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Treat with Caution (Treats to Tempt You Book 1)

Page 15

by Serenity Woods

  He pulled her into his arms and held her tightly. Tasha snuggled up to him, loving his warmth, his strength, and the taste of him in her mouth. He wore a black Nirvana T-shirt that was obviously fresh on that night, because it smelled of clean washing powder, along with the warm scent of his aftershave.

  “Say you’ll come home with me,” he said huskily, repeating his earlier request. “I miss you.”

  His admission brought a lump to her throat. “I miss you too.”

  “Will you, then? Come home with me?”

  She pulled back and looked up into his eyes. She’d missed him, and he’d said he’d missed her too. That was probably the closest he’d ever come to admitting to a girl she meant something to him. It was possible he was a really, really good actor and actually didn’t feel anything for her, but she’d known him a long time. He liked her, and she liked him. She wasn’t going to think about the bet anymore.

  “Yes,” she whispered.

  His face lit up, and that warmed her all the way through. They exchanged a long, slow kiss, although he still refused to get his tongue involved.

  She pulled back, laughing, took out her glasses and slid them back on. “Come on. We’d better get back.”

  Opening the door a crack, she peered through. “Coast is clear.”

  “I’ll call in the gents’ first,” he said.


  She slipped out and went back to the table as the organizer called for everyone to sit for the second half.

  Nobody appeared to have noticed they’d been gone longer than usual, although Maisey gave Tasha an odd look as she sat and said, “Everything all right?”

  “Fine,” Tasha said breezily, accepting a glass of wine from Stuart, who’d bought the next round. After fumbling in her pocket, she pulled out a tube of lip balm and slicked some over her lips.

  Maisey smiled, but she didn’t say anything more.

  When Kole returned, though, Maisey’s gaze scanned him, and her eyes narrowed.

  “Did you get lost?” she asked.

  Kole just sent her a wry look. Tasha took a mouthful of wine to try and hide her amusement.

  Maisey looked at her, mischief in her eyes, then gestured at Kole. “Your fly’s undone.”

  Tasha coughed, nearly spurted the mouthful of wine across the table, and clapped a hand over her mouth as she swallowed.

  “Something go down the wrong way?” Maisey queried, patting her on the back. Tasha shook her head, not trusting herself to speak. Her cheeks burned. Blushing, again! Three times in one week!

  Kole checked his jeans, realized his fly wasn’t undone, and glared at his sister.

  Maisey just chuckled and turned to talk to Stuart. Kole’s eyes met Tasha’s, though, and they exchanged a long, amused look.

  “Warm in here,” Kole said, obviously referring to her flushed face. He winked at her, not appearing at all contrite in spite of Maisey’s teasing.

  Tasha lowered her gaze and studied her wine glass, biting her lip. Kole was definitely having an effect on her. She’d always prided herself on never blushing like so many other young women her age, and men never made her flustered. But here was Kole, turning her into a giggly, blushing fifteen-year-old. How had he managed that?

  The organizer started calling out the next round of questions, and Tasha’s face gradually cooled as the eight of them threw themselves into the quiz. The food they’d ordered arrived—several big bowls of potato wedges with ‘the works’, meaning heaps of wedges topped with grated cheese and bacon, and tons of sour cream and chilli sauce—and everyone tucked in. They all seemed to be having a good time, even Stuart, who answered every question on the literature round, earning himself a cheer from the rest of the team.

  Tasha watched him chatting to Elle and Caitlin between rounds. He listened more than he spoke, which wasn’t a problem considering that Caitlin, especially, was happy to fill any gaps in the conversation with her bright chatter, with the gentle Elle there to rein her in when she became too loud.

  Tasha had met Stuart’s late wife, Ria, on several occasions, and it been such a shock when she died so young. To her knowledge, he hadn’t dated anyone since. He was too young to stay single forever though. No doubt the notion of dating again felt disloyal, but surely Ria wouldn’t have wanted him to stay single and lonely forever?

