Book Read Free

Sweet Inspiration

Page 8

by penny watson

  “What’s your name? You’re in charge of the Pfefferkuchen room, aren’t you?”

  “Yes, sir. I’m Max.”

  “All right Max. I’ll stop by the flower shop and get Lucy a nice arrangement. And you need to get your display room cleaned up. How did Lucy like it, by the way?”

  Max grinned. “She absolutely loved it, sir. Cried, she did. She’s got a soft heart.”

  Unlike me. Nicholas knew that Max and every other elf in the room were thinking the same thing. I sure hope Lucy Anne likes roses. And has a forgiving nature.

  Chapter Eleven

  Lucy was halfway down the street before she realized she had absolutely no idea where she was going. She stopped and tried to get her bearings, but all of the streets in Glasdorf looked alike to her. There was no way she would go back to Klaus Küche and ask Nicholas for help. Sniffling, she looked up and saw a sign that read Dag’s Pub. She recalled that Nicholas had said the rowdy elves liked to hang out there. Hmm...maybe a beer will make me feel a little better.

  Lucy pushed open the door to the pub and stopped in her tracks. Loud rock music blared from speakers attached to the walls. The pub was dark and smelled of beer, sweat, and bratwurst? Everywhere she looked were elves—shouting around a dartboard, chugging from tall beer steins at the bar, arm wrestling on the tables, and swinging on the chandeliers. Or rather, falling off a swinging chandelier and landing in the middle of the dance floor. Never in her life had she witnessed such a raucous scene.

  A short squat fellow with angels tattooed on his forearms sauntered up to Lucy, raked his eyes over her from top to bottom, and smiled a slow, semi-toothless grin.

  “Well, what do we have here? A redhead. I love red heads.”

  “You wouldn’t know what to do with a red head if she fell on you. Naked.” A mohawked elf jumped off his bar stool and leaned close to Lucy. “Never mind him. My name’s Jörg, and I’d love to buy you a beer, pretty lady.”

  A man at the bar whistled loudly. “Watch your manners. The red head’s name is Lucy and she belongs to Nick Jr., from what I hear. Don’t reckon he’ll be too happy if he finds out she was getting some trouble at the bar.”

  “That true? You belong to Nicholas Jr.?” The muscular elf with the mohawk ran his fingers through his spiky hair.

  A few new tears slipped down Lucy’s cheeks. “I don’t think so. We just had a fight. He’s really angry at me. I distracted his workers at Klaus Küchen, and he lost his temper.”

  “She’s crying, Dag. Look at that.”

  “How’d you distract his workers?”

  “They were so sweet. We were having cookies and cocoa, and they were telling me all about Glasdorf. Then Nicholas showed up and blew his stack. He...embarrassed me in front of everyone.”

  “Son of a bitch. That wasn’t nice.”

  “Nicholas made her cry. What an ass.”

  “Bloody bloomin’ baking bastard.”

  The bartender came out from behind the bar and rubbed Lucy’s back. “Don’t fret, little red. He’ll come to his senses. Why don’t you sit down and we’ll get you a nice pale ale? Would you like that?”

  Lucy nodded. “Thank you so much. I never ate lunch today either. Do you have sandwiches here, by any chance?”

  “We’ve got the best Sloppy Joe in the northern hemisphere. I’ll fix you up with a nice snack. I’m Dag, by the way. Nice to meet you.” The elf wiped his hands on his apron, and then reached out to shake Lucy’s hand. She shook his little hand, and smiled.

  “Thank you, Dag. I love Sloppy Joes. With lots of sauce.”

  “Oh yeah, that’s the way we serve ‘em.”

  Jörg pulled out a stool for Lucy at a nearby table. “Take a load off, Lucy. We’ll keep you company. Don’t you shed any more tears for Klaus. He’s lucky a lovely like you is paying him the time of day.”

  “True. Bastard should be treating you like a queen. We elves treat our ladies like queens, don’t we, fellas?”

  “We sure do. Shower our loveys with flowers, sparklies, and lots and lots of honey.”

  “Honey?” Lucy was confused. “Whatever for?”

  “One thing an elf can’t resist - that’s a fine taste of honey. I hear that tightwad Nicholas keeps his under lock and key in the office. Greedy bastard.”

  “Do you like ZZ Top, Miss Lucy?” An elf sporting a ratty-looking ZZ Top T-shirt smiled and gestured to the jukebox. “My name’s Monie, and I’ll pick out a few songs to cheer you up, if you’d like.”

