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Star_How Warren Beatty Seduced America

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by Peter Biskind

  Howard, Jean, 134

  Howard, Ron, 546

  How to Talk with Practically Anybody About Practically Anything (Walters), 99–100

  How the West Was Won, 68

  Hud, 70

  Hudson, Rock, 24, 107

  Huffington, Arianna, 528–30, 533, 534

  Hughes, Howard, 180–81, 214, 406–8, 412, 442, 472, 481

  movie about, 220, 331, 385, 386, 406–9, 418–20, 423, 490, 545, 549–52

  Hughes, John, 362

  Humphrey, Hubert, 6, 136–37, 165, 167, 171–74

  Hunnicutt, Gayle, 149

  Hunter, Tab, 24

  Hurrell, George, 455

  Hurry Sundown, 98–99, 105

  Hustler, The, 54, 96

  Huston, John, 480

  Hyams, Joe, 94–95, 116, 119, 121, 126

  Hyams, Nessa, 96–97

  Hyman, Eliot, 121–23

  Hyman, Kenneth, 121, 127

  Hyser, Joyce, 306, 366–70, 375, 376, 379, 381, 384, 391–94, 402–6, 409, 416, 432, 474, 528

  Ice Cube, 500

  Iceman Cometh, The (O’Neill), 42

  I Lost It at the Movies (Kael), 65, 316

  I’m Breathless: Music Inspired by and from the Film Dick Tracy (Madonna), 422

  In Cold Blood, 81

  Indecent Proposal, 482

  Independent, 427

  Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade,


  Industrial Workers of the World (IWW), 225

  Inge, William, 11, 22–30, 47–52, 64, 56, 74, 75, 128, 319, 409

  In the Heat of the Night, 123, 127, 128, 181

  In Search of Gregory, 142, 542

  Insurgent Mexico (Reed), 111

  International Creative Management (ICM), 389

  Iran hostage crisis, 274

  Irma La Douce, 68

  Irving Thalberg Award, 5, 538

  Ishtar, 1, 219, 278, 304, 333–36, 344, 346–65, 378–83, 412, 413, 421, 442, 549

  aftermath of, 383, 384–86, 392, 394, 461, 542

  casting of, 341

  cost of, 336, 378, 382, 457

  earnings of, 380, 382

  editing of, 361, 365, 369–71, 486

  marketing of, 379–80

  origins of concept for, 328–29

  political subtext of, 380–81

  reviews of, 380

  script for, 333–35

  shooting of, 346–61

  studio deal for, 329–30, 333, 336

  Izzard, Eddie, 526

  Jackson, George, 166

  Jackson, Henry “Scoop,” 167, 171

  Jackson, Jesse, 372, 394–96, 507

  Jacobs, Arthur P., and Company, 49

  Jagger, Bianca, 258

  Jagger, Mick, 120, 159

  Jaglom, Henry, 77, 90, 325–26

  Jay-Z, 498

  JFK, 460

  Jiras, Bob “B.J.,” 35, 107

  Joffe, Charles H., 56

  Joffrey Ballet, 297

  Johns Hopkins Medical Center, 366, 387, 405

  Johnson, Brian D., 327, 328

  Johnson, Lyndon B., 127, 132, 133, 137, 170, 174, 312, 322

  Johnson, Mark, 437, 438, 441, 444, 451, 454–57, 459–60, 461–62, 467

  Jolson, Al, 19

  Jones, Bob, 182, 193, 195, 202, 203, 236, 467, 469, 475, 482–84, 504–5

  Jones, Elinor, 73, 74, 80, 83, 84

  Jones, Kathy, 444, 453–62

  Jones, LeRoi, see Baraka, Amiri

  Jourdan, Louis, 67

  Jules and Jim, 65, 74, 80, 93

  Julia, 254

  Justice Department, U.S., 166

  Kael, Pauline, 64–65, 86, 118, 150, 164, 208–9, 245, 246, 256, 257, 272–73, 315–17, 348

