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Star_How Warren Beatty Seduced America

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by Peter Biskind

  Allen, John, 327–28

  Allen, Nancy, 159–60

  Allen, Steve, 234

  Allen, Woody, 56–57, 67, 70–73, 82, 101, 254, 255, 276, 358, 541

  Allende, Salvador, 530

  Allentuck, Dan, 275, 276

  All Fall Down, 38, 47–49, 52–53

  All the King’s Men, 54

  All the President’s Men, 175, 177

  Almendros, Néstor, 224

  Altman, Robert, 5, 146–48, 150–56, 163–65, 186, 194, 249, 321

  Amburn, Ellis, 9

  Ameche, Don, 51

  America, America, 53, 68, 96

  American Beauty, 538

  American Broadcasting Company (ABC), 233, 372

  American Cinema, The (Sarris), 65

  American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), 266

  American Film Institute Lifetime Achievement Award, 2

  American History X, 519

  American Hot Wax, 332

  American in Paris, An, 67

  American President, An, 488

  Americans for Democratic Action, 532–33

  Anderson, P. T., 488

  Andress, Ursula, 41, 158, 491

  Andrews, Tommy, 431

  Andropov, Yuri, 443

  Angels in America (Kushner), 490

  Anna Karenina (Tolstoy), 167

  Annie Hall, 237, 254, 287

  Ann-Margaret, 98

  Another 48 Hours, 425

  Ansen, David, 426

  Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty, 134

  Antonioni, Michelangelo, 50, 65, 118, 165, 201, 320

  Apartment, The, 55

  Apocalypse Now, 265, 289, 312, 457

  Armandt, Lynn, 374

  Armstrong, Louis, 127

  Armstrong, R. G., 265, 388

  Arnheim, Rudolph, 351

  Arthur, 318

  Ashby, Hal, 147, 175, 208, 213, 259, 319, 387–88, 441

  Shampoo directed by, 178, 181–85, 191–96, 202, 203, 209, 211, 212, 216, 234, 355

  Ashley, Ted, 148, 164, 232

  Associated Artists Productions, 93

  Astoria Studios, 358

  Atlantic City, 317

  Attica riot, 166

  Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me, 512

  Aviator, The, 550, 552

  Awakenings, 449

  Ayres, Jerry, 78, 79, 140

  Babbitt, Bruce, 322

  Babysitter, The, 79

  Bacall, Lauren, 408

  Back to the Future

  Part II, 387

  Part III, 387, 425

  Baldwin, Roger, 266

  Balis Zorn Gerard Inc., 383

  Baltimore Pictures, 467

  Bancroft, Anne, 63

  Baraka, Amiri, 500, 505

  Baranski, Christine, 504

  Barclay’s Bank, 315

  Bardot, Brigitte, 143

  Barefoot in the Park, 53, 135

  Baronet Theater (New York), 198

  Barot, Clotilde, 133

  Barr, Candy, 14

  Barrie, Wendy, 442

  Barron, Lisbeth, 383

  Barron, Zelda, 265, 288

  Barron’s Magazine, 313

  Barrow, Clyde, 66, 81, 89, 102, 108,


  movie about, see Bonnie and Clyde

  Barton Fink, 500

  Bates, Kathy, 388

  Batman, 421, 426, 429

  Batman Returns, 449, 452

  Battlefield Earth, 542

  Beat, The, 361

  Beatles, 113, 131, 158

  Beatty, Benjamin MacLean (son), 484, 529

  Beatty, Ella (daughter), 510

  Beatty, Ira (father), 26, 43, 83, 106, 365–67, 383–84

  Beatty, Isabel Ashley (daughter), 510,


  Beatty, Kathlyn (daughter), 462, 529

  Beatty, Kathlyn “Tat” (mother), 26, 83, 106, 223, 384, 452, 462

  Beatty, Warren

  Adjani’s relationship with, 340, 341, 352, 384

  in Adler’s acting class, 21–22

  American Film Institute Lifetime Achievement Award of, 2

  arrival in New York of, 19–21, 34

  Caron’s relationship with, 67–68, 70, 77, 79–80

  childhood and adolescence of, 11, 14–15, 19–20

  Christie’s relationship with, 6, 101, 112–13, 120, 123–25, 142–44, 155–56, 158, 160, 169, 179, 196–97, 217, 219, 286, 297