  Lucy wiped the tears from her cheeks and nodded. “Thanks, Monie. That would be great. I haven’t listened to ZZ Top in years.”

  The elf chuckled and dropped a few coins into the jukebox. The familiar guitar riff from La Grange started playing and everyone in the bar cheered. Lucy started to tap her foot to the pounding bass and smiled. I'm feeling better already.


  Nicholas ripped open the door to Dag’s Pub and allowed his eyes to acclimate to the dim interior of the bar. He had been searching for hours, and there was no sign of Lucy anywhere. Not in his house, not at Hector’s, Markus’, or any of the shops they had visited. He stroked his beard nervously as his eyes swept the room. Maybe she's here...a beautiful woman from the Sudenwelt is bound to attract attention at some point. Hopefully someone's seen her.

  He could kick himself for hurting Lucy’s feelings. He had no business insulting her café. It was her pride and joy, and she was a damned fine baker. Even though her business approach seemed somewhat lax, she managed to produce excellent quality fare, and her customers obviously adored her.

  Nicholas was reluctant to admit it, but it was conceivable that he was being a bit too stern at Klaus Küche. He was embarrassed that he hadn’t known Max’s name. The elf had been in charge of the Pfefferkuchen room for years. Perhaps production would increase if his employees felt more comfortable in his presence, instead of terrified of his rigid rules and regulations.

  There was quite a large crowd gathered around the dartboard roaring encouragement to someone. He couldn’t see a thing since elves were standing on top of stools and lying on top of the pool table. Dag was wiping down the bar and chuckling to himself.

  “Dag, I’m glad you’re here.”

  Nicholas was surprised to see Dag narrow his eyes at him for a split moment. “Finally you show up. The poor girl’s been waiting, you bloody bastard.”

  “Lucy? Is here? Thank God. I’ve been searching everywhere. Where the hell is she?”

  “Playing with the boys. They’ve been teaching her darts, and she’s got a real knack for it. She’s got a nice big pile of magik pebbles to take home.”

  “Is she...okay?” Nicholas was almost embarrassed to look Dag in the eye. “She left in tears, and I’ve been desperate to talk to her.”

  “We’ve taken good care of your girl. Fed her Sloppy Joes, which she loved, and a nice pitcher of beer.”

  “A pitcher? By herself? Christ, Dag, she’s barely a hundred pounds. I don’t think Lucy can handle that much beer, especially the way you brew it up.”

  “Well, she seems fine to me. And not crying anymore. In fact, she’s been all smiles since she forgot all about you humiliating her in front of your employees. And yelling at her for being friendly. And...”

  “All right! I get it...I’m a jerk.” Nicholas sighed and rolled his eyes. Dag could be a real judgmental pain in the ass sometimes.

  “Well, at least we agree on something.” Dag whistled shrilly through his teeth and the crowd quieted down. “Nick Jr.’s here, boys.”

  Nicholas pushed his way through the crowd of hostile looking elves and finally found Lucy standing in front of the dartboard, her curls a little wild, her cheeks flushed a lovely shade of pink.

  “Thank God, you’re all right. I’ve been searching everywhere for you.” He suddenly remembered the bouquet of red roses, pepper berries and ivy he had bought at the florist’s. The flowers were wilted, the red satin ribbon was unraveling, and all of the pepper berries had fallen off s
everal hours ago.

  “I got you these, but they’re not looking too good anymore.” Nick took a step forward, but a group of angry-looking elves intercepted him.

  “Not so fast, Nicholas. You’ve insulted Miss Lucy, and I haven’t heard an apology.”

  “The poor girl was crying her heart out, you son of a bitch.”

  “Nice flowers, asshole. They’re dead.”

  “Shoulda gotten her some honey.”

  Nicholas ignored the elves and peered over the tops of their heads to look at Lucy. “I’m sorry, love. Could we please go home so we can talk, in private?”

  Lucy stepped forward and tapped Monie on the shoulder. “Thanks for looking out for me, but Nicholas is right. We need to talk in private.” The elves shuffled apart so Lucy could walk up to Nicholas. He yanked her into his arms and kissed the side of her neck.

  “Please don’t ever scare me like that again. No matter how angry you are, just let me know you’re okay. I almost lost you a few days ago, and I’m still not over that terror.”

