Touched By Him (The Untouched Series Book 3)

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Touched By Him (The Untouched Series Book 3) Page 5

by Lilly Wilde

  Kellan was back in New York trying to get settled. Thankfully he was able to salvage his deal with the Belize investors. I felt terrible about all of the changes he’d made because of me. He said he missed us—I could hear it in his voice. I missed him, too, so did Lyric.

  I was in the nursery holding the baby while I spoke with Kellan. I wanted Lyric to hear his voice, so I placed the phone on speaker. Lyric became very still at the sound of the voice on the phone. I wondered if he knew it was Kellan. I missed hearing him talking to Lyric like this. I was oblivious to my surroundings, totally immersed in this private time with them, when Aiden walked in and saw what was going on. His eyes locked with mine and his face clouded over with even more anger, if that was at all possible. Just great.

  I cried myself to sleep that night when I thought about how much of a mess I’d caused for so many people. There was too much pain and confusion, and I didn’t know how to resolve any of it. This catastrophic mess was the reason I’d wanted to keep love far away from me, but I was here, still dealing with the after effects of having fallen in love, and there was nothing I could do about it.

  The next day, I received an email from my lawyer in Boston with a list of reputable family law attorneys in the Chicago area. I researched the top three he’d recommended and then scheduled an appointment with Justin Meryl. He was a highly regarded attorney with a heavy caseload, so my appointment was several weeks out. I didn’t want to wait that long, but I wanted the best, so if I had to wait, I’d wait.

  * * * * *

  I was entering week two with the Raines. I’d found that working out was my only relief, so I’d focused on losing ten pounds and toning my body to its pre-pregnancy shape. I was glad I hadn’t really gained much during the pregnancy—it had been pretty much all baby weight. As I was walking out of the gym, my phone rang. It was April. Finally!

  I didn’t bother with a hello. “Where have you been?”

  “I’m sorry, Aria. I should have called before now. How are you? How are things with Aiden? How’s Lyric?”

  I grabbed a towel just before I stepped out of the room. “Things are bad. I mean, everyone’s fawning over Lyric, but they treat me like crap. Well, except Connor. He’s been surprisingly accommodating, but I’m sure it’s because he has a new little Raine to mold, and the fact that it’s Aiden’s son makes it all the more alluring.”

  “Geez. I was hoping things would have gotten a little better by now. Aiden promised he wouldn’t be vengeful about this.”

  Wait. What? “What do you mean? Have you spoken to him?” I asked.

  “Yes. A few times. Has he not mentioned it?”

  I stopped short. “We barely say two words to each other, April. You’d know that had you bothered to reply to my damned texts,” I said as I entered my bedroom.

  “I’m sorry, Aria. I wanted to give you two some time to work this out.”

  Was it April? Was she the one who’d told Aiden? No, she wouldn’t do that. She couldn’t have. But I had to ask. “April, I never figured out how Aiden found out about Lyric. He’d started to tell me once. The only people who knew were Lia, Bianca, Kellan and you. Please tell me it wasn’t you. Please tell me you didn’t tell Aiden.”

  There was silence.

  “April, it was you, wasn’t it?” I confirmed.

  “I’m sorry, Aria,” she replied in a small voice.

  Walking into the bathroom, I sat on the side of the tub. “How could you do that? I trusted you. You were the one person I thought I could always rely on, no matter what.”

  “Aria, you can rely on me. I was trying to help.”

  “Help? How the hell could you figure something like this could fucking help? I’m in hell, April!” I started pacing the bathroom floor.

  “And I suppose you’re going to say you were in pure heaven in Belize? When I was there, I could see how hurt and broken you were without Aiden in your life. You were miserable and you know it. You were safe, or your version of safe, but you were not happy.”

  “I was not miserable, April. I was adjusting, and I was making the best of an impossible situation.” And now I was in an even more impossible situation, thanks to her. I was so angry I could barely see straight.

  “So you never once wished Aiden was there? That he could see his son? That he could be with you?” she asked.

