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The Eager Boy

Page 11

by Sean Michael

  “I’ll get two spoons,” Robin said.

  “Or you could just get one and come sit with me, and we’ll feed each other,” Stack suggested, gaze heated now.

  “One spoon it is. Grab the spray cream?”

  Stack reached around, grabbed the spray cream, and immediately squirted a bunch into his mouth.

  “Oh, you are gross.” Robin cracked up, though, tickled pink.

  Stack left the cream in his mouth and came toward Robin, eyes on his lips.

  “Uh-uh. No way.” He began to back up.

  Stack began to growl and moan, the sounds twisted.

  “You’d better swallow!”

  Stack started to laugh and closed his mouth over the cream.

  “Don’t choke! You’re not used to having so much cream!”

  That made Stack laugh harder, and he nearly did choke. He swallowed and sputtered, and all Robin could do was laugh. Stack finally caught his breath again and grabbed a glass of water, swallowed some of it down.

  “Oh God.” He hauled Robin in and hugged him tight. “I so needed that.”

  Robin hugged his lover right back, kissed him hard. He could taste the cream there, at first, but it was soon chased away, leaving only Stack. Oh, how necessary was that? He sank into the kiss, humming deep in his chest.

  Stack shifted and leaned back against the counter. The move left Robin pressed to Stack’s body from shoulder to knees, the warmth heating him through their clothing. They were only kissing, but for some reason it felt heady, exotic. Which was crazy. But Robin was used to crazy where Stack was involved. He smiled into the kiss, and Stack pressed his tongue in deep, making Robin open wider.

  Each kiss morphed into another one, their lips parting now and then to pull a breath in, the sound punctuating each kiss.

  Robin melted, the love he felt for Stack filling him, making the whole world different.

  As the kisses continued, Stack touched him, hands sliding on him in gentle strokes. One after another left trails of warmth behind, waking his skin. “You want to curl up on the sofa, love? Relax?” Stack whispered.

  “Yeah. That sounds perfect.” Stack straightened and took his hand, led him into the living room.

  The couch was dark brown leather, with the comfiest cushions Robin had ever sat on. They sank down together. “I’ll call for pizza later.”

  “Are we going to argue over what toppings we’re going to have this time?” Stack liked trying different things, new combinations—often weird combinations.

  “Nope. I’ll get cheese. You can have whatever you want.”

  “Cheese is very vanilla. Fits right into today’s theme.”

  “I thought so. Eat your caramel.”

  “For a minute there I thought you were suggesting I get my pizza with caramel.” Stack made a face before running his spoon through the dessert and popping it in his mouth. He moaned softly, eyes half closing. “Damn, this tastes even better than it did yesterday when it was fresh.” Licking his lips, Stack went in for a second spoonful.

  As Robin waited, he dropped his head back and rolled it on his shoulders.

  Stack frowned. “Is your neck sore?” He rested one big hand onto Robin’s shoulder and dug in with his fingers.

  Robin tried not to moan, but it felt so good on his poor muscles, which were protesting his all-night packing session.

  “Lie on your stomach on the couch,” Stack ordered. “I’ll take care of you.”

  “Oh, you don’t have to.”

  “I know that.”

  Stack pushed him, encouraging him to lie on his belly on the cushions. Once he had, Stack straddled his ass. God, he loved Stack’s weight on him. It made him feel grounded, solid.

  Stack began working his shoulders through his T-shirt. “Fuck, you’re tight.”

  He’d been busy all last night, cleaning and packing and fretting.

  Stack grabbed Robin’s shirt and manhandled it off him. When his strong hands returned to Robin’s shoulders, they were so warm and firm, working the knots in his muscles like an expert—Stack did know where he carried his stress, what got the sorest.

  “Just breathe and let me do this. Don’t think—ease.”

  “I’m supposed to be taking care of you….”

  “You are.” Stack pulled in a deep breath, fingers warm on his skin. “It makes me feel good, knowing I’m easing your pain, making it better for you. It makes me happy.”

  “I understand that.” He lived with it.

  “Good. Let me go get some oil. That’ll make this even better.” As he stood, Stack passed Robin the remote. “Find something to make noise in the background.”

