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The Winning Bid: The Auction Series, Book 1

Page 9

by Windsor, Michelle

  After zipping up the side, he strolled around her, hmming and umming under his breath while shifting some of the fabric, placing a few pins strategically to fit the dress on her before finally exclaiming, “It’s almost perfect. You would think I had made this dress for you!”

  She beamed at him. “It feels comfortable. Do you want me to walk around at all? It seems a bit long.”

  “That’s because you don’t have the shoes on yet, darling! But yes, do a little walk around for me please so I can see it move on you.”

  She paraded back and forth across the dressing room, twirling at each turn, watching as the bottom of the skirt swished out each time.

  “Okay, you’re good. Let’s get you out of it now. I just have to make a few little adjustments.” Marco helped her unzip the dress and step out of it. She quickly grabbed the towel lying on the floor and wrapped it around her.

  “Not so quick!” Laura—the curly-haired brunette—was snapping orders at her now. “You need to shower and wash your hair. But be quick please, we have so little time.”

  “Okay, I’ll be extra quick.” Hannah scurried out of the dressing room and made her way to the shower as ordered.

  Fifteen minutes later, she was covered in her robe and sitting at the dressing table as Karla brushed her hair and Laura removed her current polish from her finger and toenails. “Mr. Sapphire wants your hair up, but I think we need to add a little framing around your face, so I will blow your front out a bit straighter and curl your hair in the back, okay?”

  “Who’s Mr. Sapphire?” Hannah asked curiously. Both girls stopped what they were doing and looked at her strangely.

  Laura replied in a shocked tone, “Andrew Sapphire. You know, the gorgeous one who brought you in here?”

  “Of course!” She laughed nervously, trying to cover up her mistake. “I’m so used to calling him Drew that I totally spaced out!”

  Both girls looked at her like she had two heads and resumed their work.

  His name is Andrew Sapphire? How could I have fucked someone four—or was it five?—times in the last twenty-four hours and not known his full name? But then, I guess he doesn’t know my real name either. And now all the blue makes sense . . . Hannah twisted her hands together as the reality of her situation hit her. She was so caught up in this moment and the way he had been making her feel that she’d forgotten that this was just a job. She needed to get herself back in line, and quickly, before her heart completely took over.

  The next hour and a half flew by as Karla curled and primped and pinned her hair into the most amazing hairstyle she had ever worn. The stylist had created large, curly waves, then swept them to the side of her head in a large bun and pinned them up loosely so that a few locks of hair dangled down. The front was swept over to the same side and pulled into a side bun, again with a few longer, curled strands left out to frame her face.

  Her makeup was heavier than she normally wore, but it still looked minimal on her, only enhancing her features. Laura had outlined Hannah’s upper lid in a popular cat-eye style and then softened it with a darker blue shadow, highlighted by a swipe of silver. Soft, pink cheeks and lips brought it all together. Laura had also discreetly applied some cover-up over the fading bite mark on her shoulder without so much as a word about it. Hannah’s fingers and toes were now covered with a silver nail polish that she normally would have thought a bit too bold but matched perfectly the diamonds embroidered on her dress.

  Before Marco would allow her to step into the dress, Laura and Karla worked to strap on the most amazing shoes that had ever been on her feet. The base of each shoe was silver, elevated by a thin, four-inch stiletto heel. A single, inch-wide silver strap crossed the top of the shoe, embroidered with the same diamonds on the dress. The back of the shoe connected to another inch-wide silver strap, similarly embroidered, that wrapped around her ankle and tied in the back with a silver ribbon. It appeared as though she was wearing diamond cuffs on her ankles. Had Cinderella felt this wondrous about the shoes she’d worn to the ball?

  Finally, Marco allowed her to step into the now-altered dress, and zipped her up. Her personal beauty team of three all stepped back and simply gazed at her without saying a word. “What?” Hannah exclaimed. “You’re all making me nervous!”

