Forgotten Fairytale

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Forgotten Fairytale Page 9

by Yumoyori Wilson



  "You're too slow."

  I dropped to the floor, just in time to avoid the swift kick that would have hit me in the gut, but I didn't consider the sudden dagger that was inches from my face.

  I blinked as the sharp object stopped right at my nose, the silver metal glittering from the light of the miniature training ring.

  "You cheated," I mumbled.

  "You always say that when you don't win, Midnight," the rich, deep voice of Bleu hummed, his accent once again sending little tingles through me.

  "It's your silly accent," I stated accusingly, and Bleu laughed, pulling his dagger away from me.

  "My romantic accent is not silly. Just admit it turns you on and you're too upset to admit it." He leaned down to press a kiss to my forehead. I felt my cheeks grow hot at his open affection, and I shyly looked away with a pout on my lips.

  "Tease!" I huffed and kicked him right in the balls.

  "OW!" he cried out, falling to his knees. I rolled my eyes and went into a crouched position before I flipped back into a standing position.

  "Stupid romantic accent fault." I walked over to benches to grab his water bottle.

  I was glad I wore just tight black shorts and a sports bra because the room was hot after a few hours of training with Bleu. He wore a pair of black shorts and was shirtless. I was doing my best to try and avert my gaze from his gorgeous six back and inviting V lines that loved to tease me when his shorts slipped lower due to his swift movements.

  "Midnight love, you really need to show me more love." Bleu sighed, recovering from my kick. I turned to face him, purposely drinking at least half of his ice-cold water.

  "And you need to get your own water bottle," he added. I gave him a pleased smile, drinking a bit more of his water before I passed it to him.

  "Secretly you love it."

  "No, I don't, but pretending your lips are on mine is always a bonus," he purred, making me blush harder than before. He took his bottle, and I watched him lift it to his lips.

  Who would have thought drinking water could be so sexy? Seeing as this must have been the first time I'd fallen hard in love for someone, I guess anything they did was extra special. Especially with someone like Bleu who must have created the definition of "sexy." Or that's what Mako would say.

  Two weeks had gone by since Makoto had begun taking the medication Isa had instructed us to take. Aside from some weird dreams that didn't make much sense to any of us, we hadn't experienced any triggers.

  Today, Bleu and I were training while Mako and Nikolai had decided to take a nap before their evening training.

  Ann had approved Mako to have her first solo mission, giving Jeffrey the summarized reports of all our previous jobs. It was both exciting and nerve-wracking because I didn't want to screw up Mako's big chance.

  She'd been wanting to prove herself to Jeffrey since we arrived here, and I wanted to make sure I was ready for anything that would come our way.

  "Ready for another round?" Bleu asked.

  "I'm tired and Mako's gonna wake up soon," I pointed out.

  I turned around and began to walk back as I lifted my hands to fix the ponytail of Mako's long pink hair. I knew Mako had some intense obsession with unicorns, but I didn't expect her to dye her hair pink.

  Regardless, it suited her and I'd grown to like the pastel color. With the Spring Blossom Festival coming up, Ann said she'd help add a mix of green and gold at the end to match the flower wreath she ordered for our outfit.

  Being such a sacred event and our first in this realm, Ann wanted to go all out. Ann Marie, who was Ann's spirit just wanted to tease me with how adorable I'd look and ensure she got as many pictures as possible. Demons.

  "You really need to keep on your guard, Love," Bleu whispered in my ear. His hand landed on my shoulder, but I reacted immediately, getting a hold of his arm to flip him to the ground. Before he even blinked, I was on top of him, one of his hands pinned down to the floor while the other was in my grasp.

  Bleu looked completely confused, as he stared back up at me. "Shit...that was unexpected."

  I just stared at him as I scrunched my face, feeling like that wasn't what he was supposed to say.

  "What's wrong, Midnight," Bleu asked, his voice lower than usual. He could clearly see I was disturbed by something, but there was no way he'd understand what I was feeling.

  “You're supposed to say something I'm not supposed to hurt him? Maybe?" I mumbled, unsure what I was even saying.

