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Mate’s Freedom (Matching Mates Book 5)

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by Bronwyn Heeley

  “Can I have you?” Robin’s breathy question had Brooke’s heart leaping in his chest, and he felt like crying.

  “Of course, I am yours.” He spoke a truth he hoped Robin heard, but he doubted it. At least not the words, but the reality for what he meant.

  Fingers went to his middle, tackling his buckle and zipper, and Brooke realised he didn’t want to disappoint Robin again. Grabbing at Robin’s hands, he moved the man to lie down in his bundle of blankets and pillows.

  “I can’t….” He took a breath. “Let me suck you off, and then I’m going to take you out of here.”

  “Wha— What?”

  “You’re mine, Robin, and I’m going to take you out of here.”

  “Really?” He didn’t sound like he believed Brooke, but there was hope there, underlying everything else.

  “Yes. We’ll take the edge off, and head to my rooms so you can shower and eat, and sleep in a bed.”


  “Well, we can call it that, right?” He smiled, winked, then they sobered again.

  “Won’t they notice? Won’t you get in trouble?” Oh how sweet, the dragon felt it too. That was promising and made Brooke’s body shift up another notch. He was vibrating, finding it hard to concentrate on what they were talking about.

  “The only person who will noticed is Tad, and I can probably make him think he fucked and killed you tonight before he headed off to the person he’s using now.” Yeah, that sounded like a good idea. It was something he should do anyway, just so there was backing to the claim in case someone did notice. “Master probably wouldn’t even know who you were if you went and started up a conversation with him.”

  Robin puffed out a painful laugh.

  “But I’m getting you out of here. But first… because I’m so fucking horny I don’t think I could walk.”

  Robin smiled, opening his legs and arms wide. “Well, don’t just stand there.”

  Brooke pushed Robin’s arms down. “No, this first, then we’ll go.”

  He opened his mouth around Robin’s cock, tasting the stale dungeon taste lingering against his skin. It would be the first thing he washed off his mate, right before he made sure Robin did want to mate with him—convince him as much as possible if he was unsure. Brooke wasn’t sure he’d be able to deal with Robin leaving him alone now. Once Robin understood they were meant to be together and agreed to mating with him, they were going to spend the rest of their twenty-four hours connecting as a couple—as mates.

  Unzipping his own fly, Brooke fished out his cock and took it in hand and worked Robin until both of them spilled, Robin down his throat, himself over the concrete flooring.

  Chapter Three

  Brooke blinked as he looked around his room, seeing it for what seemed like the first time as he watched Robin strut towards the middle of his living area. His was a lot different than the rooms in the other wings, more like a granny flat than hotel style. His living room had two comfy lounges surrounding a TV, and a low coffee table held two closed laptops. A small kitchenette could be seen on the other side of the room, and an open door to the left showed his large bed, the bathroom opposite the bedroom.

  Robin looked around, his eyes wide, blinking as he took in Brooke’s space, making Brooke’s heart ache. He did like the look of him there, sharing something that was his. However, it wasn’t quite right, and that hurt. Robin needed to be away from here, needed to go back to his own home, and Brooke wanted to give him that. He just needed to convince Robin to take him with him.

  Taking in a deep breath, Brooke locked the main door behind him and stepped towards his bedroom, his hand coming up to beckon Robin.

  “Let’s shower.”

  Robin’s smile lit up his face as they moved towards each other. Lightning shot up Brooke’s arm as their fingers touched, and then fire lit underneath his skin as they met chest to chest, lips to lips.

  The kiss held nothing but the solid lust running through their systems, the magic of the night, and he guessed the added bonus of them being mates.

  “Oh.” Robin moaned into his mouth as his fingers gripped his back, pulling them closer together as Brooke’s cock rubbed against his hip, lining up better than it ever had before. Apparently the magic of Robin’s dragon half worked faster than Brooke could have guessed; already Robin was starting to expand into the man he’d originally been. It was hot and Brooke couldn’t wait to see what the end result would be like. He was salivating at the thought of what was to come.

