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Forgotten Fairytale

Page 14

by Yumoyori Wilson

  " do you know that name!" she demanded. I looked back at Ryder who was almost in tears.

  "Anya...I'm your older brother. You don't remember?" Ryder pleaded.

  Ann was silent, but I noticed the increase in her inhales and exhales. What's going on? Why is no one sounding like they're lying?

  " he lying?" Ann whispered, speaking in the language we called Winta. We never used it unless we wanted to ensure no one else but us knew what we were saying.

  "He's not lying, Ann. He's speaking the truth. I...I don't know what's going on. The guys with blue eyes are apparently my brothers, and I'm a Princess, and I just...I don't know. My head hurts and I just... We need to go."

  Ann shot a worried glance at me, and she could tell from my pale appearance I wasn't feeling well or in the mental state to deal with a panic attack.

  "We're leaving," Ann whispered, reaching out to grab my hand.

  "Anya, wait!" Ryder called out. I could see the struggling in Ann's eyes, and she tried to turn around when the Xavier guy got up and walked forward, looking like he'd just saw a ghost.

  "An...ya? that you?" Xavier's lip trembled as he stared directly at Anya. Her eyes were wide, and her body trembled.

  " I don't know either of you. This is just a trap. Yes, a trap," she said quietly, and it was the first time I saw fear in her usual confident eyes.

  "Guys. The both of them are on the verge of panic attacks," Daniel announced.

  I bit my lip, looking at all of them one by one. I knew them. I knew within my heart that we'd shared something. A bond? A connection. I just couldn't remember. Why couldn't I just remember!

  My eyes scanned the group again, and I realized two blue-eyed shifters were missing. "Where did he-" Ann began, but I wasn't quick enough to react; I watched Xavier swiftly use his hand to chop at Ann's neck, knocking her out cold.

  Before I could react, a sharp pain vibrated from the back of my neck, the world going completely black.


  "Shit! Are you guys crazy?!" I snapped, watching Mako drop right into Kade's extended arm. Xavier was already holding onto the woman who Mako had called Ann, but she looked exactly like Ryder's sister, Anya.

  Sure, she was older compared to the pictures of her youth cycles that still hung proudly on the castle walls of Ryder's home in Minato, but there was no way my eyes were playing tricks on me with all the similarities. Same nose, face structure, and those tyrian eyes were the same exact tint as Ryder's.

  Daniel was the first to move forward in an attempt to check on Makoto's and Ann's health status, but the sounds of the safety going off from a pair of guns made everyone freeze in place.

  Our eyes landed on an individual who held guns to the back of both Kade's and Xavier's heads. The person wore a pure white cloak that looked similar to Mako's red one and Ann's dark purple one.

  "Lower them to the ground and walk back to where the rest of your friends are," the person announced. I knew right away it was a female, and from the high melodic voice, I could guarantee she was an angel of some kind.

  Xavier and Kade exchanged looks, both of them realizing they had to submit to the woman's command. They lowered both the girls to the ground on their backs and slowly walked towards us with their backs facing the woman who kept her dual guns in her hands.

  Once they reached us, she lowered them and immediately dropped down to her knees to examine Mako and Ann.

  "Now, will one of you represent your team and tell me who you are and what you want with my comrades?" she asked, rising back to her feet and lowering her hood.

  We all gasped, not simply because of her perfect beauty but at how the woman resembled Daniel. I turned to look at Daniel who appeared speechless.

  The woman wore a questioning look at first, unsure why everyone had gasped, but when her eyes locked on Daniel's they grew wide.

  Daniel took a shaky step forward, then another. He took three more steps which were enough to count as him representing us, but one word came out of his mouth.


  " can't be..." she trailed off. Daniel put his hand in his pocket, pulling out the gold pocket watch he always kept with him. It was an heirloom from his family, and I knew it was something his mother had chosen before she'd disappeared.

  He presented it with his shaky hand, and the woman fell to her knees, tears beginning to form in her bright gold eyes.

  "Daniel?" she whispered.

