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Abraxis Complex 1: Origin of Prometheus

Page 10

by Ben Winston

  The woman nodded to him. “It's all good, Sir.”

  The Captain, whose name tag said 'Washington' on it, nodded back. “Great, lead on.”

  He headed for the big truck, while the Lieutenant got in the Humvee. Shortly, they were on the road, and headed out of town.

  Prometheus was a forty-five minute drive northeast of town, and another twenty minutes up a dirt trail that looked like little more than two game trails. In a couple of places the woods were so heavy and over grown, that wind-felled trees had to be moved by Marines, and in other places the trail followed a cliff that was barely wide enough for the truck.

  Shortly, they started back down into a small valley, only to find a closed gate with a warning sign on it. The Lieutenant got out, and unlocked the gate while another Marine came running forward to help her open it. After everyone had pulled through, the big truck stopped at the gate while the Humvees kept going.

  “Bella, I thought you'd met Captain Washington before. He acted like he didn't know you or Jolene?” Mandi asked.

  “We know of the Captain, but we've never met him. I doubt he's ever seen us before,” Bella replied. “Lt. Mays? How much of this does the Captain know about?"

  “How much of what Ma'am? I don't understand the question,” the Lieutenant replied looking completely confused. “Our orders are to escort you three specialists out to this old NORAD complex, secure the facility, and assist you in any way we can. We have no knowledge of your mission, Ma'am. We're Marines, we don't need to know.”

  “Gotcha, thanks Ell-Tee,” Jolene said using Washington's name for her. Then she turned back to her lovers. “Basically, we're out here on our own mission, and the Marines only know to protect us, and provide assistance if we need it.”

  “So basically, don't talk to anyone, because no one knows the secrets?” Mandi asked. “This is getting confusing, how do we know who knows which stuff?”

  “The best answer for that, Captain Adams, is to assume that no one knows. Also assume that there are listening devices everywhere. If someone talks to you about one of the things you know, play dumb until you know that they are supposed to know.” The Ell-Tee replied from the front seat.

  “I'm going to get a headache!” Bella said, chuckling.

  “Being bitchy works wonders against the curious,” Lieutenant Mays added.

  Mandi was poking around on her ever present tablet. “Wait a sec... you've got us dressed up as DARPA 'Witches'!”

  “What are DARPA witches?” Jolene asked. “I know what DARPA is, but what's a witch?”

  Mandi nodded. “The Defense Advanced Research Projects Administration likes to hire young geniuses like us. Most of the time, they are young and female. They are sometimes beautiful, have I.Q.s north of one-sixty, and are so focused on their current projects that the world around them is a secondary concern. However, as project leads, they have almost god-like powers in the agency.”

  “It sounds like it should be DARPA bitch instead of witch,” Bella chuckled.

  Mandi chuckled. “I think witch was decided on for mixed company.”

  “Okay, so we're DARPA specialists on a mission that the Marines know nothing about, and are not supposed to know,” Jolene said. “So, snobby bitch mode on!”

  Bella chuckled. “Cool, we got a super power!” In the front seat both Marines snorted out a laugh.

  The Hummers pulled up and stopped by a nondescript white cinder block building. The girls got out and walked toward the building while the rest of the Marines deployed around the site. Lt. Mays unlocked the door, and opened it for the girls.

  The inside of the building was pretty much like the outside. Plain white walls, a small office in one corner of the room next to a gated set of steps leading down towards the back of the building. In the opposite corner there was a newer looking surveillance area set up with banks of monitors, and keyboards. In front of all of that a bar like desk bisected the room, with a narrow passage cut between the two halves.

  “This is the main guard facility. As you can see, security will be run from this point. In the corner is the OIC office, in this case it'll be for Capt. Washington and myself. Below us, is the main entrance to the facility as well as guard barracks, and living areas while off-duty. In the event of an emergency, there is a vault door at the bottom of the steps that will close automatically when the base is sealed. In order to access the base, all personnel will have to come through this point,” Mays explained. Mandi had been reading on her tablet while the Lt. had been talking and learned a few things in addition to what the Lt. was telling her.

  About that time, Captain Washington entered and Lt. Mays introduced him.

  Mandi shook his hand. “Captain, you'll find a complete diagram and layout of all the security systems and devices that have been installed here in your office. All those devices can be monitored and controlled through the control suite in the corner. We may have need to install better or upgraded equipment soon as we are sure about the level of security we will require.”

  Washington nodded to her. “I understand, Captain. I only ask that you please let me know when you'll be altering the systems, that way we don't accidentally shoot one of you.”

