The Winning Bid: The Auction Series, Book 1
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A few minutes later, he looked up from his breakfast and frowned at Scarlett standing motionless in the center of the room. “What’s wrong?”
“Sir, am I allowed to sit with you?”
He was taken aback by her need to ask the question. “Of course.” He got up and pulled out a chair for her, then helped her to sit.
“Thank you, Sir. May I eat, or will you be feeding me again?”
Drew tilted his head at her question, surprised at how quickly her behavior had altered. “You may feed yourself, Scarlett. Thank you for asking.”
He continued to watch her and realized she was looking for some kind of praise for her actions. She wanted to please him. She wanted to know that he was pleased. She was more submissive by nature than even she may have known. This alone pleased him more than any ass thrust she’d given him.
Hannah began eating. Why am I doing this again? She was worrying a little bit too much about what Drew thought of her. As a submissive, her goal was to try and physically please him, but she was alarmed to discover that she was actually starting to really care about how or what he was feeling. When she made him laugh, her heart soared in elation. And the way he’d held her as they’d slept last night had felt more intimate than some relationships she’d had with past lovers. Her feelings were starting to confuse her.
Although the sex was pretty damn amazing, this was all about the bottom line. She was fooling herself if she thought she was going to run away with the rich playboy at the end of this weekend. Buying the shop—her shop—was going to give her the independence and security she hadn’t felt in years. That was why she was here. This wasn’t just about her.
Only one of her friends knew what she was actually doing this weekend. She’d had to confide in at least one person. Her best friend Tammy not only understood but would be there to catch her if she fell. She had tried to get a bridge loan from the bank to cover the down payment for the shop, but she couldn’t meet all of their strict requirements. And what normal person has an extra thirty grand around for someone to borrow?
She looked up from her yogurt to find Drew staring intently at her. She knew why she was here, but what about him? What went on in that moody mind of his, and what made a man like him purchase sex? He was amazingly good-looking and obviously had money, so it would probably be safe to assume he had his choice of women.
Drew raised an eyebrow as she continued to stare at him. “What’s on your mind?”
She blushed crimson at being called out on her bold appraisal. “Um, just wondering what we’ll be doing today, Sir?”
Drew rose and circled behind her, removing the clip holding her hair up. He ran his fingers through her still-damp hair, trying to straighten it down her back. “I like your hair down. Please leave it this way unless I instruct otherwise.”
“Yes, Sir. I was only trying to save time by not drying it and I threw it up instead,” she defended.
He still stood behind her, slowly caressing his fingers through her hair. She loved the feel of his touch. She wanted to lean back into it but was nervous at his sudden sternness again. “I appreciate that you were trying to be efficient. Down from now on though.”
She nodded. “Yes, Sir.”
He moved beside her again, looking down at her. She didn’t know how to read him yet and wasn’t sure what the look in his eye meant. “I want you down in the playroom in position in five minutes. Do you know where it’s located?”
She nodded. “Yes, Sir, I know where it is.”
“Good. Five minutes.” Drew turned and started walking out of the room, then stopped. “And, Scarlett? Be naked.”
Chapter Five
Hannah squeaked out a, “Yes, Sir!” before quickly getting up from her chair and following him out of the kitchen. He turned left into the second bedroom, and she turned right, opposite the entryway, going through a doorway that led down to the playroom. Her training session had occurred in a similar bungalow, and she knew that a playroom was housed in the basement of each residence on the property.
Her heart started beating heavily as she descended the stairs down to the playroom. The room was warm, in both temperature and color. The floor was made up of honey-colored hardwood, and beautifully colored Oriental rugs were scattered throughout the room. The playroom was large, encompassing in one room what the entire first-floor space shared with five rooms. In the farthest corner of the room, an enormous bed was covered in a rich, blue velvet sheets. Of course the bed had four high posts, one at each corner, but unlike other bedposts, these had ornate rings attached for tethering. The headboard also had several rings across its front for similar purposes.
