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The Devils Daughter

Page 7

by Cilla Lee


  “Nah all good baby I won’t say a word”

  “Colt what's your real name” he taps his nose

  “Trade secret baby”

  “Ok how'd you get the road name Colt than”

  “Nah baby that's not a good story either”

  “Oh really”


  “Ok how did Stryker get his”

  “Sorry baby that's his story”

  “God Colt, can't you tell me anything”

  “You wanna talk baby how about you tell why I heard you moaning in you room last week”

  “Ok I'm out see ya Colt”

  “Oh, come on babe” I hear Colt yell as I walk back into the clubhouse and walk to Razors office

  (knock knock)

  “Yeah” I open the door

  “I'm heading home now”

  “You ok, that Old bastard hasn't made you sick has he”

  “No, I'm good there's nothing to do here, thought I'd go and see if Maggie needs any help”

  “Ok darlin' see ya at home later”

  Chapter Eight


  The drive home was great, I love getting in my car and just driving turning up the music and just relaxing but still watching for other idiot drivers of course. I know when the guys brought all of my things to the clubhouse that I could have left but really where would I have gone and I really love the clubhouse and I'm even starting to really like the guys one more than the rest and Maggie I don't think I could leave her or Razor.

  “Hay Maggie” I call out and she comes walking out of the kitchen covered in flour

  “Oh, hay sweetheart you ok”

  “Yeah nothing going on at the clubhouse so I thought I'd come home and see if you needed help with dinner”

  “Oh yes please, I'm making Razor’s favourite Steak and Kidney pie”

  “Really? that sound gross Maggie” I say cringing a bit

  “It is but he loves it”

  “Ok what do you need help with”

  We chat the rest of the afternoon about the jobs I do at the clubhouse and she teaches me how to make a pie from scratch, it reminds me about my mom again and I hold back the tears watching Maggie. I know I can't get anything past her, she turns noticing me trying to rub my eyes with hands full of flour

  “What's wrong sweetheart?”

  “Nothing I just wish my mom was still hear you know”

  “Oh sweetie” she grabs me and gives me the biggest mom hug I could ever ask for, making the tears I was holding in fall freely down my face onto her shoulder

  “Hay if you ever want to talk I'm always hear” I can only nod because of the huge lump stuck in my throat

  “Ok soppy stuff over add the milk” she says nodding to the milk, I tell her about Sheryl keeping Dover home and she can't stop laughing

  “I knew that women had an evil side”

  “Yeah Dover's suffering while Sheryl's in heaven” it takes us a good five minutes to stop laughing and I tell her about the whores at the club and them always giving me the evil eye especially Pixie.

  “Don't let those bitches push you around honey, they are there for one reason and one reason only so the boys can let off some steam, there whores nothing more. You stick up for yourself you hear me” I nod yes but if push came to shove could I do it, let’s hope I don't find out.


  Unfortunately, I didn't have that much luck Pixie had me pushed up against a wall in my room threatening me three days later

  “Stay the fuck away from Colt and Stryker bitch, do you hear me ever since you've been here Colt hasn't come to see me once” (ok my opinion of Colt just went down a bit)

  “What are you talking about Pixie?” I try to push her but she pushes me harder into the wall cutting off my wind pipe with her arm and I grasp for a breath

  “You heard me, you and your good little girl act has him staying away and I want him back so BACK THE FUCK OFF”

  “Pixie let me go I can't breathe” I push and she doesn’t move and inch even in her ugly stripper heels

  “Stay the fuck away cunt or I'm ganna cut your pretty little face and no one will ever want you not even Colt”

  “You’re crazy let me go” I shove her again but this time she pulls out a knife from her pocket and places it on my neck

  “This is your last warning stay away from Stryker, Colt and all the other guys, your little orphan Annie bullshit doesn’t work on me” she pushes the blade in drawing blood just above my collar bone

  “Argh stop Pixie... Jesus” I feel blood running down my chest. She lets me go and I slump to the floor and she smiles putting the knife away and walks out of the door like sugar wouldn't melt in her rancid fucking mouth

  “Cunt” I mutter to myself

  I check where she'd cut me and there's a slice about two centimetres long (fucking bitch) I pat it dry but the blood keeps coming, I search around the bathroom and find a mini first aid kit in the bottom draw. It takes a couple of butterfly clips to keep it together but the bleeding stopped, theirs a blood trail all the way down my front and I wash the blood away (fucking bitch whore) I'm shaking standing there not with fear but anger, in all the years I was with my father he never once used a weapon, he was old school with hand to hand contact type of person. I decided then and there I was sick and tired of people dictating my life, I was ganna do something about it and it was ganna start today. I grabbed my bag and keys from behind the bar and storm out of the clubhouse slamming the door behind me.