  Kaleidoscope, 83, 85, 99–100, 101

  Kalmenson, Benny, 42, 95, 115, 118–19, 121

  Kamen, Stan, 6, 146

  Kane, Terri, 290, 292–94, 295

  Kanfer, Stefan, 122

  Kaplan, Cindy, 289–91, 294, 297, 309, 314–15

  Karsch, Andy, 402, 423–24, 511–13, 515–16, 518–21, 525–26, 538–40, 542, 551

  Kate (Mann), 480

  Katz, Marty, 413

  Katzenberg, Jeffrey, 187, 233, 332, 383, 386–87, 394, 398, 425, 428–29, 435, 466, 544, 545

  Kauffmann, Stanley, 50, 52

  Kaye, Danny, 78

  Kaye, Tony, 518–19

  Kazan, Elia, 5, 6, 11, 25, 41, 45, 48, 60, 62, 78, 82, 90, 240, 319, 320

  America, America directed by, 53,


  Beatty mentored by, 33, 75, 101,


  A Face in the Crowd directed by, 230, 330, 546

  House Un-American Activities Committee testimony of, 28, 33–34, 54

  Splendor in the Grass directed by, 23–24, 27–39, 49–51

  on writers, 157–58

  Keaton, Diane, 210, 328, 368, 390, 406, 464

  in Annie Hall, 237, 254, 387

  Beatty’s relationship with, 6, 229, 254–55, 258, 259, 285–88, 296–303, 361, 435

  in Reds, 263–64, 270, 273, 274, 277–79, 286, 288, 289, 295–96, 315, 316,


  in Town & Country, 514–17, 523–25, 527, 541

  Keaton, Michael, 465

  Kehoe, Jack, 265

  Keitel, Harvey, 245, 246, 448, 457, 460

  Kellerman, Sally, 171

  Kennedy, Edward M., 168, 322, 372

  Kennedy, John F., 6, 51, 53, 66–67, 109, 134, 168, 175, 338, 377, 491

  Kennedy, Robert F., 6, 67, 133–34, 136, 143, 166, 168, 489, 491, 498

  Kerr, Deborah, 464

  Kerr, Walter, 27

  Kerry, John, 324, 531, 533

  Keshishian, Alek, 430

  Keyes, Evelyn, 229

  KGB, 265, 443

  Khouri, Callie, 460

  Khrushchev, Nikita, 313

  Kilgallen, Dorothy, 47

  Kill Bill, 551

  Kimmel, Sidney, 511

  King, Carole, 171, 179–80

  King, Larry, 531

  King, Martin Luther, Jr., 126, 132, 133, 140, 491

  King, Tom, 7–8

  Kingsley, Ben, 460

  Kinski, Natasha, 514, 539

  Kiss of Death, 445

  Kissinger, Henry, 166

  Kiss Kiss Bang Bang (Kael), 316

  Kiss Me, Stupid, 55

  Klein, Joe, 495

  Klinghoffer, Leon, 346

  Kluge, John, 135

  Klute, 175

  Knack, The, 113

  Knife in the Water, 64

  Knight, Suge, 498

  Knudsen, Bitten, 297

  Koch, Howard, Jr., 176, 177, 236, 237, 239–42, 249, 252, 253, 256

  Koch, Howard, Sr., 253

  Korshak, Sidney, 271

  Kosinski, Jerzy, 226, 265, 281–84, 321

  Kovacs, Laszlo, 182

  Kraft Theatre, 20

  Kramer, Stanley, 127, 128

  Kramer vs. Kramer, 330

  Kranze, Don, 35

  Krays, 158

  Krim, Arthur, 80, 83, 170

  Kristofferson, Kris, 159, 256

  Krupskaya, Nadya, 138

  Kubrick, Stanley, 5, 6, 44, 66–67, 98, 264, 329, 480

  Kurosawa, Akira, 65, 109, 320, 480

  Kushner, Tony, 490, 494

  Kutuzov, General Mikhail Illarionovich, 167

  L-Shaped Room, The, 67, 72

  Ladies’ Home Journal, 49

  Laing, R. D., 55

  Lamarr, Hedy, 41

  Lambert, Gavin, 42, 43, 45, 59, 60, 77