  They both stared at each other in shock, neither moving from their spot. I made my way forward until I stood next to Daniel, gently pressing my hand on his shoulder.

  "Breathe, Daniel," I reminded. He blinked a few times before he took a deep breath, tears rolling down his cheek.

  "What's going on?" Daniel whispered, his eyes still locked on his mother who looked just as confused.

  "I-" she began, but was cut off when a large shadow jumped out of the forest and headed straight to where Daniel and I were. Fuck!

  I quickly grabbed Daniel and called upon the wind to push us back, missing a flaming claw by a second. The others quickly gathered around us, and we flinched at the loud roar that came from the flaming beast before us.

  "Oh, fuck no!" Xavier cursed. Him and Kade moved to stand in front of us and called forth their weapons.

  The large four-legged beast stood in front of Mako, Ann, and the woman who we suspected was Daniel's mom.

  Half of his body was of gold, red, and black flames, and the heat wave that hit us was as if we'd moved from the cool forest to the desert during the highest peak of hot temperatures.

  A flaming ring of fire appeared around the three woman, and I realized he was protecting them. Its amber eyes were centered on our group, but I realized it was particularly staring at Ryder. I looked at Ryder who had a confused expression on his face.

  "Anyone wanna tell me what the flaming fuck is that?" I asked, realizing the rest of our group was still playing catch-up with the multiple surprises that kept hitting us one after another. Xavier decided to end my misery by answering.

  "That right there is a Hellhound. The strongest spirit a shifter can be blessed with."

  "That's not all," Ryder whispered, taking a step forward. Kade and Xavier gave him weird looks like he was absolutely crazy. He moved around them and took two more steps, like he was challenging the oversized beast.

  "Ryder? Are you fucking crazy?" Xavier snapped.

  "Ryder. What do you mean that's not all?" Kade asked understanding Ryder's behavior must have had a meaning.

  Ryder turned to face us, not even concerned about his back facing the flaming beast.

  "Whoever its host is...they're our final star knight."


  Coming September 2018: Forgotten Fairytale 2

  Reflections of You Sneak Peek

  Reflections Of You Blurb

  What do you do when your mother signs you up for the prestigious Brighten Academy of Magic? You pack up your things, grab your familiar, and pray this doesn’t go horribly wrong.

  * * *

  With a sweet Mother like mine, whose mind is slowly deteriorating thanks to her Alzheimer’s, it’s my role to make her happy. After my older brother’s death, I vowed to make her smile and do whatever she asked.

  * * *

  So when she pulls some strings and somehow gets me a golden ticket into the all-male school, Brighten Magic Academy, there’s no way I can refuse.

  * * *

  Now here I am, stuck in a dorm house with six sexy males - all far too attractive for their own good and with magic that can make you fall to your knees in submission and awe.

  * * *

  But I can survive this ordeal, because I’m a boy. Well, between you and me, I’m actually a girl using magic, pretending to be a guy, so you can see my dilemma.

  * * *

  What’s the worst that can happen? I guess you're about to find out.

  "Happy birthday to YOU! Happy birthday to YOU!
Happy BIRTHDAY dear BROTHER! Happy birthday to YOUUUU!!!" I sang, clapping my hands together.

  "Jewel, You don't need to add so much emphasis when you’re singing," Brother laughed, lifting me up into his arms. I giggled hysterically as he twirled me around before giving me a kiss on the cheek.

  "Gabriel, you’re making her hyper." Mother turned to stare at us. I giggled even harder and Gabriel sighed. "That or she found the hidden stash of Sour Patch Kids," he considered, giving me a look.

  I gave him a wide grin and placed my little hands on his cheeks. "They were delicious," I whispered and giggled again as I squirmed in his hold.

  Mother and Gabriel sighed. "It doesn't matter what spell I put on the cabinet. She still miraculously finds a way to unlock it. She takes after her father in that way," Mother mumbled, crossing her arms.

  "Mom! Brother’s going to be late for school!' I shouted, throwing my hands in the air. Gabriel gave me another kiss on the cheek before setting me down. I started running around the table as fast as I could.