  Marco, as usual, was the first to speak. “Oh, darling, it’s just that you are so unbelievably stunning. Just a vision.” Laura nodded in agreement, eyes wide in wonder. Karla just nodded, a satisfied, if not smug, smile on her lips.

  “Are you sure?” Hannah asked, unconvinced, working her hands nervously over the skirt of the dress.

  “I’m sure.” Drew’s rich voice sounded from behind, and she spun around, almost losing her balance on her four-inch stilettos.

  “Out. Now.” Drew’s gaze was fixed on her, but he made it clear that Marco and the ladies were done.

  Marco clapped his hands. “Come, girls, grab your things! It’s time to go.”

  Like little mice, they quickly gathered their tools and scurried out of the room. As Marco walked by, he pecked Hannah on the cheek and beamed with pride. The front door slammed behind them as they left.

  Drew was still staring at her, having not moved a step or spoken another word. He was wearing a traditional tuxedo, but instead of a bow tie, he wore a dark, royal-blue silk tie in a Windsor knot.

  “Do I look okay, Sir?”

  He took a step forward and then circled around her, examining her from every angle. “Something is missing.”

  “Is there? I think Marco did everything you requested.” She inhaled deeply, savoring the scent Drew left in his wake. It was crisp and light, but carried with it a subtle cedar-and-musk undertone. It immediately aroused her senses and made her want to run her hand up his neck so that she could bring him closer and nuzzle him.

  He walked over to a drawer on the far side of the closet and opened it. He reached inside and pulled out two teal suede boxes. And not just any blue—they were Tiffany blue. She practically swooned just seeing the boxes.

  “That’s because this is something only I can do.” He beckoned for her to follow him to the full-length mirror against the opposite wall of the dressing room. He set the boxes down on a table and turned toward her.

  “Do you know what a submissive collar is?” he asked her quietly, his hand still lying over the boxes on the table.

  “Yes, Sir.” When a Dom and a sub entered into an exclusive relationship, one that involved a commitment almost as strong as a marriage, the sub was very often collared, demonstrating ownership to everyone else. “But . . .”

  “But what, Scarlett?” He still spoke quietly.

  “But I am only yours for another day. You couldn’t possible want to collar me.” Her hand rose involuntarily to her neck, her fingers running around its base absently.

  “Oh, but that’s where you’re wrong. I very much want to collar you. Even if it is just for another twenty-four hours.” He moved behind her, resting his hands on either side of her shoulders.

  “Look at yourself. Can you see what I see?”

  She looked at her reflection in the mirror. She did look beautiful. More so than she had been before. But it was the clothes, the hair, and the makeup. This wasn’t really her. “I suppose I see myself, but made up to be what you want me to be.”

  He shook his head in disagreement. “Oh, Scarlett, you are exactly who you should be, and that is just you. Yes, you’re beautiful, but it’s your grace, your charm and your wit that will grab anyone’s attention. I intend to make sure everyone knows you belong to me, and only me.”

  With that, he reached down and opened the larger of the two boxes sitting on the table. She gasped at what lay inside. It was the most exquisite diamond necklace she had ever seen. Eight rows of diamonds circled in a lace-like collar.

  “Do you like it?” He looked at her in the mirror as he pulled it out of the box and unclasped it.

  “Like it? Drew, it’s amazing.” She raised her hand to stop him from putting
it on. “Are you sure?”

  “About collaring you?”

  She looked at him, trying to assess if this was a trivial moment for him, but as always, his face remained neutral.

  He turned her around, raising the intensity of the moment, and looked in her eyes while he answered. “I’m sure. Are you?”

  “I-I don’t know.” She tilted her head. “I know I shouldn’t ask this, but I’m just going to anyway. Is this something you do to all your submissives?”

  His eyes narrowed in thought at her question before he broke his gaze and turned her back toward the mirror. His hands brought the choker around the front of her, and then his fingers trailed over the diamonds before fastening it.

  She looked up, meeting his eyes in the mirror, and she could see desire coursing through them, darker than she’d ever them before.