  Her gaze drifted to Kole, currently arguing with Fox and Caitlin about which rugby player had scored the winning try in the game against South Africa last year. He has feelings, Maisey had told her. My guess is he likes you a lot, and he’s having trouble hiding it. Had Maisey guessed correctly, or was she way off the mark? Seeing how Stuart’s grief had affected him so deeply, she couldn’t believe Harry’s death hadn’t had an impact on Kole, and Maisey certainly seemed to think that was the case.

  He had been irreverent even as a teen, not caring what anyone thought of him, and he’d never been one to show much emotion. But in spite of taking great enjoyment in teasing the girls, he’d always had a soft spot for them too. Tasha could remember how, when she was fifteen and her beloved dog had died, he’d wrapped his arms around her and let her cry on his shoulder. And when Lewis had cheated on her and she’d broken up with him, Kole, who’d been away at uni, had rung her and told her in no uncertain terms what he thought of the “fucking bastard”, and insisted she deserved better than him and she should lift her chin up and forget him. Clearly, he did have a heart, even though he tried to hide it.

  So did he have feelings for her? Having won his argument with Fox, he was now writing down the answer on the paper in his boyish, slanted handwriting. He had surprisingly long lashes for a guy. He needed a shave, too—he was on the way to growing a beard. Not that she minded. She quite liked the unshaven look.

  Harry’s terrible accident, fuelled by an argument with his girlfriend, who—unfortunately for her, considering what happened afterward—had just dumped him, must be a factor in Kole’s current single status, Tasha thought. Presumably at least one of his girlfriends had wanted the relationship to go on longer. Did he never plan to settle down? Perhaps the pain he’d felt after Harry’s accident had irrevocably changed him and meant he’d never be able to bring himself to stay with one woman forever.

  Kole finished writing and sat back in his chair, and Tasha dropped her gaze, not wanting him to catch her watching him. She drew a finger through a drop of water on the table. He’d made it quite clear to her that after Andrew returned from Peru, this little fling of theirs was over. She had to remember the reason for their getting together. They were in competition for the shop, and it went no deeper than that. If she let herself think anything else was at stake, he would win and she’d lose both her heart and the shop.

  She looked up, and he was watching her, head tipped to one side, one arm hooked over the back of the chair. His lips curved as her gaze met his.

  “Penny for them?” he said, handing the answer sheet to the organizer as he passed by.

  “I was wondering if you’re consciously going for the Rasputin look.” She fingered her chin.

  Everyone laughed, and Kole rubbed his fingers against his cheek. His eyes danced. “I thought girls liked a bit of bristle burn on the thigh.”

  All the girls winced, and the guys grinned. “Absolutely not,” Caitlin stated. “Clean shaven all the way, please fellas.”

  “Yes, ma’am.” Fox added a lazy salute.

  “We aim to please,” Joss said, winking at Maisey, who blushed.

  “What about you, Tash?” Kole’s eyes taunted her. “Do you prefer your men beardless?”

  She took one of the remaining potato wedges and dipped it into the sour cream, refusing to get embarrassed again. “Not necessarily. I like ’em rough and ready.”

  “Talking of which,” Caitlin said, “when’s the last time you dated? You’ll end up with cobwebs down there, Tash, if you don’t give it a good workout every now and again.”

  Fox snorted, and everyone else burst out laughing at the look on her fac
e. “Whether my chimney is being swept is nobody else’s business,” Tasha said wryly, only serving to make them laugh even more.

  “Perhaps we should change the subject,” Elle suggested, sending Tasha a sympathetic look. “Kole—any news on the shop? Have Tasha and Maisey managed to change your mind?”

  Tasha sobered, her amusement dying immediately at the mention of the shop.

  “Not yet. It’s not for the want of trying though.” Kole glanced at Tasha, then away again.

  “Pretty please, with a cherry on top,” Caitlin said. “It would be perfect for us. Would it help if I went down on my knees?” She gave him a mock glare as his eyebrows rose. “To beg, I mean. Jeez.” Still, her cheeky grin was slightly suggestive.

