Forgotten Fairytale

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Forgotten Fairytale Page 10

by Yumoyori Wilson

  Are you guys done? Can I go now? I really doubt this conversation is leading to what Blaze is.

  "Oh," they all said together, making me shake my head. At least you guys are entertaining.


  I looked up to see Nighty sitting on one of the lights next to the vent. "There you are. Have fun?" I asked.

  "Mew," she replied happily but looked down hesitantly. She gave me a sad look, and I sighed.

  "I really need to help you with this scared of heights problem," I commented. "Jump down, I'll catch you."

  She didn't hesitate, jumping off the light and straight into my arms. Once she was there, she moved up to sit on my shoulder. She curled her three tails around my neck and they began to glow a light pink as she purred.

  "Yes, yes. You love me." I exhaled but lifted my hand to pet her. "Guess I better get going."

  I walked back to my locker and looked at the bracelet once more. I was tempted to leave it, but again I subconsciously picked it off the hook and slid it back onto my left wrist, my eyes lingering on the multicolored rose mark with the various vines.

  One day I'll figure this out. For now, I'll just enjoy the loved ones in my life.


  "Mama? Why are you crying? Are you sad?"

  I stared at my mother carefully, unsure why she was crying. Her long curly orange locks were in tangles, and when she lifted her head to look at me, her green eyes stared at me in pity.

  "Yes. Very sad."

  "Why Mama? Can I help? Who made Mama cry?" I asked.

  She gave me a sad smile and shook her head. "You can't do anything, Nikolai."

  "Was it Papa? Did Papa make you cry? I'm strong, Mama. I can help you. I'll protect you. Bleu and Blaze will protect you!" I declared as I clenched my fist.

  She smiled and opened her arms up. "Can you give Mama a hug?"

  "Yes!" I said happily and outstretched my little arms. She lifted me up and held me against her warm body.

  "You're a good boy, Nikolai. You'll be nothing like Papa," she whispered.

  "I'm going to be a knight, Mama. I'm going to save people and find a Princess. I'll love her and marry her. We'll be happy, Mama. We don't need to hide anymore." I hummed happily, telling her my dreams.

  "That will be wonderful, Nikolai. I'm sure your Princess will be beautiful and kind like your heart."

  I pulled back to meet Mama's now happy eyes as she stared into my red ones. "Remember, Nikolai. Don't let your anger ruin you. Always look towards the light."

  "Yes, Mama. Always look towards the light. That's where good people are," I replied.

  She nodded and hugged me once more and whispered. "No matter what happens...even if my sister takes you from me. I'll find you, Nikolai. I'll search everywhere for you because Mama loves you."

  "No one will take me, Mama. You and I will be together, and when I find my Princess, you'll stay with me and meet her. I love you too Mama," I said, closing my eyes and hugging her once more.

  "Always. Nikolai. I'll always love you."

  My eyes shot open as I sat up, trying to catch my breath. I felt the cold sweat drip down my body and my long silver to black hair cling to my body. Fuck. Again.

  I let out a groan and pinched my nose, wishing I could understand these dreams. Or were they memories?


  I blinked, lifting my head and looked to my left to see Mako sleeping next to me. My light red blanket only covered half of her, revealing her bright pink bra that had a gold gemstone in the middle.

  Her pastel pink hair was all over the pillow, but she looked absolutely perfect as she had a little smile on her face.

  I knew if she was here, Nighty would be somewhere in the room. Sure enough, my eyes landed on the three tailed white ball of fur at the end of the bed.

  "Mine," Mako said again and she turned the other way, her back facing me before she relaxed.

  "She slept walk here again?" Bleu asked. Guess so. I've given up on all the tactics. Ann put some magical locks on the door and she still managed to get out.

  "Oh well. More cuddle time," Blaze announced.

  "For once you actually like a girl. That's a first," Bleu commented.

  "Not my fault the females here don't attract me. Not to mention there's very few of them."

  True. Maybe Ann is right about the whole love at first sight thing.

  "Maybe. Though she's doing a poor job with Blake. Poor guy." Bleu sighed.