  "She's so going to crash into something," Gabriel pointed out.

  "Let her burn off the sugar rush," Mother dismissed, but she sounded amused. I paused for a moment to watch Gabriel hug Mother.

  "Happy birthday, my dear son. May you have many more happy years ahead of you," Mother smiled fondly.

  "Thank you, Mom," he replied.

  I ran up to them and hugged Brother’s leg. "More years. More years! Mom? Can we give him the thingy?!" I asked eagerly.

  "Thingy?" Gabriel asked curiously. Mother shook her head with a wide smile.

  "Your sister isn't good at keeping secrets,” she pointed out.

  I giggled. "You said you would give it to him before school," I defended.

  "That I did," Mother acknowledged, walking from the kitchen to the living room. Brother picked me up and followed her. I wrapped my arms around his neck, giggling quietly in excitement. I was looking forward to see him open his gift. He was going to love it!

  Mother returned with a bright blue box with a red ribbon wrapped around it. She presented it to Gabriel who lowered me to the ground to accept his gift.

  "It was once your Father's. Jewel and I went and got it polished up. I hope you cherish it just like he did," Mother whispered.

  They shared a sad look and I frowned, wishing Daddy was here to see Gabriel and me. He died during a magic expedition last year. Mommy said they never found his body so they had to use an empty casket during the funeral. It made me sad when we talked about it and I didn't want Brother to be sad on his birthday.

  "BE HAPPY!" I demanded, throwing my hands in the air. Mother and Brother both looked down at me and I gave my best wide smile. Gabriel laughed, reaching out to stroke my brown hair.

  "I'm very happy. Wanna help me open it, Jewel? You can keep the ribbon," Gabriel offered.

  "YES!" I cheered and he knelt down so we both could open the gift. I helped tug open the ribbon and Brother opened the box, revealing Father's precious possession: a magic circle necklace.

  Mother said he'd left it behind before the expedition, fearing he'd lose it. Mother said it had been passed down from son to son for many generations and contained very old magic. It was now Brother’s turn to have it.

  "Mom... Jewel..." Gabriel whispered, staring down at the necklace in wonder. He removed it from the box; the gold chain swayed from side to side as it dangled. The magic circle was gold and had different colored jewels placed evenly around the outer edge of the circle part of the necklace. There was a sun symbol in the middle and a small moon at the top; miniature stars decorated the lower section.

  Mother said the power inside had been gathered from generation to generation, each male inputting a small fragment of their power inside before handing it down. I asked Mother if girls could get one too, and she said it was possible but since Brother was the older child, he got to claim it first.

  "Do you like it?! Are you going to wear it now?" I asked, jumping up and down in anticipation.

  "I can't wear it to school, but afterward I can. You want to wear it for me Jewel, until I get home?" Gabriel suggested.

  "YES! Can I? Mommy, can I please? I'll keep it safe, I promise!" I begged. She glanced at us and smiled warmly. "Sure, but just for today because you're keeping it safe for Gabriel. Understood?"

  "Understood!" We said in unison and I squealed.

  Gabriel laughed. "Stop moving so I can put it on, my hyper Princess."

  I stayed perfectly still and mother helped lift my long hair so brother could hook the necklace around my neck. I felt a weird tingle go through me and giggled.

  "This thing tickles," I spoke through laughter.

  "I guess the magic likes you," Mother replied.

  Gabriel got to his feet and picked me up, walking us over to the standing mirror near the front door. I stared at my reflection, admiring the necklace, before staring up at Brother in the mirror.

  His short hair was styled nicely for school and his gold eyes twinkled with happiness. He wore his school uniform, which was a navy blue with gold trim and a gold tie. He went to a school called Brighten Magic Academy. It was the same place where Mommy worked as a professor and magic councillor.

  "You like it, Brother?" I asked him.

  He nodded, "I love it. Especially when my baby sister is wearing it so proudly."

  "I'll protect it and make sure no evil monsters take it from me," I declared solemnly. This was brother's possession and I would protect it at all cost.