  Lancaster, Burt, 24, 82, 87–88, 98, 171

  Land of the Pharaohs, 13

  Landgard, Janet, 98

  Landlord, The, 175, 181

  Lane, Anthony, 427

  Lang, Fritz, 130

  Lange, Dorothea, 97

  Lange, Hope, 60

  Lansbury, Angela, 48

  Lansky, Meyer, 433

  Larner, Jeremy, 157

  Larry Sanders Show, The, 470

p; Last Detail, The, 78, 181, 182, 211

  Lastfogel, Abe, 6, 88, 99

  Latham, Aaron, 314

  Last Tango in Paris, 166

  Laughlin, Michael, 488, 511, 513–17, 523, 540

  Law, John Philip, 24

  Lawford, Peter, 51

  Lawrence, D. H., 225

  Lawrence of Arabia, 73, 315

  Lazarus, Susan, 290, 291, 294, 309

  Leachman, Cloris, 14, 19

  Lean, David, 85, 166, 263, 315, 480

  Lear, Edward, 498

  Lebon, Phillip, 158

  Lederer, Dick, 94, 95, 115, 119, 120, 121

  Lee, Jennifer, 159–61, 204, 373

  Lee, Spike, 507

  Leigh, Vivien, 25, 42–45, 78, 256, 447

  Lenin, V. I., 138

  Leninism, 226

  Lennon, John, 120, 304

  Lenya, Lotta, 43–45

  Leopard, The, 45, 53

  Lerner, Michael, 500

  LeRoy, Mervyn, 102, 477

  Lester, Richard, 113

  Lethal Weapon II, 387

  Levinson, Barry, 429, 435–38, 440–44, 448, 450, 451, 454, 456, 461, 465, 467

  Lewinsky, Monica, 522

  Lewis, Leonard, 158

  Lewis, Sinclair, 105

  Lieberman, Hal, 238–39, 248, 252–54, 546

  Life magazine, 16, 53, 314

  Like a Prayer (Madonna), 422

  Lili, 67

  Lilies of the Field, 68

  Lilith, 54–55, 57, 59–63, 74, 77, 82, 97

  Lilly (Feibleman), 136

  Lincoln Center (New York), 116–17

  Lindbergh, Charles, 412

  Lindon, Curly, 49

  Lindon, John, 59

  Lindsay, John, 167

  Linson, Art, 10, 332

  Lippmann, Walter, 224

  Liston, Sonny, 134

  Lithgow, John, 265

  Little Big Man, 265

  Litto, George, 146, 147, 150, 153

  Little Nicky, 540

  Loden, Barbara, 35, 37

  Logan, Joshua, 15, 22, 23, 25, 45

  Lolita, 44, 98

  Lombardo, Lou, 152, 153, 163

  Long Ride Home, The, 78–79

  Looking for Mr. Goodbar, 236, 237

  Loren, Sophia, 52, 86

  Los Angeles Times, 259, 336, 360, 370, 378, 380, 382, 434, 454, 542

  Losey, Joe, 34, 64, 148

  Loss of Roses, A (Inge), 23–27, 30, 34, 35, 97

  Love Affair, 135, 215, 464–87, 489, 490, 495, 507, 514, 515, 540, 542, 545

  1938 version of, 464

  Love & Money, 246, 272–73

  Love with the Proper Stranger, 59–60, 68

  Lowe, Rob, 416

  Lower Depths, The, 83

  Lucas, George, 320

  Luciano, Lucky, 433

  Lumet, Sidney, 320

  Lupino, Ida, 472

  Lyman, Rick, 541

  Lynley, Carol, 98

  Lynne, Michael, 512, 543

  Lyon, Sue, 98

  MacArthur, General Douglas, 135

  Macdonald, Dwight, 50

  MacEwen, Walter, 95, 99

  MacDowell, Andie, 514, 516

  MacLaine, Shirley, 10, 15, 23, 31, 47, 58, 253, 384, 431, 463

  considered for Bonnie and Clyde, 81, 84–85

  in Hot Spell, 25

  Oscar nominations of, 68, 70, 254

  parents of, 18–20, 29, 33, 365–67, 493

