Sacred Serenity (Lotus House Book 2)

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Sacred Serenity (Lotus House Book 2) Page 12

by Audrey Carlan

  Dash gripped my hips and pressed his pelvis against mine. I gasped and held on to his shoulders more tightly.

  “Oh little bird, we’re about to take this to a whole new level. Before I address the class about what to do next, I want you to know, I’m planning on touching you here.” He ran his open hands over my breasts quickly enough that it wouldn’t seem too explicit but enough to have my nipples puckering up for attention. “Here.” He rounded his hands over my ass and ground me against his hardening length. I bit my lip hard and hummed at the contact. He brought his lips to my ear. “And I plan on touching your center over your shorts if you will allow it.”

  I let out a slow exhale, knowing my breath tickled against his ear. He shivered, and his penis went from semihard to stone in a second flat. It pressed so delectably against my core. I closed my eyes and ground against him.

  His fingers dug into my bum.

  “Amber, don’t play with me unless you want to experience everything the women in the class are going to experience. We can just sit in one another’s laps and limit the touching while I instruct. Frankly, that’s probably a good idea.” His voice was strained and reed thin when he spoke.

  Out of nowhere, the thought of him not touching me hit me like a lightning bolt of pain, starting in my heart and sizzling through my body. I locked my legs and arms around him and shook my head. And without even thinking about it, I said the words I knew in my heart he needed to hear to continue. “I trust you.”

  Dash inhaled so fully his chest and upper body rose and my arms with it. He let the breath out through his mouth and then pecked me on the lips. “Okay.”

  He blinked a few times and smiled. “Class, I want you to spend time face-to-face telling one another how much you love them. What you like about them emotionally and physically. Whatever comes up, tell your partner. While you do that, touch them any way you like, but please keep your hands over the clothing. We are not having sex today, though it may feel like it for some of you.” He grinned while several members of the class chuckled.

  “Feel free to kiss and show your lover what they mean to you physically within reason. We’re all adults. You know what that means. I’ll let you know when we’re going to take it up a notch.”

  Take it up a notch? Oh sweet heaven above! I swallowed and tried to relax my shoulders, arms, and legs, melting into Dash. He trailed his hands up my back. When he reached the spot where neck met body, he smoothed his palms down my bare arms.

  “You’re so beautiful, Amber. Has anyone ever told you that?”

  I blinked and made direct eye contact. “You have told me more in the past three weeks than anyone in my whole life. Well, aside from my grandparents.”

  His lips pulled together in a sexy pout. He didn’t say anything, and while the silence sat between us, I realized it was my turn. This was not about him pleasing me. It was about us pleasing one another.

  Using just my fingertips, I caressed his head, running my fingers through his hair. The strands were so fine they trickled through my fingers like water rushing down a hillside over smooth rocks and stones. I massaged his entire head, focusing on the pressure points before moving down to his neck, landing at his broad muscled shoulders. I curled my hands over them, expanding my reach fully and not even coming close to covering the breadth of his size. “You’re so strong, sculpted. Your body is a fine machine…”

  “One that is meant for pleasuring you. The only woman I want to kiss.” He moved his head so that our noses touched before he laid his lips over mine and cupped my cheeks with both hands. When my lips were nicely swollen and bruised from repeated, blistering kisses, he pulled back, still holding my face in the palm of each hand. “The only woman I want to touch.”

  With his eyes locked on mine, he slid his hands down my neck, over each heaving mound where he stopped to swipe his thumbs against the erect nipples poking through the thin fabric of my sports bra. Just as I was getting into it, he moved his hands, skating them along my ribs and abdomen until I inadvertently began a circular motion with my hips.

  “The only woman I want to show love to.” He set his face next to mine as his hands slipped down to my ass. He gripped both cheeks in his large hands and shifted his hips in sync with my movements so that his penis slid along my clit over and over again.

