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The Collected Westerns of William MacLeod Raine: 21 Novels in One Volume

Page 127

by Unknown

  "Don't look at me like that, father! Don't you see--can't you see----Oh, why are you so cruel to me?" She buried her face in her forearm against the rock.

  Her father caught her arm so savagely that a spasm of pain shot through her. "None of that! Give me the truth. Now--this instant!"

  Anger at his injustice welled up in her. "You've had the truth. I knew of the attack on the sheep camp--heard of it on the way home from school, from Manuel. Do you think I've lived with you eighteen years for nothing? I knew what you would do, and I tried to save you from yourself. There was no place where he would be safe but in my room. I took him there, and slept with Anna. I did right. I would do it again."

  "Slept with Anna, did you?"

  She felt again that furious tide of blood sweep into her face. "Yes. From the time of the shooting."

  "Goddlemighty, gyurl, I wisht you'd keep out of my business."

  "And let you do murder?"

  "Why did you save him? Because you love him?" demanded Sanderson fiercely.

  "Because I love you. But you're too blind to see it."

  "And him--do you love him? Answer me!"

  "No!" she flamed. "But if I did, I would be loving a man. He wouldn't take odds of five to one against an enemy."

  Her father's great black eyes chiselled into hers. "Are you lying to me, girl?"

  Weaver spoke out quietly. "I expect I can answer that, Mr. Sanderson. Your daughter has given me to understand that I'm about as mean a thing as God ever made."

  But Phyl was beyond caution now. Her resentment against her father, for that he had forced her to drag out the secret things of her heart and speak of them in the presence of the man concerned, boiled into words--quick, eager, full of passion.

  "I take it all back then--every word of it!" she cried. "You are braver, kinder, more generous to me than my own people--more chivalrous. You would have gone to your death without telling them that I took you to my room. But my own father, who has known me all my life, insults me grossly."

  "I was wrong," Sanderson admitted uneasily.

  Keller climbed the pasture fence, and came running up at the same time as Phil and Slim.

  "Menendez is alive!" he cried. "He is at the Twin Star Ranch. The boys there are taking care of him, and the doctor says he will pull through."

  "Who told you?"

  "Bob Tryon. I met him not five minutes ago. He is on his way here."

  This put a new face on things. If Menendez were still alive, Weaver could be held to await developments. Moreover, since the sheep herder was a prisoner at the Twin Star Ranch, retaliation would follow any measures taken against the cattleman.

  Phyllis gave a glad little cry. "Then it's all right now."

  Weaver's face crinkled to a leathery grin. "Mighty unfortunate--ain't it, boys? Puts a kind of a kink in our plans for the little entertainment we were figuring on pulling off. But maybe you've a notion of still going on with it."

  "If we don't, it won't be on your account, seh, I don't reckon," Sanderson answered reluctantly.

  But though he would not admit it, the old man was beginning to admire this big fellow, who could afford to miss his enemies on purpose even in the midst of a deadly duel. He was coming to a grudging sense of quality in Weaver. The cattleman might be many things that were evil, but undeniably he possessed also those qualities which on the frontier count for more than civilized virtues. He was game to the core. And he knew how to keep his mouth shut at the right time, no matter what it was going to cost him. On the whole Buck Weaver would stand the acid test, the old soldier was coming to think. And because he did not want to believe any good of his enemy, old Jim Sanderson, when he was alone in the corral with the horses or on a hillside driving his sheep, would shake his gnarled fist impotently and swear fluently until his surcharged feelings were relieved.



  Two riders followed the trail to Yeager's Spur--one a man, brown and forceful; the other a girl, with sunshine in her dancing eyes and a voice full of the lilt of laughter. What they might come to be to each other both were already speculating about, though neither knew as yet. They were the best of friends--good comrades, save when chance eyes said unguardedly too much. For the girl that sufficed, but it was not enough for the man. He knew that he had found the one woman he wanted for his wife. But Phyllis only wondered, let her thoughts rove over many things. For instance, why queer throbs and sudden shyness swept her soft young body. She liked Larrabie Keller--oh, so much!--but her untutored heart could not quite tell her whether she loved him. His eyes drilled into her electric pulsations whenever they met hers. The youth in him called to the youth in her. She admired him. He stirred her imagination, and yet--and yet----

  They rode through a valley of gold and russet, all warm with yellow sunlight. In front of them, the Spur projected from the hill ridge into the mountain park.

  "Then I think you're a cow-puncher looking for a job, but not very anxious to find one," she was hazarding, answering a question.

  "No. That leaves you one more guess."

  "That forces me to believe that you are what you say you are," she mocked; "just a plain, prosaic homesteader."

  She had often considered in her mind what business might be his, that could wait while he lingered week after week and rode trail with the cowboys; but it had not been the part of hospitality to ask questions of her friend. This might seem to imply a doubt, and of doubt she had none. To-day, he himself had broached the subject. Having brought it up, he now dropped it for the time.