  It felt like I was experiencing Deja vu, yet I couldn't remember a single thing. Bleu sat up and gently stroked my cheek. "Midnight. As much as we want to figure this out, we're being watched," Bleu whispered.

  I blinked out of my daze and met his dark blue eyes that were filled with seriousness. I knew he only gave me that look when Jeffrey was watching. I nodded and let him go, pretending like we were done by walking to the benches to get a towel.

  I side glanced to my right see Jeffrey's tall figure eyeing Bleu and me, but I diverted my eyes before he caught on that I was watching him,

  "Let's continue tomorrow. Mako's on the verge of waking up," I announced, a bit louder than usual with my monotone voice.

  "Bien sûr," Bleu replied, which made me grin at his French way of saying 'for sure'. I still don't get why he speaks French.

  "Because it's sexy," Bleu replied, his voice coming from my left side. I tried not to flinch with Jeffrey's presence, but he freaked me out.

  "How do you move so quickly?" I hissed. He merely grinned, looking pleased with my comment.

  "Ow, ow, ow! Dammit, where is Mako?! She needs to get this damn kitty off me."

  Bleu and I looked to our left to see Ann and another guy called Blake head toward the rails of the training area.

  "Nighty isn't a kitty." Ann sighed, appearing annoyed. I glanced down to see Nighty hanging off Blake's arm. Her teeth clung to his long-sleeved blue jean jacket like it was her favorite food which was currently bacon.

  "Bonjour, Ann and Bacon," Bleu greeted.

  "Stop calling me Bacon," Blake huffed.

  "Can't help it when Nighty is always clinging onto you," Bleu teased as he patted himself down with a towel.

  I pulled the hair tie out of my hair, letting the pink locks fall as I took a quick peek at where Jeffrey had stood. He was gone, and I searched the training area to see he wasn't around anymore. Mysterious.

  "Midnight!!! Tell Nighty to let go," Blake whined.

  I looked back at Blake who had short black locks and emerald green eyes.

  Green eyes...

  "Midnight probably doesn't care," Bleu pointed out with a yawn as he stretched.

  "Oh c'mon? Please," Blake begged. I snapped out of my train of thought and stared at Nighty who still hadn't budged.

  "Did you annoy her?" I asked.

  "He took her bacon." Ann revealed. Her glowing tyrian eyes were filled with amusement.

  "Dammit, Ann Marie! You said you wouldn't tell," Blake huffed.

  She shrugged. "You deserve it. Lucky she's not a demon familiar or she'd hold a grudge on you for the rest of your existence. Unless she rips your arm off."

  "Midnight," Blake complained.

  I stared at him and shrugged. "I'm going to go change."

  Ann Marie and Bleu laughed while Blake groaned. "She has no sympathy for me! Where's Mako? She'd take pity on me."

  "No, she wouldn't. Piss off Nighty and get whatever you're asking for," Bleu declared. "Anyway, Nikolai is going to wake up any moment. I'm off to change too."

  "You just want alone time with Midnight, you romantic!" Blake snarked. I wondered if that was true as I took my time heading towards the change room.

  "Your assumption is accurate," Bleu replied with confidence. A small smile formed on my lips as I stopped, waiting for him to reach my side.

  "Do you act romantic on purpose?" I asked, knowing Bleu would hear me.

  He was at my
side in two seconds. "Nope. I just know what I want. There's a difference," he whispered, slipping his hand in mine.

  He looked back toward Blake and Ann. "Mako and Nikolai will meet you at the discussion room. Nighty? Leave Bacon and come over here. You can come play in the changeroom vents," Bleu offered.

  Nighty let go and dropped to the ground. She hopped onto the railing and down to the floor, running towards us with an excited expression.

  "Mew, mew, mew, mew," she stated. When she reached us, she jumped up to cling to my sports shorts. I giggled quietly before I lifted her up and put her on my shoulder.

  "I'll ask Mako to give you extra bacon for being so good."

  "You better not be praising her for ruining my jacket! It's from Realm Six!" Blake shouted.

  "Let it go, Blake. We already wasted ten minutes because you stole her bacon. Bleu and Midnight, make sure you tell your hosts I need to see them," Ann, who'd taken back control, declared.