  Intense pleasure rippled through my body like fiery ribbons of need and desire, all settling hotly between my thighs as we gave to one another. My body called to him, and based on the sizeable erection he was sporting, his responded with equal want. My heart cried out, and his instantly curled around mine to soothe and protect. My soul spoke. His answered with honesty.

  Words I hadn’t meant to say just then slipped from my parted lips. “Oh Dash…I’m so in love with you.”

  When I realized what I’d said, I held him so tight, my legs and arms locked around his form, not allowing him to move me back so he could look into my eyes. It was too soon. Who fell in love with a man after only three weeks together?

  And then none of it mattered, because Dash responded to my proclamation of love in a way that made it all okay.

  “I know.” Simple, as if he’d always known.

  He moved his body so that he could manipulate my limbs and loosen my hold. I closed my eyes, afraid and embarrassed of what I might see when I looked into his.

  “Look at me, little bird. Don’t fly away. Not now. Be the proud swan because I’m so proud of you.”

  I lifted my head so fast I worried I’d get whiplash. “P-proud?” My voice shook with unease.

  He nodded and cupped my cheek with one hand, the other wrapped around my back, keeping me pressed against him in every way possible.

  “Proud of you for admitting it. For taking the chance on me and opening your heart to what we have.”

  A shaky breath worked its way out my mouth along with a broken, “Do…uh…y-you love me?” I asked even though I was absolutely terrified of his reply. It was ludicrous to think he could fall in love with a woman he’d never even had a sexual relationship with.

  “Oh, Amber, I fell in love the moment you allowed me to blindfold you.”


  Amber’s head shot back as her eyes glowed with interest and surprise.

  I pressed a finger over her lips. “Hold that thought.”

  She grimaced enough that I surmised she wasn’t thrilled with the pause in our discussion, but as much as I would have liked to scream from the rooftops that we were in love, I still had a class to teach. While gritting my teeth, I addressed the class.

  “Don’t look at me. Keep your eyes focused on your partner’s.” I shifted my gaze so that I was looking straight into Amber’s eyes.

  Christ, she was a goddess on high. She epitomized everything I’d ever wanted in a woman. Intelligent, strong, loving, but most of all, loyal to the core. I’d not have to worry about my little bird straying to another suitor. I had the utmost confidence in us. The same way I knew the Earth was round, I recognized that, as long as I treated her well and didn’t betray her trust, she’d be mine forever.

  The best part—we wouldn’t need the legal paperwork to prove our bond like so many did and failed. My love and I would not become another statistic like my mother and father. And I planned to ensure that by never getting married. My word and my blood would be our bond. For her, when the time was right, I’d make the ultimate sacrifice. I’d mar my temple by tattooing a ring on the finger that stereotypically held a wedding ring. All for love, faith, and commitment. Just the thought of the needle piercing my flesh with intent to mark me as this woman’s forever sent a bolt of lust roaring through my sternum to settle stiffly in my cock. She moaned low and deep in her throat, which made me think about using that mouth and throat for activities far more devious.

  With Amber though, I’d held back from pressuring her into more sexual activities. Something about the way she backed off when things got a bit hot and heavy made me leery to press on. I wanted her to be ready to go there physical
ly with me. It was definitely something we needed to talk about, especially since we’d both admitted our feelings. I wanted nothing more than to seal our commitment to this relationship with an act of physical love, and I planned on going there tonight.

  Fisting her hair and tipping back her head, I laid a line of kisses against the pale, slender column of her neck. I spoke against her lips loud enough for the class to hear the next steps. “In the yab-yum Tantric position where you face your partner, the pair of you can start rocking against one another, rubbing your genitals more firmly to stimulate arousal. When ready, the female would lift up and insert the penis, moving into intercourse. While rocking against each other, this position allows for a deep physical and mental connection, as well as the ability to work toward mutual orgasms. Looking into one another’s eyes while you mate is a powerful aphrodisiac and essential to long lasting unity.”