  "Blake had no chance. Why is everyone thinking like he did?" Blaze grumbled.

  "I don't know. He's sure into her and follows her like a dog," Bleu pointed out.

  "Hmph. Don't place him in the same category as a dog. He's a disgrace to all breeds," Blaze mumbled. I sighed, running my hands through my wet locks. I reached out and grabbed the hair tie off the nightstand on my right.

  Now, now. Don't get all offended.

  "Hmph," Blaze huffed, sitting in his corner. I could imagine his grumbly pace.

  "Same dream, Nick?" Bleu asked, clearly changing the subject.

  Ya. Same one.

  "How about the headaches and voices?" Blaze asked. He still sounded grumpy, but I heard the slight worry in his voice.

  Headaches are on and off, and the voices are just getting worse. I'm going to talk to Isa the next time I can schedule to see her. The medication helps only a little.

  "Just try to take it easy. I suggest you request for some days off to rest before you actually come down with something." Bleu encouraged.

  "I agree," Blaze added.

  I'll make Mako worry, and I don't want her alone around this place. You know how the guys look at her.

  "You'll worry her if you actually get sick. We can always take over and make sure she's safe. Just do your part and sleep," Bleu suggested.

  "What Bleu said," Blaze mumbled. I sighed, knowing they were both right.

  Okay. I'll take it easy. The spring festival is coming up, and I wouldn't want to ruin that for Mako. I'll take your advice.

  "Good," Bleu and Blaze said together. "Now back to sleep."

  Sometimes you two scare me when you talk in unison. I'm secretly glad you’re not twins.

  "We'd be amazing twins," Bleu emphasized.

  "I also agree with his statement," Blaze mumbled.

  Alright, go sleep. I'm going back to bed.

  Once my hair was tied, I slipped out of bed real quick to wash my face. When I came back, Mako had rolled over, and her hand was currently patting where I'd once been laying.

  "Mine?" she mumbled, opening her tired eyes before they darted around the room, landing on me in two seconds. She tilted her head and pouted. "Mine?"

  "Yes, yours. I needed to cool off," I admitted. I knew when she was in this dazed sleepy state, she wouldn't even remember what I was saying, but I felt her sleepwalking personality had a mind of her own.

  She just stared at me, and I moved back to the nightstand. I picked up the red bottle of white capsules and opened it to take two of them. I sealed the bottle and lowered it back to the counter, reaching out for the bottle of water.

  Once I used the still cold water to wash down the capsules, I sighed. At least these will help.

  I looked back at Mako who was already drifting off again, her head slowly falling to the side before she lifted it back up once more. I grinned, loving how adorable she looked. I sealed the bottle and placed back in its spot.

  "Bed?" Mako asked.

  "Yes. Bed," I replied, sliding myself back between the sheets. I lifted my right arm up, inviting Mako to snuggle next to me which she gladly did.

  "Mine," she mumbled and in seconds she was fast asleep. I grinned as I gently stroked her head.

  "How did I get so lucky to meet you?" I whispered, lowering my lips to her forehead. I took a deep breath, feeling the early signs of a headache coming on and the echoing of voices. I couldn't make out what was being said as if the sound were muffled, which was what irritated me the most.

  Rest. I just need to re
st and keep taking my meds. Maybe it'll get rid of these damn voices. That's all I had to wish for.

  I reached out and turned off the side light and rested my head on my pillow as I wrapped my other arm around Mako's warm body. She smelled so perfect, a mixture of vanilla and cherry blossoms.

  It was that and her slow breathing that helped calm me down. It wasn't long before I finally fell asleep, hoping to enjoy the Spring Blossom Festival that was soon approaching with the woman in my arms.


  "Really? You're calling me during a mission?" I pointed out.

  "Yes, because I'm not there," Nikolai mumbled. I frowned at the lingering exhaustion in his deep voice.

  "You're getting sick, that's why. Have you been sleeping properly, lately?" I asked. He was quiet on the other line, and I sighed. "Nikolai. I'm worried. Are you sure you’re okay?"

  "It's just a migraine, Mako. I'm not dying," Nick grumbled.

