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The Super Spies and the High School Bomber

Page 21

by Lisa Orchard

  Jackie grabbed her arm. “What if it’s the bomber?”

  Sarah shook her head. “I saw him drive down the street. It’s not him.” She hesitated and then took a deep breath. “Who is it?”

  “The Police,” a gruff voice replied.

  Sarah gave Jackie a relieved smile and opened the door.

  Shock ran through her body as if she had been electrified. Standing before her was an angry, hairless bomber. Sarah gasped; her legs seemed to fill with lead, and she just couldn’t move fast enough. She slammed the door in his face. It was almost closed when she felt resistance from the outside.

  “Jackie, help!” Sarah screamed.

  Jackie came from behind and pushed on the door.

  Lily went crazy, barking and jumping as the girls struggled to keep the bomber from coming inside.

  Sarah pushed with all her might, but she could tell they were losing the battle. He’s so strong! She could feel the door opening wider. “He’s winning!”

  “Lacey! Help!” Jackie screamed.

  Sarah bit her lip. He’s going to get inside! Rage coursed through her body and she willed it to be stronger. The door opened wider.

  Lacey ran up and slammed her shoulder against the door. All three girls heaved and the door closed an inch.

  The bomber grunted and Sarah felt his renewed strength as the door opened wider.

  The criminal cursed and suddenly, the resistance was gone. The door slammed shut with a loud bang. The girls stumbled forward and landed in a heap on the floor.

  The Super Spies stared at each other. Sarah could see the fear in Jackie’s eyes. With trembling hands, she reached up and locked the door. She took a ragged breath and then sagged against it. Clenching her hands, Sarah hung her head and leaned on her knees. She didn’t know what to do. The blood thrummed in her ears, keeping pace with her heart. Taking deep breaths, Sarah tried to calm herself.

  “What is going on?” Lacey cried, wringing her hands.

  Sarah inhaled and said, “The bomber was trying to get in.”

  Lacey opened her mouth to speak but was interrupted by another knock on the door.

  Jackie grabbed Sarah’s arm. “Don’t answer it.”

  Chapter Eighteen

  Sarah trembled. She gulped as she stood. Turning, she faced the door and took a shuddering breath.

  A second knock, this one louder and more insistent. Sarah stared at the others, trying to decide what to do.

  “Sarah Cole?” an authoritative voice asked.

  “It’s the police,” Sarah said.

  “You hope,” Jackie warned.

  “Who is it?” Sarah called through the door.

  “Agent Gray.”

  Jackie grabbed her arm. “What if it’s the bomber pretending to be Agent Gray?”

  Sarah shook her head. “No, the bomber doesn’t know the FBI man’s name.”

  “He might, remember he’s a security guard at the hospital.”

  Sarah wrinkled her brow and called through the door. “How do we know it’s really you?”

  “You asked me to ping your parents phone.”

  With a shaking hand, Sarah unlocked the door and peered around it. Agents Gray and Stone stood on the porch. Her legs turned to wet noodles and she sagged against the door jamb for a moment, before opening it wider so the agents could enter.

  “Come in.”

  “The bomber just tried to get in our house!” Lacey shrieked.

  Agent Gray held his hands in the air. “Calm down and tell me everything that happened.”

  Sarah put her arm around her sister and faced the agents. “I woke up and heard a truck outside.”

  “This was the suspect’s’ truck?” Agent Gray asked.

  “Yes. I didn’t know it until I went out on the porch and it drove by. He must have seen me, because he stopped and came back.”

  “They tried to get in the door,” Jackie blurted out.

  “That’s right.” Sarah nodded emphatically. “They knocked on the door. We answered it thinking it was the police, and he tried to get in.” She shuddered.

  “How did you keep him from getting in?” Agent Gray asked. His voice was low and urgent.

  “We all pushed against the door. He would have gotten in, but suddenly he was gone. The next thing we heard was you guys knocking.”

  “And you’re sure it was the bomber? The one we sketched earlier?”

  Sarah pursed her lips and nodded.

  “Randy Ferguson, right?” Agent Gray asked.

  “Yes,” Sarah said in a shaky voice.