Directly in the center of the room lay a table, a bit higher than a standard table, but as long and wide. But this table had a layer of brown leather padding and was studded with rings at certain points. In the opposite corner of the room from the bed, a large wooden cross dominated the wall: a St. Andrew’s Cross.
The ceiling was crisscrossed by a suspension system that could be used for various swings, attachments or straps. The room also had a spanking bench, several other stools and smaller wooden chairs. An elegant brown leather couch sat against a wall next to the bed. Straps, belts, floggers, canes and other tools for implementing pain and punishment decorated an entire sidewall, hanging for a Dom’s use. Near the stairway, a wooden cabinet with drawers and doors of different sizes housed other “tools” of the trade.
Hannah removed the lace garments she was wearing and placed them neatly on top of the cabinet. She moved to one of the Oriental rugs strategically placed near the bottom of the stairs and kneeled in her submissive position. She blew air slowly of her mouth, trying to calm her rapid breathing over the anticipation she was feeling. In this place, a Master could truly have his every desire, but the cost could be at the expense of her breaking point. And she had no idea what or where that point was. At least her first real experience with a Dominant would be at Drew’s hands. She already felt she could trust him, that he wouldn’t hurt her. On the heels of that thought, the door above opened, and footsteps descended the stairs.
Blood rushed through her as her adrenaline spiked and her body flushed a dark pink. Surely Drew would hear, if not see, her pulse beating so rapidly. His bare feet appeared in front of her, and then his hand was on her head, sliding under her chin and raising it. She turned her gaze up to meet his, lust evident in his dark eyes.
“Are you nervous, Scarlett?” he asked quietly.
“Yes, Sir. A little.” Her voice was barely above a whisper.
“Good.” He let go of her chin but still stood above her. “You should be a little nervous. After all, it’s your first time. But, tell me, are you afraid?”
She shook her head while continuing to look up at Drew. “No, Sir. I’m not afraid of you.”
He smiled leisurely down at her. “Good. I don’t want you to ever be afraid of me. I won’t hurt you. Do you remember your safe word?”
He isn’t going to hurt me, but he wants to make sure I remember my safe word? Hannah gulped before replying, “Yellow if I’m scared; ghost if I want you to stop.”
He leaned down and brushed a kiss lightly against her lips before whispering against them, “Good girl. Don’t worry, you won’t need them. If I have my way, the only thing you’ll be screaming is my name.”
A small gasp of surprise escaped her mouth as he quickly rose and approached the cabinet near the stairs. He opened several drawers, pulling various things out and placing them next to her underwear on top of the cabinet before returning to her. Something was in his hand—what was it? As if he had read her thoughts, he flashed her the elastic he was holding before walking behind her.
He ran his hands slowly down her still-damp hair and gathered it in a ponytail at the base of her head. Her constrained hair bobbed up and down as he bound it with the elastic. “As much as I love your hair loose and free down your naked back, I’m going to pull it back while we are in here. I don’t want it to get caught i
n anything.”
“Yes, Sir.”
Drew’s hand ran lightly over the long mane of the tail, his fingertips grazing her naked back with each downward stroke. “Do you know what you remind me of, Scarlett?”
“No, Sir.”
“A little kitten. A bit fierce and petulant when it’s not under its mother’s paw. A kitten will bite and tease its mother’s tail, or run away from its mother’s call. But as soon as the kitten is hungry or is back under its mother’s paw, it is sweet and complying. Do you know what I’m referring to, Scarlett?”
She shook her head again. “No, Sir, I don’t understand.”
He grasped Hannah’s ponytail and, pulling it gently, motioned for her to rise. He took her hand and led her to the padded table in the center of the room. “Stay here.”
He continued speaking as he walked back to the cabinet and pulled several more items from one of the drawers. “This morning, making my breakfast, shaking and pointing your delectable ass at me. Teasing me. Playing with me like a little kitten.”
