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Touched By Him (The Untouched Series Book 3)

Page 16

by Lilly Wilde


  “What’s going on with your hair?”

  “What’s going on with yours, jerk? I need a hat. Where are your hats?” I asked, smoothing my hand over my hair.

  He chuckled and walked into his closet and quickly returned with a Harvard alumni cap. “Let’s hurry and cover this up.” He placed the cap on my head and pulled at the rim. “We don’t want Lyric waking up to this. He’d be terrified.”

  “You didn’t just say that!”

  “Hey, I’m just being honest.”

  * * * * *

  Aiden and I were on the terrace with Dianna. She was softly humming to herself while she finished preparing the place settings. “I noticed Lyric slept in your room last night. Were you all comfortable?” she asked.

  “Yes, we were,” I replied.

  She smiled. “That’s good.”

  Aiden and I exchanged glances—we both knew Dianna was happy to see us together like this.

  I stepped to the edge of the terrace and looked over the estate. The staff must have been at it since the crack of dawn. The grounds were impeccable—you’d never know there had been a storm last night.

  “Okay, you’re all set,” Dianna said. “Enjoy your lunch.”

  I turned toward her as she was leaving. “Thank you, Dianna.”

  Although a chill was in the air around us, Aiden and I were in our own little warm oasis. Heated lamps were positioned at each corner of the terrace and there were large throws on each chair, just in case we were cold. I took a seat and grabbed a throw and slid it across my lap.

  Aiden and I were quiet, sitting in awkward silence for several minutes. I didn’t know if we were both adjusting to the absence of animosity, or relishing the relief after last night’s scare. Either way, this was the most at ease I’d felt since Aiden’s foreboding frame shadowed me on the beach in Belize.

  Aiden looked at me every so often and grinned. Obviously my hair was very amusing. I frowned at him and made a motion to kick him, but I missed. Our eyes darted to the baby monitor each time we heard Lyric’s breathing pattern change. I think we were both extremely happy and over-attentive parents. I never would have guessed that to be the case for either of us.

  As weird as it sounded, it felt like a first date. That would be a pretty hard sell considering we’d fucked countless times, made a baby, lived together, and endured a night like last night. But the nervous energy of a first date was definitely in the air. I could easily discern his carefulness, too. That was new—he was never careful with me, even in the beginning. The only time he had been was when I’d lost my mom. Quite honestly, one of the many things that had drawn me to him was that he didn’t treat me with kid gloves. He told me how it was, even when I didn’t want to hear it, and even when he knew it would piss me off.

  “You never told me Dianna was your nanny. Why?”

  He shrugged it off. “No reason. It never came up I guess.”



  “She told me you spoke to her about me.”

  He took a sip of coffee. “Yeah. And?”

  “What did you say?

  “If I wanted you to know, I would have told you instead of her, right?”


  He wouldn’t give anything away.

  “She’s happy that we’re getting along,” I said.

  “It would seem. Have you given any thought to our living situation?”

  He didn’t want to talk about Dianna. Why? “It’s all I’ve thought of since you forced me back here.”

  “You know what I mean.”

  “I haven’t had much time to think about it, but it’s a no-brainer. I’d rather be almost anywhere than here—I hate it. And that feeling has increased ten-fold since your family’s involvement with Nadia and her craziness.”

  “You were right last night…when you said what Nadia did was my fault. I blame myself, for so many reasons. I encouraged her on some levels, partially to get back at you.”

  Removing the tea bag from my cup, I placed it on the saucer. “I didn’t know what to make of it. I didn’t know if you were being an ass, or if some part of you just hated me.”

  “It’s impossible for any part of me to hate you. The part of me that wanted to hurt you for hurting me—that’s the part you saw. It drove a lot of my actions. But now, there’s a part of me that understands why you chose to leave when you learned of your pregnancy.”

  What? Surely, I’m not hearing correctly.

  “Aria, I’m sorry for everything I’ve put you through.”