  with Sinatra’s Rat Pack, 447

  in Sweet Charity, 108

  MacLeod, Alex, 223

  MacLeod, David, 1, 238, 292–93, 332, 358–59, 362, 447, 526

  arrests of, 363–64, 383, 452–53

  death of, 526

  and Heaven Can Wait, 249

  and Reds, 223, 265, 275, 291, 292,


  Toronto International Film Festival tribute organized, 326–28

  MacNeil/Lehrer News Hour, 531

  Macpherson, Elle, 431

  Madonna, 45, 391–92, 408–17, 422, 427, 429–32, 439, 466, 522

  Magnani, Anna, 26–27

  Magnificent Seven, The, 339

  Maguire, Charlie, 178, 182

  Mailer, Norman, 3, 244, 478, 479, 507

  Malcolm X, 491

  Malden, Karl, 25, 31, 48

  Mallory, Carole, 159

  Mamas and the Papas, 197

  Man for All Seasons, A, 317

  Manchurian Candidate, The, 118

  Mancuso, Frank, 312

  Mankiewicz, Frank, 170

  Mann, Daniel, 25–27

  Mann, Roderick, 72

  Mann, William J., 480

  Manson, Charles, 144, 156

  Many Loves of Dobie Gillis, The, 25, 30

  Maoism, 133

  Marathon Man, 468

  Margellos, Jim, 154, 155

  Marshall, Alan, 390

  Marshall, Penny, 420

  Martin, Dean, 149

  Marvin, Lee, 445

  Marx, Groucho, 71, 72

  Marxism, 29, 51, 128–30, 226, 260, 263

  M*A*S*H, 147, 150, 163

  Mask, The, 512

  Maslin, Janet, 380, 457, 485, 407

  Mason, James, 235, 237, 243, 249

  Masters, Kim, 452, 521

  Matalin, Mary, 530

  Matthau, Walter, 230

  Maverick, 146

  May, Elaine, 3, 230–32, 240, 326, 387, 389, 407, 490, 494, 495, 504, 550

  Heaven Can Wait script by, 230, 232, 233, 235, 237, 244, 247, 325

  Ishtar written and directed by, 304, 326, 328–30, 334–36, 341, 346–61, 365, 369–71, 380–84

  and Reds, 267–68, 277, 296, 304, 307–9, 311, 312, 325, 502

  Mazursky, Paul, 3, 259, 330–31, 477, 488, 513–14, 517–18, 537

  McCabe (Naughton), 148

  McCabe & Mrs. Miller, 6, 86, 146–56, 163–66, 186, 291

  McCain, John, 533, 537, 548

  McCarey, Leo, 464–66

  McCarthy, Ellen, 127

  McCarthy, Eugene, 127, 133, 166, 235

  McCarthyism, 64, 68

  McCrea, Jody, 30

  McCrea, Joel, 30

  McElwaine, Guy, 119, 329–30, 336, 360, 365

  McEvoy, John, 338, 340

  McGee, Jim, 374

  McGilligan, Patrick, 164

  McGovern, George, 6, 146, 166–69, 171–74, 225, 284, 295, 324, 373, 488

  McGraw, Ali, 246, 256

  McHugh, Kevin, 120

  McKay, Brian, 148, 150–51

  McKay, Craig, 289, 304–5, 309, 311, 318

  McKay, Gardner, 16

  McLuhan, Marshall, 108

  McQueen, Steve, 24, 59

  Meany, George, 172

  Mechanic, Bill, 428–29, 491, 546

  Medavoy, Mike, 178, 188, 374, 414–15, 434–35, 438, 453–56, 458–61

  Meet Joe Black, 542

  Meet the Press, 531

  Meisner, Sandy, 22

  Melchior, Lauritz, 190

  Melvin and Howard, 389, 390, 406

  Mengers, Sue, 208

  Mercury Theatre, 48

  Mermaid, 330

  Method acting, 28, 42, 48, 50

  Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM), 18, 25, 30, 41, 47, 418, 445