  “More,” Brooke muttered as his hands went under the band of the sweats he’d given his mate before they’d headed out of the darkness. He couldn’t have him walking around the manor looking like he’d just come out of the dungeons. Brooke didn’t really think anyone would pay that much attention, but he couldn’t be sure, and why risk it?

  His hands cupped Robin’s arse, massaging the firm cheeks, fingertips brushing into the crack and pushing at Robin’s hole when he rocked forward. A small tease.

  Robin growled, the sound shooting him in the balls. His cock thumped hard against Robin’s stomach, and he suddenly found himself backed against the wall next to his bedroom door. Brooke’s breath puffed out of him. The aggressiveness and strength the move took hadn’t been in Robin the last time they’d been together, but everything was better for it. Brooke had known last time they’d come together it was more about the fact that Robin had been a prisoner to Brooke’s jailer, and it had flavoured their whole time together. This time was already showing him a different Robin, and he was more than pleased with the result.

  Power covered him, literally, like a sheet of torrential rain. He became heavy with the heady smell and feel of his mate. It was almost as if he was being marked by power, and he wasn’t going to complain. A sooty sort of heat wrapped around him, coated him and transported him back in time to when Robin’s breed roamed the world, terrorising the locals. It was a playful heat, and gods it was hot. Lust and magic had Brooke panting against the wall, his hips rocking harder and faster against Robin, the scratch of his jeans. The heavy pound of Robin’s heart against his skin. The feel of him all around him, fingers running up under his shirt, flicking against his nipples before his lips were ripped away from Robin’s, and his shirt pulled up over his head. The heat turned up as bare chest rubbed against bare flesh. Those fingers went to his pants, opening button and zipper and pushing his jeans over his hips and down his thighs. Lips still eating at lips, tongues still straining together, neither seeming to be able to give up the other. Both of them lost in the magic around them, the magic that became them.

  Brooke whimpered when Robin took his lips away, licking at the underside of his chin, nibbling at his neck, and sucking along his collarbone before gracefully dropping to his knees. Hands took care of his pants, pulling his shoes off, and that’s the last Brooke thought of the items. Once they left his body, they didn’t exist anymore.

  Robin ran those wonderful hands up his legs, tickling out a shudder when he moved them across the backs of Brooke’s knees, a gasp as they snaked around to lightly touch the back of his thighs, run across the crease of his arse. Next thing Brooke knew his cock was being handled, caressed by hands so hot and smooth, before the wet lapping of tongue against his cockhead had him gasping for more breath.

  “Oh gods,” he groaned, his head hitting the wall behind him, fingers carding into thick hair and gripping strands, but not trying to hinder the cock sucking he was being given.

  Robin was a master. Hot, wet, and perfect suction with the right amount of tongue work. And gods, it was everything, enough to make Brooke scream, and that was before Robin started to vibrate. No, that wasn’t quite it, more a low rumbling sound that softly invaded Brooke’s body. Like heat slowly filling up a cold room. It relaxed him in a way that nothing ever could, while riling him up at the same time. Two completely opposite reactions from one single substance, but that’s how it went.

  One of Brooke’s legs crawled up, curling over Robin’s shoulder,
letting him see his mate had put on some added muscle. If he could have formed more than a passing thought with Robin’s magic lips wrapped around him, he might think Robin also had a bit more height, but he wouldn’t know for sure until Robin stood up. His fingers gripped tighter, trying to hold on while his knees went weak, wobbling as he leant heavily against the wall.

  Robin’s hands moved around to his arse, cupping him, holding him, pushing him up the wall until Brooke couldn’t feel carpet under his toes. He groaned at the strength his mate was showing, marvelled at just how much power pulsed through the veins of such a young dragon.