  “You’re sorry?” I looked down at the spoon I was twirling in my tea. I was stunned. What could I say other than I’d made several missteps myself. Well that, and the fact that he’d been pretty fucking horrible to me. Lifting my gaze from the cup of tea, I met his eyes. “Sorry isn’t enough for me, Aiden. You’ve been very unpleasant to me, and you twisted the legal system in your favor.”

  He watched me with careful eyes and finally responded. “I know.”

  I went on. “The part of me that knows what I did, that understands what I took from you, knows I deserved some of it. And I want your apology to be enough, and it probably would be if it included a revision on the living arrangement. It needs to be my choice. This has been hell for me.”

  “I think we can get there. This discussion is a start.”

  “Yes, I suppose it is.”

  He cocked his head to one side. “What are you not saying?”

  “I’ve already said it. I was going to deal with whatever you dished out. I was prepared to accept my punishment.”

  “Is that what you think I was doing? Punishing you?” he asked.

  “I was referring to myself. I’ve punished myself every day since I left Boston. The guilt ate away at me, but I pushed it back because I thought I was doing the right thing…for him.”

  “And now?”

  “Now, it’s just regret. All of these alterations, and all of the heartache—it was pointless. The time we could have shared together with Lyric…I’m really sad about it.”

  “That makes two of us.” He bit into his toast and took another sip of coffee.

  I looked out into the distance. This was really an amazing place. Everything was beautiful. I remembered the first time I’d seen his home. I’d wondered then what type of drama had unfolded within the walls of the Raine mansion. Now, I knew first hand, and I wish I didn’t.

  “We can change this. There’s no reason to continue the way we have been going. I don’t want to do that.”

  “Neither do I,” I replied.

  He eyed me cautiously. “I’d very much like for us to commit to raising our son together.”

  What exactly did he mean by together? As a couple? Something that once seemed so out of reach? I didn’t want to assume, so I ignored his statement. “It all seems surreal though, doesn’t it?”

  “It does. Each time I look at him, I tell myself that he’s mine. He’s my son. Other than my absolute desire to not have a family of my own, I’d never considered having children…until you.”

  I felt the same on both counts. “From the moment I knew—from the moment I actually comprehended that he was yours…ours…I loved him. I wanted him.”

  Aiden looked as if he wanted to say something but changed his mind.

  Placing my cup on the table, I asked, “What is it?”

  “Even though you’d planned to keep him from me?”

  “Yes, even then.” I grabbed a bagel and took a bite.

  We sat in silence, looking at each other for several minutes. His eyes were focused and intense on my face and mine were utterly lost in his. As I let him pull me in deeper, my heart rate increased and my skin heated under his penetrating gaze. The veil of resentment had evaporated. The shroud of anger seemed like eons ago. Spoken communication was unnecessary. I knew things had changed. It was just us, and it was scary and it was intense, the same as always.

  “You feel that don’t
you?” he asked.


  “The pull. The sense of belonging. That something that takes over and takes us to the place we always end up.”

  “Yes,” I answered in a small voice.

  He searched my face. “That should tell us something, Aria.”

  He was right. I’d thought in time I would’ve reverted to who I was before him, but I know now that will never happen. Time and distance had done nothing to change the pull I felt toward him. If anything, it was stronger. Before I could respond, a sound from Aiden’s bedroom captured our attention. We both turned toward the terrace door as it swung open. It was Connor and he was noticeably upset.

  Chapter Thirteen

  “Have you seen this?” Connor passed his tablet to Aiden.

  He scowled at the device and reluctantly pulled it from Connor’s grasp. I watched as his eyes darted over the screen. “No, I haven’t.”

  “What is it?” I asked.

  “It’s article after article about the incident with Nadia. The business press is having a field day with this!” Connor snapped.

  “Why are you telling me?” Aiden dropped the tablet on the table.

  “I was hoping you’d have come to your senses and be ready to do some damage control.”