  “Are you sure?”

  Stack shot him a look. “Boy.”

  “Yes, Master.”

  Stack grunted and headed for their bedroom.

  Robin flipped through the channels, stopping when he found The Rocky Horror Picture Show. It was perfect—music, fun, and they’d seen it a bunch of times, so it didn’t matter if they didn’t pay attention. It had only just started too. He let the remote drop and lay there, watching Brad and Janet as he waited for Stack to come back. He would order pizza in an hour or so.

  “Mmm. Look at you.” Stack’s voice was low, husky. “Such a beautiful boy.”

  Heat suffused him, made him moan. “Thank you, Master.”

  Stack slid his hand along Robin’s spine, warm and gentle. It made him shiver. Then Stack straddled his ass again. “I’m going to warm the oil up a bit first. It’s cold.”

  He could hear Stack rub his hands together with the oil. Oh. He wiggled a little with anticipation, ready for those hands on his body. It made him smile, because he’d felt Stack touch him everywhere, but he still wanted. Still.

  When Stack’s hands dropped onto his skin and curled around his shoulders, they were warm and slick. The touches were slow and deep, Stack not hurrying at all.

  “I love you.” The whisper was drawn out of him by that sweet touch.

  “Me too, baby.” Stack leaned into it, fingers digging in deep as they moved over him. The massage insisted his muscles relax, melting him.

  As Stack slowly rocked against him, drawing those hands from his waist up to his shoulders, Robin felt his master’s cock hardening.

  “You make me dizzy, boy, make me need.”

  He tried to arch up at the words, to make Stack feel even dizzier. Stack put his hand in the middle of his back and pressed.

  “No. This is your massage—I’m doing the work. Besides, I’m enjoying the slow buildup.” Stack rocked slowly against his ass, cock hardening a little more, so hot against Robin’s lower back. “I want to love you, touch you for a while.”

  “Anything you want, Master.”

  “That’s what I like to hear.” Stack chuckled and ran his hands from Robin’s ass to his shoulders again, thumbs dragging along his spine. The oil was the perfect thing to make their skin glide together. Robin melted. Stack was hot and hard against him.

  Stack slid down Robin’s legs, and began to work on his ass, fingers digging into his glutes. Stack’s hands had to be getting tired, but he just kept massaging, making Robin as melted as Stack’s prick was hard.

  “Sweet boy. Love this, having you here for me.”

  Robin was pretty into it too, especially the part where Stack had turned to him for this instead of into his own head or his work. Stack kept rocking, the heat of his cock rubbing along Robin’s crack. He thought he felt a drop or two of precome landing on his skin too.

  “Mmm.” He arched, his ass pressing up toward Stack’s cock.

  Stack pressed a hand in the middle of his back again and pushed him flat against the cushions. “I said I was doing this, boy. You need to stay still. I know that won’t be easy without bindings, but I know you can do it.” Stack rubbed that hand up and down along Robin’s spine. “Soon enough, I’ll take you, and I’ll let you move, let you push back onto my cock.”

  “Yes, Master. Yes. Love.” He would do whatever Stack aske
d. Needed to do whatever Stack asked.

  “Good boy.” Stack went back to massaging him, moving down his body to rub his thighs. He could feel the heat of Stack’s need the entire time, but Stack never hurried, easing Robin’s aches and then making him float. Need was mixed in too, but more like a gentle scent on the air instead of something big.

  Stack kneaded a tight muscle in Robin’s back, and he began to cry—not hysteria, just the release of a tension he’d endured for months. Stack didn’t tell him not to, didn’t try to stop him. Somehow his master knew—and encouraged it.

  When the tears finally ended, Stack kissed the small of his back, tongue sliding along his skin. “That’s better. I hurt you, Robin, and I’m so sorry. I did so much wrong.”

  Robin almost argued, but it was true. Stack had hurt him. On the other hand, he had to own his part of this whole thing too. “I should have talked to you sooner, before I was so frustrated.”

  “You should have. We both made mistakes.” Stack bit his left asscheek. “I bet we make more. We can’t let them fester, though.”