  Agent Gray turned his attention to Agent Stone. “Call for backup and a CSI unit. We need a guard here and we need other personnel combing the area for that truck. I also want someone lifting prints from that door.” He looked back toward the Super Spies. “We must have scared him off when we pulled up.”

  “You mean you didn’t see his truck in the driveway?” Sarah asked.

  Agent Gray shook his head. “He must have parked on the side road.” He frowned. “I don’t like this. I don’t like it one bit.” He shook his head and sighed. “He knows where you live.”

  Sarah gulped. “I know.”

  “That means he knows who you are.”

  Sarah nodded and took a deep breath, then she ran a trembling hand through her hair. She leaned against Lacey, needing her support.

  “All right.” Agent Stone closed his phone and faced his partner. “Backup’s on the way.”

  Agent Gray gave him a nod, before he faced the girls. “Where’s your aunt?”

  “She’s with Uncle Walt.” Sarah started down the stairs. “I have to sit down.” She made her way toward the kitchen and the group followed her. She sank into a chair, seconds before her knees buckled.

  Agent Gray stepped into the kitchen. “We’ll sit with you until backup arrives. Is there another place you could stay for a couple of days?”

  “They can stay with me.” Jackie moved behind Sarah and put her hand on her shoulder.

  “Yeah.” Sarah nodded. “Yeah…we’ll convince Aunt June to stay at the hospital with Uncle Walt and we’ll stay at Jackie’s.”

  “I think you should go there tomorrow morning,” the agent said.

  There was a knock on the front door. Agent Gray turned toward the sound. Sarah cringed in her chair. He walked toward the door and returned after a few seconds. Trailing behind him were four FBI agents.

  The agents conversed quietly while the Super Spies huddled together around the kitchen table. Sarah waited to hear what they were going to do next.

  Agent Gray broke from the group and walked toward the Super Spies. “Okay, we’re going to look for that truck. Agent Stone and Agent Black are staying here and guarding the house, but I don’t think he’s coming back tonight. The other two agents are going to lift the prints.”

  “Okay,” Sarah said as she took a shuddering breath. She looked at Jackie and Lacey. “We’re going to bed.”

  The agent nodded. “That’s a good idea. First thing in the morning you should go to your friend’s house and stay there until we catch these guys. I’ll send agents to guard her house as well.”

  Sarah nodded and sighed as weariness invaded her body. “Okay.” She stood and gazed at the agent. “If they need anything to drink, there’s stuff in the fridge.”

  “Thanks, Sarah. Why don’t you girls head to bed?”

  She gave the agent a tired smile and motioned toward the other girls. “Come on.”

  Jackie and Lacey traveled behind Sarah to the bedroom. Lacey closed the door behind her and plopped down on her bed.

  “I can’t believe the bombers know where we live.” Lacey’s lip quivered.

  Sarah put her hand on her sister’s shoulder and squeezed. “We’re going to be all right.”

  Lacey nodded, but avoided eye contact with Sarah. She slipped under her covers and turned her back on the other girls.

  Sarah and Jackie exchanged an apprehensive look. “I’ll go get the cot for you to slee
p on.”

  “Okay,” Jackie said.

  Sarah slipped out the door and returned a few seconds later, hauling a small cot with her. She set it up quickly before she left to find some bedding for her friend.

  After making up Jackie’s bed, Sarah slipped beneath her covers and sighed with relief. Jackie’s bedding rustled as she got comfortable. Then the room grew quiet; the only sound Sarah could hear was the agents’ murmuring upstairs and an occasional thump. Sarah sighed again. Floorboards creaked as the agents walked around the living room. Her nerves were all jangled up and she jumped at every sound.

  Sarah lay in bed tired, but wide-awake. As she rolled onto her back, she realized she wasn’t going to sleep much. Her senses were on high alert. Lacey’s gentle snore caught her attention. She was surprised her sister could sleep with everything going on.

  “Sarah?” Jackie whispered.


  “Why did the bomber come to your house?”

  “I have no idea. It’s kind of weird, don’t you think?”

  “Very weird.”

  “I wonder if he knew we were alone.” Sarah’s heart sank as she thought of this possibility. “That means he’s been watching us.”

