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A Baby Daddy for a Werewolf Silencer

Page 13

by Anya Byrne

  Another thing Erdi had noticed was that Jensen's sex drive was through the roof. Jensen had moments when he simply crawled on top of Erdi and seduced him with teasing nibbles and soft kisses. It never took Erdi long to surrender the battle, but this time around, he wanted things to be different.

  When they broke apart to breathe, Erdi took his jacket and his shirt off. The heat in Jensen's eyes was always a welcome sight, but Erdi didn't address that lust just yet. Instead, he draped his clothing over the ground, Jensen's comfort always a priority.

  Jensen followed his example and took his own shirt off, discarding it next to Erdi's clothes. He then sat in the impromptu nest and extended his hand toward Erdi.

  In a way, that simple gesture was a symbol of everything Jensen had done for Erdi. He took his mate's palm in his own and knelt next to Jensen. Meeting the human's beautiful eyes, he kissed each individual fingertip. The wind made fallen leaves dance around them, but the slight chill wasn't the one that made both of them shiver.

  It was so quiet here, in the middle of the forest, so quiet Erdi could swear he could hear his own heart racing, following the rhythm of Jensen's pulse. He crawled on top of Jensen, keeping his weight off his lover, but needing the proximity too much to stay away.

  You're so beautiful. You're mine. I love you. Thank you. They were all words that burst into Erdi's mind. None of them made it to the surface, but that was all right, because Jensen knew it all anyway.

  When Erdi kissed Jensen again, he did so with the knowledge that in the here and now, nothing could part them. Reverent hands reached for the clothing they still wore, and slowly, every barrier of material was discarded. On occasion, they had to move around a bit to make things easier, but they managed without actually pulling away from one another.

  When they were finally naked, Erdi took a few moments to just breathe. He half-thought his lungs were going to seize simply at the sight of Jensen, lying there, waiting for him, his pupils dilated with lust. Was he ever going to get used to that obscenely beautiful view? Erdi didn't think so.

  The swell of emotion in his chest guided Erdi to lower his mouth over Jensen's neck, in the very same spot he bit down when he claimed his lover. His instincts reared up inside him, but the wolf wasn't demanding, not yet. He wanted to nuzzle, woo and caress, to get accustomed to every inch of his mate the way they so rarely had time to do.

  And so, he did exactly that. He licked over Jensen's neck, swirling his tongue in the hollow of the human's throat and over his Adam's apple. He mouthed his collarbones, then kissed down over his chest, until he reached Jensen's nipples. Jensen arched against him with a soft gasp as Erdi teased the tender buds, one with his mouth, the other with his now clawed fingers. Despite the sharp tips, he kept the caresses gentle, his instinct to protect, to love overpowering—no, blending in with the one to own.

  He lingered over Jensen's nipples longer he himself had perhaps expected, but the sound of his mate's rising cries rewarded him for it. In truth, the noises Jensen made when Erdi touched him should have been illegal. They guided Erdi, spoke to him even if Jensen wasn't actually uttering any words.

  The language of Jensen's body beckoned to Erdi, and he went on to kiss over the expanse of Jensen's arms, down to his wrist. He traced the lines of Jensen's abdomen with his tongue. If his kisses held an additional layer of awareness and tenderness, he didn't think anyone could have blamed him. It was too soon for Jensen to show actual signs of his pregnancy, but just the knowledge made Erdi's head swim.

  Jensen's long legs were next, from his thighs to his toes. Jensen moaned in protest when Erdi deliberately skipped his dick, but he didn't try to urge Erdi into going faster. He was lax, completely at Erdi's mercy, and Erdi didn't think he'd seen Jensen happier and more beautiful in his life.

  He took his time with everything, explored, sucked, licked and nipped at every patch of silken skin. Nonetheless, he was inexorably drawn to Jensen's dick. He kissed up Jensen's legs as he returned to his mate's groin, and oh, yes, Jensen was so gorgeous everywhere. His cock was already leaking copious amounts of precum, practically begging for Erdi's touch.

  Erdi couldn't refuse that particular invitation. He lowered his mouth over Jensen's cock and slowly licked over the tip, gathering the fluid on his tongue. Wanting to worship the thing of beauty that was Jensen's dick, he traced the thickest vein with his tongue, all the way to the base. He couldn't resist the temptation to suck on Jensen's testes, but Jensen didn't seem to mind.

