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Smolder (St. Martin Family Saga)

Page 8

by Watson, Gina

  “I was just telling Jenny that Andrew seems to have made a full recovery.”

  “Yeah, he has.” But no damned way was that what had the two of them so solemn.

  Campbell Lee St. Martin was no fool. He knew Jenny was restless. She was overwhelmed by what she hadn’t known for years: friends, family, love, hope. And overwhelmed people searched for a way out.

  But Camp had a plan for her. Clay, Cash and his father had been instrumental in helping him get the plan quite literally off the ground.

  When his father recognized the connection Jenny and Camp had, he’d told Camp he was happy for him and confided that he’d been wrong to encourage him to marry Kim. Camp knew that everything his dad did for the family, he did out of unquestioning love and devotion. He’d only wanted to see Camp happy.

  Now his dad smiled and said, “I’ll bring the truck around so you can get loaded.”

  “Get loaded?” Jenny inquired.

  “We’re taking a trip.”


  “Camp, when can I take the bandana off?”

  Camp had needed to blindfold Jenny in order to carry out his plan. She hadn’t minded at first, but he sensed her growing frustration.

  “When I say you can.”

  “But we’re in a plane.”

  They were in a plane. His father had secured a private flight for the two of them. Camp was taking her to Las Vegas where he was going to marry her and where, if need be, he would buy a tracking device to hook to her in place of a ring. Whatever it took to keep her from running.

  When they landed, a limo waited to take them to the apartment Cash kept in town. Cash, with his connections, had helped set up everything, down to the dress.

  In the apartment the blinds had been drawn, and Camp removed the bandana from Jenny’s eyes. She immediately started looking around. He walked to the refrigerator and found the champagne his brother had ordered. He uncorked a bottle and poured them each a glass. Camp hadn’t really thought through the next stage of his plan because it depended on what inducements Jenny needed to go along with the plan. He hoped she’d agree wholeheartedly with everything, but he wasn’t counting on it. He did think that plying her, and himself, with a little liquid courage couldn’t hurt.

  He handed a champagne flute to Jenny and toasted, “To us.” She drank that down and Camp refilled her glass.

  She eyed him suspiciously. He sat on the sofa while she wandered around the living room, fingering various knickknacks. When she crossed in front of the couch, she asked, “So, Camp, what are we doing here?” She ran her index finger across his collarbone through the thin T-shirt he wore. Then she backed out of his reach.

  “Come back here and I’ll show you.”

  Eyebrows raised, she stepped between his legs.

  “Take off your shorts.”

  Jenny swallowed the contents of her second glass of champagne and did as he commanded.

  “Panties too.”

  Once she was bared from the waist down, Camp patted his lap and she crawled up and he cradled her in his arms. He closed his eyes, inhaling her scent. The familiarity soothed him, but he wondered if he shouldn’t have poured himself a second glass of champagne. His future was wrapped up in this woman. What if she didn’t want what he wanted? What he needed?

  Camp set his fingers on her sex and worked his fingers in. She was hot and already wet. He stroked her clit with his thumb while massaging her slit with his fingers. When he’d worked her into a lather and had her panting for breath, he slid out from beneath her and laid her out on the couch. Her eyes were hooded, her body fluid.

  “I’ve brought some toys.”

  Her eyes grew wide and snapped to life.

  Camp reached behind the couch to retrieve the bag he’d carried in with them. Clay had selected the toys.

  Jenny sat up.

  “Lie down or I’ll tie you up, spank you, gag you, or blindfold you. Whatever it takes.”

  Jenny inhaled a ragged breath and lay back against the cushions.

  “Good girl.”

  Camp tapped her clit with his fingertips. Jenny gasped.

  “Pull your legs to your chest.”

  She pulled her knees in close to her body.

  “Spread your knees.”

  Jenny spread her knees so that she was completely exposed to Camp. God, every time she did that and he saw all of her, he thought that belongs to me. He was obsessed with her.

  “Stay like that—don’t move—or I’ll bind you, I swear it. Do you understand?”