  He had shaded his eyes, and was gazing at something that held his attention--a little curl of smoke, rising from the wash in front of them.

  "What is it?" she asked, impatient that his mind could so easily be diverted from her.

  "That is what I'm going to find out. Stay here!"

  Rifle in hand, Keller slipped forward through the brush. His imperative "Stay here!" annoyed her just a little. She uncased her rifle, dropped from the saddle as he had done, and followed him through the cacti. Her stealthy advance did not take her far before she came to the wash.

  There Keller was standing, crouched like a panther ready for the spring, quite motionless and silent--watching now the bushes that fringed the edge of the wash, and now the smoke spiral rising faintly from the embers of a fire.

  Slowly the man's tenseness relaxed. Evidently he had made up his mind that death did not lurk in the bushes, for he slid down into the wash and stepped across to the fire. Phyllis started to follow him, but at the first sound of slipping rubble her friend had her covered.

  "I told you not to come," he reproached, lowering his rifle as soon as he recognized her.

  "But I wanted to come. What is it? Why are you so serious?"

  His eyes were busy making an inventory of the situation, his mind, too, was concentrated on the thing before him.

  "Do you think it is rustlers? Is that what you mean?" she asked quickly.

  "Wait a minute and I'll tell you what I think." He finished making his observations and returned to her. "First, I'll tell you something else, something that nobody in the neighborhood knows but you and Jim Yeager. I belong to the ranger force. Lieutenant O'Connor sent me here to clean up this rustling that has been going on for several years."

  "And a lot of the boys thought you were a rustler yourself," she commented.

  "So did one or two of the young ladies," he smiled. "But that is not the business before this meeting. Because I'm trained to it I notice things you wouldn't. For instance, I saw a man the other day with a horse whose hind hoof left a trail like that."

  He pointed to one, and then another track in the soft sand. "Maybe that might be a coincidence, but the owner of that horse had a habit of squirting tobacco juice on clean rocks--like that--and that."

  "That doesn't prove he has been rustling."

  "No; but the signs here show he has been branding, and Buck Weaver ran across these same marks left by a waddy who surely w
as making free with a Twin Star calf."

  "How long has he been gone?"

  "There were two of them, and they've been gone about twenty minutes."

  "How do you know?"

  He pointed to a stain of tobacco juice still moist.

  "Who is he?" she asked.

  He knew her stanch loyalty to her friends, and Tom Dixon had been a friend till very lately. He hesitated; then, without answering, made a second thorough examination of the whole ground.

  "Come--if we have any luck, I'll show him to you," he said, returning to her. "But you must do just as I say--must be under my orders."

  "I will," she promised.

  Forthwith, they started. After they had ridden in silence for some distance, covering ground fast, they drew to a walk.

  "You know by the trail for where they were heading," she suggested in a voice that was a question.

  "I guessed."

  Presently, at the entrance to a little cañon, Keller swung down and examined the ground carefully, seemed satisfied, and rode with her into the gully. But she noticed that now he went cautiously, eyes narrowed and wary, with the hard face and the look of a coiled spring she had seen on him before. Her heart drummed with excitement. She was not afraid, but she was fearfully alive.

  At the other entrance to the cañon, Larrabie was down again for another examination. What he seemed to find gave him pleasure.

  "They've separated," he told Phyllis. "We'll give our attention to the gentleman with the calf, and let his friend go, to-day."

  They swung sharply to the north, taking a precipitous trail of shale that Phyllis judged to be a short cut. It was rough going, but their mountain ponies were good for anything less than a perpendicular wall. They clambered up and down like cats, as sure-footed as wild goats.

  At the summit of the ridge, Keller pointed out something in the valley below--a rider on horseback, driving a calf.

  "There goes Mr. Waddy, as big as coffee."

  "He's going to swing round the point. You mean to drop down the hill and cut him off?"

  [Illustration: "DROP THAT GUN!" _Page 205_]

  "That's the plan. Better do no more talking after we pass that live oak. See that little wash? We'll drop into it, and hide among the cottonwoods."

  The rustler was pushing along hurriedly, driving the calf at a trot, half the time twisted in the saddle, with anxious eyes to the rear. Revolvers and a rifle garnished him, but quite plainly they gave him no sense of safety.

  When the summons came to him to "Drop that gun!" it was only a confirmation of his fears. Yet he jumped as a boy jumps under the unexpected cut of a cane.

  The rifle went clattering to the stony trail. Without being ordered to do so, the hands of the waddy were thrust skyward.

  "Why, it's Tom Dixon! We've made a mistake," Phyllis discovered; and moved forward from her hiding place.

  "We've made no mistake. I told you I'd show you the rustler, and I've shown him to you," Keller answered, as he too stepped forward. And to Tom, whose hands dropped at sight of Phyllis: "Better keep them reaching till I get those guns. That's right. Now, you may 'light."

