Book Read Free

A Forest Charm

Page 1

by Sue Bentley

  Table of Contents

  Copyright Page

  Title Page

  Chapter ONE -

  Chapter TWO

  Chapter THREE

  Chapter FOUR

  Chapter FIVE

  Chapter SIX

  Chapter SEVEN

  Chapter EIGHT

  Chapter NINE

  Chapter TEN

  About the Author

  Charlie—cute, funny-face cat lover.


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  The young, silver-gray wolf padded through the trees. Patches of snow still lay on the hillside, gleaming in the spring sunlight. Storm lifted his head. It felt good to breathe the cold air of his home.

  Suddenly, a terrifying howl rang out.

  “Shadow!” Storm gasped. The fierce lone wolf who had attacked the Moon-claw pack and wounded Storm’s mother was very close.

  There was a flash of bright golden light and a shower of dazzling sparks. Where the young wolf had been standing, there now crouched a tiny puppy with fluffy white fur, a stocky body, and short legs.

  Storm whined with terror and his little puppy heart beat fast. He hoped this disguise would protect him from his enemy.

  His puppy paws kicked up the soft snow as he tore through the trees. There was a steep ridge ahead of him. Perhaps there would be somewhere to hide. Storm glimpsed a tangle of tree roots that had formed a natural cave and headed toward them.

  As he approached, Storm saw wolf eyes gleaming from within the darkness of the roots. He caught his breath and skidded to a halt, ready to turn and run away as fast as he could.

  “Storm! In here, quickly!” the wolf called out in a soft growl.

  “Mother.” Storm sighed with relief. He rushed forward and pushed through the tangled roots until he reached the she-wolf.

  “It is good to see you again, my son,” Canista rumbled, licking her disguised cub’s fluffy white fur and little square muzzle.

  Storm yipped a greeting. He wriggled his body and wagged his stumpy tail as he licked his mother’s face. “I have come back to lead the Moon-claw pack!”

  Canista’s gentle eyes lit up with pride. “Bravely said, but now is not the time. Shadow wants to be leader and he is too strong for you. He has already killed your father and litter brothers and left me weak from his poisoned bite.”

  Storm curled his lip in a growl, showing small sharp teeth. He knew that his mother was right, but he was reluctant to leave her.

  “The other wolves will not follow Shadow—they are waiting for you. Go back to the other world. Use this disguise. Return when you are stronger and wiser, and then face Shadow.” As Canista finished speaking, she gave a wince of pain.

  Storm huffed out a shimmering gold puppy breath, which swirled around his mother’s wounded paw and then disappeared into her gray fur.

  Canista narrowed her eyes. “Thank you. The pain is easing.”

  Another fierce howl rang out, sounding much closer.

  “Shadow knows you are here. Go. Save yourself!” Canista urged.

  Bright gold sparks bloomed in the tiny puppy’s downy, white fur. Storm whimpered as he felt the power building inside him. The gold light around him grew brighter. And brighter …

  Chapter ONE

  Cassie Yorke stamped moodily through the forest in her new walking boots. She was with her mom and dad and about twenty other adults and kids.

  “Why do we have to do this stupid family team-building thing, anyway?” she complained.

  Mrs. Yorke gave her daughter a patient smile. “That’s the third time you’ve asked me that since leaving home, Cassie. Your dad’s new boss likes to encourage his staff to get along well with one another. And that includes their families. This weekend is a way of us working as a team and getting to know one another better,” she explained.

  “But we’re going to be camping. How can that be a challenge?” Cassie asked.

  “Ever tried camping without a tent to sleep in, a stove to cook on, and no water on tap?” her dad asked.

  “No way!” Cassie said, horrified.

  Her mom laughed. “We are supposed to have fun, too. Now try and lose the long face, Cass. Okay?”

  Cassie sighed heavily and felt her shoulders drooping to match her face. Traipsing through a cold, muddy forest on a Friday afternoon was definitely not her idea of fun! She had been planning to curl up by the log fire in the living room and finish reading her book. Lost in the Amazon was the latest in the series about the amazing adventures of ace explorer Jilly Atkins.

  Her dad came over and put his arm around her shoulder. “Come on, Cass. Where’s your spirit of adventure? Just try and imagine you’re Jilly Atkins!” he suggested cheerily.

  “As if!” Cassie said.

  Jilly was tall, strong, brave, and fearless. Not small and dumpy like Cassie felt, and she had probably never been teased for being a slowpoke when doing school sports.

  “Here we are now,” Mrs. Yorke said as the group came in sight of a large, wooden cabin with a sign above the door that read Wild Wood Experiences.

  After the welcome and introductions, two instructors divided the group into teams: the Reds, Blues, and Greens. Cassie and her mom and dad were in the Reds.

  “Oh great. We’ve been teamed up with Ronson from the office. He’s a real know-it-all,” Mr. Yorke said softly.

  Cassie saw a fit-looking man who towered over her dad. Mr. Ronson was tanned and broad-shouldered and looked as if he practically lived at the gym. His wife and daughter were both thin and dark-haired.