  Jenny whispered, “Y-yes.”

  Camp wondered if he was pushing too hard but when she licked her lips, when he watched her eyes follow his every move, he bit back a satisfied grin.

  Camp poured oil into his hands before applying it to Jenny’s body. He massaged her hips and her thighs and when she started to writhe, he massaged the oil into her pussy. Then he pulled the cold, egg-shaped metal vibrator from the bag. He rubbed it between his hands to make it slick with oil. When it touched Jenny’s sex, she gasped. Camp worked the tip in first. When the egg was almost halfway inside, Jenny contracted and her walls swallowed up the egg.

  “Fuck,” Camp cried. He was instantly hard.

  Now he had to insert the bullet vibrator into her ass. The bullet was wider than any one of his fingers, which he knew to be the only thing ever to penetrate her ass. And with the egg in her pussy, there wasn’t as much room to work with as usual. Still, he wanted to use both toys. Clay had said any woman would consent to anything if she was on the brink and her partner used the remotes to activate the vibrators at an opportune moment.

  Camp oiled his fingers and rubbed a good amount of oil into Jenny’s bottom. When he slid his middle finger slowly into her bud, she moaned. He could feel the hardness from the egg in her cunt. She was already contracting. When she did, her ass dilated, and he added his index finger, widening her sufficiently. Jenny growled his name low in her throat. Shit. Camp was leaking precum and he vaguely wondered about his ability to get through the ordeal without creaming in his pants. Clay hadn’t said anything about him being unable to hold back when he was teasing Jenny this way. He forced his mind to think about an upcoming project and the problems he’d already anticipated for it until he had his body under control.

  Then he turned back to Jenny.

  Her body was thrumming with energy as Camp pumped his fingers in her ass. He thought she might be close, but it wouldn’t do to bring her to release just yet. He removed his fingers and brought the bullet vibrator to her oil-slicked bud. He pushed the tip through the muscle, and she contracted. He pushed the vibrator until it was fully seated inside her.

  “Jenny?” He looked into her eyes. They were glazed over. “Baby?”

  In a hoarse whisper she said, “Camp, I’m so full. Please… I need you.”

  “I know, baby, we’re almost there.”

  Moaning, she dropped her head back on the couch. Camp pulled her legs down and she shuddered and quivered. Camp soothed her, running his hands over her, then he gently kissed her lips and her closed eyes.

  “Sit up.”

  Camp helped her upright and dressed her in the cream fitted cocktail dress that Cash had ordered from one of the hotel’s boutiques. Jenny didn’t make a sound or ask a question. She just watched him with hooded eyes.

  He led her to the bathroom and she brushed her hair and teeth while he dressed quickly in black dress trousers and a blue silk shirt.

  When he was ready, he patted his pocket to ensure he had the rings and the vibrator remotes. He ran a shaking hand down Jenny’s arm, traced her lips.

  “We’ve gotta walk now, baby.” He helped her to the elevator. The high-rise Cash lived in was connected to a large casino. They went down to the lobby level and passed through the veranda shops.

  When they arrived at the wedding chapel, Camp took her hands in his. “Jenny, you look beautiful.”

  He wanted to get down on one knee, but he was afraid that would give her too much wi
ggle room and he didn’t want her to bolt, because he feared she’d never come back. Even he had to admit he was a little intense. Still, his girl was unflappable. She was constantly fighting him and anyone else who got in the way of what she needed to accomplish. She would make a great St. Martin.

  “Jennifer Roberts, we’re going to walk through these doors and our lives are going to forever be changed. You’re going to marry me. Now. Here. You will say yes and I do. Those are the only options. Tell me you understand.”

  The color in her cheeks was dark, and her eyes were liquid fire. They narrowed to slits as she smoldered at him. But Camp was no longer afraid. Her eyes didn’t burn with anger, they raged with love. A fierce, active, ever-flaming love. He grinned back at her. His baby girl was going to fight him all the way to the altar, but it was a battle they were both going to win.