  “Come to my senses? Ha! You just don’t get it, do you?”

  “No, son. You don’t get it. Why do you think I built this company?”

  “Dad, I know the drill. You built this company from the ground up to one day pass along to your children. But what if your children don’t want it? Have you ever asked yourself that?”

  The beginnings of Lyric’s rustling sounded through the monitor.

  I glanced at it for several seconds, until he started to cry. I sighed and then looked at Aiden. “I don’t want to be here for this. Lyric and I will meet you downstairs when you’re done.”

  I had no words for Connor. I didn’t want to share the same space with him, let alone be privy to a conversation about the company he’d chosen over my son. I left Aiden with his father on the terrace, closing the door behind me.

  Judging from the sounds coming from the bassinette, Lyric had awoken in a fussy mood. His cries became louder as I lifted him from the cradle.

  “Shh. It’s okay. Mommy’s here,” I rocked him gently as I carried him to the nursery—he cried the entire way. This kid definitely had a set of lungs on him. It took a while but he finally settled down, and then I dressed him for our walk with his dad.

  Grabbing his Moby carrier, I headed downstairs and was at the last step when the doorbell rang. I didn’t see any of the staff, so I answered it and was surprised to see JoJo standing in the doorway.

  “Hi, Aria. I came by as soon as I heard about Lyric. Is he okay?”

  How nice to see you in clothes! I highly doubted her visit was due to Lyric, but it provided a convenient excuse.

  Forcing a smile, I said, “Lyric’s wonderful.” I glanced down at him and pinched his cheeks. “Last night was a nightmare for us but thankfully he was found, and he’s back home safe and sound. Thank you for thinking of him.” I said, stepping back and motioning for her to come in. I looked up to see that Dianna had come to check on the doorbell. She gave JoJo a once-over and then her gaze fell to me, gauging my reaction.

  “It’s okay, Dianna.”

  She smiled and went about her business. I couldn’t get over how concerned she was for Aiden and me as a couple.

  “And Aiden…how is he?” JoJo asked, when Dianna was out of hearing range.

  JoJo followed me to the living room and we took seats in the chairs opposite the coffee table. “Aiden is as well as can be expected—we both are.”

  “Is he in?” she asked.

  I sighed and contemplated how to address her apparent interest in a man she would never have.

  “Yes, he is. JoJo, can I talk to you about something personal?”

  Her eyes widened at my request. “Sure.”

  “I don’t know you, but based on the things I’ve heard about you, I genuinely think you’re the type of person I would like and I’m glad you were here for Aiden when I couldn’t be. But I’m back now. And I’d like to give you some advice.”

  “Advice? About what?”

  “About the only thing you and I have in common—Aiden.”

  She looked confused.

  “There’s no subtle way of saying this so I’m just going to come right out and say it.”

  “Okay. Shoot.”

  “Walk away and keep your friendship with him intact. If you set your sights on anything else, you’re going to regret it. That’s one thing Aiden and I seem to do. When we let others get too close, they end up getting hurt…and Aiden and I end up even closer.”

  “What makes you think—“

  I interrupted her lie. “Let’s just call it women’s intuition.”

  She crossed her legs and sat back in her seat.

  “The naked picture you sent to him pretty much told me all I needed to know. And no, he didn’t show it to me. He doesn’t know I saw it. I was sitting next to him at dinner when he opened the message, and I kind of peeped.”


  “You have a great body by the way,” I added.

  A tight-lipped smile formed on her lips. “When you put it out there, you really put it out there, don’t you? I guess I should thank you for the heads up before I made an even bigger fool of myself.”

  “JoJo, you didn’t do anything that any other woman wouldn’t have regarding him. Believe me, I get it. Aiden is incredible—he’s every woman’s dream.”

  “Is he your dream?”

  “No. He’s not my dream.” I sighed and accepted the truth of what I was about to say. “He’s my reality.”

