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Eternal Brand

Page 12

by Sami Lee

“Christ!” He rasped when he was fully seated.

  Emily couldn’t say anything. She was rendered speechless by the indescribable heat, the impossibly tight fullness of being impaled front and back by two men. Jet’s breath was hot as it caressed her back. Beneath her, Brand’s big body trembled.

  Knowing he was probably holding back so as not to hurt her, Emily found her voice. “It’s okay. I want you to fuck me. I want both of you to fuck me.”

  With a groan, Brand tipped her head up so he could kiss her. His tongue invaded her mouth, hungry and conquering, while he thrust his hips upward, impaling her fully in a forceful possession that pushed a gasp out of her.

  Brand swallowed the sound, repeating the maneuver. White-hot lightning strikes of pleasure radiated from her core, filling her with electric sensation. When Jet stroked into her again, alternating his entry with Brand’s, Emily’s mind was officially blown. She could think of nothing. All she could do was experience the primal decadence of it all, of being taken and pleasured by both of them.

  “Oh, hon. I’m coming. Jesus!”

  Jet’s thrusts became unruly as he released himself, and the evidence of his loss of control brought on Emily’s own. The next time Brand pushed her hips down, filling her channel with his big cock, she came, an explosion of light bursting behind her eyes as her body was bathed in wave after wave of ecstasy.

  Brand whispered something to her as her body jerked in the throes of her orgasm. He grasped her hair in a tight grip, rasping “Sweetheart. My sweet Emily,” as he too succumbed to climax. She felt the hot jets of his essence filling her, completing her, owning her. She felt the violent thud of his heart against her breast, pounding out a rhythm that matched that of her own. And she felt love, deeper and more abiding than she’d ever felt before.

  How it could be that she felt closer to Brand after she’d just shared her body with another man, Emily couldn’t explain. But she was his, had always been Brand’s from the moment they’d met, and that truth had been solidified by what they’d done tonight.

  And yet…and yet now there was Jet. Jet kissing a trail down her spine as he gently pulled out of her. Jet nipping the curve of her bottom with his teeth, his lips curving against her flesh when she moaned a lethargic complaint.

  Jet moving away, heading to the bathroom, taking his warmth with him and leaving an alarming chink in Emily’s sense of completion. She was more certain of her love for Brand than ever, and it was the kind of love that made her want to forsake all others.

  At least it had been. Before tonight.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Emily snuggled into the warm body behind her, sighing in appreciation. It was so nice to wake up in bed together, instead of reaching out to find cold sheets because sleep had eluded Brand and he’d gotten up rather than lie there thinking whatever he thought in the wee hours. The light trying to penetrate her closed eyelids told her it was after dawn. She had chores to do, but she was in no hurry to start the day.

  Unless she was going to start it with a bang.

  Smiling to herself, Emily tilted her hips, pushing her ass back into the hot length of maleness prodding her from behind. He issued a sleepy moan as his erection swelled. His hand snaked forward to cup her breast, his fingers teasing the already puckering crest.

  It was enough stimulation to make Emily wet. It was also enough to make her realize the hand touching her wasn’t as callused as she was used to, the fingers not as broad.


  Emily froze, her nerves jumping as she realized her error. “Jet?”

  His tone was glib, but his fingers froze on her nipple. “Expecting someone else?”

  Emily swallowed. “Kinda, yeah.”

  Jet didn’t say anything. He didn’t even seem to breathe as he slowly removed his hand from her breast and rolled onto his back. They lay there in awkward silence for long moments while Emily willed her pulse rate to return to normal. And willed her girl bits to calm down.

  Is it so wrong that you let Jet arouse you, considering last night?

  Jet seemed to be thinking the same thing, because he said, “I feel like you want me to apologize, but I don’t think I agree.”

  “I don’t want an apology.” Emily turned so she could see him, careful to keep the sheet over her bare breasts. “But Brand’s not here.”

  “No. He left us here. Alone.”

  “He doesn’t sleep well. That doesn’t mean he expected us to…you know.”