  Kole made some dry comment about the bar’s carpet being too rough for that, and everyone else laughed, but Tasha’s heart stumbled, and she swallowed hard against a lump that appeared in her throat. She looked into her glass, trying to force a smile onto her face, but she knew she’d failed. Jealous? How can I be jealous? She’d only been seeing Kole for five days, and it was hardly a long-term relationship. He was perfectly free to flirt with any woman he chose. Plus, they all indulged in jokey sexual banter as a group from time to time, and nobody ever took it seriously.

  Still, she was shocked at the pain that appeared in her chest at the thought of him with Caitlin, or with anyone else for that matter.

  And then realization sunk in.

  Oh no. Surely not.

  She couldn’t have gone and fallen in love with him in less than a week?

  Under the table, someone’s leg rubbed against hers, and she looked up to see Kole studying her, a curious look on his face. He winked at her, and she flashed him a quick smile before turning her attention to the organizer as he began reading the answers to the final round. But her mind spun, and her pulse pounded rapidly at her temples.

  You stupid, stupid girl. What have you done?

  The quiz concluded, and the Gr8 M8s were thrilled to discover they’d won second place. They accepted their certificate for a free round of drinks at the next quiz, and then everyone started heading for home.

  They all wandered out into the car park, and Tasha said good night to the others. Elle and Caitlin piled into Fox’s car, and Stuart agreed to a lift from Joss.

  “You coming?” Maisey asked Tasha as the other cars pulled away.

  Tasha hesitated and glanced at Kole. He was leaning against his car a few feet away, arms folded, and he didn’t say anything, just waited for her reply.

  She turned back to Maisey. “Um…”

  Maisey laughed. “I’ll see you at work tomorrow.” She kissed Tasha on the cheek, waved goodbye to her brother, and got in her car.

  Tasha walked slowly over to Kole as Maisey drove away.

  “Hey,” he said. His eyes crinkled as he smiled.

  “Hey.” Her heart picked up its speed. Was she doing the right thing? This was an idiotic idea if she really thought she might be falling for him.

  But he looked so gorgeous standing there in the light from the street lamp, his eyes full of tenderness as he studied her. And she didn’t have the heart to change her mind.

  He pushed himself off the car, clicked the button on his key, and the car’s lights flashed. After opening the passenger door, he stood back and indicated for Tasha to climb in.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Kole drove home, glancing across occasionally at Tasha, who stared out of the window into the dark night, lost in thought.

  He wasn’t quite sure what to say to her. He’d gone to the quiz night aware they’d parted awkwardly after their lovely evening walk had ended up in front of the shop. But Tasha had been in good spirits tonight, and the events in the bathroom had suggested everything was all right between them.

  But as the evening had worn on, she’d gradually grown quieter, and her smile had completely disappeared when Elle brought up the matter of the shop again. Why?

  Because he was winning. Tasha was developing feelings for him, he was sure of it. It should have made him want to punch the air with triumph. But it only made him sad.

  He’d begun the bet by telling her he wasn’t looking for a relationship, and he’d been clear to point out he didn’t want her to blame him when she lost the shop and her heart. He’d been provocative on purpose, and hadn’t really meant the bit about her heart. Eight days was hardly long enough to fall in love, for Christ’s sake, and the tempestuous Tasha had never shown any signs of being the kind of girl to lose her heart easily.

  But the look on her face when Caitlin had joked about going down on her knees told him Tasha had feelings for him. Her eyes had flashed with jealousy before she’d lowered her gaze, and since then the way she’d fallen quiet suggested she was musing on her feelings.

  Perhaps he should call it a day now. Sleeping together for another four nights could only make things worse, and he didn’t want to lose her friendship.

  But as he glanced at her and saw the curve of her neck, her pale skin, the swell of her breasts in the tight T-shirt, he longed to press his lips below her ear, to crush her to him, and to pleasure her like she’d pleasured him not so long ago.

  Ending this might be the most sensible course of action. But Kole wasn’t in a sensible mood. Perhaps it was the full moon, or the thought of what had happened in the bathroom, the way her lips had closed around him, her mouth hot and wet. But his blood was up, and he wanted her.