  I shifted my hands to her hips and helped rock her lower body against my cock. Her eyes were half-open and her face held a dopey loose expression. I’d seen that before when we’d had our serious make out sessions at my house while sitting on my couch.

  “Tonight, you’re going to practice giving your woman a G-spot massage as described in the material I distributed at the beginning of class. In the G-spot massage, you’ll insert fingers into her vagina and search for the bumpy patch of tissue on the front wall. She’ll let you know when you’ve found it.”

  I took a slow breath while my woman rubbed and rolled her hips, keeping up the friction I’d set. Pure nirvana. I could only think of one thing that would be better, and that was being inside her.

  “Since we can’t do that in class, feel free to touch your partner’s genitals over their clothes. When your mate gets close to orgasm, back off. Kiss for a while, talk quietly about how you feel, what you are feeling for one another. Then start back up again. Part of the beauty of Tantra and a healthy sexual relationship is the buildup, the anticipation. There are moments when you’re mutually pleasuring the other that are so completely…selfless. Find that within the experience today. Give that gift to your mate.”

  Amber dug her heels into my ass and ground down on my cock. A breath I hadn’t realized I was holding shot out as I slammed her mouth over mine. I took her mouth with an intensity I’d not felt for another woman. Long sweeps of her tongue made my balls rise up, and I wanted to plunge my dick into her heat. Needing to turn the tables, I ran my hands down the front of her chest, pinching her nipples until she arched into my touch. I leaned forward and kissed, licked, and sucked on every inch of her neck, whispering things to her, the things I wanted to do to her.

  I found it hard to get a good hold on her perky nips. I’d have much preferred bare tits, but her sports bra was made of flimsy Lycra that left nothing to the imagination. It took everything I had not to bite her ample bosom through the small top. However, control was the cornerstone of Tantra, and I’d had years to perfect mine under duress. Though I had to admit, with Amber, the challenge was formidable. She made me want to lose control in every way. Perhaps that’s what love does to people? It was quite possibly the one aspect of Tantra I’d been missing. A partner I loved who loved me in return. I couldn’t wait to test every Tantric theory, practice every position physically, and experience it all with new eyes. Through the eyes of a man in love.

  “Are you wet for me, little bird?” I asked while tweaking both tight peaks.

  “God…yes,” she moaned.

  That moan went straight to my groin. I jackknifed up and pressed her down so she could feel every steely inch. Then I held her aloft as I dragged the surface against her sex so that the wide-knobbed ridge at the top of my cock would press perfectly on her hot button. I was rewarded with the loveliest sigh and a clench of her thighs against my waist. The power of her quads as she rubbed against me was the sweetest torture.

  “You want me to touch you, relieve some of that ache?” I nibbled on her earlobe as her breathing became labored.

  She kissed my neck and ran her tongue down it. I curled a hand up her back and over her shoulder to anchor her to me.

  “Please…please touch me,” she begged before biting into the ball of my shoulder.

  That tiny prick of pain snared the sexual beast I’d been holding back. Locking her close, I slid one hand in between our bodies and cupped her sex possessively. Her entire body went rigid as if that single touch had made her come, but I knew it hadn’t. I considered myself quite the expert when it came to making women climax. I’d had countless hours of Tantric training. And in an extraordinary Tantric relationship where two people have invested their entire beings, your partner’s body can be conditioned to orgasm on command alone. I’d not experienced that in previous relationships, but I planned on getting to that place with Amber one day. For now, though, I cupped the heart of her, and she squirmed like she had ants in her pants.

  I kept our bodies smashed together and paired my breathing to hers. When we were completely in sync, I kissed along her neck, dragging my lips down to where her strawberry scent was most potent. “Close your eyes. Savor me touching you. Trust me to make you feel honored. Worshiped. Loved.”

  “I love you. I trust you.” Amber burrowed her face in the crook of my neck, her heated breath feeding the fire already building within.

