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by Jason Andrews


  Jason Andrews

  SORDIDA Copyright © 2018 by Jason Andrews. All Rights Reserved.

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means including information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the author. The only exception is by a reviewer, who may quote short excerpts in a review.

  Cover designed by Jason Andrews – Image courtesy of

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  Jason Andrews

  Visit my twitter: @JasonA1980

  First Printing: Aug 2018

  ISBN for Paperback: 9781723709210

  Available in ebook formats online

  Dedicated to Matt Chetwynd and Gary Mullen who have had to endure me rambling on about this book idea for some considerable time.



  ake was nervous, but still shaking a little while unsure if he could continue with everything he had carefully planned. He turned to face Amercia who appeared innocent; perhaps too perfect. However, the awkward silence between them was becoming less noticeable.

  “Relationships are all about compromise, but with emotions involved it then becomes a sacrifice,” said Jake with a lack of expression on his face, “and I am not sure I am capable of either. My life has just been a series of complicated coincidence combined with instances of bad fate. It’s as if my purpose on this planet is to admire the beauty of everyone else getting on with their own lives, while my own stagnates into nothingness.”

  Amercia looked across the room at him to analyse his body language, her eyes bulged slightly, and her nostrils flared as the annoyance of his sarcasm was grating on her. Despite the need for professionalism and confidence with her clients, there seemed to be a definite possibility of depression. The lack of expression in his responses coupled with the short burst of rocking movements on the chair was enough evidence to support his claims of bad nerves caused by the events he implied he has experienced within the last year. Amercia Preen was intrigued by how a late-twenties guy with an average body seemed such a hit with women over forty by the accounts of his sexual history. Nothing much to look at, yet she considered that he must have an extra-large cock or the tongue of an ox?

  He wasn’t her usual type of guy which was an older rugged build man with more muscles to show than personality generally. Guys like that were so easy to control due to being so self-absorbed into their vanity. However, Jake presented himself as an eccentric individual that paid well for her services.

  “So, why don’t you begin to tell me about the first time you experienced the swingers club, Mr Parker. Tell me from the very beginning because perhaps it will help with the reasoning for your behaviours?”

  Jake looked at her knowing that she wanted a truthful answer. He had used a few witty one-liners to mask his insecurities when answering the personal introduction on himself, but he wasn’t much of an overconfident guy due to liking his privacy.

  “If I really must,” Jake replied, starting to feel a little excited that he had now built up to this confession, “It all started with a random night out on the town. I was sat indoors late one night and bored shitless. I remember being miserable about being single and all the usual nobody wants me crap I use to self-torture my mind. All of my mates now seemed to be married and starting to settle down with their lives which made me feel left behind in life. The swingers club experience that night though was nothing more than just curiosity.”

  Jake took a gasp of air to calm the onset of a potential attack of nerves. He looked down for a few seconds to remind himself to start from the beginning.

  “I suppose I went out that night Miss Preen because I had been in a low place mentally and I just wanted to get pissed out of my face, to be honest with you.”

  “It’s fine, you can call me Amercia, because Preen, sounds too official anyway. How did you go from the night out heading straight into a swinger’s club because you don’t look like the type of guy who would wander from a nightclub into a full-on highly sexual environment like that?”

  “I met this woman called Kerry at the bar, she was about forty-five possibly even older by a little, and we got chatting, mostly moaning about our lives truth be told. She smiled at me every time I spoke which gave me a sense of interest. I might not be forthcoming with the chat up lines, but I remember her screeching laughter when I asked if she’d like to see me count to one without using any fingers as I pointed to my groin. It was a bit sex-pest like only because I was horny. She stumbled closer and wrapped her arms around me. I’m not full of the falling from heaven, come here often lines, but a little drunk myself now, she whispered into my ear if I had somewhere we could both go together for a quick fuck. She was extremely forward and thinking back, more than I had liked. It was intimidating to start with as I’m not used to women approaching me first with sincere interest. I had also clocked the wedding ring glistening away on her finger, yet as selfish and shallow as it may seem, I appreciated the attention.”

  “So, she was a bit of a horny little bitch then. She didn’t take you home to meet her husband then Jake?”

  “In a roundabout way – that is what she did. I met her husband that night by the end, and it all was a bit overwhelming. Nothing was exactly making much sense at the time, but I decided to go with the flow of things. Some of it is just a vague memory now.”

  Jake rolled his eyes up as the memories slowly came flooding back. He was drunk at the time and considered that Kerry might have even spiked his drink; not that he gave a fuck since looking back over the situation he had been too gullible. Kerry was hanging on his every word, she amused him, yet he was intrigued by her progressive sexual nature that was clear she wanted sex. Having explained to her that he lived in a flat share with very little privacy, while casually forgetting to mention that he only had a single bed in a small box room, he remembered how Kerry pulled out her bottom lip trying to look disappointed seductively.

  “Kerry told me she knew a nice place we could go.” Jake said to Amercia, slipping back out of the daydream, “she put one hand over her pussy and told me it needed filling. Knowing how horny I was at the time, it felt rude to say no. I remember specifically saying to her that if she knew of somewhere to go, then I would gladly follow her outside right this moment. I did think it would initially be just behind the bins at the back of the club.”

  Amercia laughed so hard she could barely breathe.

  “Forgive me as I’m coming across as unprofessional. I’ll give you a small discount on my fee today.”

  Jake ignored the laughter.

  “Don’t worry about it, the laughter that is, not the discount.”