  “Very scary.”

  Sarah shuddered. “This whole thing just keeps getting weirder and weirder.”

  “No doubt.”

  “I wonder what he thought he was going to accomplish.” Sarah rolled on her side and faced her friend. She couldn’t see her in the dark, but it was comforting to face the sound of her voice. She sat up. “Jackie?”


  “He sure was strong.”

  “Yeah, he was. I mean all three of us were pushing on the door, and he was still going to get in.”

  “I’m so glad the FBI showed up when they did.” Sarah shivered at the memory and pulled her quilt tighter around her.

  “No-o doubt.”



  “Do you think he came here to set another bomb for Uncle Walt?” Sarah’s body filled with the weight of dread.

  “I don’t know.” Jackie sighed. “But we’re safe now, the agents are here.”

  Sarah gulped. She placed her hands over her thudding heart. “Yeah.” She took a couple of deep breaths. “We’ll call Scoop in the morning. Hopefully, he’ll have some answers for us.”

  “Yeah, we’ll get answers in the morning.” Jackie yawned and rolled over.

  Sarah lay awake, listening. Jackie’s breathing slowed and then turned rhythmic as she fell asleep. Questions invaded Sarah’s mind like bees swarming a hive. Why did the bomber come to my house? What is he looking for? Shivering, Sarah pulled her quilt tighter around her. No answers came to her, just more questions. What is the motive behind this atrocious act? Is the bomber after the Super Spies now?

  Sarah willed her brain to stop. She tried to think of pleasant things, but she was having a hard time doing it. Closing her eyes, she counted sheep, hoping to fall asleep. I don’t think this will work, but anything’s worth a try.

  Sarah woke with a start and looked around the room. She realized she was alone. Blinking, she tried to wipe the sleep from her eyes. She glanced at the clock. Nine o’clock. It’s still early. As she climbed out of bed, she reached for her robe, before she walked out of her room. The sound of voices in the kitchen made her quicken her pace and she stumbled up the stairs, searching for the other Super Spies.

  “Morning, girlfriend,” Jackie greeted her.

  “Morning,” Sarah mumbled.

  “Hey.” Lacey glanced over her shoulder.

  Sarah gazed around her. “Are the FBI agents still here?”

  “Yep, they’re upstairs. Waiting for breakfast,” Jackie answered.

  “Oh, really. They think you can cook?” Sarah smirked.

  “Be nice.”

  “After breakfast we’re going over to Jackie’s,” Lacey informed Sarah as she poured pancake batter on the griddle.

  “Did anyone call Aunt June?” Sarah asked.

  “I did,” Lacey called out and flashed a smile.

  “Okay.” Sarah scratched her head. “We need to talk to Scoop and see if he found anything.”

  “Breakfast first.” Lacey spoke in a firm voice and shook her spatula at her sister.

  “You’re not the boss of me.” Sarah stuck her tongue out at her. “The pancakes aren’t even done yet. I’m calling Scoop now.” She reached for the phone and punched in the number.

  “Hi, Scoop. This is Sarah. Give me a call when you get a chance.” Sarah closed the phone and glanced at Jackie. “I got his voicemail.”

  “Pancakes are done,” Lacey chimed in and set two plates of steaming cakes on the table. “Dig in.”

  The Super Spies ate in silence. Sarah could barely swallow her food, even though she was hungry. The thoughts that had plagued her last night ran rampant through her mind. There was no way to stop them. Her stomach clenched tighter with each passing thought. Are the bombers after the Super Spies now? This question haunted her and deep in her gut Sarah knew they were on the bomber’s list.

  Sarah pushed her plate away and rose. “I’m going to take a shower. We need to get to Jackie’s ASAP.”

  Jackie must have heard the anxiety in Sarah’s voice, because she glanced up and gave her friend a smile. “The sooner the better.”

  “What about Aunt June?” Lacey asked.

  “After we get settled at Jackie’s we’ll go and tell her,” Sarah said.

  “We have school tomorrow.” Lacey set her fork down and gazed at her sister.

  Sarah nodded. “I know.” She faced Jackie. “You can use my aunt and uncle’s shower.”