  "But earlier before I left, you said you were hearing voices and they weren’t your spirits," I whispered.

  This week had been a stressful one. We were preparing for the Spring Blossom Festival, which required us to do cleanup of the area of any rogues who could be planning to disrupt the sacred event.

  Our training had been upgraded, and Jeffrey had been keeping an eye on us more frequently now which was more of an irritation than anything.

  Neither Nikolai or I had been getting good sleep; Nikolai woke up with cold sweats and heard voices in his mind that weren't his own spirits, and I couldn't stop seeing emerald green eyes in my dreams. Sometimes, I could get a blurry image of the individual with those sad eyes, but it seemed to alternate from a male to female, leaving me even more confused than before.

  Whatever was going on with us, we decided to keep taking the pills Isa had given us. We had an appointment with her after the festival and could request for some sleeping pills and headache killers to help with what we were experiencing.

  I was on my final round of rogue locating, and Nikolai called to check up on me.

  "Yes. I'm trying to figure it out. It used to happen when I was rescued. If it gets bad, I'll talk to Jeffrey." Nikolai sighed.

  "Jeffrey helped with it before?" I asked with curiosity.

  "Ya. When I was a kid, I used to hear voices constantly. It was like someone was trying to reach me, but it got harder and harder to hear what they were saying. Sometimes I'd feel really upset, while at other times I was super depressed. I couldn't take it anymore because I wasn't sleeping, and I was taken to Jeffrey after Isa couldn't figure out the problem. I don't remember what he did, but it worked to clear the voices and headaches that came with it," Nikolai explained.

  "Alright. Maybe after we see Isa and get her opinion. We have one more clean up to do before our two-week break. If Isa can't fix it, we'll see Jeffrey and then we can go on a little vacation?" I suggested.

  "Somewhere hot so I can see you in a bikini," Nick hummed.

  "I feel that's something Bleu would say. Or even Blaze." I giggled quietly.

  "True, but I do wanna see you in a bikini," Nick stressed

  "Lingerie is the same thing," I pointed out.

  "No. Big difference," Nick argued.

  "And that difference is?" I asked, my eyes scanning the area below me.

  "Bikini is where I can get hard in public. Lingerie is where I can get hard in the comfort of my home. Also gives me the chance to take it off," he whispered the last part.

  I had to bite my lip to distract myself from the tingles of pleasure going on in my lower region. "I'm working," I reminded.

  "I'm aware, Butterfly. Doesn't mean I can’t dream," He purred.

  "After the festival...are we having a private date in your bedroom?" I questioned, dying for some alone time where we wouldn't be bothered or too tired to do anything exciting.

  "Can you wear that super sexy lingerie piece I like. The red one with black rhinestones on it?" His husky voice made my stomach flip, and I wondered if the forest got hotter in two seconds or if it was just me.

  "Anything you want."

  "Then definitely after the festival. No one is stopping us from having our alone time," he confirmed. I smiled and tried not to giggle, my senses picking up the sound of footsteps.

  "Nikolai, I have to go. I'll come to your room when I'm off duty. I love you."

  "I love you too, Mako. Be safe for me," Nick replied. I hung up the phone, but my smile turned to a frown; the familiar words repeating in my mind.

  "I'll be off. Be safe for me."

  "I'll be a good girl...and the library. I'll see you tomorrow?" I tried to understand the broken sentence that left my mouth, but I was clueless as to what it meant. The voice that matched those words were female, yet the only females I interacted with were Isa and Ann.

  "Mako?" Midnight whispered. I could feel her enter my mind this time which was her way to show she was suddenly concerned and didn't want to freak me out even more.

  "I'm fine, Midnight." I breathed in, closing my eyes to take a few deep breaths. I can't let this interfere now. I worked hard for this moment. I won't fuck up.

  I took one final breath and sighed, opening my eyes that were now focused. I rose up and spread my legs into a wider stance as I lifted the hood of my red velvet cape.

  "Mew?" Night hopped from the branch above onto my shoulder and began to rub her head against my cheek. I lifted my hand to pet her and smiled.