  In fact, the scent of his arousal went to Erdi's head like a harsh drug, stirring Erdi's own need. Allowing it to flow over him, he returned to Jensen's cock and took it all the way into his mouth. There was desire and urgency building up inside him, increasing more and more. It buzzed through every cell in his body, but oddly, it didn't make him hasten the pace or rush into more. He just kept bobbing his head up and down Jensen's prick, sating his hunger for his mate with the sound and taste of his lover's pleasure, but never actually losing the powerful craving for more.

  The most beautiful thing was that Jensen was right there with him, burning in the fire that scorched Erdi's blood. His cries became demanding, and Erdi grinned around the cock in his mouth. He rubbed his fingers lightly against the rim of Jensen's hole, drawing another gasp from his mate.

  And then, Erdi pushed one single dry digit into Jensen's body and just like that Jensen went rigid. His cock twitched in Erdi's mouth and jets of spunk hit Erdi's tongue as his mate convulsed through the waves of his orgasm. Seeing Jensen like that, knowing he was the one to give Jensen such pleasure, had Erdi riding on an incomparable high. He almost came too, but the only thing that kept him from doing so was the sudden demand coming from his wolf.

  He had the foresight to refrain from swallowing the whole of Jensen's offering, not because of lack of want, but due to the fact that something very important had skipped his mind. He didn't have any lubricant, and he had no way to procure it either.

  As such, he used some of Jensen's remaining spunk to slick up his fingers and his dick. This time, when he slid his digits inside Jensen, his mate was relaxed, and his body accepted Erdi's invasion eagerly. Erdi was still patient, watching his mate's face for any sign of discomfort. When he saw none, he added a third finger, scissoring them gently inside Jensen. His mate released a low whimper and went rock hard again when Erdi zeroed in on his prostate.

  Just because he could and he had time, Erdi took advantage of the moment to ruthlessly massage his mate's special spot. But even his patience had its limits, and soon he could not bear the self-imposed wait any longer.

  He pulled his fingers out of Jensen and supported the beautiful human's legs on his shoulders. Meeting Jensen's gaze, he positioned his cock at his mate's entrance. Jensen clutched his shoulders and smiled at him, and that was all the encouragement Erdi needed. Slowly, ever so slowly, he slid home.

  There was no other way to describe the way he felt when he was inside Jensen. Jensen was everything Erdi had never thought he would find or deserve. He was love, family, understanding, compassion, freedom, passion, Erdi's present and his future. And when he had Jensen in his embrace like this, Erdi simply couldn't think about the past anymore.

  He gave his mate a few moments to adjust, and when Jensen nodded to urge him along, he started to move. Just like before, he didn't rush. Instead, he set a steady pace, not quite lazy, but not explosive either.

  Each thrust was slow and hard, aimed to convey everything Erdi felt and could never quite say. His need to get deeper inside Jensen combined with his protectiveness and awe toward his mate, his desire to be with Jensen forever—everything coalescing together in a whirlpool of emotions that could only be exorcised through this simple act. The world itself faded, Erdi's focus completely on his mate as he moved in and out of Jensen's tight heat.

  Under the circumstances, there was no way he could hold on for too long. He knew it, felt his orgasm building in every single part of him. Jensen must have seen it too, because he tilted h
is head, offering himself to Erdi.

  Even if Erdi might have wanted to prolong the moment, he couldn't resist. He craved the completion of their bond in every possible way, as a wolf and as a man. When he bit down on Jensen's flesh, he buried his dick one last time inside his mate and fell over the edge, pure bliss exploding in his heart and in his body.

  This was the moment Erdi had feared before Jensen had truly reached out to him—the moment when their souls were fully exposed to one another. He didn't fear it any longer. In fact, he welcomed it, and Jensen's emotions entwined with his own, their consciousnesses clicking together like two pieces of a puzzle that fit just right. Memories and sensations came together, and Erdi experienced everything Jensen did as they rode the waves of their shared orgasm.

  He felt his knot expand as his wolf instinctively demanded to hold on to this closeness. He sensed Jensen's pleasure—both physical and emotional—as they were bound together. Their bond glowed with everything they shared—and with something more, the promise of a new life, pulsing there, just beyond Erdi's reach.

  Jensen's voice echoed in his mind, clear, yet somehow lost—overwhelmed. Erdi, oh, Erdi.

  Erdi reached out to Jensen in turn, until he didn't know where he ended and Jensen began. My mate. My family.