  Sarah took a quick shower and dressed in blue jeans and a light blue polo shirt. After drying her hair, she ran a brush through it. Gazing into the mirror, Sarah inspected herself. I wonder if I’ll ever get to be a normal teenager again?

  She thought back to the days before she moved to Harrisburg and remembered the soccer games and slumber parties she had attended. They had seemed so important then. Now, they seemed trivial. Sarah sighed and smoothed her shirt before she walked out of the bedroom.

  The sound of the shower became apparent as she trudged by the bathroom. Sarah knew Lacey would be ready soon. As she strolled back into the kitchen, she checked her phone. What was taking Scoop so long to call back?

  Jackie pranced into the kitchen, fluffing her curls. “Are you all packed?”

  Sarah shook her head. “How many days should I pack for?”

  “Pack for the whole week.”

  “The whole week?” Sarah grumbled. “Do you think it’s going to take that long to catch the bombers?”

  “You never know.”

  Sarah groaned and stomped downstairs. She packed quickly, not paying much attention to the clothes she threw into her duffle bag. Suddenly, she was angry. Angry with the bombers for turning her life upside down. Who do these people think they are? Taking a deep breath, she clenched her hands, and willed herself to calm down.

  After taking a couple deep breaths, Sarah grabbed her duffle bag, and raced toward the stairs. She collided with Lacey in the corridor.

  “Hey, watch it,” Lacey sputtered.

  “Sorry,” Sarah called over her shoulder as she raced up the stairs. Stopping, she peered at her sister. “You need to pack a bag, too.”



  “Okay, Mon Capitaine.” Lacey gave her sister a mock salute.

  Sarah rolled her eyes. “Just hurry.”

  When Sarah reached the kitchen, she found Jackie sitting at the table. She was wearing a bright red V-neck shirt with sequins on the front and a pair of jeans. Sarah stifled a giggle. What a goofball. “Way to keep a low profile.”

  Jackie stuck out her tongue. “I like it.”

  “Okay, disco queen.”

  “What’s wrong with disco?”

  “Disco’s dead.”

  “It’s making a come
back.” Jackie flashed her runway smile.

  “No way.”

  “Way.” Jackie nodded. “And I’m a trend-setter.”

  “Whatever.” Sarah rolled her eyes and shook her head. “Any word from Scoop?” She sat across from Jackie and placed her duffle bag at her feet.

  Jackie frowned. “No, not a peep.”

  “That’s strange, he’s usually really good at calling back.”

  “I know.”

  “Did the Fibbies get any pancakes?” Sarah giggled nervously. “I totally forgot about them.”

  Jackie snickered. “Yeah, Lacey took some to them while you were in the shower.”


  The phone rang. Sarah jumped and then answered it. “Hello?”

  “Sarah?” Scoop asked.

  Sarah cracked a smile. “Scoop! We were wondering when you were going to call.”

  He chuckled. “Well, I got the information you wanted. I’ve got a list of all of Randy’s classes for his high school years.”

  “Awesome.” Sarah gave Jackie the thumbs up sign. “Why don’t we meet at Hinkle’s and we can go over it.”

  “That sounds good, but I can’t meet until noon.”

  “Okay, noon at Hinkle’s.”

  Sarah disconnected the call and then punched in her aunt’s cell phone number. She listened to it ring and was surprised when it went into voicemail. Frowning, Sarah left a message for her aunt, asking about Uncle Walt and to call her as soon as she could.

  “You look worried,” Jackie commented.

  “I’m just surprised that I didn’t get in touch with my aunt,” Sarah said with a frown.

  “A lot of times people have to turn their phones off when they’re in the hospital.”


  Lacey walked into the kitchen, dressed and carrying her duffle bag.

  “Let’s hit the road.” Jackie stood and motioned for the Cole girls to follow her.

  “Wait, what about Lily?” Lacey asked.

  “I can’t believe I forgot about Lily.” Sarah groaned. “We’ll have to take her with us.” She looked at Jackie. “Is that going to be all right with your mom?”

  Jackie shrugged. “I don’t know. But what can she do? Once Lily’s in the house, I’m sure she won’t kick her out.”


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