  "I'm okay, Nighty. Let's finish this quick so we can go back home and snuggle with Nick. I'll make sure you get bacon."

  "MEW!" She beamed, hopping on my shoulder as her tails glowed gold. I giggled and watched her body be engulfed in light before her scythe form was complete. I held the weapon out and stretched real quick, cracking the tight spots in my neck.

  "I need a massage," I mumbled to myself before I went into my zone.

  My eyes scanned the area as my sensitive hearing heightened until I picked up six footsteps and heartbeats. Let's get this over with.

  I hopped off the tree and landed on the ground with ease, twirling Nighty in my hands before I swung straight ahead. My body dashed forward, using the wind to increase my speed as I hovered above the dead soil.


  I smiled at the three sets of screams, knowing Nighty had hit the mark. I kept at full speed, knowing my scythe would return to me in moments, but I caught onto the remaining three individuals. Two looked to be chasing after the one ahead of them, and by the richer material of the black cloak they wore, I realized they weren't from these parts. Most definitely not a rogue.

  I lifted my hand up as I noticed Nighty from afar. I watched the person in the front duck, evading Nighty's retreating attack.

  The two rogues, however, were stupid enough to look back at me and paid for it as the sharpness of the scythe sliced through both of their bodies. They dropped to the ground, and I slid to a stop to catch Nighty.

  I twirled her quickly and jumped off the ground, using the trees to help me catch up to the remaining person who was still running at full speed.

  I grinned as I watched the person turn right, knowing that the right path led to a dead end. They skid to a stop turning around to go back but I approached, lifting my scythe to finish them in one swift blow.

  They took a step back and tripped, falling back onto their butt and their hood fell off from their head. I was ready to cut their head off as I swung my scythe, but my heart clenched, and I skid to stop; the tip of the sharp scythe inches from the person's neck.

  Wide emerald jewels met my shocked ones, and I immediately pushed off the ground, hopping back to put space between us.

  My head pounded in agony, and I swallowed the lump in my throat. Those emerald eyes that seemed to haunt me in my dreams were right there and their short gold locks looked so familiar.


  I stared at the male in confusion, unsure how he knew who I was, especially with my hood still on.

  "Mako? Is that you?" the male s
aid again. I didn't know who he was, but there was no way I could tell him who I was. I couldn't reveal my identity when I didn't know if this person was a secret rogue trying to finish me off.

  "Who are you?!" I demanded. Now they looked confused, and as the silence dragged on after my question, those emerald jewels filled with hurt.

  "You don't know who I am, Mako?" he asked.

  "I don't know who you are, period. Now go back to whatever realm you came from. This isn't a place for foreigners. If the rogues catch you, they won't hesitate to kill you. This is your only warning," I declared and turned around.

  "Mako, wait!" he cried out. The desperation in his voice was what stopped me from my flee, my heart pounding against my heart as I tried to think clearly. He doesn't know you. He's just a spy. It's a trap to kill me. I can't die. Nikolai would be hurt if I died. No, I have to go back. I can't fall for this.

  "Mako....please? Just...let me see your face. I won't harm you. I swear to the Starlight gods. Please, Firefly," his voice choked, and I slowly turned around to see his eyes were now filled with tears.

  I could sense the truth from every word he said, yet I hesitated. It had to be a trap, right? Why would a complete stranger know me? Was he from my past. Is he the one from my dreams?

  Before I even thought about what I was doing, I lowered the red velvet hood, revealing my long pink hair and stared right into his emerald eyes. My face was expressionless, but inside I felt like a ball of mix emotions. Confusion, Sadness, Fear, Pain. All these emotions that were bubbling inside me. All I wanted to do was run from it all, but if I run now, would I ever see this person again?

  He slowly rose up, putting his hands up in defense. My heart told me he wouldn't hurt me, which only left me even more confused. He walked up to me, and when he stood before me, the tears began to roll down his cheeks.

  " really don't remember," he whispered, and I could feel how heartbroken he was. I swallowed the lump in my throat and tried my best to continue my blank expression.

  "No. I don't know who you are," I confirmed. He closed his eyes and nodded


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