  Mandi winked. “I'll make sure you get the memo.”

  “For the time being, Captain, we cannot allow any of your Marines past the main entrance, I hope you can understand that,” Bella said.

  “That shouldn't be an issue, Ma'am,” Washington replied. “Do you have an authorized personnel list?”

  “It's on you printer, Captain. Those people on the escorted list must be escorted by one of the people from full access list. For the time being, that list only has one name on it, but it will change as more people are added to this project. I am told you are in charge of our external security, you will have one person above you that will handle our internal security, but he has yet to be assigned. All of this is subject to change, but you'll be involved in those discussions so you'll be kept in the loop.”

  “Thank you for that, Ma'am,” Lionel said.

  “We need to get below, Ladies,” Jolene said in a bitchy tone.

  Bella nodded. “Yeah, you're right. Let's go.”

  Both Marines escorted the three 'specialists' to the main lift down into the complex. It raised their suspicions when the doors opened as soon as the group neared them. The three girls stepped into the elevator and turned around. Jolene looked bored, Mandi was still focused on her tablet, but Bella gave the two a small smile. “Be sure to let us know if you need anything up here. The phone systems should be working.”

  When the doors slid closed, Washington looked at his second. “Damn! They're getting them younger and younger all the time!”

  “Well, I can tell you that they most definitely are what they seem. They sounded like they were talking a different language all the way up here!” Mays replied, seeming to agree with her superior. “I don't think they are actually as young as they look either. They just didn't have that ... feel, you know what I mean?”

  “Oh yeah. Those three were intimidating as hell. I felt like a three year old around them! I thought the folks over at StealthCon were smart. Sometimes I wonder if people like them are even human.” He sighed. “Well, we have a job to do, so we better get it done. Get Williams and Olson up here to man the surveillance systems. You can pick whoever else you want to crew the shack. I'll work up the roving roster...” He continued to issue orders while they walked back up the steps to the guard shack.

  'Prometheus' Base

  Shermandale, Utah

  North American Continent

  Earth, Sol System

  When the lift doors opened, they were met by a small robot looking device. It beeped and a life-sized hologram of Abraxis took form over it. “I must say, you handled that situation very well. Good work, Rangers.”

  “Thanks Abraxis. Uh, what's with the ‘bot?” Jolene asked nodding toward the small robot.

  “Well, I have yet to get holographic emitters installed
in the whole base, so I have to use this device until I do. Currently, the command center and your quarters are the only places where emitters are installed,” he explained. “If you'll follow me, I can show you to your quarters.”

  “Lead on,” Bella said grinning.

  “Did you get the medical suite finished?” Mandi asked.

  Abraxis nodded. “Yes, for the most part. However, there might be a few items that Doctor Grien will want to have installed once she becomes familiar with everything. However, the equipment is ready for the Ranger Fighter when he arrives.” Abraxis looked like he was expecting an ETA on that arrival.

  “Great, now all we need to do is get him down here. I'll bet that'll raise a few eyebrows when we bring him through security,” Jolene added.

  “I doubt they'll say anything. They are Marines after all. Did you notice that they didn't say anything about our obvious ages?” Bella said.

  “Actually, Captain Lionel Washington did notice. However, Lieutenant Eleanor Mays managed to convince him otherwise,” Abraxis replied. “Here are your quarters. If there is anything I can do to alter them to make you more comfortable, please let me know.”

  The place was amazing. It didn't have the feel of an underground complex, but rather a nice, bright and airy home on the surface. They entered a comfortable living room/lounge area that would have been at home in any house on the planet. There was a big screen television, and home theater system. A large over-stuffed couch and love seat, with two overstuffed recliners.

  There were four huge bedroom and bathroom combinations that would make anyone able to relax and rest. The kitchen and dining areas were large and tastefully equipped and decorated. Off to one side, right where they had designed it to be, was a small hallway that led to the offices and small labs for the team. After looking everything over, all three girls complimented Abraxis on the project, and said they had no suggestions at this time.

  “Abraxis, do you have any more information on the activities of the Drellian team?” Bella asked.

  “The 'Accident' Agent Adams spoke of has just been reported, and as yet has not attracted any undue attention. However, the defense computers that were attacked earlier have reported continued intrusion attempts. The system remains off-line, but it cannot remain that way for long. The attempts have been traced to the south central Colorado area, however, the exact location cannot be isolated,” Abraxis reported.