  “Baby where you going?” I heard Colt yell from the garages as I get in my car and drive


  I sit in front of a huge warehouse now converted into a twenty-four hour gym that has boxing classes, self-defence classes and had personal trainers it's not much to look at but it's what I'm looking for (come on just get out you can do this just look and see if it fits) Ok that pep talk didn't work, I was back on the road heading home but half way there I was sitting at the lights and that bitch Pixie popped into my head and the image of me pounding her face in, now that was a pep talk I turned the car around parked and before I know it I was standing at the reception desk.

  “Hi can I help you” the perky blonde behind the counter asked and I smile at her

  “Um yeah I would like to sign up for self-defence lessons”

  “Oh, great we have a few you can pick from what sort of things are you wanting to learn” Noticing my expression, she said “just basic self-defence or you wanna smash someone’s face in sort of defence” I smile

  “The later please”

  “I got you girl, we have a great trainer here who teaches mixed martial arts”

  “Mixed martial arts what's that?”

  “MMA is a full contact combat sport that allows you to use striking grappling techniques”

  “Sorry what?”

  “Basically, they teach you how to punch and kick someone how to defend yourself from an attack”

  “What about weapons attack?”

  “Oh, you should learn Krav Maga for that”

  “What's that?”

  “It's used by the Israeli defence force it's aikido, judo, boxing and wrestling all in one it focuses on real world situations you know knife attacks gun attacks it teaches you to neutralises and defend yourself with offensive and aggressive manoeuvres

  “Yep, that's the one, where do I sign up”

  “Just fill this in its payment up front for the first month and twenty-five dollars per month after that if you join the gym you get to use all the equipment you want any time you just pay for the lessons which are fifteen per lesson which would you like”

  “I'll just join seems the cheapest choice what's the trainer like is he scary”

  “Actually, she's really nice”

  “A women trainer”

  “Yeah she knows her stuff to”

  “Great when's the first lesson”

  “Lessons are every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at six-t
hirty in hall three”

  “Great see you tomorrow night”



  “My names Kelly your trainers Emma”

  “Nice to meet you Kelly, Niya”

  “Well Niya see you tomorrow”

  Driving back to the house I felt like a weight being lifted that bitch is never ganna put her hands on me again and neither will anybody else that I swear on my mother’s life.

  “Hay Maggie I'm home”

  “Honey what's wrong” she said straight away

  “Nothing why?”

  “Don't bullshit me what happened, Colt called saying you left upset what happened” I tell her about Pixie and the knife and before I knew it she was up grabbing her keys and heading for the door

  “No Maggie please”

  “I'm ganna kill that bitch you wait until I see Razor, no where's my phone I'm calling him now”

  “No Maggie please I want to take care of Pixie myself, I need to I've let people push me around my whole life I need to do this I've signed up for self-defence classes I'm fine”

  “Honey I can't sit back I need to do something”

  “I've got this Mag's my dad use to beat me so bad growing up....... god... I have had so many broken bones fat lips dislocated limbs and punches to the head, I'm strong Maggie and I'm not letting another person put their hands on me in anger again no one, I need to do this” Maggie can't hold in the tears and grabs me hugging me so tight

  “I'm sorry honey, I'm sorry your dad was a piece of shit. If this is what you need than I won't say anything but if that bitch so much as looks at you when I'm around I don't know if I'll be able to control myself”

  “Please Maggie for me and don't tell Razor promise me”

  “I don't know I never keep anything from him”

  “Please” she holds me tighter and lets out a loud breath

  “Just this once for you”

  “Thanks Mag's”

  “Alright tell me about this self-defence class”


  I felt nervous walking into class but Emma was really inviting introducing me to some of the other people along with Kelly being there it seemed ok until we had to warm up, we stretched done a couple of laps around the hall just to warm up than the real class began. I'd done some research on Krav Maga and it seemed a bit intense most of the videos online where all men so I was panicking that I'd be the only women than the only women of my age and I wasn't ganna go but in the end the image of Pixie’s mangled face done it for me again and now I was here in a room with men and women of all ages shapes and sizes and I felt a little bit better. By the end of the lesson my legs arms and even my elbows hurt and I know I'm ganna pay for it tomorrow but Emma was a great teacher, she was patient with everyone and I really felt connected and now I couldn’t wait for the next lesson. I'm glad I signed up for the gym to, I'm defiantly ganna need it cause my stamina was shit.