She turned crimson at the mention of her actions less than a half hour earlier. She was definitely going to be punished. “But, Sir—”
Drew lifted his hand abruptly. “Did I say you could speak?”
“No, Sir. I’m sorry, Sir.” She looked down at the floor quickly, her gaze not meeting his.
“I’m quite sure you are sorry now, my little kitten.”
He gathered all the items he had removed and walked slowly back to her side. He placed them on the table, in clear view, as if to give her an idea of what was about to happen. One by one, he lined up four silk straps in a deep blue color, a vibrator, a tube of lubricant and a medium-sized butt plug. Her eyes widened in shock before flying up to meet Drew’s. He was looking down at her with a wicked grin on his face, a feral look in his eyes.
“And, Scarlett, do you know why little kittens tease like this?” He stood directly in front of her now and removed his T-shirt, revealing his sculpted chest. Her eyes trailed down his body and she clenched her fists tightly to keep her fingers from raking through the downy hair that covered his muscular chest.
She stammered, “S-s-sir?”
Making her feel like his prey, Drew walked slowly around her in a circle, then leaned in close, lips brushing up against her ear. “Because they want attention.”
His hand brushed slowly down her arm until he reached her hand, pulling her tenderly to the front of the padded table. He guided her up, sliding her back about a foot and then pushing her torso down flat.
Her heart beat wildly as he grabbed each of her ankles and pulled them to the edge, and she let out a short, startled cry. He took one of the blue silk ribbons and began winding it around her right ankle. His fingertips felt like hot bolts of electricity each time he grazed her skin, the heat slowly trailing up her legs and throughout her body. He was barely touching her, and already her desire for him was building to a burn.
“Was there something that warranted my attention this morning, little kitten, that I didn’t respond to?” Drew took the ends of the blue silk he’d wrapped around her ankle and secured them to one of the rings at the corner of the table. The silk felt tight as he pulled it taut, but soft and pliant, so she wasn’t as scared as she’d expected at being constrained.
She knew exactly why she had teased him, but she wasn’t going to admit it to him. “Sir, I was simply trying to make you breakfast.”
He clucked his tongue in disapproval as he took another one of the silk ties and began wrapping it around her left ankle. “Oh, Scarlett. Shame on you. Do you really think you can fool me? I’ll give you one more chance, and if you don’t answer honestly, after I’m done with you here, we’ll visit the spanking bench.”
She blew out an exasperated breath and shakily responded, “Sir, I didn’t like being treated like the help. You’re hot, then cold, and it’s confusing. I guess I was trying to act the part I thought you wanted.” Her cheeks flamed in embarrassment, and Drew stopped tying the binding he had been working on.
Drew ran his hand through his hair in frustration. He wasn’t disguising his conflicted feelings as well as he’d thought. He rounded the table so that he could better see her face and took one of her hands in his.
“Since the moment I saw you walk onto that stage last night, something about you captivated me. I don’t usually take baths or sleep with my subs. You—and what you’re making me feel—are what’s confusing, Scarlett. I’m in unexplored territory here.”
He watched Scarlett’s emotions run across her face as he spoke, a barely audible, “Oh,” coming from her lips.
He dropped her hand, moved back to the end of the table and picked up another silk strap. He grabbed both her thighs and yanked her down the table until her ass rested at the edge, her knees bent. Taking the silk, he began weaving it between the front and back of her leg, so that it remained bent and couldn’t be straightened. His movements were quick and succinct, though jerky with suppressed anger.
“Yes, ‘Oh.’ So, I’m going to do what I know how to do, and that’s fuck you.” He finished tying the silk on the first leg and began weaving another restraint around the second.
Surprised that Scarlett was remaining quiet for once, he hoped he hadn’t scared her with his confession, but there was also a piece of him that wondered what she was feeling. Am I the only one who thinks this feels different? Drew completed the tie and stood directly in front of her spread legs. He ran his hands slowly up each inner thigh until they met at the juncture of her legs. Using both thumbs, he grazed back and forth over her clit, shocked to find that she was already soaking wet. He moaned as his cock got even stiffer.