  “No. I’ve never put a collar on someone before.”

  Her heart hammered in her chest at what this implied. Even though some of his behavior toward her had seemed too intimate, this act definitely confirmed he was feeling more for her than he should.

  He chuckled low as he opened the other box. “Don’t worry, Scarlett, it’s just for the weekend. I promise I’ll take it off later.”

  Although the comment was meant to offer her some relief, it didn’t. She tried to push back her confusion and questions until a later time. She didn’t want to spoil this moment, whatever it was. Even though she didn’t want to admit it to herself, deep down, she was secretly thrilled that he was claiming her. She liked Drew, more than she probably should, and wanted to stay in this fairy-tale bubble for a little while longer before having to think about the real world again.

  “There’s more?” she spluttered, watching as he opened the second box. It was overwhelming.

  “Only one more thing.” Out of the second box, which was smaller and squarer in shape, he pulled a matching cuff and secured it around her left wrist.

  “Now you’re complete.” He looked at her again in the mirror, eyes smoldering. “You look absolutely ravishing. There should be no doubt in anyone’s mind who you belong to.”

  “I’m yours,” she whispered, not breaking his gaze in the mirror.

  He grasped her chin, tilting her mouth back to his, and kissed her fiercely and quickly. “Fuck yes. Hearing you say that makes me so hard.”

  She was practically panting and really didn’t care anymore about going to some ball. She reached her hand back to feel his erection, rubbing it through the material of his pants. He chuckled and grabbed her wrist, stopping her motions.

  “As much as I’d like to ravish you right here, we need to go so we won’t be late.” He kissed her softly on her forehead and shifted his grip from around her wrist to her hand instead. He led her out of the dressing room and through the bedroom.

  “One second please; I just need to grab my clutch.” Earlier, Marco had given her a small, black satin clutch with just a few scattered diamond stones embroidered on the edging. Laura had given her an extra lipstick and powder compact for touch-ups throughout the night. Those were the only items in the clutch.

  “You shouldn’t need a thing. I’ll be taking care of everything.”

  “It’s just lipstick and powder. You know, for touch-ups and such.” She smiled at him.

  “Very good.” He extended his arm to her, which she took, and led her out of the house to a waiting car.

  “Are we driving?” she inquired as he helped her into the front seat of the sleek black car.

  “Yes. I’m driving.” He shut the door before she could ask any more questions, walked around to the driver’s side and seated himself in the car. He started it, backing out of the driveway, and then slowly proceeded through the compound. When he got to the large wrought-iron gates, he slowed to a stop and rolled down the window.

  The guard seemed to recognize him immediately. “Oh hello, Mr. Sapphire.” He tipped his hat at him before walking to a switch and activating it, allowing the gates to swing open wide. “You’re clear to leave.”

  “Thank you, Jones.” Drew nodded as he rolled up the window and then zipped through the gates and out of the compound.

  Chapter Eight

  Drew pulled onto the main road, shifting the car into a higher gear, and accelerated, scenery starting to slide quickly past the windows of the car.

  “Drew, why are we leaving the estate?” Scarlett asked. “I didn’t think we were allowed off the grounds.”

  “Don’t worry. I got permission from Domme Maria.” He looked over at her with a mischievous grin on his face. “You don’t think I would break the rules do you?”

  “Did it occur to you to ask me if I wanted to be taken off of the grounds?”

  He was surprised by the indignant tone in her voice and glanced over to see if he could read her face. If anything, he was taken aback that she would be angry.

  “Why are you upset about us leaving the estate? You do know that I would never do anything to harm you, correct?”

  She shook her head, responding, “I’m upset that you didn’t think to ask me. It’s great that you asked Domme Maria, but this should have been my choice.”

  Drew swerved the car over to the side of the road, putting it into park. “Scarlett, I’ll ask you again: do you really think I would do anything to hurt you? Take you somewhere that would bring you harm? Have I treated you so badly over the last two days?”