  “Hay Niya you going to the clubhouse today” Razor asks me

  “Um Razor is there any other jobs going in any of the other businesses”


  “Just need a change Colt and Stryker have everything handled at the clubhouse, there’s usually nothing for me to do”

  “Socket could use help at Devils tattoo, they need a new receptionist since Anna left”

  “Really that would be great”

  “I'll call Socket now you head on over darlin'”

  “Cool thanks”


  The tattoo shop was quieter than I imagined it was more like a dentist office and smelled like it to, the black and red walls black flooring and a large reception area, black leather sofa in front of the front window and a coffee table with tattoo magazines on it was a bit intimidating.

  “Mornin' darlin'” Sockets says as I walk through the door “boss man says your my new, receptionist” I smile nodding my head

  “Yep ready and waiting for instructions” I say with a salute

  “Ok nothin' really to it, greet people take bookings clean and that's it”

  “Oh really”

  “Yep if you have any questions Cuff’s here and our piecer Chelsea ok darlin'”

  “Yep all good Socket”

  The day starts off easy enough the first customer coming in for an appointment and from there it was just meeting and greeting people who came through the door, really nothing to it booking people for appointments or just helping people when they came in was easier than I thought and before I knew it, it was the end of the day.

  “You coming to the clubhouse darlin'” Socket asks me

  “Nah I'm heading home ganna read all this stuff on sterilising things”

  “Ok darlin' let me walk you to your car, boss man will have my balls if anything happens to his girl” I stop and look up at him

  “His girl, I'm not his girl Socket”

  “Yes, you are darlin' weather you like it or not, that old bastard thinks of you as his kid” I start to tear up and Socket grabs me hugging me tight

  “Aww darlin' didn't mean to make you cry”

  “I'm fine Socket, I really love Razor and Maggie too.... no one’s ever loved me like they do” the tears come even harder, Socket just stands there and holds me until I stop and step away from him unlocking my door “thanks Socket see ya tomorrow”

  “Do me a favour darlin'” I turn back and look at him


  “Don't tell boss man I made you cry” I smile

  “Promise your secrets safe with me” he leans down and kisses my forehead

  “Tomorrow mornin' darlin'” I nod and get in my car and head home for the night ready to study about sterilising and ratios of cleaning products.

  Chapter Nine


  Months passed by so quickly and I was loving the new family that had (adopted me, saved me, kidnapped me) either way I was here and I was loving it, Colt and Stryker where now full patched members after Prospecting for two years and they were loving it. They didn't have to do anymore of the remedial tasks and where now treated as equal brothers and with the two new Prospects they were loving it even more.

  The guys had gone to their; annul mandatory run to Sturgis, were all of the Chapters met up for a meet and greet and to initiate their Prospects. When Colt and Stryker walked into the clubhouse I froze, their new Cuts looked so good on them and you could tell that they were happy but they were both beat to hell. Colt had a huge black eye and a missing a tooth Stryker was worse off with a fat lip a dislocated finger black eye huge bruise on his jaw but they were both smiling, they had the biggest party the night they got back 'no women where allowed club whores only' I wasn't too happy but Colt wasn't mine and even knowing that fucking Pixie bitch was there eyeing him up and probably more, I couldn't say anything. I mean we flirted a lot and Colt always called me baby and I felt like we belonged together, plus the fact that I had the biggest crush on him didn't help. But we'd never really defined our relationship, so I knew I had no right to be upset if he did sleep with any of the whores, even though the thought of it made me sick.

  I still worked at the tattoo shop and Colt would come by at least once a day to see me unless he's really busy, I still helped Dover with the books sometimes and even helped out with the other businesses that the club owned. I helped some of the strippers at Pink Slip, Razor telling me that under any circumstances was I to go out the front. I had to stay at the back and help the girls get ready, they were nice enough. I was a bit intimidated at first but they were really great, I'd tended the bar at Devils Den and helped with the books at the Repair shop but my favourite job was the strip club not stripping god no but helping the girls was great.

  Diamond one of the older strippers even showed me how to work the pole when I was helping out one day, the place wasn't open so I was allowed out the front. It was the typical stripper club, stage seats all around bar back booths dark the usual seeing strippers on TV and seeing them
work in real life was an eye opener, I mean the day Diamond and April showed me how to work the pole. I realised how much strength you had to have in your legs and arms talk about given a girl credit, where I looked like a sinking shit bobbing for air Diamond and April looked like professional gymnast spinning and working the pole like they were competing for gold, the muscles you have to use to work that thing and in those shoes and clothes they had to wear well dam I had to give them props they were good. Oki and Chance where laughing their asses off while Diamond was spinning gracefully and April was trying to hold me up on the other pole almost standing on her shoulders to stay up, it was a complete disaster but dam it was fun.


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