“You’re so wet already. Aren’t you even a little bit afraid?”
Her pink tongue darted out, running over her lips, wetting them. “Yes, but I’m excited too.”
He shook his head and chuckled. “What am I going to do with you, my little kitten? So curious, so ready to play.” He continued to stroke her with only his thumbs, spreading her juices over her entire core, then stopped.
Keeping his eyes on her, he walked slowly around the table and slid one thumb into his mouth, sucking hard. As he sucked, his eyes closed, the taste like a bite of the most delectable dessert. Coming up beside her, he opened his eyes, placed his other thumb against her mouth and pushed. Scarlett sucked hard, pulling his finger all the way into her mouth, moaning as her tongue swirled around it.
His knees grew weak at the sight of her sucking his thumb before he pulled it out of her mouth, bent down and claimed her mouth with his own. He might explode at her luscious taste.
Pulling away from the kiss before he could get carried away, Drew straightened and walked back to the cabinet. He was back in seconds with more silk ties in hand. Scarlett was breathing heavily and her eyes were sparkling with excitement.
“Raise your hands above your head and cross your arms in an X.”
She did as he requested, her chest pushing forward, exposing her body further to him, her eyes following his movements. She was shaking, though he knew instinctively that it was from anticipation and not trepidation. He took one wrist and then the other, silently lacing the silk around each in an intricate pattern before securing the binding to a ring.
He stepped back and let his eyes rove over her entire body. “Do you know how unbelievably sexy you look, open and waiting for me?”
“Sir, I’m here to please you.”
He let out a huff of laughter in response. “Oh yes! See how the kitten behaves under its mother’s paw?”
He traced a finger around one already-taut nipple. “Since you very much wanted my attention on your extremely lovely ass earlier, I think it only fair that I comply now.”
Her head snapped up off the table, and for the first time since her arrival, he saw a glint of fear in her eyes.
“Oh, yes, I see I have your full attention now.”
He pinched her nipple hard, then bent quickly to take it in his mouth and suc
kle even harder. She arched off the table in response, groaning at his intensity. She was pulling at her bindings, her fingers splayed out in an attempt to try and touch him, pleading out her frustration at being stuck. He let go of her nipple and walked back down to the end of the table.
“I know you don’t have anal play as a hard limit, but I also know it was listed as a possible soft limit. Has anyone ever taken your ass before?” He began caressing the inside of her thighs just shy of her apex, watching as she tried and failed to writhe away from his touch, her bindings holding her in place.
“No, Sir. Not completely. I tried once, but...” Her face was flushed in apparent embarrassment as her sentence trailed off.
“But what?” he pushed.
Her face lightened, and she quickly clenched her eyes shut before opening them to answer him.
“It hurt. So I— We stopped.”
She was embarrassed by her admission. He moved his fingers a little closer to her core, applying a bit more pressure now to try and distract her from feeling that way. Her hips surged forward in a short motion, and her knees opened wider.
“If done properly, there should be very little pain, usually just in the beginning, but then it’s quite enjoyable. Some women even begin to prefer it over vaginal sex. I’d like very much to show you how enjoyable it can be.”
Her core was glistening with wetness, revealing her obvious arousal, but she confirmed it when she nodded, biting her lip before replying with a soft, “Okay, Sir.
He honestly didn’t think he could get any harder, but just hearing Scarlett assent to taking her virgin ass caused his cock to swell and strain against the zipper of his jeans. Needing the relief, he unbuttoned his fly, pulled the zipper down and quickly stripped himself naked. He grabbed his thick shaft at the very base and squeezed hard to try and quell the desire to sink into her right then. When the urge dissipated slightly, he grabbed one of the shorter wooden chairs and placed it at the foot of the table.