  When he finally came down from the high of his pleasure, Erdi was panting, but not truly because of fatigue. His knot receded, and he pulled out of Jensen, but he was reluctant to part from his mate completely. Jensen had a similar idea, because he curled close to Erdi. "Well, that was something. I don't think I've felt the baby like that before."

  Erdi marveled at how comfortable Jensen was with the pregnancy. "You're not scared?"

  Jensen sighed as he set his head on Erdi's chest. "I suppose I am, a little. This whole thing's happened so fast. I mean, a few weeks ago, I still couldn't remember you. And maybe I haven't quite fully processed it yet. It is quite strange—that I'll be a baby daddy." He laughed lightly. "I'll probably have a panic attack once I start growing in size. But in the meantime... I think it'll all be worth it. This... What we have... it's worth it."

  Erdi couldn't have agreed more. He kissed Jensen again, and as they lay there together, in the quiet forest, he smiled.

  Silencers didn't have mates, but Erdi did. He had a mate, and now, they had a child coming. Erdi could only be thankful to whoever was out there watching for him, thankful that he'd been given a second chance, and most of all that he'd found Jensen.

  Life wouldn't always be easy. Erdi knew better than to think that. But in the Lone Wolf Pack, with his mate by his side, there was nothing Erdi couldn't handle.


  Dean was satisfied with the way the conversation with Erdi had gone. Despite the former silencer's surprise, he would probably accept the offer. Or so Dean hoped. The man deserved a new beginning, after everything that had happened.

  It was out of Dean's hands now, and he had nothing to keep his mind occupied with. He'd tried not to think about the problems Will had told him about, but it wasn't easy.

  He found Will outside Jessie's room, staring at his cell phone. "You'll call then," Dean said without preamble.

  Will nodded. "I think I have to. Jessie is fine for now. Ironically, he's less stressed than before, since he was always expecting something to happen to either you or Andreas. But... It's been a complicated pregnancy. I'd rather not take any chances."

  Dean agreed. He'd noticed his mate's increasing concern for their son. Such a pregnancy was risky even under normal circumstances, but the fact that Jessie carried twins already brought far more issues to the table.

  There was no way around it. They needed help, and there was only one person they could ask. "Do you think he will help?"

  Will rubbed his eyes tiredly. "He still cares for Jessie. He wouldn't want anything to happen to either Jessie or the children. But... I trusted him once before, with you. I'm not sure of anything anymore."

  "He was only trying to do right by you. The fact that he hates me isn't all that relevant."

  Will didn't reply, but Dean knew it was too soon for his mate to let go of the disappointment and pain he'd suffered because of his long-time friend. Still, the closeness that had once existed between Will and the other man, plus Will's concern for Jessie, won out.

  Will dialed the number on his contact list. "Hi, Matt," he whispered. "I... Jessie needs your help."


  About the Author

  Anya Byrne is first and foremost a longtime fan of erotic romance. Starting to write her own stories was a natural progression of her devotion for the genre. Years after she put pen to paper in that very first book, she is just as enthusiastic and, let’s face it, somewhat obsessive about erotic romance and all that it entails. She is steadfast in the belief that there’s nothing quite as hot as an amazing hero—except more amazing heroes engaged in heroic hot lovin’, and has branched out into the field of self-publishing to convince even more readers of this fact. Hopefully, she will succeed.

  For the latest news and upcoming releases please visit Anya at:

  Other Books by Anya Byrne

  Hachti Warriors

  Book 1. Sold to the Man in the Purple Fur

  Lone Wolf Pack

  Book 1. Pregnant with His Werewolf Baby

  Book 2. Knocked Up by His Werewolf Dom

  Book 3. Expecting His Alpha's Child

  Book 4. A Family With His Werewolf Mate

  Book 4.1. Bonded to His Werewolf Lover: A Hot Spark Short Story

  Book 4.2. Reunited With His Werewolf Beloved: A Hot Spark Short Story

  Mate Wooing

  Book 101. The Werewolf's Roomie

  Book 102. The Beta's Kitty Cat: A Hot Spark Short Story

  Copyright 2014 Anya Byrne

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, by any means, digital or otherwise, without the copyright holder’s express, written permission (except in the case of brief quotes marked as such and embodied in reviews). Unauthorized duplication and/or distribution, with or without monetary gain, are violations of US and international Copyright Laws and are subject to criminal prosecution.




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