  “If I did, that’s perfectly understandable given the situation, but that didn’t give you the right to make a decision that would change my whole fucking life.”

  “Initially, I kept your secret and had no intention of breaking your confidence but—”

  “But what? What could have possibly caused you to do this?”

  She gave a huge sigh, like I was dragging it out of her. “Aiden had contacted me claiming he knew where you were and saying he was planning to go after you. I panicked and lied. I knew I had to give him a solid reason why he couldn’t go after you…so I told him that you and Kellan were expecting a child. I figured if he knew a baby was in the picture, he’d finally let you go.”

  “Oh, April! How could you have kept all of this from me?”

  “I was trying to help. Why don’t you get that?”

  “I didn’t need your help! I was fine!” I yelled.

  “You can say that until you pass out, but it’s not true and you know it.”

  “So you came to Belize to report back to Aiden?”

  “No, I came to spend time with my best friend and my godson, but after visiting you, I couldn’t get all of it off my mind. I’d also had a talk with Kellan when I was in Belize, and he confirmed that you were hurting…so I got in touch with Aiden and told him the baby was his. He was shocked as hell, and he had so many questions, but I didn’t answer any of them. I told him he’d need to get those answers from you.”

  “Guess what? He’s failed to ask me a damned thing. He just did what he does…what he always does when he wants something. He takes over, all others be damned…including me. This is the third time you’ve violated my trust, and each time has involved Aiden.”

  “And each time, I was doing what I thought was best for you, Aria.”

  “It’s not up to you to decide what’s best for me, April!”

  “I was trying to help. How many times must I say that?”

  “You’ve helped all right. You’ve made my life a living hell! In the future, if you really want to help me—keep your mouth shut. As a matter of fact, just stay the hell out of my life!”

  “What? Are you kidding me right now? You’re actually ready to end our friendship? After all we’ve been through?”

  I didn’t reply.

  “Wow…you really have changed, Aria.”

  “I can say the same of you. Maybe I’ve finally grown into the person I was meant to be…the person who’s outgrown you, April.”

  “Is that how you really feel?” she asked.

  “I said it, didn’t I?”

  “I told him you would do this. This is why I was hoping to put off this conversation. I wanted to give you time to adjust and hopefully realize it was for the best. I knew that was the only way you would see my side.”

  “Obviously that isn’t happening. I have to go, April. The next time you decide to make a decision for me…don’t!” I pressed end on the call and came extremely close to tossing my phone across the room. I needed to talk to Aiden. Heading toward the door, I slowed my steps as I considered the possible outcome. I needed a level head. If I went to him like this, it would only exacerbate an already volatile relationship.

  I turned back to run a hot bath, thinking a soothing soak would do much to prepare me for my conversation with Aiden. I’d only been in the tub for a little while and was nearly asleep when I heard Lyric’s cries filter through the monitor. Looking at the screen, I saw Anja going to his crib, then listened a moment as she spoke to him. She seemed nice enough, I guess. I was sure she was capable of providing sufficient services as a nanny, but there was something about her I didn’t trust, and I didn’t want h
er with Lyric. I hurriedly dried myself and tossed on a robe and darted for the nursery.

  I paused when I saw Aiden and Anja in conversation. Aiden was holding Lyric, and Anja was leaning over him, so close that her boobs were nearly touching his shoulder.

  “I heard Lyric and wanted to check on him. Is everything okay?” I asked, stepping toward the three of them.

  Aiden didn’t bother looking at me. “Yes, we’re fine, Aria.”

  “Yes, Ms. Cason, he’s fine. Mr. Raine came in just as I picked him up. He just lights up when his father holds him.”

  I forced a smile and secured my robe. That bitch has to go. “I thought Pauline was scheduled to be with Lyric today.”

  “She was. She had a medical appointment and asked me to fill in for her,” Anja replied.

  “Oh.” I was sure Aiden knew this and simply chose not to tell me. I looked down at him and wanted to smack him. Returning my attention to Anja, I said, “In the future, if you’ll keep me abreast of any schedule changes, I would appreciate it.”