  Camp pulled the door open and escorted Jenny through. The room was set up like a small traditional chapel, with six pews on each side and an aisle down the center. Elvis waited for them at the end of the aisle. Camp and Jenny walked to the front, hand in hand, consensually. He caught a grin on her face when they stopped in front of the make-do alter.

  When the time came for Jenny to answer the question Do you take this man, Camp had his hand in his pocket, one finger on the remote. She shook her head and opened her mouth, and Camp turned on the egg-shaped vibrator inside her pussy. She made an incoherent sound, and Elvis asked the question a second time. When she opened her mouth again, Camp turned on the vibrating bullet in her ass. His poor baby girl. If she would just comply, he wouldn’t have to do this to her. He could see the energy charging through her body. She closed her eyes and swallowed back a growl. Elvis asked if she was feeling ill. She denied sickness. He asked again if she’d take Camp, and this time she said yes. Smart girl. Camp turned off the egg vibrator, but left the bullet on at its lowest setting.

  The rings were exchanged and they were proclaimed husband and wife. When Camp bent down to kiss his bride, she bit down on his lip hard enough to draw blood. He grinned, wanting instead to laugh.

  Signatures were required on the marriage certificate and when Jenny only tapped her pen against the paper, Camp turned up the setting on the vibrator in her ass. She signed the paper and slammed the pen to the desk. And then she winked at Elvis. Evidentially she’d been playing him. He’d get her back for that later on in the apartment.

  Camp smiled at the Elvis impersonator and accepted from him the most precious piece of paper he would ever hold in his hands.

  Camp escorted Jenny, his wife, to the elevator bank. They boarded the elevator in an electrically charged silence. When the doors closed, Camp said, “Good evening, Mrs. St. Martin.” Jenny jumped into Camp’s arms and wrapped her legs around his waist. She started rubbing her sex frantically against him. “Mmm, now this is what I call a consummation,” Camp murmured.

  When the elevator door opened, he stepped into the hall with his wife wrapped provocatively around him. Standing in front of Cash’s apartment door, Camp was fishing for the keys when a couple passed them in the hallway.

  “How do you do?” he said. “Just married. Wife can’t keep her hands off of me for a second.”

  The couple snickered as they passed.

  He stumbled into the apartment and clothes started coming off. He tugged at Jenny’s dress and she ripped his shirt. When they stood naked before one another, her hands sensually roamed his torso and neck, eventually snaking into his hair. He moved in to kiss her and she pulled his hair hard and ran out of the room. He found her as she was jumping up onto the bed. He caught her by the foot and pulled her down beneath him. She squealed. And then she was giggling. He held one of the vibrator remotes in his hand. When he turned it on, she stopped giggling and started howling.

  “I love you, Jenny. You’re mine forever now.”

  “Camp, are you gonna bloody consummate this marriage or sweet talk me to death?”

  “Sweet talked to death. It wouldn’t be such a bad way to go, would it?”

  Jenny pressed her left hand against his chest, stared at the ring on her finger. Camp adjusted his balance so he could wrap his left hand around hers. He felt the weight of their love pressing against his heart. He felt his heartbeat pressing back against Jenny’s warm skin.

  “Camp, I love you. I’ve never been this happy.” She smiled into his eyes. “Thank you for marrying me.” She released a long sigh. “Thank you for loving me.” She placed her lips at his ear and whispered, “I would have married you without the aid of toys.”

  Camp felt the buildup of tears behind his lashes, but at the same time he couldn’t hold back his smile.

  “You know we’re going to have to have a second wedding for the family.”

  “We are?”

  “Oh yes. I was thinking on the estate. Plus I need to buy you a diamond.”

  Jenny’s eyes sparkled. “I’ve never had a diamond before—it’ll be my first.”

  “The start of many firsts, Mrs. St. Martin.”

  Camp kissed Jenny, and then they consummated their first marriage to one another.


  Gina Watson is author of the St. Martin Family Saga. She lives in Texas where she leads a double life: university instructor by day, romance writer by night. She loves to be contacted by readers to discuss all things romance.

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  Coming 2014

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9







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