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“Do you mean Clayton?”
“No. Clayton heard about it and decided to do the same thing.”
“So who is the other guy?”
“I don’t know; I couldn’t see him. He wore a Halloween mask.”
Vanessa raised an eyebrow. “Just like Clayton?”
“And this guy brought you more Dark Ice?”
Jordan felt her skin flush with embarrassment. “He brought me more, but we did other things as well.”
“Sexual things?”
Jordan shook her head. “I enjoyed it.” She looked at Vanessa. “Is that weird?”
“Kind of. But not as weird as your ex-husband having a sexual Halloween mask fetish and wanting to act on it years after your divorce, only because he finds out that some other guy was breaking into your condo and doing the same thing.”
Jordan smiled. “Good point.”
Vanessa became lost in thought. Finally she said, “What’s this club called? Maybe we can find it.”
“It’s called, Dark, but I wouldn’t bother trying to find it. I’m guessing that it’s at some warehouse outside of Nashville.”
Vanessa rubbed the back of her neck. “Do you think this club is dangerous? They got you hooked on their drug, not to mention the masked intruder is obviously working for Dark.” Vanessa locked her eyes on Jordan. “Unless you told them about a fantasy that you had about being sexually assaulted by a mask-wearing-stalker?”
“I didn’t tell them anything like that.” Jordan thought about her exhausting interview before writing a check to Dark. “Although, they did grill me for hours. They tested me and even hooked me up to a polygraph machine.”
“That’s creepy.”
“I guess.”
Vanessa held both of Jordan’s hands. “What are you going to do?”
Jordan thought about that question. “I’m not going to do anything.” She gazed at Vanessa. “You asked me what’s been going on…so I told you.”
When the caller ID said, IDIOT, Jordan could not believe she was reading it correctly. “Hello?”
“I’m out of jail,” Clayton said.
Jordan had just taken a small shot of Dark Ice and planned on going to bed early. This phone call would certainly disrupt that plan. “How did you get out of jail so fast?”
“I paid bail and agreed to wear an ankle bracelet.”
“Should you be calling me? Won’t you get in trouble?”
“They said I shouldn’t make any contact with you, but I just wanted to say that I don’t give a fuck.”
Jordan sprung from the bed and began pacing. “What does that mean?”
“I want to finish what I started. Are you home?”
Jordan flicked on the bedroom light. “That’s none of your business. Aren’t you in enough trouble?”
“My lawyers think they can get me off with three hundred hours community service and no jail time.”
Jordan could not believe this was happening. “By threatening me, you could jeopardize that.”
“I’m sure it will, but like I said…I don’t give a fuck.” Clayton was breathing heavy through the phone. “I’ve already been fired from HCA. I’ll never find another job. My life has turned to shit and it is all your fault!”
“Bullshit! You decided to break into my condo and attempt to rape me! That was your choice, not mine!” She squeezed the phone. “By the way. Where did you get a key to my condo? How did you figure out the security code?”
“I’m one of the most powerful men in Nashville.”
Jordan forced a sarcastic laugh. “Well, you used to be one of the most powerful men in Nashville.”
“Don’t judge me. You were always such a fucking slut. That’s why I married you.”
“I like sex. There is a big difference.”
“And sometimes you liked it rough. I know, because you begged me to fuck you hard.”
“That does not give you the excuse to-”
“What about the time you suggested bringing another guy into our bed for a threesome?”
“I only said that because you suggested bringing another woman into our bed. I told you that I would do it, if you agreed that we could have a threesome with a man as well.”
“Why would I want another guy fucking you? That doesn’t make sense.”
Jordan’s veins pumped with fury. “But it’s okay for you to fuck another woman? That makes sense to you?”
“You like being with women. It shouldn’t have mattered.”
“Yeah, and I like being with men as well. This conversation is over.”
“Okay, but don’t you want to know where I am?”
Jordan froze. “You can’t be close, because the ankle bracelet would alert your parole officer.”
“That’s true, if I was actually wearing my ankle bracelet. I snapped it off and escaped. I’m sure the police are looking for me, but they cannot trace where I am.”
Jordan hung up the phone and dialed 911.
Detective Daane informed Jordan that they were searching for Clayton, but have yet to locate him. She suggested that Jordan stay locked inside her condo until he was found.
Jordan could not sit here and wait for Clayton to show up, even if the police had someone watching the building. There was a chance that he could sneak in.
She took a healthy chug of Dark Ice and called Ryan, begging him to pick her up. Also, Jordan told Ryan to pick up Kady so that she would not be jealous. Jordan figured that Ryan had two bodyguards that would not sit around and watch a woman being attacked.
In the back of the limo, Jordan said, “Let’s get something clear. I’m hiding from my psycho ex-husband. I’m not here to fuck either of you.”
Ryan and Kady glanced at each other, then held hands. Ryan smiled and said, “That’s understandable, but you need to relax.”
Jordan felt extremely relaxed for what was happening to her. In fact, she was also very horny, but knew that was the illusion of Dark Ice controlling her emotions.