  “No. No, I missed you. I missed your love.”

  “Yeah. The house was so quiet without you.”

  Robin chuckled, tickled down deep. “Are you suggesting I’m loud, Master?”

  He knew he was. He brought color and music and movies and laughter with him. It was the best part of him, he thought.

  “I didn’t say that.” Stack slid two fingers along his crack and teased his hole before moving down to rub the skin behind his balls.

  “I know. I was playing with you.” He spread a little wider, letting Stack in.

  “Tease.” Even as Stack said it, he teased Robin physically, keeping the touches light, almost ticklish, against his entrance.

  “Uh-huh.” Wait, what was he agreeing to?

  Stack grabbed the oil and dripped some onto the small of Robin’s back without warming it first. It wasn’t shockingly cold or anything, but it was quite cool compared to the heat they’d been generating. Robin gasped, let himself luxuriate in the sensation.

  Stack hummed, the sound pleased, and spread the oil along Robin’s lower back and ass, massaging it in before adding more, this time dripping it so it landed in his crack. Spreading Robin’s cheeks, Stack encouraged the liquid to run down.

  “God, that feels so… intimate.”

  “It is.”

  The oil trickled down over his hole, and Stack pressed, then rubbed, spreading the slick over his skin.

  “I’m going to get you slick inside and out, then make love to you.” Stack leaned over him and whispered into his ear, “All vanilla-like.”

  He couldn’t have stopped his giggles if he’d tried. God, Stack made him happy. “Not even a cherry on top.”

  Stack chuckled, and Robin could feel his master’s head vibrate against his skin. “I think I’ve already eaten most of your cherries, boy.”

  “There are none left, Master.” They’d been together too long for that.

  “I think we should take that as a challenge. Your mission—and mine—is to find at least one more cherry for me to pop.” As Stack said “pop,” he pressed his finger into Robin’s hole.

  It took all he had not to buck, arch, and take more. He was supposed to be still, though.

  “Good boy.” Stack pressed his finger deep and touched Robin’s gland, like a reward for not moving.

  “Uhn.” Oh. Oh, God. So good. Please. More. Again. Love. Fuck. The thoughts rushed through his head, making him a little dizzy.

  Stack touched that spot inside him again, and then his finger disappeared, leaving Robin empty in favor of rubbing along his perineum again.

  Patience. Patience, Robin. He was going to scream.

  His master knew exactly what he was doing to Robin—of that he had no doubt. The touches continued, slow and gentle and designed to drive him crazy.

  His eyes crossed, and he groaned, his body shivering as he fought to stay still.

  Stack made a pleased sound, finger pushing suddenly inside him again and glancing off his gland. As he worked to stay still, he realized how not vanilla this had been made by the simple order to stay still. His master was sneaky.

  God, he wanted to push up and demand more, beg for it, anything, but he didn’t. He stayed still. For Stack.

  For his lover, his master.

  His patience was finally rewarded, Stack pushing two fingers into him and carefully opening him up.

  “Please, that’s lovely.”

  “Do you want to move? Do you want to fuck yourself on my fingers?”

  “Yes, Master. I want to.” But he wouldn’t. Not until Stack said.

  “You can. Soon. I promise.” Stack wriggled his fingers inside Robin, then slowly fucked him with them, only brushing his gland every three or four pushes in. “Right now, though, I like this, watching you take it.”

  He felt like his skin was on fire, like he was burning.

  “You glow for me, did you know that? In a scene. After a session together. Now, like this.” Stack’s voice was soft and even, almost hypnotic, the touches more so, each one seeming designed to bring him a long, slow pleasure.

  “I was born to be yours. I know it.”

  “I like that idea. That there’s someone out there for all of us who is meant to be ours.” Stack pressed kisses along his spine. “Born for me. Made to be mine. Molded by time and the universe to be my perfect match.” Stack nudged his gland a few more times. “If anyone can make me believe in soul mates, it is you.”

  “Oh.” He moaned, the sound pouring from him. Stack honored him, so much.