  Brooke’s breath caught in his throat as his mate’s lips brushed against the base of his cock, the rest gobbled up nice and tight, throat swallowing around the organ once as Robin slowly pulled himself off Brooke’s cock. His stomach muscles contracted, rolling into themselves as if he was rocking his hips. His balls screamed, ready and waiting for the final move that would allow them to spill his seed. His hands let go of hair and tightened back up, trying to hold on to something that was impossible—and then Robin did it. His tongue rolled around the head of Brooke’s cock before taking him back in deep—not as deep as before, but once Brooke touched the back of Robin’s throat, he was done. His eyes greyed out, and his body did what it needed to do instinctively as he spilled himself down Robin’s throat, allowing the orgasm to run his body ragged, and leaving him that way to the very end of it and beyond.

  “So, where’s this shower of yours?” Robin’s voice was smooth and casual, as if he hadn’t just rocked Brooke’s world, but more so wasn’t still holding him up off the floor. His leg was now hanging towards it, though, and he groaned, a pleased-looking Robin now only inches away from his face.

  Robin was definitely wider across the shoulders, and Brooke was sure he had his knees bent but that could have been wishful thinking. Those eyes were clear, clearer than they’d been when Brooke had finally made love to him. When he finally got the courage to open that cell door, even if at the time he’d told himself—hoped—that he just needed to get the man out of his system.

  He was so pretty, so pleased, and he looked like he wanted to be only inches away from Brooke as much as Brooke did him. It made his heart beat fast and hard, his body shake, and he never wanted to leave this spot.

  But he needed to. Robin needed something from him… if only Brooke had enough brain cells to remember what the hell that was.


  Chapter Four

  Robin chuckled deep in his chest as he watched the dazed look in Brooke’s eyes, trying to work out what Robin had asked him.


  “Oh, ah, through the bedroom, on the left.”

  Robin nodded, putting Brooke down, but not letting go. It didn’t look as if he could stand on his own quite yet. It made Robin proud as hell that a blow job could leave his….


  “Can you stand?” Robin asked, getting a little uncomfortable standing this close to the vampire when his mind was trying to rebel against everything he was feeling, all because of something he’d come close to thinking—maybe. He wasn’t sure, but whatever it was had the hair rising on his arms, and he suddenly felt the need to run and hide.

  “Ah, yeah.” Brooke chuckled, though even Robin could hear the confusion in his voice. But there was something else there as well, something that made Robin’s heart hurt a little, and then had him walking away from Brooke without looking back. The worst of it was that he knew the man still stood against the wall, that he was getting himself up and away from it. Was it bad that Robin hoped he followed? No he didn’t… crap, what was the point in lying to himself? He guessed it was lucky his mind stalled on any thoughts about him and Brooke, and wasn’t even allowing him to bring up a need to guess. Nope, he wasn’t ready for that. He wanted to get cleaned up, fuck his brains out, and then head on home. Simple. Easy. Robin swallowed around the feelings in his heart, they were trying to tell him all the things he didn’t want to think about.

  The bedroom smelled wonderful, revved Robin up even more as scents surrounded him. It made Robin hard—all over. He rolled his shoulders, muscles he’d been holding tight loosened completely as he flicked his eyes over the nicely made bed. It was covered in a sheet edged in deep blue, folded over a pristine white quilt, and blue and white pillows— a lot actually, nearly enough to satisfy a dragon, almost enough to create a nest. His one at home would be better. Hell, his house was better. Maybe Brooke would like it there?

  Except he probably wouldn’t agree to come.

  Robin rubbed at his chest and walked into the bathroom. It had the same ring to it as every other bathroom in the place, the only difference being this one felt lived in with bottles and containers lined up nicely along the vanity. Dark blue towels hung over a rail, a closed toilet sat tucked away in the corner, and a chest-high wall separated the shower from the rest of the bathroom.

  Stepping out of the track pants Brooke had given him for their walk up here, Robin searched for and found a basket to dump them into. Robin didn’t know if his mate was always this clean, or if he’d just tidied up for him, but that didn’t mean he was going to mess the place up. At least not in ways that wasn’t fun for both of them.

  Shower on, soap in hand, Robin froze.