Kady rested her head on Ryan’s shoulder. “Where should we go?”
Jordan suddenly felt sexually frustrated. However, she didn’t want to get crazy with Ryan and Kady. They seemed to be okay together, but Kady could become jealous, which will make Ryan uncomfortable and ruin any future chance at a relationship, especially since Ryan is a country singer that probably gets mauled by women on a daily basis.
Ryan cleared his throat, “Well, how about I say something interesting to break this tension.”
“You can try,” Jordan said, playfully giving him a hard time.
“Did you know that in Nashville, it is illegal to get a lap dance, but group sex in a club is okay?”
Jordan thought he was joking. “Okay, that is interesting if you are serious.”
“I am serious. Google it.”
Kady laughed. “So what you are saying is that Jordan and I could be arrested for giving you a lap dance in a club, but we can fuck you and that would fine.”
“That’s exactly what I’m saying.”
Kady looked at Jordan. “How about we give that a shot?”
“I told you that I’m not having sex with you two. I don’t think…” Jordan took in a quick breath. “Why don’t you two have sex in a club?”
“We can’t,” Ryan said. “That would be illegal. We would need at least one other person to have group sex, which is not illegal.”
Jordan became intrigued. “Okay, where do you suggest we go?”
Ryan picked up the limo phone and spoke to one of his bodyguards. “Take us to the Tennessee Social Club.” He hung the phone up and formed a grin. “This should be interesting.”
bsp; “Couples only,” the black bouncer said at the door. His was absolutely massive, wearing a black shirt that stretched at the seams. “And no bodyguards.”
Ryan glanced back at his buddies, then looked at the bouncer. “How do you know they are my bodyguards?”
“Because, I know you are Ryan Gil. I like your music.”
“Thanks, but is there any chance just me and the two ladies can come inside?”
The bouncer looked at Kady and Jordan, then brought his eyes back on Ryan. “There is a hundred dollar yearly membership fee, along with a twenty-five dollar cover charge that has to be paid each time you visit the club.”
“Where should we fill out the paperwork?”
The bouncer formed a large grin. “Give me a thousand bucks and I can just let you walk right in without putting your name down on a piece of paper that can be sent to the paparazzi.”
Ryan reached into his pocket and pulled out a wad of cash. “I have two hundred with me. If you let us go in, I’ll have one of my bodyguards get you another fifteen hundred, provided that not a single person snaps a photo of me and puts it on the cover of the Nashville Enquire.”
The bouncer took the money. “You got a deal. Welcome to the Tennessee Social Club.”
The club had a dance floor packed with half naked men and women, all grinding each other and kissing different partners. The music thumped while strobe lights whisked the dancers to another world.
A bar ran along the wall with about ten servers making drinks. Two women were on barstools being fucked by two men that switched every few minutes. About twenty cocktail tables were filled with more couples. Jordan noticed that several were discreetly fondling each other under the table. She had a feeling that their spouses did not know what was going on.
On the second floor were three large rooms. One room had dim purple lights with ten king size beds draped with flowing white curtains. Eight out of the ten beds had at least four people on them, but not all were couples. One bed had one woman and three men, while the another bed had one man and three women.
The second room was labeled, NON-SWINGERS, with dim blue lights. It had six beds with black flowing curtains that were restricted to couples that wanted the swinging atmosphere, but only felt comfortable having sex with each other.
And the third room had dim red lights, arranged with whips, paddles, chains, leather masks, gags, and…well, you get the picture.
Jordan split away from Ryan and Kady, who wanted to explore the non-swinging room. She decided to get a Loopy and Sprite, suck that down, then order another one.
A large line had formed on the dance floor. At the head of the line was a plump naked woman in a leather chair wearing a blue silk mask that said, IT’S MY BIRTHDAY, written in pink letters. Next to her on the floor were her clothes and three empty shot glasses.
The first person in line was a man wearing only boxer shorts. He danced towards the woman as the people cheered behind him, then kneeled down next to the woman and kissed her nipples.
The next person was a thin woman that danced forward, kneeled, and buried her face between the birthday girl’s legs. About a minute later, she stood and bowed to the cheering line of people.
When the line became thirty deep, Jordan did not see the point in watching anymore. The birthday girl was in for a long, yet satisfying night.
Jordan bought two more Loopy’s, but this time, skipped the Sprite and just did shots. The Dark Ice continued to keep her in the horny mood, but the drinks magnified her desire.
Next to her, a woman had her legs spread on a bar stool as another woman ate her out and a guy fucked that woman from behind. Jordan thought about joining in, but decided to head up to the second floor.
She poked her head in the non-swinging section and barely caught a glimpse of Ryan and Kady going at it on one of the far beds. Jordan then headed to the dimly lit purple room and noticed an empty bed. She smiled, then walked to the bed, stripped off her clothes, and laid down.
Jordan would let fate decide who gets to fuck her tonight.