  More kisses dropped on his skin, and then Stack bit his right asscheek, hard enough to sting, to make him gasp. “Okay, Robin. You can move now.” Stack left his fingers only just breaching Robin’s hole.

  He bucked up, taking Stack in with a long, steady push. Stack wriggled his fingers once they were deep, brushing over Robin’s gland multiple times and making him whimper and cry out. Then Stack pulled his fingers away, once again leaving them barely inside him and waiting for him to do the work of taking them in again. Good thing he worked out.

  A lot.

  He rolled up, fucking himself eagerly, his entire body lit up.

  Stack watched him for a while—he could feel his master’s gaze like an added touch. Then, all of a sudden, Stack added his strength, thrusting his fingers deep into Robin. They moved together faster, came together harder. The only thing that would have made it better was if it was Stack’s cock instead of his fingers.

  “Master. Master, fuck me. Please. I need your cock.”

  “How bad do you need it?” Stack asked, fingers stilling, the hand on his ass keeping him from taking more as well.

  “Badly. What do you want?”

  “I want to be inside you. I want to make you crazy. I want to make love to you until I can’t breathe anymore.”

  “Yes. Please. Please, Master.” He nodded furiously.

  Stack tugged his fingers away, leaving Robin completely empty. He was taking his time filling Robin back up too.

  “Easy, boy. I’m slicking up my cock, making sure the oil is spread everywhere.”

  “Mmm. Making sure you can fill my hole up.”

  “I know I can. I’m just making sure everything is going to be slick ’n easy. We’re doing vanilla after all.” Stack hauled his hips up and put his knees underneath him. The position spread his ass, exposing his hole to his master’s gaze. “Nice.”

  Then Stack pressed his cockhead against Robin’s hole.

  He sucked in a deep breath, sobbing in his need to stay still. Stack rested there, pressed against him and immobile for a long time. He could feel that it wasn’t easy on Stack either, could feel the trembling in Stack’s muscles.

  Suddenly—and thank God—Stack sank into him, opening him up without any fanfare or teasing. Just boom. He was in. Stack’s body rested hard on his ass, the backs of his thighs.

  He was sensitive enough from the massage and the bu
ildup that he could feel the hairs on Stack’s body against his skin. They rubbed as Stack shifted slightly, cock nudging his gland and making everything so much bigger.

  Then Stack’s hands wrapped around his hips, and Stack began to pull out. “Let’s do this.”

  “God yes. Please.” He braced himself on the arm of the sofa.

  Stack made a noise that sounded suspiciously like a growl, and then they were banging together hard, Stack slamming in and pulling him back into each thrust. It was exactly what he needed, Stack filling him better than anyone or anything ever had.

  “Master! Yes, please!” He could beg with the best of them.

  “Yes!” Stack cried out in reply, finding a great rhythm and pounding into him with it, waking every part of him—inside as well as out.

  Robin met every movement, pushing against Stack, wild for his lover. He swore he could feel bruises breaking out beneath Stack’s fingertips, and he reveled in it. Wanted more. Stack obviously did too, fucking him harder, faster, pushing him fast and hard enough that he could barely breathe, and he gasped for air.

  Stack kept him moving, though, pulling him back over and over. It was glorious, and he let everything else go, losing himself in this, in his master. It was the easiest thing on earth, having all this heat piercing him, loving him.

  Stack let go of his right hip and slid his hand around to grab Robin’s cock. His grip on Robin’s erection was tight, almost harsh.

  “Master!” He jerked, his ass squeezing hard.

  Stack groaned and stilled for a couple of seconds. Then he started moving again, pumping into Robin’s ass.

  Robin was losing his mind, seriously. Just lost and mad for his master. He heard a sound that at first he thought was his master panting. Then he realized Stack was saying his name, over and over with every thrust.

  “Love you,” he called out. “I love you.”

  He needed Stack to know.

  “Baby!” Stack cried and slammed into him. He could feel heat spraying deep inside him as his master came. “Fuck. Yes. Okay. You too. Now.”

  Stack’s thumb slid over his slit, burning him deep in his gut. More than that, though, it was Stack’s demand that pushed him over and made him come. He would do everything in his power to obey Stack, always.


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