  Jet laughed. “You’re shy with the words now? Miss Fuck Me Hard Give Me Cock from last night?”

  Emily stuck out her tongue at him. “I only swear during sex.”

  “Best time for it, I suppose.”

  Jet winked and Emily had to stifle a grin. Impossible man. Impossibly charming in his cocky, audacious way. It was stupid to feel awkward with him after what had happened between them. Emily tried to shake it off, taking a deep breath to relax herself.

  The scent of Jet’s musky maleness, the smell of sex and sin clinging to the sheets, filled her nostrils. Jet lay supine on the bed, his hands locked beneath his head. He was making no attempt to cover his body with the sheet, as Emily was. Every finely honed muscle was on display, from his toned pecs to his tightly bunched abs, and farther down to his cock, which rested, still half-erect, in its nest of black hair.

  “No fair. I’ve shown you mine but you won’t show me yours.”

  “Very funny,” Emily grumbled, tightening her grip on the sheet meaningfully and snapping her gaze back to his face. No relief there. His face was also too gorgeous for words. “For that I’m going to ask you to turn around while I find my clothes.”

  Jet laughed out loud. “My word, things are bad. You’re too damn beautiful for that, Em, so get dressed with me looking or stay in bed. Your call.”

  If she stayed in bed she was going to jump him. Sending Jet a filthy look, Emily slipped out from beneath the covers and grabbed the nearest shirt to cover herself. It happened to be Brand’s blue and black flannel. Closing her eyes, Emily wrapped it tight around herself and breathed in the scent that clung to it.

  “Damn. Even that looks good on you.” Jet reached for the quilt and dragged it over himself, hiding what was growing once more into a sturdy erection.

  Emily raised a brow. “What, shy with your body now, Mr. I Have To Eat Your Pussy from last night?”

  “I was cold.”

  “Didn’t look that way to me.” Emily smirked.

  “For Christ’s sake woman.” The smile slipped from her face at the vehemence in Jet’s voice. He swung his legs over the side of the bed, turning his back to her as he searched for his own clothes. “You can’t flirt with me while you deny me a goodbye fuck. It’s not polite.”

  Emily froze at his words. “Goodbye? Why do you say that?”

  “Come on, Em. I can’t stay.”

  Although she hadn’t yet thought of anything beyond last night—when she hadn’t been thinking at all—Emily was stunned into hurt silence by Jet’s statement. Well, really, Emily Irving. How do you think this can continue?

  Emily’s brain scrambled, lighting on the possibilities. Why couldn’t it? They were pretty isolated out here. No one would know what was happening unless one of them revealed it. There was no reason they couldn’t explore more of each other, as long as they all wanted it.

  Emily was pretty damn sure she wanted it. Last night had blown her mind and her body sky-high. Her body was so sensitized even watching Jet stand and draw his underwear on was enough to make her pussy quiver and her breasts swell against the soft material of Brand’s shirt.

  But Jet was pulling on his jeans now, talking about saying goodbye. Dread filled Emily as she scooted across the bed on her knees, until she could touch Jet’s back. “Jet, slow down a minute.”

  He sat back on the bed while he pulled his shoes toward him and started putting
them on. “You know I have to go.”


  Jet pushed out a rough sigh. “Because you can’t be with me without asking Brand’s permission, and I’m not the one Brand loves. Why would I stay?”

  “I’m not after his permission. And how do you know Brand doesn’t love you? I’ve never seen him open up like he did last night. He let you tell me about how the two of you got together. He shared his heart as well as his body, I know he did.”

  “He let me tell you about us. It’s you he opened up to, Em. Not me. He’s never been open to me, and it’s just my dumb stubbornness that won’t let me give up on him. It’s time I stopped being stubborn.”

  “No.” Emily ran her hand from between his shoulder blades up to his neck. The ends of his hair tickled her knuckles, a strange sensation after two years of feeling nothing but Brand’s super short hair. “I want you to be stubborn a while longer.”

  “He’s never once said he loves me. I’ve been a sucker for punishment long enough.”