Two middle-aged men approached wearing jeans and no shirts. Both of them had mullets and one of them had a full beard.
The full beard guy asked, “Can we join you?”
Jordan smiled and said, “Not a fucking chance in hell.”
They scurried off to the next bed. Jordan figured that the bouncer would not let them in the club alone, so they had to come with their wives. At some point during the night, the two idiots probably told their wives, ‘How about we separate and mingle with other people.’ The wives agreed and headed in the opposite direction. The idiot guys most certainly gave each other high-fives and then went searching for a lonely woman they could double-team.
However, they had probably been walking around for an hour with no luck, while their wives were getting all the sex they could handle with multiple couples.
“You’re beautiful,” a female said. Jordan saw a middle-aged couple, both wearing dressy outfits. The woman had double-D breasts and gorgeous eyes that pierced through the dim purple lights. The man had equally gorgeous eyes and a well-developed frame. The woman looked at the man and said, “Let’s keep trying.” They held hands and began to walk away.
Jordan said, “Um…wait a second. You two can stay here if you want.”
They smiled nervously, took off their clothes, set them next to Jordan’s and crawled on the bed.
The man looked around, clearly having never done this before. “I’m Logan, this is my wife Lori.” He then reached out to shake Jordan’s hand, but pulled back, turning a bright pink. “I’m not sure what to do.”
Lori let out a nervous chuckled. “I’m actually terrified.”
“First time?” Jordan asked, knowing the answer.
Logan swallowed. “Is it that obvious?”
“Don’t worry,” Jordan said. “This is my first time here as well.”
Lori inched closer to her. “Will your husband be joining us?”
“Not possible,” Jordan said with a smile. “We have this bed all to ourselves.”
Jordan and Lori faced each other on the bed and began kissing, while Logan positioned himself long ways by their feet. Jordan felt a sudden tension in Lori’s lips, knowing that Logan must have started fucking her. Jordan rubbed Lori’s firm breasts, then lowered her hand to feel Logan’s hip swaying back and forth while he fucked his wife.
At the bed next to them, some woman must have been getting hammered by a guy, because she was yelping and screaming so loud it became a distraction. A few minutes later, the yelping stopped and the woman shouted, “Holy shit! I’ve never been fucked that hard before!”
Lori giggled with her lips still next to Jordan. “I hope she goes back downstairs.”
“Forget about her,” Jordan whispered. She shoved her tongue in Lori’s mouth and they rubbed each other’s breasts while passionately kissing.
Logan eased his large cock into Jordan. It was awkward at first, but Logan’s tension subsided and he progressed into a nice rhythm.
Lori pulled her head back and looked down at her husband fucking Jordan. She then formed a grin. “That may be the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen.”
Jordan decided to give Lori a nice show. She started moaning, which wasn’t difficult, since Logan’s cock felt amazing. Jordan whispered, “He’s great at fucking.”
Lori’s eyes became aroused. She leaned forward and kissed Jordan’s neck and nibbled on her ear. “You like that cock?”
“It’s fucking incredible,” Jordan groaned. Her mind drifted as Logan masterfully took turns dipping his cock into both of their pussies. Jordan felt a small spurt of cum, but figured Logan was able to hold back as he released, then pushed his cock back in, and then gave Lori a turn.
Jordan felt a calloused ha
nd on her ass, then the warmth of a hairy body and a semi-limp cock pressed against the back of her leg. She popped her eyes open.
Lori turned her body and shouted, “What the fuck are you doing?”
Jordan leaned up and realized that the two mullet men had returned. The bearded idiot had sprawled down next to Jordan and the other by Lori, both desperate enough to think they could join without asking.
Jordan reached back, took hold of his hairy balls, then squeezed and twisted with all the strength she had. He shouted in pain, eyes wide with a mixture of fear and shock.
Lori swung at the guy near her, landing a punch square on the nose. Logan stood, grabbed both guys by their mullets and threw them out of the room. The two idiots were about to continue their helpless fight when the massive black bouncer Tasered both men and dragged their naked bodies downstairs.
Jordan pulled in several deep breaths, then looked at Lori. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah.” She waited for Logan to return. “Well, that kind of killed the mood.”
“Do you want to go?” Logan asked.
“Yes.” She then locked her eyes on Jordan. “What would think about coming over to our house?”
Jordan slung her legs over the bed and grabbed her clothes. “I don’t have to think about anything. Let’s get the hell out of here.”
The bedroom had a wall made of glass that opened to a pool that was just a few steps away. The pool was lit with blue lights glimmered in the crisp night air. Thankfully, the water was heated to about ninety degrees.
According to the caller ID, both Kady and Ryan had called Jordan’s cell phone and continued trying every few minutes.
Logan floated next to Lori, then looked at Jordan. “If you want to answer that, go ahead.”
“It’s just my friends that I came to the club with,” Jordan said from the edge of the pool. She looked at her cell phone and saw that Kady had called yet again. “I’m sure they are wondering where I went.”
Lori wrapped her arms around Logan. “They’re probably worried.”