  “Well, we’re supposed to be getting to know one another better. Should we go over and say hello?” Cassie said.

  Mr. Yorke gave her a mournful look. Despite herself, Cassie couldn’t help smiling.

  As the adults exchanged greetings, Cassie went over to Mr. Ronson’s daughter. “Hi, I’m Cassie.”

  “I’m Erin,” the girl said, tossing her long, silky hair over her shoulder.

  Cassie looked at her enviously. She wished her hair would grow that long, but her blond curls just seemed to grow outward and get bushier.

/>   Erin didn’t really say much. Cassie thought she might be shy, so she made a special attempt to be friendly. “I’m dreading this. I’ve never been even normal camping or anything. Have you?” she asked, smiling.

  Erin shrugged. “No, but I’ve done tons of outdoor stuff with my dad. This is going to be easy-peasy. But how come you’re here? The rules say you have to be at least ten before you can participate.”

  “I’m almost eleven actually,” Cassie said, her smile wavering.

  “But you’re so small! I thought you were only about eight,” Erin said rudely, looking Cassie up and down.

  “My gran says good things always come in small packages,” Cassie shot back. She was used to people making comments about her size and usually found that making a joke of it got over any awkwardness.

  But Erin didn’t even grin. “Yeah, well, your gran would have to say that,

  I guess. I just hope you’re not going to hold our team back. My dad only plays to win. He always says that you don’t get any prizes for coming in second.”

  Good for him, Cassie thought, starting to feel annoyed. “My dad’s motto is ‘It’s the effort that counts.’ I like that one much better!”

  “Huh!” Erin gave Cassie a pitying look before skipping over to stand with her mom.

  Mrs. Yorke noticed her daughter’s annoyed face. “Are you okay, Cassie? You’re not still sulking, are you?”

  “Of course not. I’m fine now,” Cassie said, putting on her best fake smile.

  After meeting Erin, Cassie wished more than ever that she could be at home with her head in her book. There didn’t seem much chance of the two of them making friends this weekend.

  Before the teams set off into the forest, the instructors gathered them all together again for a few words about health and safety. Cassie’s tummy suddenly growled, making everyone laugh.

  It had been a long drive to get there and lunch seemed like hours ago. Cassie felt more than ready for a snack. There were some chips and chocolate in her backpack, but she hesitated about getting them out. Erin was looking her way and she didn’t want to hear any more sarcastic comments.

  As people stood around chatting outside the cabin, Cassie saw a chance to slip away. “Just heading to the bathroom!” she called to her dad.

  “Okay, honey. Don’t be long,” he said.

  Cassie headed past the bathroom and ducked around the back of the cabin. She was alone with just the open forest in front of her. Fishing in her backpack, she pulled out a bar of chocolate.

  “Yum, yum,” Cassie breathed, licking her lips.

  She was about to take a big, luxurious bite, when suddenly, a dazzling bright flash of gold light shot out in all directions from the bush in front of her.

  Cassie blinked hard, blinded for a moment. She rubbed her eyes and saw a tiny, cute puppy with fuzzy, white fur, a stocky body, and short legs crawling out of the bush.

  “Can you help me, please?” it woofed.

  Chapter TWO

  Cassie gaped at the little, white puppy in utter amazement and the chocolate bar slipped from her numb fingers on to the ground.

  She must be so hungry that she was hearing things! Talking puppies didn’t just appear to small and ordinary girls. Even Jilly Atkins had never met one and she’d explored all kinds of strange and remote places.

  Cassie shook her head, laughing at herself. Her dad always said that she had an overactive imagination.

  “Hello, you,” she crooned, rubbing her fingers together to encourage the tiny puppy to come closer. “I think you must be a little Westie. Aren’t you gorgeous? I wonder which of the instructors you belong to.”

  The puppy pricked its ears, and two bright, midnight blue eyes looked up at her from behind a little fringe of fluffy, white fur. “I belong to no one but myself. I am Storm of the Moon-claw pack.”

  Cassie did a double take. She snatched her hand back as if it had been burned. “Y-you really c-can talk?” she gasped.

  “Yes, I can. Who are you?” the puppy yapped.

  Cassie still couldn’t quite believe this was happening, but she didn’t want to scare the amazing puppy away. She squatted down to make herself seem smaller and less threatening.

  The puppy pricked its ears and put its little head to one side, waiting for her to answer. Although Storm was really tiny, he seemed quite sure of himself.

  “I’m Cassie. Cassie Yorke. I’m here with my dad to do some family team building. It’s part of Dad’s new job,” she explained.

  Storm bent his neck in a formal bow. “I am honored to meet you, Cassie.” He took a few steps closer and reached out his neck.

  Cassie grinned delightedly as the cute puppy’s buttonlike black nose twitched and then she felt the little wet tip brushing against her fingers. She gently rubbed Storm’s soft chest and then moved up to stroke his ears.