  Collins’s relationship with, 5, 13–14, 16–19, 27, 31–32, 36–38, 46

  directing style of, 319–21, 550–51

  exploratory presidential campaign of, 528–38, 547

  and father’s death, 366–67, 383–84

  feminism and, 216–18

  in Hart campaigns, 322–25, 336–40, 371–78, 395–97

  health obsession of, 18, 283

  Howard Hughes project of, 180–81, 220, 331, 385, 386, 406–9, 418–20, 423, 490, 545, 549–52

  Hyser’s relationship with, 366–69, 384, 402–6

  introduction to Hollywood establishment of, 39–42

  interviews with, 1–4

  Kael and, 118, 208–9, 272–73, 315–16

  Keaton’s relationship with, 6, 229, 254–55, 258, 259, 285–88, 296–303, 361, 435

  MacLeod and, 223, 363–64, 383, 526

  Madonna’s relationship with, 409–12, 414–17, 430

  and Manson killings, 144–45

  marriage and family of Bening and, 10, 438–40, 450–52, 462–63, 484–85, 528, 529, 544

  in McGovern campaign, 166–75

  mentor relationships of, 33, 39–40, 74–75, 101, 399

  MGM five-year contract of, 18, 25, 47

  Michel’s relationship with, 341–45, 415–16, 432–33

  movies of, see titles of specific movies

  Mulholland Drive house of, 190–91, 202–4

  and old women, 135–36, 447

  Oscar nominations and wins of, 5, 123, 259, 317–18, 460, 510

  Phillips’s relationship with, 197, 203–6, 221–23

  political activism of, 132–37, 139–40

  roles turned down by, 53, 78–79, 94, 141, 166, 549

  Schwarzenegger referenda opposed by, 547–48

  sexual exploits of, 6–7, 9, 14, 16, 17, 45–46, 54, 90, 149, 159–63, 179–80, 239, 297–99, 357, 361–62, 431–32, 442, 549

  television work of, 20–21, 25

  theater performances of, 22–27, 34

  Toback’s friendship with, 244–46, 442–43

  Toback’s observations on character of, 284, 446–48, 462

  Toronto Film Festival tribute to, 326–28

  Towne’s friendship with, 78–79, 156–58, 211–13, 244, 394

  and What’s New, Pussycat?, 55–57, 66, 70–73, 77, 82, 83

  Wood’s relationship with, 6, 13, 46–49, 51, 58–60, 72, 75

  Beauty and the Beast, 456

  Becket, 73

  Begelman, David, 187–89, 207, 208, 211, 233, 445–46

  Begley, Ed, Jr., 449

  Behind the Green Door, 251

  Bell, Marshall, 4, 411, 430–31, 439, 465, 490

  Belmondo, Jean-Paul, 109, 491

  Bening, Annette, 160, 341, 389, 471–77, 489, 502, 530, 534, 536, 552

  in The American President, 488

  in Bugsy, 425, 432, 438, 445, 448–51, 454, 455, 457

  in Love Affair, 464, 469, 484

  marriage and family of Beatty and, 10, 438–40, 450–52, 462–63, 484–85, 528, 529, 544

  Oscar nominations of, 449, 538

  Bening, Grant, 450

  Bening, Shirley, 450

  Benton, Robert, 64–66, 73–74, 80–81, 83–84, 87, 89, 91–94, 96–99, 108, 117–18, 123, 126–28, 130, 209