  "What's got into you?" demanded Dixon, his teeth still chattering. "Holding up a man for nothing. Take away that gun you got bent on me!"

  "You're under arrest for rustling, seh," the cattle detective told him sternly.

  "Prove it. Prove it!" Dixon swung from the saddle, and faced the other doggedly.

  "That calf you're driving now is rustled. You branded it less than two hours ago in Spring Valley, right by the three cottonwoods below the trail to Yeager's Spur."

  "How do you know?" cried the startled youth. And on the heels of that: "It's a lie!" He was getting a better grip on his courage. He spat defiantly a splash of tobacco juice on a flat pebble which his eye found. "No such thing! This calf was a maverick. Ask Phyl. She'll tell you I'm no rustler."

  Phyllis said nothing. Her gaze was very steadily on Tom.

  Keller pointed to the evidence which the hoof of the horse had printed on the trail, and to that which the man had written on the pebble. "We found both these signs once before. They were left by one of the rustlers operating in this vicinity. That time it was a Twin Star brand you blotted. You've done a poor job, for I can see there has been another brand there. Your partner left you with the cow at the entrance to the cañon. Caught red-handed as you have been driving the calf to your place, you'll find all this aggregates evidence enough to send you to the penitentiary. Buck Weaver will attend to that."

  "It's a conspiracy. You and him mean to railroad me through," Tom charged sullenly. "I tell you, Phyllis knows I'm no rustler."

  "I've known you were one ever since the day you wanted to go back and tell where Weaver was hidden. You and your pony scattered the evidence around then, just as you're doing here," the ranger answered.

  "You've got it cooked up to put me through," Dixon insisted desperately. "You want to get me out of the way, so you'll have a clear track with Phyl. Think I don't sabe your game?"

  The angry color sucked into Keller's face beneath the tan. He avoided looking at Phyllis. "We'll not discuss that, seh. But I can say that kind of talk won't help buy you anything."

  The girl looked at Dixon in silent contempt. She was very angry, so that for the moment her embarrassment was swamped. But she did not choose to dignify his spleen by replying to it.

  There was no iron in Dixon's make-up. When he saw that this attack had reacted against him, he tried whining.

  "Honest, you're wrong about this calf, Mr. Keller. I don't say, mind you, it ain't a rustled calf. It may be; but I don't know it if it is. Maybe the rustlers were scared off just before I happened on it."

  "We'll see how a jury looks at that. You're going to get the chance to tell that story to one, I expect," Larrabie remarked dryly.

  "Pass it up this time, and I'll get out of the country," the youth promised.

  "Take care! Whatever you say will be used against you."

  "Suppose I did rustle one of Buck Weaver's calves--mind, I don't say I did--but say I did? Didn't he bust my father up in business? Ain't he aiming to do the same by your folks, Phyl?" He was almost ready to cry.

  The girl turned her head aside, and spoke in a low voice to Keller. She was greatly angered and disgusted at Tom; but she had been his friend, and on this occasion there had been some justification for him in the wrong the cattleman had done his family.

  "Do you have to report him and have him prosecuted?"

  "I'm paid to stop the rustling that has been going on," answered Keller, in the same undertone.

  "He won't do it again. He has had his scare. It will last him a lifetime." Even while she promised it for him, it was not without contempt for the poor-spirited craven who could be so easily driven from his evil ways. If a man must do wrong, let it be boldly--as Buck Weaver did it.

  "Yes, but his pals haven't had theirs."

  "But you don't know them."

  "I can guess one man in it with him. We've got to root the thing out."

  "Why not serve warning on him by Tom? Then they would both clear out."

  Dixon divined that she was pleading for him, and edged in another word for himself. "Whatever wrong I've done I've been driven to. There's been an older man to lead me into it, too."

  "You mean Red Hughes?" Keller said sharply.

  Tom hesitated. He had not got to the point of betraying his accomplice. "I ain't saying who I mean. Nor, for that matter, I ain't admitting I've done any particular wrong--no more than other young fellows."

  Keller brought him sharply to time. "You've used your last wet blanket. I've got the evidence that will put you behind the bars. Miss Phyllis wants me to let you off. I can't do it unless you make a clean breast of it. You'll either come through with what I want to know, and do as I say, or you'll have to stand the gaff."

  "What do you want to know?"

  "How many pals had you in this rustling?"

  "You said you would use ag
ainst me anything I said."

  "I say now I'll use it for you if you tell the truth and meet my conditions."

  "What are your conditions?"

  "Never mind. You'll learn them later. Answer my question. How many?"

  "One"--very sullenly.

  "Red Hughes?"

  "That's the one thing I can't tell you," the lad cried. "Don't you see I can't?"

  "It's the one thing I don't need to know. I've got Red cinched about as tight as you, my boy. How long has this been going on?"

  The information came from Dixon as reluctantly as a tight cork comes from a bottle. "Nearly a year."


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