  “Is the command center completed yet, Abraxis?” Mandi asked.

  “No, it isn't. I reassigned the construction units from there to the medical area. They have only recently resumed construction of that area. If you wish to use the base computer systems, you can access them from your lab, Fixer,” the AI replied.

  “Are we on the Internet?” Jolene asked as the girls started heading for the offices.

  “Affirmative. I would like to have more bandwidth, but at present we do have sufficient for most purposes,” Abraxis said.

  “Good, maybe I can run some interference for the defense mainframe. Have you heard anything about Greg?” Mandi asked

  “Officially, Gregory Michael Adams, of Colorado Springs, Colorado, passed away from injuries suffered in the automobile accident in which the rest of his family also lost their lives. In an unrelated event, an as yet unidentified male matching Mr. Adams’ general description is currently being treated at a local hospital, has been downgraded from critical to serious condition. Doctor Grien informed Security Agent Danielson that the young man could be moved tomorrow evening, after the hospital got quiet for the evening.

  “The young man was conscious for a short time this afternoon, at which time, Agent Danielson and General Hollister briefed him on the current situation. Your current state of dress and the means of your arrival here, are the result of that conversation. Concerned with your security, the Ranger Fighter suggested this alternative plan to the General,” Abraxis explained.

  “Okay, so while these two invade our country's most guarded computer systems, why don't you show me what you've gotten done here, Abraxis?” Bella asked. The AI smiled as he led Bella out of the office area to show her the rest of the rapidly expanding facility.

  On the surface, Captain Washington had donned the new uniform this assignment required, and was surveying the site to familiarize himself with his new command.

  As he walked along the fence, he met and passed a pair of similarly garbed individuals. Other than a nod, no notice was given. Nothing on the jumpsuits identified them as belonging to any military branch, although they retained their rank insignia, and Lionel still wore his Annapolis ring. The fence would need to be rebuilt in a couple of areas and he made note of those areas. He also planned to ask for a separate guard shack to be built by the front gate.

  As he walked he couldn’t help but wonder just what those three DARPA 'Witches' were planning on brewing up in their deep cauldron and how would it affect the rest of the world. It didn’t matter. He had been ordered to protect them, and that was exactly what he was going to do. At least he didn’t have to see 'The General' every fuckin’ day!

  About the Author

  Ben Winston (1965 - ?) was born in Iowa and grew up in Minnesota on the family dairy farm. Upon reaching adulthood, he joined the United States Army as a communications technician. Before getting out of the military, he decided to go to school for computer electronics.

  Shortly after getting out of the military, and after getting a new job with an over-seas company, he was diagnosed with Crohn’s Disease. A month after beginning the new job, he was laid off due to budget over-runs on the project he was hired for. Upon returning to the United States, he had difficulty maintaining employment because of the chronic illness.

  He began writing as a form of stress release, from being home bound and not being able to work, and found he liked writing erotica. Ben wrote a trilogy called the Talosian Chronicles (Currently in rewrite to remove the graphic sex and finalized his vision of the story). The first book, Star Dancer, won awards and was nominated for many others by the online communities where it was posted.

  Ben Winston returned to school for literature, after completion, he began writing professionally. Being an avid fan of science fiction he focused on this genre. He was, and still is, influenced and inspired by Gene Roddenberry, Anne McCaffery, David Weber, Isaac Asimov, and Ray Bradbury. Some of his favorite movies and TV shows are; Battlestar Galactica (both versions), Andromeda, Star Trek, Firefly, Star Wars, and many of the B-rated movies that were actually box-office bombs.

  Connect with the author or Blue Space Publications, LLC.

  Ben Winston


  Blue Space Publications, LLC.






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  Books Published by Blue Space Publications, LLC.

  by Ben Winston

  Pollux Paradox

  Tides of Mars

  Tides of Mars (Omnibus)

  Ascension – Book I

  Conflict – Book II

  The Abraxis Complex

  Origin of Prometheus – Book I

  Sword of Damocles – Book II (Upcoming)

  Talosian Chronicles

  Olympus – Book I

  Star Dancer – Book II

  Talosian Alliance – Book III

  *Neptune’s Massif – Book IV (Upcoming)


  Temple of S.A.R.A.H.

pe – Episode I

  Subroutines – Episode II

  Base Functions – Episode III

  *Hard Wired – Episode IV (Upcoming)

  by Michael McClain

  Chronicles of Atlantis Series

  Chronicles of Atlantis (Omnibus)

  Atlantis Rising – Book I

  Euthara – Book II




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