  Benton, Sally, 117

  Berg, Jeff, 389–91, 401, 418–19, 423, 445

  Berg, Scott, 472, 479–81

  Bergen, Candice, 226, 325

  Bergman, Ingmar, 50, 65, 209

  Berlin, Isaiah, 320

  Berlin, Jeannie, 230

Sandra, 328, 409, 411, 416–17, 501

  Berry, Halle, 500–501, 504, 507, 508

  Bertolucci, Bernardo, 265

  Bessant, Don, 113, 120

  Beverly Hills Cop II, 380

  Beymer, Richard, 24

  Biden, Joe, Jr., 322, 375, 394, 395

  Big Brass Ring, The, 326

  Big Heat, The, 445

  Big Love, 217, 294

  Big Sleep, The, 408

  Bill, Tony, 183, 488

  Billy Bathgate, 454, 455

  Binyon, Claude, 56

  Bird, Rose, 209

  Birth of a Nation, The, 122, 406

  Black Entertainment Television (BET), 506

  Black Sunday, 233

  Blade, 512

  Blake, William, 141

  Blatty, William Peter, 79

  Bloom, Claire, 127

  Blow-Up, 122

  Bluhdorn, Charlie, 198, 233, 270–71, 309–10, 312, 314

  Blum, David, 348

  Bob and Carol and Ted and Alice, 166

  Body and Soul, 54

  Bogart, Humphrey, 408

  Bogdanovich, Peter, 65, 234, 386

  Boiler Room, 538

  Bolsheviks, 224, 225, 274, 281, 307

  Bolshoi Ballet, 90

  Bonanza, 146

  Bonaparte, Napoleon, 167, 274–75

  Bondarchuk, Sergei, 137

  Bonnie and Clyde, 1, 6, 51, 58, 80–123, 125–33, 136, 137, 139, 147, 183, 191, 226, 255, 256, 269, 278, 433, 514, 548

  casting of, 84–86, 96–99, 305

  earnings of, 121, 126

  editing of, 111–14, 265

  genre conventions in, 381

  historical sources for, see Barrow, Clyde; Parker, Bonnie

  Oscar nominations and wins for, 5, 123, 125–28, 333

  Penn and directing of, 80, 84, 87–90, 95, 165

  pre-release screenings of, 114–16

  rerelease of, 122–23, 125–26, 164, 397

  reviews of, 117–18, 209

  script development for, 73–74, 84, 89–93, 95–96, 181, 211–12

  shooting of, 101–10

  social and political subtexts of, 128–32

  studio deal for, 83, 93–95, 186

  Boogie Nights, 488, 512

  Boorman, John, 117

  Boorstin, Daniel, 176

  Boorstin, Jon, 176–79

  Booth, Shirley, 25–26

  Born Free, 85

  Bosanquet, Simon, 288

  Boston Globe, 325

  Bottin, Rob, 449

  Boyer, Charles, 464

  Boys in the Band (Crowley), 22

  Boys Don’t Cry, 538

  Brackman, Jake, 159

  Bradley, Bill, 168, 171, 323–25, 338–40, 372–73, 377, 378, 395, 406, 528–32, 534–37, 551