  Had he just thought of Brooke as his mate? Was that what was happening here?

  “Hey, are you okay?” Brooke asked from the doorway, clothes in his hand, looking hesitant.

  “You joining me?” Robin replied, a tight smile on his lips, lust and fear battling in his mind. It didn’t really matter now, though. They’d already started something, and if his mind was telling the truth—it was actually quite difficult to tell when it came to the power of a matchmaker—then not fucking could be deadly.

  He was a dragon, he should know if his mate was standing in front of him. However, life didn’t work that way. The magic of a matchmaker gave off the same real and powerful magic, and let’s face it, he’d been locked in a magic-proof hole for the last… however long, unable to access any of his powers, and making his instinct to trust difficult. He guessed it was similar to how a human went through life— too bad he’d never been a human, and didn’t really know enough to understand how that world worked.

  Brooke dumped his clothes into the basket on top of Robin’s and walked over to the opening of the shower. They were both big men, seeing as Robin had finally made it back to his original height, so it would be a snug fit, at least for them both to stay under the water. It was probably a good thing since Robin had no plans on fucking the vampire against a wall again. No, he was going to get cleaned up and use that pretty made-up bed in the other room. He wanted to stretch out, enjoy the feel of fine linens on his body.

  Soap in hand Robin took a few moments to rub suds into his lover, cleaning him until he squeaked, and then shifting them so the water finished off the job. He kissed his lover deeply before moving him towards the opening again.

  “Go get ready for me, I’ll only be a minute.”

  “Are you sure?” Brooke’s voice was suggestive.

  “Nah.” He licked as Brooke’s throat, nipping at it a little before letting go. “I want us on a bed.”

  Brooke nodded as he left the bathroom. Robin’s eyes followed that arse as it walked a few steps to get a towel, his view sadly disappearing as it was covered by one.

  It didn’t take Robin long before he was out of the shower, clean in a way he hadn’t been even before he’d gone to that first ball. He was eager and only towelled himself off enough that he wasn’t dripping on the floor.

  Brooke was facing away from Robin when he stepped into the bedroom, body bent slightly forwards as he pulled away the blankets, revealing the dark sheet underneath. Not that any of that mattered to Robin. Brooke was bent over, arse lifted slightly towards him, so inviting, and all he wanted was to get on his knees and worship it.

  Mouth full of teeth, tongue, and want, Robin stalked forwards, fingers wrap
ping around Brooke’s hips and crowding in close, settling his cock along the heated line of Brooke’s crack. His hips rocked—a solid slide. It wasn’t something he could hold back, the mating heat was already high, and rising higher as his power struggled to turn back on, along with the next sweep of need. It was how he felt the magic of the matchmaker, or more how he’d felt it since being locked up. Like puberty, when feeling the wind change had made him hard as stone. It was starting to get stronger, but that didn’t mean it wasn’t like any other time he’d been horny. The waiting, being able to move past fucking and on to something else, was still on the cards for him.

  It shouldn’t have been so easy for Brooke.

  “How come you’re so calm?” Robin’s voice held a growl he’d not heard in himself before. Had he gone through the change? Was he about to? Was this part of the magic, something he’d not been able to feel the first time, or not noticed?

  “Uh….” Brooke moaned rubbing himself on Robin’s cock, pushing back against him as he leant further forward.

  “How come?” he asked again, not able to let it go. His fingers tightened, hips thrusting with heat, a rough edge.

  “How— What?”

  “How come you aren’t a muddled mess of lust?”

  “Am,” he panted out harshly. His legs shook; the only thing that seemed to be holding him up was Robin. His hands gripped at the blanket, pushing back, trying to get much more from Robin than he was willing to put out right now.

  “Don’t seem that way to me.”

  “Practice.” His breathing was getting harsher, deeper in his chest. Sweat lifting up on his skin was shining against the lamplight, a mood-setting Brooke had created for them.


  “Yeah.” He paused, moaned deep, shoulders twisting on the bed, arm starting to move.


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