  "I'm sure you'll do an amazing job, Princess Jewel. Now, it’s time for me to go to school. I'll see you tonight. We’ll eat cake."

  "Strawberry cheesecake!" I agreed gleefully.

  He laughed, leaning in to rub his nose against mine. "Of course. Be a good girl for Mom and make sure Alice doesn't steal any shiny jewels from the neighbor."

  I giggled, squirming in his hold, wanting to be set down. He lowered me to the ground and I ran to Mom who was approaching us.

  "Alice has a mind of her own. WEEE!" I sang, circling around Mommy who shook her head in dismay.

  "She's gonna let Alice take twice as many jewels now," Mother chided.

  "Alice acts like a raven more than an owl," Gabriel commented.


  I stopped in my tracks when I saw my little owl familiar fly into the room. She landed on my shoulder and I squealed.

  "Alice says ‘happy birthday,’ Brother!" I cheered.

  "Thank you, Alice," Brother spoke soothingly to my familiar.

  "Hoot!" she replied, fluttering her white feathers.

  Mother clapped her hands. "You're going to be really late if you don't leave now, Gabriel. I may teach there, but I'm not covering for you," she grumbled and Gabriel gave her a pout.

  "Mom! It's my birthday. Be nice."

  "I'll be at the school for a meeting at lunch. Meet me after, alright?" she asked.

  "Will do, Mom. I'm off. See ya Jewel and Alice. Love you all," Gabriel smirked, standing from where he was putting on his shoes and waved goodbye.

  "LOVE YOU!" I declared loudly.

  "HOOT!" Alice followed my lead.

  "I love you, sweetheart. Have fun," Mother encouraged. I noticed a change in Brother’s expression, making me tilt my head, but in a flash it was replaced with a wide smile.

  "Bye," he called, leaving the house and closing the door softly behind him.

  "Mommy?" I walked up to her and looked up to meet her bright gold eyes. They were totally different than my ruby ones I inherited from Father.

  "What's the matter, Jewel?" Mother knelt down to talk to me.

  "Brother looked scared a second ago. Didn't you see?"

  My brother never looked afraid unless he had to kill a spider. He didn't like those. I thought they were awesome.

  "He's probably just nervous. Exams are coming up for him. He wants to do really well like Father and I once did. He struggles with certain types of magic," Mother explained.

  "He needs to learn from a pro
like ME!" I declared.

  Mother grinned. "I agree, my little prodigy. Just don't set the house on fire again, okay?"

  "Hoot!" Alice nuzzled her head against my face as I let out a nervous giggle. "That was an accident," I admitted shyly.

  Mother smiled and pressed a kiss to my forehead. "I know. Now, are you going to have a bath and change into your nice dress Brother bought you?"

  "YES! I'm going with you to school to take Brother home early, right?" I asked.

  She nodded. "Yup. He really wants to go to the magic show that just opened. We'll go there first and then have a nice fancy dinner."

  "And a movie?!"

  "Sure," Mother laughed at my excitement.

  "Brother is going to be so happy, Mommy! I’ll go take a bath!" I announced, making my way to the stairs but then paused, turning around to run back to Mother who looked confused. Alice flew up and hovered in the air, watching us.

  I lifted my arms. "I want a hug before I go," I announced.

  Her face softened and she pulled me into a hug. "What's this for?"

  "I know you miss Daddy. I miss him too. But he loves you, me, Brother and Alice! And I love you," I whispered, giving Mommy a kiss on the nose. She blinked, looking shocked by my sudden words.

  "Thank you, Jewel. Father would be very proud of his mini paragon. I love you too," she replied in a choked voice, pressing a kiss to my forehead.

  "Let's get your bath running," she whispered. I nodded happily and began to sing the bath song as I always did before having a bath.

  I couldn't wait to see Brother's happy face when we picked him up from school.

  "Mommy, does Logan get to come over tomorrow?" I asked, tightening my hand in hers as we walked past the school entrance gates which were a shiny gold.

  "Do you want to play with Logan?" Mother questioned.


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