  Brando, Marlon, 6, 20, 24, 30, 35, 48, 50, 80, 81, 354, 443, 465

  in The Chase, 88

  in Countess from Hong Kong, 86

  directed by Kazan, 28

  Mulholland Drive house of, 190

  in Reflections in a Golden Eye, 121

  in The Ugly American, 18

  Breakfast Club, The, 362

  Breathless, 60, 65, 109

  Brecht, Bertolt, 2, 388, 426

  Brewster McCloud, 152, 153

  Bride Wore Black, The, 74

  Bringing Up Baby, 465

  British Academy of Film and Television Arts (BAFTA), 72

  Broadhurst, William C. “Billy,” 374, 378

  Broca, Philippe de, 491

  Brooks, Mel, 234

  Brooks, Richard, 158, 273

  Brosnan, Pierce, 470–71

  Brown, Blair, 292

  Brown, G. Mac, 332, 358–59, 362–65, 382

  Brown, Jim, 245, 490

  Brown, Norman O., 129

  Brownstein, Ron, 170, 323, 324, 340

  Bruckheimer, Jerry, 425

  Brugge, Pieter Jan, 505

  Bryant, Louise, 224, 225, 264, 265, 278, 296

  movie about, see Reds

  Bugsy, 6, 44, 431–51, 461–62, 466, 469, 527, 528, 546, 550

  aftermath of, 461, 542

  casting of, 425, 438–39

  earnings of, 457

  genre conventions in, 381

  marketing of, 413, 453–60, 486

  Oscar nominations and wins for, 460–61, 493

  reviews of, 457

  scoring of, 467

  script development for, 331, 418, 427, 434

  shooting of, 441–45, 448–51

  studio deal for, 428, 429, 434–35

  Bullitt, 236

  Bulworth, 6, 129, 381, 464, 487, 489–512, 528, 534–38, 542, 546, 549

  Burke, James Lee, 342

  Burning Hills, The, 29

  Burton, Richard, 45, 141–43, 149, 230

  Bus Stop (Inge), 23

  Bush, Barbara, 313

  Bush, George H. W., 372, 377

  Bush, George W., 533

  Bush, Kathy, 323, 324

  Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, 166, 468

  Butterfield 8, 32

  Caddell, Pat, 8, 386, 421, 427, 491, 493, 528, 530

  and Hart campaign, 325, 337–40, 375–77, 497

  in McGovern campaign, 169–70, 173, 174

  and Reds, 284, 295, 306, 312, 313, 315, 435

  Cagney, James, 99, 115, 427

  Cahiers du Cinéma, 55, 65

  California, University of, Los Angeles (UCLA), 203

  California Nurses Association, 548

  Callas, Maria, 143

  Calley, John, 6, 148

  Camelot, 94, 113

  Camille, 40

  Campaign for Economic Democracy, 323

  Canby, Vincent, 148, 164, 197, 208, 209, 314–15, 426

  Candidate, The, 157

  Candy, John, 389

  Cannes Film Festival, 53, 143

  Cannon, Dyan, 235, 258

  Canonero, Milena, 314, 388, 391, 399, 411, 449, 467, 471, 501

  Cape Fear, 456

  Capetanos, Leon, 517

  Capra, Frank, 501, 505, 510

  Capra, Frank, III, 501

  Capshaw, Kate, 420

  Capucine, 41, 55–56, 71, 72

  Caron, Glenn Gordon, 204, 417, 465–84, 487, 513, 540, 544, 550

  Caron, Leslie, 6, 9, 58, 70–72, 81, 84–87, 112, 128, 217, 464, 511, 513

  Beatty’s relationship with, 67–68, 70, 77, 79–80

  Carpenter, Karen, 207

  Carroll, Diahann, 127

  Carter, Jimmy, 172, 174, 322, 336, 488

  Carville, James, 530

  Cash, Jim, 389, 408

  Cassavetes, John, 230, 231, 352

  Cassel, Seymour, 388

  Castle, William, 207

  Castro, Fidel, 271

  Catch-22, 234

  Catholic Legion of Decency, 114

  Cavett, Dick, 164

  Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), 175, 377, 443

  Chakiris, George, 46

  Chamberlain, Wilt, 160

  Chambers, Marilyn, 251

  Champlin, Charles, 259

  Channing, Stockard, 205, 206, 219