  Lucy trembled in his arms. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to worry you. I guess I lost track of time.” She hiccupped. “And I think I’ve had too much beer, Nicholas. I feel a little bit wobbly.”

  Nicholas leaned his forehead against hers and sighed. “It’s okay, sweetheart. I’ll take care of you. And please forgive me for being such a jackass earlier.”

  Lucy reached up and wrapped her arms around his neck. “And I’m sorry I disrupted your workroom. I hope you’re not too far behind.”

  “None of that matters. I had no right to insult you or embarrass you in front of the elves. They were so pissed off at me I feared I had a rebellion on my hands. You’ve already stolen their hearts.”

  “Nicholas, can we go home now?” Lucy’s eyes were closing. He scooped her up in his arms and headed toward the front door.

  “Out of my way, gentlemen. I’m taking her home.” He paused and looked at the elves, still staring at him with disgust. “By the way, thanks for cheering her up. I owe you.”

  “Don’t forget these.” Jörg handed a bag of magik pebbles to Nick. “That girl’s a natural. I think we got played, boys!” All the elves started to laugh, slap each other’s backs and stomp around the room.

  Nicholas snuck out of the bar with a sleeping Lucy in his arms, and a bag of magik pebbles clutched in one hand.

  Chapter Twelve

  Lucy could not stop kissing Nicholas’ neck. They were racing back to his house in a sleek sleigh. As soon as they got into the front seat, Nicholas pulled her onto his lap and held tight. Intrigued by his earthy scent and the feel of his solid form beneath her, Lucy started to play. She speared her fingers through the dark waves of his hair, stroked his soft beard, and nibbled on the smooth skin of his neck.

  “Dear God, Lucy, what are you doing?” Nicholas’ breathing was choppy, and Lucy felt him tremble beneath her.

  “I can’t help myself. You smell so good. And you taste so good.” She sucked hard on his neck, leaving a bright red mark.

  “Hope you don’t mind, I just gave you a love bite.” She giggled softly, still feeling the effects of Dag’s strong brew.

  “Don’t mind?” Nicholas’ voice cracked. “I’m about to stop the sleigh and take you right here in the middle of the road.”

  “Really?” Lucy liked the sound of that. I wonder what was in that beer? She was usually shy and unsure with her lovers. Tonight she felt sexy and carefree. Spontaneous and wanton. This was the woman in her dreams, the one who made wild, passionate love with Nicholas. Her fingers dropped down to his chocolate and cherry-stained shirt and started to work on the buttons.

  “Oops. I really made a mess of you. Time to change.” Nicholas looked down at her hands working on his buttons in disbelief.

  “Lucy, have you lost your mind? You can’t undress me in the sleigh...”

  Lucy hid a mischievous grin as she wrenched open his shirt and pushed it down his arms. Since the first day she spied Nicholas in her café, she had been consumed by curiosity about him. What was hiding underneath that starched white button-down and those polished spectacles? Muscle and fevered skin. A dusting of dark hair over well-defined pecs and a ridged abdomen. And a tattoo! Around one thick bicep was a band of vines, fashioned from holly and berries, in vibrant colors. At the center of the vine was a “K” in old-world lettering.

  “You have a tattoo! I don’t believe don’t seem the type, Mr. Klaus.”

  Nicholas groaned as Lucy licked a path along the vine. “All of us have it. My four brothers and my father. It’s sort of a dumb tradition that usually transpires after a night of heavy drinking.”

  “Well, I love it. It’s totally unexpected...and really sexy.” Lucy eagerly ran her hands over Nicholas’ chest, dragging her nails through the soft hair. She could not resist rubbing her face over it like a purring kitten. His scent was delicious, musky and spicy. Her lips brushed across one of his dark nipples, and she felt him shudder. Curious, she opened her mouth and flicked her tongue over the nub, and was immediately rewarded with a long groan from Nicholas.

  Emboldened, she started to lap at his puckered skin, and then sucked hard on the sensitive spot. Nicholas’ hips lurched forward and he gasped for breath. Lucy smiled to herself. She wrapped her hands around his biceps and squeezed, loving the feel of his taut muscles.

  “I think your other nipple might be getting jealous. Better give him some attention, too.” She giggled as she began to kiss her way across his chest.

  “Lucy, I’m not kidding. You have to stop. Now.” Nicholas’ voice was so low and gravelly she could barely hear him.

