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The Devils Daughter

Page 17

by Cilla Lee

  “Fuck Colt I'm ganna come” I fuck her faster and the second her orgasm starts I fuckin' explode, her greedy pussy suckin’ every fuckin' drop of cum out of my balls. We lay there for a while just kissing (god her lips are an aphrodisiac) I just can't get enough.


  “Yeah baby”

  “Can we go muddin' today”

  “You wanna go muddin' baby in my truck or ATV”

  “ATV” I smile and kiss her again

  “Yeah” I look at her and she looks at me and I wonder how I got such a perfect fuckin' woman.



  Colt called Stryker and asked if he wanted to come with us

  “Hay fuck nut what you doing” I roll my eyes I couldn't hear his reply but I heard Colt's

  “Niya wants to go muddin' today you wanna come, yeah fucker I did, know I'm not tellin' you, are you comin' or not...alright call around and see who wants to come” he hangs up

  “What was that?”

  “What baby?” she tilts her head to the side lookin' cute as fuck

  “With Stryker, what did he ask you?”

  “You know what he asked” she blushes makin’ me smile


  “Yeah oh come on let’s get some breakfast than well head over to Stryker's for the ATV's”

  By the time we got over to Stryker and Tiny's, Socket and Jewel, Tank and Lena Cookie and Cuff where all there waiting on us, Socket and Jewel had recently started dating. Razor not very happy cause if they break up and Jewel leaves he'd be done a stripper, but they seemed to be hitting it off really well since the New Year’s Eve party. Of course, Rochelle the whiny bitch came annoying the fuck out of me, the other girls didn’t like her either so she hung around the guys which suited me fine as long as she didn't touch my man.

  It took about twenty minutes to drive to a property that Cookie owned out of town it was a large piece of land with a small cabin and acres of land and plenty of trails at first, I got on the back of Colt's ATV and we all rode around finding mud holes, hills and more mud by lunch I was covered in mud from head to toe and I loved it Rochelle not so much. She got a little mud on her boots and freaked out and went and sat in the car on her phone, the rest of us looked like the end of the world had come. It would take at least five washes to get all the mud out of my hair but I didn't give a shit, Tank and Lena had an ATV each and where racing each other most of the day. Socket and Jewel looked like a happy couple with Jewel in front of Socket him kissing her every chance he got, Cuff, Cookie and Stryker just rode around chasing each other trying to outdo one another on the trails. Colt was trying everything not to get me dirty to start off with until I yelled at him.

  “Colt go faster”

  “No baby you'll get hurt”

  “If you don't I'm ganna get on with one of the other guys”

  “Like fuck you are”

  “Then go faster”

  “Oh, I think I heard that before” I blushed remembering yelling the exact same words to him last night

  “Colt please where here to have fun”

  “Fine fuckin' hold on” from then on it was ATV heaven

  After lunch, we refuelled and Colt taught me how to ride, it was scary at first but eventually Lena and I were riding around the tracks faster and faster, Cookie got stuck in a huge mud slick and the guys tried to pull him out getting stuck themselves it almost turned into a fist fight with them all yelling at each other. By five it was getting cold and dark and we decided to head back home, when we dropped Colt's ATV back at his mom’s I was beyond tiered and in need of a good shower. We all stopped in at the Colt's Uncle Benny's Bar and Grill and got drinks and burgers. By the time we got back to the clubhouse I was so beat.

  “You have fun today baby” I turned over and looked at Colt rubbing my hand on his cheek god I loved touching him

  “I had so much fun today Colt” he nuzzled in closer to me smelling my hair that took seven washes to get it to not smell like mud

  “Fuck you smell amazing baby”

  “You always say that Colt”

  “Cause you fuckin' do” I cuddle in closer to him and we fall asleep holding each other

  Chapter Twenty-One


  My phone wakes me the next morning and I search around for my jeans

  “Colt” Niya says and pushes me

  “I got it babe” I answer it “What?” I yell at the person on the phone

  “Baby your Grandma's in the hospital” my mom says on the other end of the phone and I jump up so fast and pull my clothes on

  “Colt what's wrong” I hear Niya say as she sits up

  “My Grandma's in the hospital” she jumps up grabbing her clothes and we both run out the door almost knocking Cuff over

  “Sorry” we both yell running down the hall

  We make it to the hospital in less than twenty minutes, I don't think I've ridden that fast with Niya on the back, ever! but knowing my Grandma was in the hospital stopped my brain from functioning and I was just on autopilot to get there.

  “Mom” I say as we walk in all the family are there waiting

  “How is she?”