  He reached across and held her hand where it rested on her thigh. “So here’s what we’re going to do when we get in.”

  She looked across at him, frowning. “Hmm?”

  “I’m going to get us both a drink. Open the bar of chocolate in the fridge. And we’re going to sit in front of the TV for a while and relax.”

  “Okay.” The moonlight slanting through the car painted her cheeks white, and highlighted her wide eyes beneath her glasses. Her chest rose and fell rapidly. Was she worried? Frightened? Or aroused?

  “Then,” he said, hoping it was the latter but deciding to keep things light just in case, “we’ll go to bed, and you’re going to have the best sex of your life.”

  That made her laugh. “Mr. Confident,” she said. “I don’t know how you’re always so sure of yourself.”

  “When I start getting complaints, I’ll change my point of view.” He winked at her.

  She chuckled. “So what does this best sex of my life involve?”

  Pleased her frown had lifted, he pretended to think about it. “Well, I felt guilty our last session together was kind of rushed.”

  “Kind of? Kole, we both came in about thirty seconds.”

  “Exactly. That’s not a complaint, by the way, fast sex when you’re hot for someone can be the best. But tonight, as a thank you for earlier—” and he cast her a quick, wry glance “—it would be nice to slow things down, and take the time to…appreciate each other, shall we say.”

  They approached his house, and he steered the car into the driveway, stopped, and turned the key. The engine died, and evening noises replaced it, the hoot of a morepork from the trees, the sound of laughter from somewhere in the harbor, people out enjoying the evening.


  He looked across at her. “Mmm?”

  She nibbled her bottom lip. Affection surged through him at the girlish action. Not wanting her to say she’d changed her mind and would rather he take her home, he decided to try and convince her to stay.

  He turned in the seat, slipped a hand to the nape of her neck, and pulled her toward him. Moving the last few inches to meet her halfway, he lowered his lips to hers.

  Tasha didn’t protest, and when he stroked his tongue across her bottom lip, she opened her mouth willingly to him. Still, her body remained stiff, and he sensed her holding back.

  So he took his time and kissed her slowly, languorously, enjoying the taste of the sauvignon that lingered on her lips. His mouth moved across hers, his tongue sliding, teasing, and he brought his h
and forward to cup her cheek, stroking his thumb across her smooth skin. He lowered his other arm around her shoulder, holding her tightly, then pulled back a little so he could press light kisses across her lips from corner to corner, up her cheek, across her brows, back to her mouth.

  “You look so beautiful tonight,” he murmured. “I want you so much.”

  Her lips parted, and she exhaled softly, her breath warm and sweet. “Kole…”

  He stopped her words by kissing her again, more passionately this time, letting his desire filter into the kiss, his tongue plunging into her mouth, his hand sliding back to hold her head. At this point, she finally relaxed. Her body softened against his and her arm rose around his neck, and pleasure surged through him, along with a surprising sense of relief.

  He kissed her a while longer, then eventually lifted his head, not wanting to get so het up that he jumped on her as soon as they walked in the door. “Come on,” he murmured. “We have all evening to enjoy ourselves.”

  She nodded. “Okay.”

  They went in, and he did as he’d promised and poured them both a glass of wine, then extracted the chocolate bar from the fridge. Tasha turned on the TV, kicked off her shoes, and sank onto the sofa, and he joined her there, passing her a glass.

  “What shall we watch?” He flicked through the channels. “Game of Thrones?” He knew she loved the series.

  “Ooh, yes.”

  So they sat back, and he put his arm around her, hugging her close to him as they watched the latest episode.

  They talked about the plot and the characters as the episode unfolded, and he enjoyed the fantasy as much as he always did. But his mind still wandered, distracted by the smell of coconut rising from her hair, the occasional kiss she planted on his lips when she looked up at him, and the softness of her breasts just inches from his fingers where they rested on her ribcage.

  He liked this. Sitting on the sofa, one of his best friends in the whole world curled up at his side, with the promise of a sensual night to follow. He fed her bits of chocolate, and when she sucked at his fingers, his concentration wandered even more.


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