  And that’s when I went to town seducing the woman I loved. I rubbed my hand back and forth across her center, using my thumb to press against her clit. I feasted on every sigh. Each breath gave me life, enriched my soul, and strengthened the feelings I had for her. Soon after I began massaging the space between her thighs, she started to roll her hips, getting into it. When she did that, I backed off and instead caressed her thighs and back and massaged her scalp. She was jelly in my arms and under my complete control.

  When her breathing evened out once more, I tunneled my hand into her hair and tugged at the nape until she lifted her head. Her facial expression was dreamy and loaded with pure lust, my very favorite look on her to date. Lost in love. Taking my cues, she wrapped her hands around my neck and leaned forward to kiss me. I let her, giving her the lead, wanting her to feel the power of being in charge. She relished it, and soon her hips started moving again, seeking the hardness only I could give her.

  I moved my hand back over her center and cupped her with intent. She gasped and pulled back from our kiss.

  “Are you going to give me this?” I asked, swallowing down the emotional fire that went with the question. My nostrils flared as I searched her face, waiting for her reply. I needed to hear her say the words. I had plans for the evening, and all of them included getting inside her.

  “I…I…don’t know what you mean.”

  Those words hit me like a wet towel to the ass, startling and coming out of left field.

  Her eyes shone a bright emerald green as I picked up the sensual massage of her most private place. She pressed into my hand, showing me she wanted what I was giving, but her words… They didn’t add up. Confused, I circled her clit with my thumb.

  “Are you going to give me this pussy? Let me inside. Be with me in all things?”

  I focused my gaze on hers and pressed hard on her clit, giving her endless circles. Her breath caught. She was close, so close to coming. I could have written a book just on the different facial expressions women make when they are going to orgasm. I kept up the pressure, my hand jerking back and forth roughly, wanting to see her face as she gave herself over to me.

  “Dash, I can’t…” She moaned and lifted her head back.

  Needing to see her eyes, I tugged on her hair until she winced and brought her face to mine. Our noses were now touching, our lips a scant few centimeters apart. Every time I tugged on her pussy, pressing two fingers against the shorts, dipping into her core through the fabric, panties and all, she’d scowl and bite down on her lip. A scowl when someone was going to orgasm was not uncommon, but there was something else in play.

  “You can’t give me this pussy?” I frowned and rubbed four finge
rs back and forth in maddening strokes.

  “I can’t.” She choked on a moan and her body tightened. She was going to come. I should have stopped, brought her back from the precipice like I’d instructed the class, but right then, I didn’t care. She was mine and I hers. I wanted to see it. See her face when she gave it to me.

  “Do you feel my love for you? Every touch, every caress, it’s me showing you. My proof.”

  Amber closed her eyes, and her mouth opened. “Dash, I can’t give you what you want,” she said, her words featherlight and just as fragile.

  “Why not?” I asked, still manipulating her sex, not letting up for even a moment’s reprieve, which went against everything I should have been doing, but I was too far gone. Gone for her.

  And that’s when it hit. I pressed my thumb on her hot button…hard. Her eyes went wide, and her mouth dropped open. A crimson blush washed over her cheeks. She locked her legs, pressing her groin hard down on mine over and over. Her body shook, trembled in my hands, as I continued to work her pussy over her clothes.

  “Why, Amber. Tell me!” I growled into her mouth, biting down on her bottom lip as she reached her peak. Her body went tight, like a rubber band stretched in both directions to full capacity. I smashed my mouth over hers to muffle her response and kissed her through it all. I let her dig her nails into my back and gloried in the fact that I had made her feel this.

  As she started to descend, coming off the high of her orgasm, three words I never expected to hear in a million years tumbled out of her kiss-swollen lips against my mouth.

  “I’m a virgin.”

  Chapter Eleven

  The natural element for the second chakra is water. Those who are driven by this chakra may love to submerge their physical forms into large bodies of water to find peace and a sense of serenity. Simply taking a hot bath and burning a vanilla candle can activate your sacral chakra in a positive way.


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