  “Just because he hasn’t said it, doesn’t mean he doesn’t feel it,” Emily said. “He never said it to me until a few days ago.”

  Jet threw her an incredulous look over his shoulder. “You’re kidding.”

  For some reason, his disbelief made Emily blush. “He’s not big on words, you know that.”

  “I know he’s an idiot not to take better care of what he’s got.”

  The heat in Emily’s cheeks intensified, and a tightness bound her chest. Unable to resist, she leaned forward and placed a kiss on Jet’s shoulder. “I think you’re being very nice to me. I appreciate it.”

  “I’m not being nice, Em,” Jet refuted gruffly, and rose to gather his screwed-up shirt from the floor. He dragged it on and turned to face her. “I’m stating facts. If I loved a woman like you, I’d be damn sure to tell you.”

  “Like you told Brand?” Jet scowled at her, but Emily pressed on. Brand’s scowls were far more intimidating than Jet’s so she wasn’t the least bit cowed. “You said the night he left for the army, you threw everything at him to get some kind of reaction out of him. The stuff about his past, his abandonment issues. You told him you loved him then, right?”

  Jet stood unmoving, his breathing harsh and fast. “Didn’t do me any good. He didn’t listen.”

  “Or maybe he just didn’t hear you.” Emily placed her hands on Jet’s chest, one of them resting right over his heart. It was beating like a wild thing. She pointed out silkily, “Two voices are louder than one.”

  Comprehension dawned slowly, but when Jet got what Emily was suggesting, his already pounding heart did a backflip. The blood drained from his face. “Oh, hon. Have you lost your mind?”

  Emily merely smiled. “Maybe. But what’s wrong with a dash of crazy?”

  Nothing, as far as Jet was concerned. Especially not when it came wrapped in a package as pretty as Emily Irving. But hell, she was suggesting the two of them could…that the three of them could…

  “It wouldn’t work,” he said for his own benefit as much as hers. He needed some common sense to bash his blossoming excitement into submission.

  “Who says? You love Brand, I love Brand, and Brand needs to accept that he is loved. Separately we’ve only had moderate success. Together we might be able to get through to him.”

  “Honey,” Jet said carefully, cupping her face so she was looking at him. “I don’t think Brand wants to share you like that.”

  “He didn’t have any objections last night.”

  Good point. Jet tried another tactic. “And what about you? You think you’ll be fine if Brand and I decide to fuck?” He deliberately used the coarse word to paint the picture more clearly for her. “Last night we barely did anything to each other. If I stay any longer, Brand and I will fuck, and when we go at it, we go at it hard. Is that something you want to see?”

  Her throat worked as she swallowed, but her chin tilted upward. “I want to give Brand everything he needs, and he won’t do that to me. He needs you.”

  Jet couldn’t help but admire her strength, her willingness to accept that there was a part of Brand she couldn’t reach. It deepened his already dangerously strong affection for her, and made him ache to protect her. Which was funny, because he’d never been the type to see women as creatures that needed protecting. That was more Brand’s thing.

  He let out a sigh and pushed the hair back from Emily’s face. During the night the ever-present braid had come loose, and her honey-hued locks tumbled through his fingers. So beautiful. So sweet and generous.

  And so completely evil, Jet thought, as Emily slipped a hand down between them until she encountered the still-not-quite-flaccid package behind his fly. She placed a kiss on his skin just inside the deep V-neck of his shirt, and Jet had to suck in a breath. “Are you by any chance trying to seduce me into this three-way arrangement you want?”

  She gave his swelling cock a knowing squeeze. “If it’s working, then yes.”

  Jet’s grip in her hair grew taut. “I thought you couldn’t do anything with me until you checked with Brand.”

  “I’m not doing anything.” She kissed his chest again. “Much.”

  Damn, she was good. He was one stroke of her hand away from agreeing to this madness, even though he knew he’d probably never survive Brand’s rejection a third time. Add to that threat the possibility that Emily would reject him too, and the end result was almost unbearable to contemplate.