  “I don't know they haven't come back to tell us anything, Oh Tobias what if she dies” she grabs me and bursts into tears

  “Mom you gotta think positive ok what happened”

  “We were playing cards and she said she felt funny, she got up to get a drink and she collapsed. She bursts into tears again and I hug her tighter, I hug my Aunts as we sit and wait for the doctor.

  Niya went and called Stryker, Tiny, Razor and Maggie to tell them what had happened and within the hour, there was a waiting room full of Devils Soldiers. Two doctors walk out of the doors and stop when they see us all and one stutters

  “Ggrraacce Douglas” we all stand “Immediate family” he says but we still all stand

  “Yes, she's our mother” mom says stepping forward

  “Hello I'm Dr Alan Beatty I'm the neurologist on call here at the hospital and this is my college Dr Francis Alder she was the attending when they brought your mother in.

  “We sent her for a CT and your mothers fall was caused by a small blockage in her brain”

  “What does that mean?” my mom asks

  “It means your mother had a stroke”

  “Oh my god” mom says and I hold her tighter

  “How bad” Uncle Mark asks

  “She's unresponsive at the moment it's up to Mrs Douglas when she wakes up”

  “How bad?” my Uncle Mark asks again sounding pissed off

  “Your mother is lucky that you got her in here as soon as possible”

  “How fucking bad?” Uncle Mark yells and mom grabs his hand

  “We've diagnosed a thrombotic stroke which is caused by a blood clot forming in one of the arteries of the head”

  “What the hell does that mean?” I ask

  “It means that theirs a build-up of fatty deposits in the blood vessels we have her on an IV of plasminogen activator, we'll keep her on that for a few hours and let the medication work and later we'll get her on heparin to prevent any other clots forming, I'll get one of the nurses in to get some details off of you”

  “When can we see her” my Aunt asks

  “There just getting her settled into a room now, you can see her when the nurse comes out for you, you done really well the doctor pats mom on the arm the faster we treat a stroke the better the chances of a better recovery”

  “Thanks doc” I pull mom to sit down before she falls, it feels like fuckin' ages when the nurse comes out

  “Grace Douglas” mom stands

  “Immediate family only and only two at a time” Mom and Aunt Alma go in first, we spend most of the day checking on her it takes two days for her to wake up, I'm sitting in the most uncomfortable chair next to her and I can see mom's anxious for Grandma to wake up

  “Mom go and get something to eat you to Uncle Mark I'll watch her”

>   “Ok baby” I watch my mom and my Uncle walk out I'm sittin' there for another couple of minutes when I look up and she's staring at me.

  “What the hell Grandma? your awake let me get the doctor” I run out of the room and bring in the nurse and text mom

  'she's awake'

  “What am I doing here?” Grandma says

  “Grandma you had a stroke”

  “Fuck I feel like shit” I laugh I've only ever heard my Grandma swear a couple of times and it still shocks me

  “MOM” I hear and Uncle Mark and mom rush to her

  “I'm fine stop fussing”

  “Mom you had a stroke”

  “I know Tobias told me”

  “How do you feel mom” Uncle Mark asks

  “I feel fine” A nurse walks in and smiles

  “Nice to have you back Mrs Douglas how do you feel”

  “I feel fine” Grandma says again

  “Well I'll get the doctor” she walks out

  “Mom you had us so worried” my mom cries

  “Oh, stop fussing I'm fine see everything works” she shakes her hands

  “Well back in the land of the living Mrs Douglas how do you feel” the doctor says when he comes in

  “I feel fine doctor” Grandma says

  “Let’s do some tests and we'll go from there hay”

  “Sounds good”

  “Can I have the room please” we all leave her in there with the doctor and nurse. The doctors in there for a half an hour when he comes out again

  “Well what's the verdict” Uncle Mark asks him

  “Your mother has made a remarkable recovery it's still early but there doesn’t seem to be any damage at the moment but time will tell, she'll need to be monitored for the next few days but I'm hopeful that she'll make a full recovery” Mom jumps on the doctor and hugs him

  “Thank you so much” she says with the biggest smile on her face

  “Trust me it was all your mother” he says patting my mom on the back

  “Well thank you anyway” mom says to him

  My Grandma had to stay in the hospital for a week, it was the first week that Niya wasn't here she'd been sick all week with Tonsillitis so she was home in bed on antibiotics

  “Mornin' Grandma” I say walkin’ in

  “Hay baby boy”

  “Grandma you know I'm twenty-one right” I tell her smilin’

  “Oh, Tobias you'll always be my baby boy now give me some sugar” I lean over and kiss her cheek

  “Where's Niya” she asks looking behind me

  “Oh, she's at home sick, Tonsillitis” I tell her

  “Oh, give her my love”

  “Don't worry Maggie's in heaven lookin' after her”


  It's was a week before the hospital released my Grandma and she was back at home everyone from the club visited and we ended up having a small party my Aunt Alma was not too happy about it Grandma telling her to relax and have a drink.