  Miami Herald, 373, 374, 377

  Michaels, Lorne, 323

  Michel, DeLauné, 341–45, 361, 415–16, 432–33, 438, 451

  Mickey One, 64, 68–70, 72, 77, 83, 87, 88, 102, 116

  Midler, Bette, 205, 331

  Midnight Cowboy, 124

  Midnight Express, 259

  Mikey and Nicky, 230, 329, 352

  Milchan, Arnon, 326

  Millay, Edna St. Vincent, 225

  Miller, Arthur, 22, 28, 34, 51, 95

  Miller, Henry, 266–67

  Millett, Kate, 216

  Minot, Susan, 390

  Miracle on 34th Street, 29

  Miracle Worker, The, 63

  Miramax Films, 7

  Mirisch brothers, 82

  Mitchell, John, 166

  Mitchell, Jo
ni, 159

  Mitchell brothers, 251–52

  Mondale, Walter “Fritz,” 322, 324, 325, 337, 339, 497

  Monkeys, 390, 391

  Monroe, Marilyn, 41, 49, 326

  Montgomery, Robert, 229

  Montreal International Film Festival, 116

  Moonjean, Hank, 201, 205, 206

  Moonlighting, 465

  Moore, Mary Tyler, 297–99

  Moore, Susanna, 139, 199, 511

  Moreau, Jeanne, 65, 218

  Morgan, Michele, 496

  Morricone, Ennio, 467, 483

  Moscow Art Theater, 22

  Mosfilm, 274

  Motion Picture Academy, 5, 130, 253, 317

  see also Oscars

  Motion Picture Home, 472

  Motorola, 421

  Mulvehill, Chuck, 182

  Murdoch, Rupert, 8, 491, 507

  Muriel, 64

  Murphy, Art, 382

  Murray Hill Theater (New York), 117

  Museum of Modern Art, 64, 65

  Museum of the Revolution (Moscow), 274

  Music Corporation of America (MCA), 18, 50, 313

  Muskie, Edmund, 167, 171

  Mutrux, Floyd, 332

  Nabel, Yvette, 290

  Nader, Ralph, 531, 533, 537

  Naming Names (Navasky), 28

  Nanny, The, 341

  Nashville, 153

  National Board of Review, 460

  National Society of Film Critics, 126

  National Theater (Washington, D.C.), 25

  National Theater (Westwood), 256

  Nation magazine 234, 528

  Natural, The, 437

  Naughton, Edmund, 148

  Navasky, Victor, 28

  Neal, Patricia, 70

  Nelson, Willie, 339

  Network, 507

  New Cinema, 122

  New Deal, 322

  Newirth, Charles, 438, 440, 442, 449, 450

  New Leaf, A, 230

  New Line Cinema, 512–15, 518–20, 522–23, 526, 527, 538–44

  Newman, David, 64–66, 73–74, 80, 83–84, 87, 89–94, 96, 98–99, 108, 117–18, 123, 126–27, 130, 131, 209

  Newman, Paul, 24, 54, 123

  New Meaning of Treason, The (West), 266

  New Republic, The, 50, 52, 234

  New Steve Allen Show, The, 234

  Newsweek, 169, 255, 314, 325, 338, 421, 426, 429–30, 489

  New Times, 220

  Newton, Huey, 491

  New Yorker, The, 27, 50, 118, 208, 209, 272, 273, 342

  New Yorker Theater, 64

  New York Film Critics, 126

  New York Film Festival, 64, 83

  New York magazine, 348, 380

  New York Review of Books, The, 508

  New York Times, The, 2, 28, 32, 150, 219, 275, 314, 374–75, 379, 382, 527, 538–39

  Canby’s reviews in, 148, 164, 197, 208, 426

  Crowther’s reviews in, 49, 51, 52, 74, 83, 117

  Holden’s reviews in, 541

  Magazine, 234, 373

  Maslin’s reviews in, 380, 457, 485,


  op-ed piece by Beatty in, 531–32

  Pentagon Papers published by, 166

  screening for editors of, 4

  Ten Best list of, 50

  Nichols, Mike, 3, 71, 127, 226–27, 230, 234, 321, 417, 438, 521, 529


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