  And yet, Jet’s life had been all about the taking of risks. He took one every time he ventured into the wilds with nothing but a camera for protection, all for the slim chance he might get that one, gloriously perfect shot. He often had to leave empty handed, but those moments when he achieved the impossible? They made every risk, every failure, worth it.

  Was this the same? Was this one of those impossible shots he could take against seemingly insurmountable odds? If there was the slimmest of slim chances that it could work, wasn’t it worth the effort—and the risk?

  Emily stroked his length, and Jet groaned, grasping her hand to stop her tempting caresses. She’d been right the first time. They couldn’t do anything until they knew how Brand felt about the idea of Jet staying on for a while.

  Because you know it will only be for a while, right? They don’t make bride-and-grooms trio molds for wedding cakes.

  Not that Jet ever wanted to get married anyway. He only wanted to fuck Emily again, so badly he could taste it. He wanted Brand to watch like he had last night. Of course, he also wanted Brand to fuck him—Christ would he never stop wanting that? He wanted so much his wants were an overwhelming yen that pained him inside and out. And if he walked away like a sensible man should, that need would never quite leave him. He’d die wondering.

  Jet was not the kind of guy to die wondering.

  He pressed his forehead to Emily’s and released a deep breath. Once upon a time he’d skydived. Jet remembered releasing exactly the same kind of breath before he’d exited the plane. “Brand still has nightmares, huh?”

  “Almost every night.” Emily’s sigh shuddered in the small space between them. “I’m worried about him, Jet.”

  His grip twisted in her hair again. The strength of the kinship between them in that moment stole his breath, because there hadn’t been a day in his life since he was fifteen that he hadn’t passed a worried thought about Brandon Walker.

  Jet pressed a kiss to Emily’s cheek. “If Brand doesn’t want it…”

  “It’s no dice,” she finished for him. “We won’t know…”

  “Unless we ask,” Jet finished for her. They pulled back far enough so they could see each other. Emily smiled and Jet smiled in return.

  “I don’t want to die wondering.”

  Emily’s words sent an eerie chill down Jet’s spine. Was there no end to the things they had in common? “All right. We’ll ask.” />
  “Ask what?”

  They both started, turning to see Brand leaning on the doorjamb, watching them.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Jet’s pulse, already pounding, kicked into its highest gear. How could a man look so damn good in faded jeans and an old flannel shirt?

  “I suggested to Jet that he stay with us.” There was no uncertainty in Emily’s voice, but Jet sensed it in the way she held her breath. “He has to work in the area for the next week or two at least. It doesn’t make sense for him to pay for a room in Leyton’s when there’s plenty of space here.”

  “You’d be okay with him staying?”

  Emily’s unequivocal response made Jet’s spirits lift. “Yes.”

  Brand was silent for a drawn-out moment. His gaze tracked over them, taking in how close they were and the way Emily clung to Jet. Something flared in his eyes, something that Jet thought was jealousy until Brand raised his eyes again and Jet read it properly.

  Heat. Desire. Primal lust. That look alone made Jet’s erection prod against Emily’s belly. A gasp fell out of her, as though she felt his response. Yet she didn’t take her eyes off Brand. Neither of them did.

  “How do you think this is going to work, Emily?” Brand used his big shoulder to push off the doorjamb. He walked into the room, slowly. A tiger circling something he was planning to eat. “Do you want free range to play with Jet? Is that it?”

  Jet heard her swallow. “That’s part of it.”

  “Go ahead then,” Brand said, his tone almost conversational. “Play with him. I won’t get mad.”

  Jet sucked in a breath while Emily blew one out. The warmth of it fanned over Jet’s chest, making it tingle. His dick hardened further when she turned and placed a kiss on his left pectoral.

  It was the same place she’d been kissing him before Brand walked in. Having her lips on him then had been arousing enough. Having her trail kisses over his flesh while Brand watched, his gray eyes filled with intense heat, was fever inducing. A hot shiver ran through Jet. It only got worse when Emily started lifting his shirt and the cool morning air touched his skin.


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