  "Okay," Bleu and I said in unison before we walked into the change room. The moment the door closed, Nighty was off my shoulder and gone before I could speak.

  "Why does she love vents so much?" I pondered.

  "Maybe she thinks it's an adventure?" Bleu suggested.

  "Hmmm. I guess," I replied. We stared at each other and smiled.

  "I'll see you tomorrow," Bleu whispered.

  "Yes. More of me kicking your ass," I teased.

  "Or me pointing daggers at you," he replied. "You're okay, right?"

  "Ya. Sorry. The whole flip thing triggered something, but I can't really tell what it was exactly. At least I didn't panic, so that's good," I acknowledged.

  "Good thing too. I knew Jeffrey was watching us. He's been observant lately," Bleu stated. His eyes darkened as he seemed a bit irritated.

  "Ya..." I trailed off, unsure how to feel about it all. A part of me wanted to remember my past as well, but the fear that clung to me made me wonder if it was even worth it. It was as if a dark cloud hovered over me whenever I thought of what we could have been.

  That premonition told me that our life may not have been filled with glitter and gold. Maybe I wouldn't take it as too badly, but Mako was who I worried most about. If her memories of the past were too much for her, where would that leave her mental state?

  Something soft touched my lips, and I lifted my eyes to see Bleu's midnight blue ones locked onto mine. I slowly closed my eyes and firmly kissed him back.

  Whenever I got lost in my thoughts, he always tried to bring me back. I loved how affectionate he was which was intriguing for a dark fairy.

  Maybe because we were both the same spirit race was why he easily showed me love compared to his usually deadly behavior he showed everyone else. Except for Ann, Blake, and Isa.

  Our kiss was slow and sweet, making my stomach tingle with butterflies. Kissing him just felt right, and it made me feel loved.

  "Don't worry," he whispered against my lips.

  "Okay," I replied, giving him a quick peck on the lips. He looked surprised at the move, probably because he usually initiated the kiss. His cheeks tinted red and he looked away.

  "And you call me a tease," he mumbled. I giggled and squeezed his hand.

  "Yes, tease. Now let's retreat. I'll see you tomorrow."

  "Love you, Midnight," Bleu whispered, meeting my shocked gaze. It was the first time he'd said those words and it made my heart soar with happiness.

  "I love you too," I replied. A tiny part of me didn't like that I'd said those words back, but I locked it away.

  Bleu is my love now. I just have to accept that.


  "Nikolai? Mako? Ugh. This is why I keep an eye on those two. They aren't even here. I need to put trackers on their phones. Yes. That's my next task to do! I bet they're off making out somewhere. Yes, Ann Marie, I can guarantee. Let's go back to the discussion room. I'll lecture them later," Ann complained, and the door of the change room closed.

  Nikolai kissed me even harder. His hands roamed down my waist to my hips, and his tongue slipped into my mouth, making me gasp in desire.

  I'd woken up after Midnight had said training was over. We were supposed to head to the discussion room to talk about my solo mission coming up, amongst other things, but Nick's chest had been the distraction that led to me being pressed against the lockers and lavishly kissed till we were both breathless.

  "Ann’s going to kill us," I whispered against his lips as I tried to catch my breath.

  "Worth it. Your taste is addicting." He claimed my lips again, and I pressed my body against his. I had been midway in dressing, wearing a dark red lace bra and matching underwear.

  Nikolai's favorite color was any shade of red, so I tried to please him by wearing any shade of red lingerie when I knew the probability of him seeing it was high. I personally loved pink. Not any type of pink, but neon pink that could be seen from afar.

  I'd wanted neon pink in my hair, but Ann said it would be too eye-catching, and we didn't want that happening when I went on missions. Pastel pink would make me look somewhat normal.

  When Nikolai was satisfied, he gave me a final deep kiss and made sure to leave a hickey on the nape of my neck.

  "Ann hates when you leave visible hickeys on me," I pointed out with a sigh, knowing Nick still didn't care about Ann scolding him ten times in the last two weeks.

  "Worth it," He repeated, and I shook my head.

  "Everything’s worth it with you."

  "Everything with Mako in it is worth it to me," Nick corrected.