  It still felt really weird to be having a conversation with a puppy, but Cassie’s curiosity began to take over from her initial shock. “We’re miles from anywhere in the middle of this forest. How come you’re here if you don’t belong to anyone?” she asked, puzzled.

  Storm’s tiny body began trembling all over like a leaf. “An evil lone wolf named Shadow is looking for me. He killed my father and litter brothers and injured my mother. Shadow wants to lead the Moon-claw pack, but the others will not follow him while I live.”

  “But you’re just a helpless little puppy. Why would an evil wolf—” Cassie began.

  Storm backed away. “I will show you!”

  There was another flash of bright gold light, and big sparks rained down all around Cassie and sizzled on the damp forest floor as they landed.

  “Oh!” Cassie cried, blinking hard. But as her sight cleared, she caught her breath.

  The tiny, white puppy had disappeared and in its place there crouched a majestic, young, silver-gray wolf with bright midnight blue eyes. Specks of gold dust gleamed in its fur and shone from within its deep neck-ruff.

  Cassie eyed the wolf’s sharp teeth and powerful muscles. “Storm?” she breathed nervously.

  “Yes, it is me. Do not be afraid. I will not harm you,” Storm told her in a deep, velvety growl.

  While Cassie was still struggling to take in the sight of Storm as his magnificent real self, there was a final dazzling flash and Storm reappeared once more as a tiny, white, scared-looking West Highland terrier puppy.

  “Wow! That’s an amazing disguise!” Cassie said, completely overwhelmed by what had just happened. “Shadow will never recognize you now.”

  Storm blinked up at Cassie with a troubled expression. “Shadow will use his magic to find me as soon as he can and then no disguise will protect me. I need to hide now. Can you help me?”

  Cassie’s soft heart went out to the terrified little puppy. With his bright blue eyes peeking out from behind his bangs, square little face, and pointed ears, he was the most adorable thing she had ever seen. “I’d really love to. But I don’t see how I can,” she said, chewing her lip. “We have to take part in lots of awful exercises. I bet some of the families might think a puppy would slow us down too much.” Cassie frowned as she thought about the Ronsons in particular.

  “Do not worry, Cassie!” Storm barked softly, jumping up and pawing her waterproof pants. “I will use my magic so that only you can see and hear me!”

  “You mean—you can make yourself invisible? Cool! Then you can come with me. Maybe you should do it now before someone sees you.”

  Storm shook himself, so that tiny sparks flew out of his fluffy, white fur. “It is done.”

  “Yay! It’s going to be fantastic having someone nice I can talk to this weekend,” Cassie said. “Wait until I tell Dad about you. He’s great at keeping secrets!”

  “No! Only you must know I am here. You can never tell anyone. Promise me, Cassie,” Storm woofed, his little face serious.

  Cassie felt disappointed that she couldn’t even tell her dad the exciting news. But Storm looked so scared, gazing up at her wi
th pleading, blue eyes. Cassie decided then and there that if it would help to keep Storm safe, she was prepared to agree.

  “Okay. Cross my heart! That’s my own way of saying I promise,” she said as Storm’s furry, white brow wrinkled in a puzzled frown.

  “I’ve been looking everywhere for you!” an irritated voice suddenly demanded from behind her.

  Cassie froze as she recognized Erin’s bossy tone.

  “Who on earth are you talking to?”

  Chapter THREE

  Cassie whipped around guiltily. “Me? I was just talking to … er … myself,” she said hastily.

  “Your dad sent me to find you,” Erin grumbled. “I thought you said that you’d be in the girls’ bathroom.”

  “Um … yeah. I’ve just … er … finished in there,” Cassie said distractedly. “I forgot the way back.”

  Storm was sitting there large as life barely a foot away. Even though Storm had said he was now invisible, Cassie couldn’t quite believe it. She tensed, waiting for Erin to notice the little puppy. But the older girl didn’t comment and Cassie began to relax.

  “I’m coming now,” she said, reaching for her backpack.

  “About time, too,” Erin scolded.

  Storm was now rolling on his back in the grass. He looked as cute as could be with his fat, pale tummy showing and all four of his short, white legs in the air. Cassie had to try really hard not to giggle.

  “What’s so funny?” Erin asked sounding annoyed.

  “Nothing,” she said, forcing herself to concentrate. Luckily, Storm stood up and shook himself just as an extra-big giggle rose up in her chest. Cassie hastily turned it into a cough. “Sorry … er … frog in my throat. I bet it’s going to take forever to make a fire and build a shelter and stuff,” she said, quickly changing the subject.

  Erin smirked. “Not with my dad helping, it won’t! Mom says he’s a whiz with power tools. He can make anything. He made me an amazing tree house, with a ladder and slide and everything.”

  I’d like to see him try to plug in an electric screwdriver in the middle of the forest, Cassie thought, fed up with Erin’s boasting.

  “Hey!” Erin cried, spotting the chocolate bar on the ground. She swooped down and picked it up. “Is that yours? Have you been eating a secret snack?”


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