  “Baby come here” I dragged her into my old room

  “Colt it's your Grandma's welcome home party”

  “I know I've just missed you you've been sick and I haven't had this pussy in two weeks baby I need you” I grind my dick on her ass

  “Colt” she whispers but rubs her ass on my dick

  “Just a quick one baby” I unbutton her jeans and slide my finger into her hot pussy (nice and wet)

  “Oh Colt” she reaches behind her and undoes my jeans and pulls my dick out

  “Colt I wanna taste you”

  “Uh-uh baby hands on the wall” she reaches up placing both hands on the wall and I slowly pull her jeans and panties down to her knees

  “Bend over a little baby” she shimmy's her hands down the wall and her perfect ass is at a good fuckin' angle where I know I'll hit all the right spots, I trace the outline of her spine with my finger and reach the crack of her ass

  “Can't wait to fuck this little hole baby” I glide my fingers down into her pussy and she moans, I rub some of her pussy juices on her asshole and rub with a little more pressure

  “Oh Colt”

  “Shh baby” I slide my dick home into her hot wet pussy and fuck her in my childhood bedroom while covering her mouth so she doesn’t scream.


  After everyone left Niya and I stayed behind to help with the clean-up, mom telling us to go but I wanted to spend a little bit more time with my Grandmother and Niya insisted that she help with the mess (fuck I'm a lucky fucker)

  “Tobias come here and sit with me”

  “Ok what's up?”

  “You ganna marry that girl” she motions towards Niya who's helping mom in the kitchen, Niya has been with me the whole time apart from when she was sick, whenever I went to the hospital she was with me, she brought all of us food and drinks and kept mom from falling apart

  “Yep” I say watchin' the two women I love most and talking to the other

  “Good she's a keeper that one”

  “Don't I fuckin' know it Grandma”

  “Here” she hands me a small black leather ring box

  “What's this?”

  “Open it” I slowly lift the lid and theirs a huge fuckin' diamond ring and small diamond band

  “What the fuck Grandma?”

  “These where my mother’s wedding and engagement rings”

  “Grandma I can't take these”

  “Yes, you can and you will”

  “You should give these to Lilly or Rose”

  “No, I want you to have them”


  “Tobias I've lived a happy life, I have my own rings to hand down to my children” and she lifts up her hand and I see her gold and diamond wedding bands “These where my mothers and I want you and Niya to have them”

  “Grandma there.... fuck their fuck, I just don't feel right” I tell her shakin’ my head

  “Honey take them, I can't wait to see them on Niya's hand”


  “No buts take them” I stare at the beautiful ring set and imagine myself proposin' to Niya, fuck they'd look amazing on her hand “they look expensive grandma”

  “Well when my mama was alive daddy had them praised at Forty-thousand”


  “Yes, dollars so you'll need to go in and have them valued for insurance there probably up to about fifty buy now”

  “Fuck Grandma I can't” I go to hand them back to her and she clasps my hands closed

  “There yours and I'm not taken them back” she sits back and turns the TV on ending the conversation

  “What are you two talking about in here?” mom says as her and Niya walk in

  “Nothing” Grandma says and winks at me


  The next week flies by so fast Grandma's better, Niya's back at work and I'm back at the shop

  “Fuck” Stryker says lookin' at the ring in my hand “How much is that worth?” he asks

  “No idea” I tell him

  “Take it to the Jeweller on main street and have it appraised”

  “I don't know”

  “You havin' second thoughts”

  “Fuck no” having this ring in my pocket is killing me knowing that it's there every time I see Niya I wanna get down on one knee, I'm really turning into a pussy.

  “Just fuckin' propose than”


  As I walk into the Jeweller’s at lunch the guard at the door watches me makin' me smile and I head straight for the counter

  “Yes, Sir how can I help you today” a man in a very expensive suit asks

  “Yeah I need this ring appraised” and I hand him the box

  “Oh, my where did you get these” he asks raising his appraisers tool to look at the rings

  “It was my great Grandmother's”

  “Well let me say your great Grandfather had exquisite taste”

  “What's it worth?” I ask just wanting to know


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