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A Gentle Awakening

Page 17

by Betty Neels

  She said, ‘Yes, William,’ in a meek voice, and then, ‘I’m sure Tante Minna would understand if we don’t go to see her.’ Then, because her heart was bursting with happiness, ‘I do love you very much, William.’

  He was steering back into the fast lane, but he put out a hand and caught one of hers and kissed it.

  She was caught up in a lovely dream. They stopped for coffee and a quick lunch and Sir William maintained a gentle flow of talk, although afterwards she was unable to remember a word which had been spoken. When at last he drew up before the door of Wheel House and she saw the lighted windows, she heaved a great sigh of joy. It wasn’t a dream, it was all true; she turned a face alight with love and happiness to him as he opened the car door for her. There was such a lot that she wanted to say but all she managed was ‘Oh, William!’

  He bent and kissed her and then glanced at the house. ‘They will be waiting for us,’ he observed, ‘but first…’ He kissed her again, this time at length and lingeringly. ‘You’ll marry me, my dearest? I can’t imagine being without you—you’ll have no peace, for I’ll want you with me all the time—we’ll live in London during the week and come here each weekend…’


  ‘I’ve talked to her; she likes the idea of being a weekly boarder and she can’t wait to be your step-daughter. Nanny will stay here.’ He kissed her once more. ‘You know, I thought just for a while that you had fallen for Felix. I could have killed him with my bare hands…’

  She reached up to kiss him in her turn. ‘I dislike him intensely,’ she assured him vigorously, ‘and always did—only it was rather difficult to talk about.’ She smiled up at him and his arms tightened around her.

  ‘You’re the one I’ve been waiting for,’ he said softly, ‘all my life—and now I don’t need to wait any longer.’ He put up a gentle finger and stroked her face. ‘Such a beautiful girl…’

  She had thought that she would never be happier, but she saw that she had been mistaken; she was bursting with happiness. William had called her beautiful and, what was more, he meant it.

  He opened the door and they went into the house together.

  ISBN: 978-1-4592-3922-7


  Copyright © 1988 by Betty Neels.

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  All characters in this book have no existence outside the imagination of the author and have no relation whatsoever to anyone bearing the same name or names. They are not even distantly inspired by any individual known or unknown to the author, and all incidents are pure invention.

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