Smoke and Mirrors wm-4
Page 30
Cynthia said, “Tell him, Mother. I didn’t have anything to do with any of it. Jack raped me when he was a cop and I was a minor. Just because I had a joint on me when he stopped me. I had just turned sixteen. And he made me keep seeing him. I never wanted to, but Daddy told me to see him again or he’d turn Jack in for statutory rape and make sure everyone knew it was me.”
Leigh sat up straighter and her expression was one of total resignation. “Billy, are you representing me here?”
“Yes.” Billy nodded. “Winter played the tape for me. You have already hired me, so yes, technically you are my client.”
“This is just a copy of the tape,” Winter told her. “The original is in a safe place.”
Leigh asked, “Winter, are you acting in any official capacity as a representative of any police agency here?”
“No,” Winter said. “I resigned my commission, so at this moment I am acting on my own behalf.”
“I don’t want Cynthia involved with this,” Leigh said. “It’s all on me, okay? She is a victim.”
“See?” Cynthia said. “I was only accidentally involved. I’ve been at school.”
“Some. But I bet you’ve been in town a lot lately,” Winter said, guessing. “Okay, get out.”
Cynthia grabbed her purse and went to the door.
“Wait for me in the reception area,” Leigh ordered. Cynthia smiled weakly at her mother before leaving the room.
“I won’t make excuses for myself,” Leigh said. “I am guilty of what Jacob accuses me of. It started off as one thing and turned into a nightmare. Cynthia is the way she is because I raised her to be able to take my place, the same way my father raised me. Weakness is for those who can afford it, and we’ve hung on when few others in our business have. She is strong-willed and, yes, even manipulative. That is what is required of a woman in a man’s world. Jacob’s attitude toward her was always cold because he knew Cynthia was Brad’s child…” Her voice trailed off. “I truly did love Sherry and saw her as a member of my family, and…poor dear Estelle…and Bradley…and Dr. Barnett. All the others…I deserve any punishment I receive and I will accept any blame.”
“Leigh, only you know the full extent of what you’ve actually done, and precisely what you are or aren’t guilty of,” Winter said. “You used Brad, Alexa, and me, and we never suspected it. Despite her voluntary participation, Cynthia was in real danger of being killed because you and Jacob involved her. She has problems that probably aren’t going to get any better. People are dead, lives are destroyed. You put Hampton’s life at risk. As far as I can tell, he’s the only one around here that is salvageable. And I want him to be saved.”
Leigh interrupted, “Some good did come of it. You killed that monster who killed Sherry and Dr. Barnett. He would have killed my children. I knew I should have come clean, and I really wanted to, but I couldn’t without admitting what I had done. And Brad…”
“There’s one last thing,” Winter said. He lifted the recorder, fast-forwarded it until he found the corresponding number, and snapped the PLAY button. Winter watched Leigh’s face as Jacob’s recorder played his confrontation with Winter, Brad, and Alexa outside the house. The tape was rolling when Jacob drove away. There were two minutes filled with the mad rantings of a man driven by terror as he barreled down the county road. The sound of a horn honking was followed by Jacob cursing, “Pass me if you can, you prick!”
The engine roared as Jacob pressed down on the accelerator, laughing and cursing, unaware that the recorder in his coat pocket was collecting the sounds of the car’s interior. “Jesus,” he cried out. “Jesus Christ, you’re going to kill us both, you idiot. Pizza face! Wait!”
There was a pop, which was the window glass shattering, some bumping, and a final smacking sound.
“Who shot him?” Leigh asked. “Pizza face?”
Winter shrugged. “Tug Murphy. Alexa checked your home phone records. You called White an hour before Jacob hit you and left the house. All it took was you telling White that Jacob was going to break. And now of course White and Tug are both dead.”
“Jacob believed that Mulvane had Cyn. I knew they wouldn’t hurt her if they got the land. I should have admitted everything then, but I knew Cyn would have been killed if Jacob had screwed things up-and he would have. He’d have told you and Brad everything and you could not have saved my daughter. Jacob didn’t care about her. That’s why I called Albert White.”
Leigh’s face slackened and her eyes showed fear. “This will destroy Brad. And Hamp…Tell me what you want me to do.”
Winter stared at her, reading her truthfulness as best he could.
“What if Brad doesn’t need to know? He would have to charge you with conspiracy or depraved indifference or whatever the law allows for crimes like yours. I expect he’d quit his job first to let others handle that, and it would absolutely destroy him. I don’t think he could live, knowing you were responsible for his father’s death and all of the rest of it. Brad is a very good man. I am going to believe that you really do love him. Maybe you just think you do so you can feel better about yourself. It doesn’t have to matter.”
“I have loved Brad for most of my life. I intend to spend the rest of my life making myself worthy of him. Brad and my children are all that matters.”
“If you’re truly sorry about what happened, like you say you are, you can prove it easily enough.”
“How?” Leigh asked him, hope in her eyes.
“Get rid of the money.” Winter took a sheet of paper out of his pocket and opened it. “Here’s a list of the dead and injured, with contributions you can make to each. I’m guessing on your tax liability, but whatever is left over will go to scholarships for underprivileged kids in Sherry Adams’s name. You do that and I’ll make sure nobody outside this room ever hears this tape. If you aren’t being honest about Brad and those feelings, he’ll know it soon enough. If you are, it’s maybe his only shot at happiness. Maybe Brad’s influence can be a counterbalance to what you and Jacob have done to Cyn. You agree to this, Billy has agreed to draw up the papers and handle the financial transfers. Him, I know I can trust. That’s between you and Cynthia, but you’ll do it.”
Leigh nodded slowly. “I’ll do it.”
“I hoped you would see what a good idea it was,” Winter said, checking his watch. He stood slowly, knowing his face was reflecting the pain he was feeling. “Truth is, there’s a lot worse people than you and your daughter. I think that you’re more conniving than evil, but you sure did a lot of evil.”
“I didn’t think anybody would be killed,” Leigh said weakly. Tears rolled down her cheeks.
“But they were. If I thought you hadn’t just lost control of this mess, I’d make it my personal mission to see you go to jail. Maybe Brad will help heal you. Leigh, I wish you redemption. I really do,” Winter said, lifting his crutches and placing the tape recorder into his pocket. “Billy will let me know when the papers are signed and the money is distributed.”
“You won’t be sorry,” Leigh said, wiping her tears away.
“If I am, you will be even sorrier. This will all be in a safe place. Now I have a plane to catch. Just remember that I will be watching.”
When Winter passed through the reception area, Cynthia kept her eyes on the open magazine in her lap, which was more than all right with Winter. He might regret not handing the evidence to the prosecutor in Tunica County, but he prayed that wouldn’t be the case. He had never thought he could let the guilty walk away clean, but he also never imagined he could blow a man’s brains out believing that man was unarmed.
He crutch-walked out into the bright crisp Tennessee air, slid into the back of the waiting taxi, and closed the door.
“Airport,” he said, leaning back.
After being in the same room with Leigh and Cynthia Gardner, he wanted to take a stiff brush and scrub his skin with disinfectant. He had decided that Paulus Styer would be the last man he would ever kill
. Winter Massey knew that going home to the people he loved was the only thing that could make him feel whole again.
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Document creation date: 28.03.2012
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Document authors :
John Ramsey Miller
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