  I smiled as I reached out to grab my jean shorts and crop top. "So, are you going to stalk me during my solo mission?" I asked.

  "Yes," Nick replied, not even trying to hide it.

  I looked back to give him a look as he slipped on his white t-shirt. "It's called SOLO for a reason.".

  "True, BUT my protective ass doesn't like solo when it comes to my girlfriend, so I'll stalk from afar, so it appears like your alone."

  "You're overprotective."

  "Nope. I'm cautious. Bleu's weary and Blaze is overprotective," Nick revealed.

  "Blaze? Is that your other spirit’s name?" I said excitingly.

  Nick chuckled at my excitement. "Yes, and he doesn't like that I told you. He wants to say it himself."

  "Well, he should come out then. Blaze is a cute name though."

  "I don't know how he feels about that." Nick laughed. "Let's go, we're going to be really late."

  "You're running away," I huffed.

  "Maybe," he replied, shooting me a sly grin. I pouted my lips and crossed my arms, turning back to my locker.

  "Are you going to give me the silent treatment?"


  "I won't fall for your tactics, Mako," Nick warned. I remained quiet, knowing he might not be moved but Bleu would nag him to give in. I knew from the last time I'd attempted this Bleu felt bad and took over to apologize.

  This time I was going to remain silent until Blaze came out and apologized.



  "Fine, I'm leaving," Nick stated and I could hear his footsteps fading. I stayed where I was, but I felt a bit lonely which made lower my head. My eyes lingered on the bracelet that hung on the lower hook of my locker.

  I bit my lip in an attempt to ignore the lingering sadness that never seemed to disappear. Why does a bracelet make me so sad? Did someone important give it to me?

  It really didn't make any sense to me, but I still didn't have the courage to throw it away, always keeping it with me.

  I decided to give up on waiting and sighed. Maybe Blaze doesn't like me?

  Arms wrapped around my waist and something gentle but hot pressed against the left side of my neck. The action caused me to arch my back and let out a quiet moan.

  My mind was playing catch-up, confused how a kiss could pull such a strong response out of me.

  "I do like you, and I think that talking out loud action is cute," the baritone voice whispered. I turned
my head to look into a pair of mesmerizing eyes; the multiple color iris that reminded me of fire locked onto me.

  They held a mixture of red, orange, gold, and black, and I immediately wondered what he was. "Your intriguing."

  He gave me a boyish grin before he pulled away. "Thanks, Mako, and my name is Blaze. Nikolai was a dick and gave my name away. Keep giving him the silent treatment. He hates it," Blaze revealed with a wink.

  I gawked at him as he turned around and began to walk away. "We'll wait for you outside. Don't take too long."

  Once the door closed, I remembered to breathe. Damn, that was so hot.

  "Alright, let's take bets now because I know he ain't no dragon shifter." Lexi popped into my mind.

  "He's so not an angel. I can sense the sin off him," Hope sang and sounded thrilled by that observation.

  "You can't sense sin off someone. He does give me demon vibes, but he's not a demon," Rose declared as she joined in.

  "He's hot like fire. Phoenix material!" Lily hummed as she made her entrance.

  "Nope. None of those," Midnight huffed, freaking out the others.

  "Starlight sake! Midnight? You need to warn us when you randomly pop up." Hope sighed.

  "Hello," she said plainly, and the others sighed.

  "I think it's too late for that," Rose pointed out.

  So, no one knows what the hell he is? You can't just give a sizzling kiss on the neck like that and not be like...uh I don't know?

  "A volcano of hotness that can take you to the bedroom and make you scream Daddy," Lexi chimed in.

  "UGH," the other spirits groaned.

  "What? Admit it. You all need some men time. I demand we go on a search for counterparts," Lexi declared.

  Excuse me, but did you forget there's FIVE of you?

  "So?" Rose replied.

  "Ya, one for each of us," Hope stated excitingly.

  "Midnight already has a man! She doesn't count," Lexi huffed.

  "Jealous," Midnight muttered.

  "She just wants to have passionate sex. Let her mourn her loss," Lily comforted.

  "No! I'll find my man! Just you wait. He'll love sex like me. Dragon spirits love sex!" Lexi revealed.


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