  She took his hands in hers, squeezing them briefly. “Of course I don’t think you would hurt me. I would have never let you do what you did to me today if I didn’t trust you.”

  “Then what is it?” Anger still edged his response.

  “It should have been my choice to leave the grounds. Not something you should have assumed I would want to do. I don’t know where we are going. How do I explain you if I run into someone I know?”

  He stared at her blankly. It hadn’t really occurred to him to ask her, or that she might know someone. That was an assumption he shouldn’t have made. Especially given the fact that he knew nothing about her. He found himself in new territory once again; he actually felt remorse. He moved his hands over hers now, holding them lightly. The bracelet looked stunning on her wrist.

  “I apologize then. I assumed when I told you we’d be going to a party that you understood it wasn’t on the estate. I should have explained further. Would you still like to go?”

  “May I ask where we are going first?” Scarlett spoke quietly from her side of the car.

  “It’s a charity ball. In the city. Normally, I wouldn’t have attempted to attend something of this nature on a weekend like this, but the cause is very dear to my heart.”

  “Then yes, I’d like to go with you to the ball.” She was quiet for a moment and then giggled, taking her hand from his, covering her mouth as her cheeks flushed pink. “I feel like I just got asked to the prom!”

  He turned back in his seat, smiling broadly, relief washing over him that she no longer seemed angry, and pulled the car back out onto the road to continue their journey. “We can pretend if you want. I never went to my prom.”

  “What?” Her voice held a note of surprise. “How is that possible? You’re like perfect prom-king material.”

  He scoffed before responding, “My father only saw me as the heir to his business, so going to dances and parties was beneath my station. He made sure I only had time for schoolwork, and if I wasn’t doing that, I was working for him.”

  “That’s pretty sad.”

  He shrugged. “It is what it is. It wasn’t all bad. I traveled all over the world. Believe me, I had my share of fun when my father wasn’t watching.”

  “You said the charity was close to your heart? Can I ask what the ball is for?”

  Drew looked over at her, eyebrow raised, not immune to her attempt at moving the subject away from his father. He smiled inwardly at her ability to recognize a difficult topic for him.

  “It’s a charity for disabled veterans and their families. Do you know
how many vets come back from the Middle East and get no help at all? It’s a shame. Or even worse, soldiers are killed and not enough is done to support any family they leave behind.”

  Hannah jolted in surprise. What a small world it is. “Do you know someone who was there?”

  Drew took his gaze off the road and looked at her. “Yes.”

  “I’m sorry. I truly am.” I know more about this than he can possibly imagine.

  “Thank you. I’m lucky, I suppose. My brother came home. Even if it took us a long time to actually get him back.”

  She sat quietly for a few moments, looking out the window at the trees flying by, lost in her own thoughts. The lights of Manhattan were looming ahead, and she wondered again about the party.

  “How will you introduce me tonight? I mean, in case we see someone I know or someone you know.”

  He let out a little huff of laughter. “Oh, I’m sure we’ll see some people I know, and I’m sure they’ll be asking about you. I haven’t brought anyone to a function with me since my divorce.”

  “What?” She couldn’t contain the shock in her voice. He hasn’t brought anyone else since his divorce? Sweet Jesus, this is getting complicated.

  “Don’t worry. Very few people know about my alternate lifestyle. I’ll simply tell them you’re my date.”

  “And they’ll just accept that?” Sure they will.

  “Ha. Probably not. But that’s all they’ll be getting. Are you really worried you’ll see people here you know? The tickets were twenty-five hundred a place setting, Scarlett.”

  Instead of being offended, she just shrugged and raised an eyebrow at him.

  “Snobby much? Besides, you just might be surprised.”

  He raised his eyebrows back at her. “Touché.” There was a moment of silence between them before he continued. “Besides, neither one of us has to worry about anyone recognizing us. Want to know why?”

  She eyed him curiously. “Why?”

  A devilish grin spread across his face. “It’s a masquerade ball. We’ll have masks on the entire time. We can even make up names for ourselves if we want.”


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