  Chaplin, Charlie, 6, 86

  Chariots of Fire, 304, 314, 317, 318, 321, 339

  Chase, The, 80, 88, 98

  Chayefsky, Paddy, 226, 267

  Cheadle, Don, 500, 504, 507, 508

  Chekhov, Anton, 22

  Chelsom, Peter, 513, 515, 517–19, 521, 523–26, 537–38, 541, 543, 550

  Cher, 52, 364, 417

  Chernin, Peter, 491

  Chevalier, Maurice, 67, 126

  Chicago, University of, 238

  Chichester Festival Theatre, 83

  Childers, Michael, 23, 29–30, 86, 90–92, 124, 125, 153, 250, 485

  Chinatown, 106, 140, 196–98, 201, 202, 211, 236

  Chisholm, Shirley, 167

  Christensen, Helena, 432–33

  Christie, Julie, 85–86, 191, 239, 252, 263, 333, 394, 464, 485, 514

  Beatty’s relationship with, 6, 101, 112–13, 120, 123–25, 142–44, 155–56, 158
, 160, 169, 179, 196–97, 217, 219, 286, 297

  in Don’t Look Now, 184–85

  in Heaven Can Wait, 237, 249–51, 319, 492

  in McCabe & Mrs. Miller, 86, 146–56

  MacLeod and, 249, 326

  Oscar won by, 85, 86, 125

  politics of, 125, 132, 134–37, 143, 171

  in Shampoo, 140, 183, 190, 196, 207, 211–14, 255–57, 515

  Churchill, Winston, 284

  Ciccone, Christopher, 410–11, 417

  Cimino, Michael, 259, 457

  Cirincione, Richie, 361

  Citizen Kane, 5, 122, 259, 269, 315, 325, 326

  City Slickers, 460

  Civil War, 492–93

  Clean and Sober, 465, 466

  Clegg, Allegra, 440–42, 444, 448, 451, 472–76, 478, 481

  Cleopatra, 14, 26, 68, 127

  Cleveland Choir, 308

  Clift, Montgomery, 20, 24, 28, 50

  Clinton, Bill, 166, 172, 174, 322, 376,

  488, 489, 495–98, 503, 522, 528,


  Clinton, Hillary, 489, 533, 548

  Clurman, Harold, 21, 22, 39

  Coastal Disturbances (Howe), 389

  Coca-Cola Corporation, 329, 353, 354, 358, 360, 383

  Cocks, Jay, 209, 219

  Cocoa Beach, 54

  Coen brothers, 387

  Cohen, Leonard, 155

  Colbert, Claudette, 25

  Cold War, 29, 66, 137, 167, 269, 426

  Collins, Jackie, 27

  Collins, Joan, 5, 13–19, 26, 27, 31–32, 36–40, 42, 44–47, 60, 72, 112, 146, 217

  Columbia Broadcasting System (CBS), 20

  Columbia Pictures, 46, 62, 78, 111, 233, 314, 428

  The Fortune at, 188, 201, 219

  Ishtar at, 329–30, 336, 358, 360–61, 365, 379, 383, 486

  Shampoo at, 140, 186–90, 207–8, 330

  Columbia University, 132

  Columbine High School massacre, 527

  Combat 146

  Come Back, Litttle Sheba (Inge), 23

  movie version of, 25

  Comedians (Griffiths), 226

  Coming Home, 182, 202, 259

  Commentary, 244

  Communist Labor Party, 225, 266

  Communist Party, 1, 28, 223, 224, 246, 260, 263, 266, 281

  Compulsion, 22

  Congress, U.S., 432

  Connally, John, 174

  Connery, Sean, 24

  Convoy, 256

  Cool Hand Luke, 123, 519

  Cooper, Gary, 6, 24, 40, 41

  Cooper, Marc, 528, 530–37

  Coppola, Francis, 5, 218, 312, 320, 321, 386, 457, 511

  Corliss, Richard, 315

  Corman, Roger, 78, 157, 212

  Coronet Theater (New York), 198

  Cosmopolitan magazine, 49

  Costello, Frank, 433

  Cotton Club, 320

  Council on Foreign Relations, 324

  Countess from Hong Kong, 86

  Country Wife, The (Wycherly), 83, 215

  Cranston, Alan, 324

  Crawford, Joan, 247

  Creative Artists Agency (CAA), 178, 428, 511, 512

  Creative Management Associates (CMA), 67

  Criterion Theater (New York), 164


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