  “Of course, Ms. Cason. I assumed Mr. Raine had filled you in,” she said, and headed toward Lyric’s closet.

  Mr. Raine would toss me out and never think twice if he thought he could get away with it. “I guess he forgot. Anja, can you excuse us? I need to have a word with Aiden.”

  “Of course. I need to start on Lyric’s laundry.”

  I watched as she grabbed the woven basket and sashayed from the room.

  “What is it, Aria?” Aiden asked.

  Before I could reply, there was a knock on the door. It opened and Anja peeped back in.

  “Pauline just texted me. She should be here within the next ten minutes, so I’ll be going to the staff quarters until tonight. Do you need anything before I go, Mr. Raine?”

  “Thank you, Anja. No, I’m fine.”

  “If you need anything…anything at all, be sure to let me know,” she added with an overly friendly smile.

  Is this hussy flirting with him right in front of me? I looked at Aiden and he was actually smiling back at her, as if he welcomed her overtures. Is he kidding me? Is she his type now?

  Anja was a tall, shapely blonde with big blue eyes. Her boobs, which she’d obviously purchased, were her largest assets and she knew it. It was easy to see she loved having them on display. Just ugh. I mean, sure, she was attractive, but I couldn’t imagine Aiden would go for someone like her.

  “I don’t like her.” I said after the door had closed.

  Aiden’s smile disappeared as he looked up from Lyric. He was taking pleasure in my misery; I could see it in his expression. I glanced at Lyric when he started blowing spit bubbles. That was his new thing as of late. Aiden’s smile immediately returned when he looked at his son. “What do you dislike about her?” he asked, his eyes still on Lyric.

  “For one, she was hired without my consent. If you think I’m going to sit back and let you make every decision about our child’s life, you’d better think again. Secondly, she was hired to serve in a professional capacity and I don’t see that she’s conducting herself as such. Do you?”

  “I hired Pauline without your consent. Do you have a problem with her also?”

  I glared at him. He was such a bastard.

  “Aria, I hired Anja—that’s all the consent that matters—and I’m not dissatisfied with her services.”

  “I should have a say in this, and you know it.”

  “Do you really want to go there?” he asked.

  I looked at Lyric resting contently in his father’s lap. I knew where this conversation could go, and the result would make our arrangement that much more untenable. “So this is more about you seeking retribution than it is about Lyric?”

  “Do you honestly think I would resort to those tactics in regard to my son, Aria?”

  “Do you really want my answer?”

  “Anja is doing a great job, and I don’t have any cause to relieve her of her duties. If you have valid concerns that warrant her dismissal, I’d like to know, because I only want the best care for Lyric. But if this is more about jealousy, which I highly suspect it is, I think this subject is closed.”

  I slowly shook my head, glaring at him. “You never cease to amaze me. Fine. The ball’s in your court for now, so enjoy it while it lasts.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “Just forget it. I really didn’t ask to speak with you to discuss that skank anyway.”

  “What have I done now that doesn’t meet your approval?” he asked.

  “April told you about Lyric. Didn’t she?”

  He studied me. His face said nothing.

  “How did it happen? Did you call her?” I asked.

  “No, I didn’t.” Aiden stood and walked to the crib. “She called me.” He kissed Lyric’s forehead and placed him down gently.

  Yeah, she called you, but only after you called her. Why did you leave that part out? “When?”

  “Five weeks after his birth.” He turned on Lyric’s mobile and watched him as he reacted to its melody.

  I didn’t want to be so close to Aiden, but I wanted to see Lyric’s reaction, too. I walked over beside him and looked down at my son. Lyric’s fingers were in his mouth as he looked above his head. I could watch him all day and never tire of it.

  I glanced at Aiden. “And it only took you a week to get to Belize with your papers and plans. You really work fast don’t you?”

  “When I want something, yes. That’s no surprise to you, though. Is it, Aria?” He looked down at me, and his eyes fell to the bare skin exposed by my open robe. Goose bumps traced over my skin as I watched the familiar look on his face. He lifted his eyes to mine and I was practically immobilized by his smoldering stare. I forced myself to move and grabbed the top of my robe. I stepped back, but he held my gaze, and I watched his green eyes darken. What is he doing?