  She nodded. It appeared she and I had reached an understanding. We talked for a few minutes more, and then she announced she was leaving and asked that I extend a hello to Aiden. I was walking her out as Aiden came down the stairs.

  “Don’t I rate a hello, JoJo?” he asked.

  “I actually came by to express my concern for Lyric—and of course you and Aria.”

  “That was kind of you.”

  “Of course. But I really need to run, I have an appointment, and if I don’t leave now, I’ll be late.”

  We both followed her to the door.

  “I appreciate your concern,” Aiden said.

  JoJo reached for the door and then turned to face us. She glanced from Lyric to me and then finally rested her eyes on Aiden. “I’m really happy everything has worked out for you, Aiden.” And she was off.

  Well, that was an easy one. How many more women would I have to ward off? And would they be as rational as JoJo, or a fucking psychopath like Nadia?

  I turned toward Aiden, and he was looking at me, assessing me with narrowed eyes. Did he suspect I was the reason JoJo left so abruptly? “Anything you’d like to tell me?” he asked.

  “Uh…nope, I don’t think so. Are you ready for our walk?”

  “Sure am. Is my little guy ready?” he asked, leaning down to Lyric.

  Lyric was toothlessly gnawing at the tiny mitten on his hand, undoubtedly hoping to get to the familiar feel of his fingers. His mouth opened and his little tongue was sticking out as he grinned at his dad. He started that excited kicking that he always seems to do when Aiden played with him.

  “He adores you.”

  “He should. I’m his dad,” he said, grinning at Lyric.

  “How did the talk go with Connor?”

  “Let’s discuss it outside.”

  I didn’t like the sound of that.

  We began our walk in silence. I decided to start with the unease I saw on Aiden’s face when I’d mentioned Connor. I looked straight ahead and asked, “So what is it that you don’t want to tell me?”

  “Dad wants me to go to Hong Kong.”

  “For Raine Industries?”


  “And?” I glanced at him, trying to get a feel for his views
on Connor’s request.

  “I told him no. Like I said before, I’m no longer doing his bidding.”

  “So, just skip to the part that has you looking like this.” Lyric was already getting fussy. I placed my hand on his bottom and gently bounced him.

  “Although I told him no, I want to do it—but not for my father. I want to do it for Nick. My departure means a lot of things will default to him, and unlike me, he has something to prove to Dad. I want to help my brother.”

  I swallowed my rebuttal and considered his words. “I can understand that.”

  “But, I’ll only do it if you agree…and only if you and Lyric come with me.”

  I glanced at Lyric. He was back to happily nibbling at his hand.

  “Why does it matter if I agree?”

  “Because it does.”

  “Why can’t Connor go? He’s fully recovered. You don’t think he’s manipulating you?”

  “This was my decision, Aria. Not his,” he said firmly.

  “Even after what he did, or rather didn’t do, regarding Lyric’s safety?”

  “He does what he’s done for years. I know my father loves Lyric; it’s just that his priorities are fucked. I was headed down the same path. I don’t want that.”

  “So, let’s say you go to China…what’s next? Is he going to ask you to go to Japan? India? It’ll never stop.”

  “It already has stopped. I’m not backing down on that.”

  He was sure of his position, and although compelling, I did not believe it. Connor had a difficult time believing Aiden last night, and I had to admit it was hard to imagine Aiden walking away from Raine Industries. This was why I wanted Lyric away from the Raines. I just wanted him in a happy, safe, non-controlling environment. Connor and Sienna had a subtle way of eliciting control without their children even realizing it. This new wrinkle worried me, but I didn’t want to interfere with Aiden’s decision to help Nicholas.

  “I say do what you feel is best, Aiden. But after you’re done with this, what do we do? Neither of us have jobs. Do we enjoy time with Lyric as a family? Would we still plan to move?”

  “I told you what I wanted earlier. What would you like to do?”

  A beautiful orange leaf floated toward us. I looked up at the huge tree of changing leaves and thought back to a time when everything made since. “I miss RPH.”


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