her the number Xander provided. The direct line to the villa. But what I told her was that I had been invited on holiday with…friends. She was so thrilled that I was getting out that I didn’t have the heart to tell her all the details. She’s always worried so much over me not having a life as she puts it. She frets endlessly that I’m not out there doing what young people do. She doesn’t understand that I would do anything for her. Anything at all,” Talia said fiercely.

  Garon leaned forward to kiss her forehead. “What I think she knows is how special her daughter is and that she was happy that you were finally going to get to do something for yourself.”

  Talia nodded. “She was. She was so happy you would have thought it was her getting to go.”

  She turned her face up to Garon, anxiety curling in her stomach. “What did Xander say? How did she react? I don’t want her to be…” She broke off, biting her lip.

  “You don’t want her to be what?” Garon asked quietly.

  Talia sighed unhappily. “I don’t want her to be ashamed of me.”

  Garon’s brow furrowed and his lips formed a thin line. “Ashamed?”

  Talia closed her eyes for a long moment. “This is nothing personal to you, Garon. Or the others. You’ve all been so wonderful to me. I feel like a pampered princess. I’ve never had a more wonderful time in my life. But the bald truth is, I signed a contract to be a glorified whore.”

  Garon’s expression grew even darker, but she held up a hand to silence him.

  “I know the word sounds awful, but let’s be honest. I’m not saying that any of you treat me like some cheap, tawdry lay. God, far from it. I’m so lucky. I mean how stupid does a girl have to be to sign a contract like that and jet off to some remote island not having any idea what she’s getting into? I’m damn lucky you all didn’t turn out to be some monsters bent on making me a sex slave or selling me into slavery when you were done with me.

  “But none of how wonderfully I’m treated changes the fact that I basically sold myself. For sex. I didn’t want my mother to know that. To ever know it. She would die if she thought that I’d ever agreed to something like this out of gratitude for what had been done for her.”

  “And is that why you agreed to come here? Gratitude?”

  “Of course. I knew nothing about any of you. My reasons may have changed or at least my feelings, once I arrived here, but when you were all just nameless, faceless entities and I received the summons from Xander, I felt like I owed him a debt I could never repay and if all he wanted from me was six months of my life, nothing was too much to give in repayment for my mother’s life.”

  “And if he wants more than six months?”

  Talia frowned, her brows bunched together in consternation. “Is that what he wants, Garon? I mean he told me he had no intention of ever letting me go, but you and I both know that’s not likely. Were they abstract words? Said in the heat of the moment? I don’t really know what he wants and I’m afraid to ask. I don’t want to ruin this wonderful fantasy. I’m afraid to do or say anything to make it all go away. And so I haven’t broached the subject since the night on the beach when he told me why he really brought me here.”

  “Lie back,” he said in a gentle voice. “You’re burning while we’re sitting here talking.”

  She reclined again, knocking her shades down in frustration. Maybe she shouldn’t have been so forthcoming with Garon. His loyalty was to Xander, and he’d likely tell Xander their entire conversation.

  Garon’s big hands descended on her body, rubbing the sunblock over her skin in slow, sensuous sweeps.

  “It should be obvious to you that Xander has no desire for you to leave his side,” he said. “And you said he said as much. He doesn’t blithely say things he doesn’t mean. He’s very exacting and focused.”

  She reached up to push her glassed over the top of her head again. “Obvious? Garon, he’s hinted that he has deeper feelings for me. I don’t know if that’s the right word for it. I’m not sure what his feelings are. Perhaps it’s better to say that he’s admitted to having a preoccupation for me for some time. Now what that means is anyone’s guess. We have a contract. He says that was his way of getting me here. Okay, I’m here. What now? And what does he mean by saying he never wants to let me go?”

  “Maybe he’s waiting for you to decide what your feelings are for him.”

  She went silent as Garon continued the soothing massage with the sunblock cream. Xander had asked her what her feelings were the night on the beach and she’d neatly avoided the question. Instead she’d told him she was ready for him to make love to her, and maybe she’d thought that was statement enough.

  Here she was frustrated because Xander wasn’t very forthcoming when in fact he’d been far more up fron
t than she had been. He’d put himself out there, admitting to…at least an attraction for her, and she’d given him nothing back.

  “He probably thinks this is just a contract for me,” she said quietly. “Something I have to do or something I feel obligated to do.”

  “Is it? I think it’s a valid question.”

  She closed her eyes as he cupped her breasts and carefully smoothed the lotion over the plump mounds. Her nipples hardened immediately, begging for more attention.

  “At first it was,” she admitted quietly. “But then…”

  “Then?” he prompted.

  She frowned. “This is all very embarrassing.”

  He dropped one hand down between her thighs, sliding his fingers through her folds until he found her clit. He ran his finger over and then around the nub before withdrawing his hand. Damn tease.

  But then he leaned down and pressed a kiss to her lips. It was startling. And unexpected. He was affectionate with her. They all were. But it always seemed to be in a group setting. Xander was always present. When he wasn’t, the others took very good care of her, and they were at times, intimate, but this went beyond the task of pleasuring her. It was more…personal.

  His tongue swept over her lips and then probed until she parted her lips to let him inside. He didn’t maul her with his mouth, nor was he forceful. It was a gentle, sweet kiss that made her ache.

  “You should know by now that nothing should embarrass you. At least not with us. I would hope you feel comfortable with me by now. You can say anything without fear of judgment, and I certainly won’t make you feel shame for whatever it is you’re thinking.”

  Talia ran a hand through a length of her hair and fiddled nervously with the ends. “I’m not sure I want Xander to hear this yet. I mean when he does, I’d prefer it to be from me.”

  “I don’t report private conversations back to Xander. Not unless they are a potential threat to him.”

  She sighed again. “The thing is, I’ve always been a little half in love with him. Maybe even more. But I’ve always thought it was a crush that would go away with time and distance. I mean he did a lot for me and my mother. What if I’m confusing gratitude for love? But the more time I spend with him, the more bewildered I am because I just don’t know what I’m supposed to do or feel. If he only intends to keep me for six months and then send me on my way, then what kind of an idiot would it make me to fall in love with him? With any of you?”


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