  “Don’t close your robe on my account.” His voice was a husky whisper.


  There was a knock at the door. Aiden smirked and turned toward the interruption. “Yes? Come in.”

  “There you are, Mr. Raine. Jocelyn Carlson is here for you,” Dianna said. She was smiling, but as she surveyed the tension of the room, her smile faded and she pursed her lips. She looked disapprovingly at Aiden. I guessed she knew he’d be the direct cause of any stress between the two of us.

  “Thank you, Dianna. Can you show her to the drawing room? I’ll be right there.”

  I moved further away from the crib. Aiden turned back to me, and his gaze slid down the length of my body and then back up, his dark, sultry eyes settling on mine. He made a small step toward me then stopped in his tracks. “You should get dressed.” He looked at Lyric one final time and then turned to leave the room.

  I exhaled when the door closed. What the hell was that?

  * * * * *

  I tossed on a pair of jeans and a shirt and went back to the nursery. I scooped up my little guy and secured him in the Moby carrier and headed downstairs to the library with him snuggled against my chest. In the mood for a good book and a cup of tea, I was hoping to escape my hellish reality, at least for a couple of hours. It had been ages since I’d read anything that wasn’t related to childbirth or newborns.

  I slowed as I passed the drawing room. Aiden was with that Jocelyn person who’d come to see him. They were near one of the paintings, and they were standing rather close. She casually tossed her head back, laughing as she placed her hand on Aiden’s forearm. I noticed he didn’t move away from her as they continued talking. Who was she to Aiden? And why was Aiden so comfortable with her?

  My dislike of the strange woman was instant and completely irrational. I was around, but I didn’t have to watch. I did an about face and tried to block out what I’d just witnessed. Lyric made a noise and I squirmed as I quickened my steps. I hoped they hadn’t heard him.

  No such luck. I heard Aiden call me back. “Aria, I was just telling JoJo about Lyric. She would like to meet him.”

  Ugh. I applied a fake smile and turned to face Aiden and his friend. I made a few small steps toward them as Jocelyn and I gave each other the once-over. She was an attractive woman. I wondered if Aiden ever surrounded himself with anything but. She was much taller than me, with beautiful brown skin, big brown eyes, and an amazing body.

  “This is JoJo—I mean Jocelyn Carlson. You met at my party last year,” Aiden said.

  “Hi, Aria. It’s nice to see you again,” she said.

  “Hi, Jocelyn. I’m sorry. I met so many people that night, they kind of all fused together.”

  “That’s perfectly understandable. It was a mad house. You mix that with a lot of alcohol, and you can barely recall how you made it home.”

  Yeah, sure. Whatever, bitch. Was I frowning at her? It certainly felt like it.

  “This is our little guy,” Aiden said.

  I glanced at Aiden and he was wearing the look of the proud father. Aiden adored Lyric and that was becoming more apparent each time I saw him interact with his son.

  “He’s beautiful, Aiden.” JoJo reached for Lyric’s finger and spoke to him. I couldn’t help but smile. I looked up to see Aiden was still smiling, too. As I watched him, a flash of the last few moments we’d shared in the nursery made me blush. I felt as if he was having those same thoughts and I looked away. We were always so intense, whether it be on good terms or bad. Would it always be this way for us?

  “JoJo and I are heading out for lunch. Do you need anything?”

  JoJo had linked her arm through Aiden’s, and I wanted to snatch her up. Yes, I can think of one thing I need. “No, I think we’re good. Enjoy your lunch. Say bye-bye to Daddy, Lyric.” I grabbed his tiny hand and gave a little wave. Aiden stepped away from JoJo and leaned in to kiss Lyric’s forehead. I nearly moaned aloud when his scent, that overpowering smell that always devoured my senses, swirled around me. I was sure that JoJo was swimming in it, too. Lucky bitch.


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