  “Why? Last time you got to touch me, but I never got a chance to touch you. Or taste you. Now it’s my turn.” Lucy looked up into Nicholas’ darkened eyes as she ran her tongue around and around his nipple, tempting and teasing. Finally she reached her goal, and sucked the skin into her mouth, flicking her tongue over his sensitive flesh. The gold in his hazel eyes seemed to darken even more, and his lids drooped dangerously low. A deep, rough hiss escaped from his lips just a moment before he jerked the steering wheel to the side, and jammed on the brakes.

  “All right, my little temptress. We’re home. Still feeling naughty?” Lucy realized they were parked in a driveway next to his cottage. A carriage house and high stonewall enclosed a courtyard for the sleigh. The only illumination outside was a breathtaking array of stars in the inky night sky, and the tiny flickering lights along the walkways. Their breath came out as misty little puffs in the chilly air, but the heat pouring off Nicholas’ body was palpable.

  Nicholas sat on the front seat of the sleigh, legs splayed, shirt opened, spectacles gleaming in the moonlight. He had a most ferocious look on his face, and his chest was heaving. Lucy had never seen anyone so sexy in her life. Time to make your fantasy come true, Lucy Anne. Seduce the man you’re falling in love with.

  She sat up in Nicholas’ lap, bunched her dress around her thighs, and shifted to straddle him. His gaze was riveted on her legs. Oda had provided her with beautiful lingerie to go with the dress, including thigh-high silk stockings, rimmed with intricate lace. Nicholas’ fingers reached down and brushed against the top of the stockings, barely grazing her skin. His eyes snapped back up to her face.

  “Now what, Lucy Anne? You started this, love. What next?”

  Lucy arched her back, and shifted slightly on his lap, suddenly aware of his arousal beneath her. Ohh...that feels good! She started to rock back and forth, loving the feel of her heat pressed against his hard length. Overwhelming sparks of pleasure were igniting her skin, tingling between her legs. She was barely surprised to see real sparks of light blinking on and off around her, like fireflies in the night sky.

  “Nicholas, what’s happening?” she whispered softly.

  His hands were gripping her hips tightly as she continued to rock against him. “Magic. It’s the elfin magic in the sleigh. I guess it’s reacting to us...” He moaned loudly and leaned his
head back against the seat. “Dear God, Lucy, you’re killing me.”

  She was suddenly desperate to feel his bare skin against hers. Lucy grabbed the hem of her dress and pulled it up over her head. She shivered at the hungry look in Nicholas’ eyes. His gaze roamed over the lacy panties and push-up bra she was wearing.

  “You look like a dream, love. Very nice.”

  Her fingers trembled as she reached down to unbutton Nicholas’ pants. “You’re my dream, Nicholas Klaus. And I want to see and touch all of you.” She blushed faintly as she fumbled with the fly on his pants. “Could you help me, please?”

  Nicholas lifted Lucy up and quickly pushed down his pants and boxer shorts, then flung off his shirt. He sat back against the seat and anxiously reached out to her.

  Lucy couldn't move, could hardly breathe. He was beautiful. The most delicious sight she'd ever seen.

  “” Although she had been with men before, she had always been too hesitant to do much exploration, or even appreciation, of the male body. Nicholas was a big man, probably more than six and half feet tall, and his large size was certainly proportionate...well, everywhere.

  Nicholas chuckled. “What is it, love?”

  “Umm, I’m not sure about this, Nicholas. You look...well, like an extra large. And I think I might be...maybe an extra small.” Lucy bit her lip.

  Nicholas stroked his hands down the curve of her hip and smiled at her devilishly. “I would never hurt you, sweet. By the time I’m done with you, you’ll be good and ready for me. I promise, no pain, only pleasure. You trust me, don’t you?”

  Lucy nodded. “Yes, of course. I...I can’t believe how beautiful you are.” Nicholas was a feast in every way - his body sculpted and powerful. His scent overwhelmed her, musky and hot. She reached down to touch his pulsing erection, and was shocked by the feel of his soft, sensitive skin. Lucy wrapped both hands around him and stroked.

  Nicholas closed his eyes. “That feels incredible.”

  She ran her fingers through the thick nest of hair at the base of his sex, and then carefully cupped his sac. It felt alive beneath her fingers. A single drop of fluid glistened on the tip of his arousal. She ran her finger along the edge and then licked it. “You taste delicious.”


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