  Jake got himself into a more comfortable position on the couch and remembered how he had followed Kerry out of the nightclub, almost running with excitement that he was going to get laid. The marriage thing was a bit of an issue at first, but problems that alcohol seemed to solve the more he drank. Jake thought at the time, fuck it! I’ll deal with the guilt in the morning. He followed her all the way to the taxi waiting point on the opposite side of the road. The weather at the time was miserable; he remembered the coolness in the evening air calmed the onset of being a little tipsy. Kerry had been laughing as she almost ran into oncoming traffic which looked like she was playing a dangerous traffic dodging game of kiss-chase as he too ran into the road to catch up with her.

  A taxi cab was waiting for them both as they approached the other side with the driver standing by the door looking pleased with himself
that customers had finally arrived. Once inside the cab, Kerry placed a hand on his groin and slowly groped his cock and testicles from the outside of his jeans. He remembered how this gave him a slight semi-hard cock with the nervousness of the situation preventing a full-on raging boner. The taxi driver looked directly at them which didn’t distract Kerry from trying to undo his jeans with her hands all fumbling around his buttons. The intention was a blow-job in full view of the driver to maybe to reduce the fare, but Jake was not having his cock sucked in public.

  Jake knew now that Kerry was into some weird sexual shit, yet at the time he only considered that alcohol and an over-confident personality was the reasoning for her actions. She whispered an address to the cab driver after Jake had tapped her hands as a sign of disapproval to the undressing; the cab driver nodded and winked as to assure her he knew where the destination was.

  “What a journey that was too,” Jake gasped to Amercia, as he proceeded to continue with today’s session. “We got into a taxi and drove around for about twenty-five to thirty minutes before we ended up on what seemed a secluded little estate in the middle of nowhere. I could see business units in the distance and sobered the fuck up a little by the time I stumbled out of the cab. We drove down a dark tight lane that had trees surrounding each side of the road for a considerable distance.”

  “So, was this finally how you got to the swinger’s club; that horny little bitch just took you there in a taxi?”

  “Yes, I was unaware at the time as I was looking around for a house or a block of flats. All the business units on this estate were closed, obviously due to the hour that it was at the time. I remember a gated entrance and a very modern looking futuristic building. So square, like the whole design was some penthouse suite with a cheap looking neon sign lit at the front to give some guidance to an entrance.”

  Amercia looked down at her watch; he’d been there an hour already. Fucking hurry up, she thought to herself, you’re draining me of energy, and I’m dying for a diet cola. She looked back up again from her watch.

  “What did the sign say,” Amercia asked, holding back her yawning so not to offend, “do you mind if I cut today’s session short, I’ll take a few more quid off the price?”

  “I don’t mind,” Jake said, looking a bit bewildered as he contemplated offering more money for her to stay even longer, “the sign said in the brightest bold lettering ever – Sordida. It’s a Spanish or Latin word I think.”

  “Sounds a bit like a lame word to me because for a swinger’s club I would have expected it seedier as a name, or filthier at least.”

  Jake nodded at her.

  “I was walking down the road after she had kindly paid off the taxi cab driver. Kerry had said to me that my mind is going to get blown away as well as my dick. I was excited and confused by my surroundings because I’d never been before. She took hold of my hand and led me up the steps where the entrance was situated. I remember a red carpet on the outside leading up to the door with a security guy outside. As I walked through, everything else around me including the fixtures and fittings was completely white. White floor tiles, white desk, white seats and a white door. It was a pristine while hallway that looked like an Italian designer bathroom just without the actual bath or toilet. A huge white framed mirror hung in the centre with a rack of coats in the corner. In my mind, I thought I had been taken to the entrance of heaven since the gleaming whiteness of everything was blinding.”

  Jake raised his arms and put them behind his head as he further relaxed into some memories. Once he had passed through the gleaming white hallway, he noticed the counter with a young female assistant waiting for his service. She had smiled, but in hindsight, this was an explicit recognition of Kerry who had nodded to give an assurance that they were suitable for entry that evening. Kerry handed over some cash before he had his hand stamped with a small red-ink logo. Kerry taking the lead had held on to his side and walked with him up the stairs, she’d been here many times.

  Once through another set of solid pristine white doors, they embarked on the first-floor lounge club. It was dark and full of glistening lights that you would expect to see on the Christmas tree of a fancy upmarket retailer, and the most exceptionally dressed people were everywhere around him smiling giving the appearance he was being welcomed into a cult. Jake had spotted the revolving dancefloor and a couple of pole dancers in the distance; the central bar area had women in ball gowns and men in designer suits. For a club of this nature, the members were overdressed. None of this environment looked seedy or filthy as he might have expected, yet he was waiting to walk through and find everyone naked and fucking in one giant heap on the floor. It appeared everyone had gathered around for a special occasion.

  “After Kerry had shown me all around the lounge club which was like those suited and booted nights on a cruise holiday, she introduced me to a few other women. Although, I can hardly remember what they even looked like now Amercia, let alone their names. I had been dragged around quite promptly as we were both the commoners in there, but she was very known. I walked up to another flight of stairs that took me into a room with a sauna, showers, jacuzzi and steam room to resemble an expensive spa, and then finally I was taken to the third floor which consisted of private rooms.”

  “At what point did you meet her husband because you’d stated earlier that in a roundabout way she took you to meet him, so when did he appear on the scene, Jake?”

  “This is where it all got a bit fucked up. I remember being taken to a room and in the centre was a huge queen size bed. By this point in the evening, I was desperate to fuck badly, literally at the point of blue balls aching. Kerry and I were finally alone, and I could see myself in each of the mirrors that were on every wall. The room was very red with plush cushions, red velvet; everything was perfectly coordinated. The work of a great interior designer who loved the colour red.”

  Amercia nodded, desperately wanting more information as today's session started to get more interesting.

  “Kerry had gone to the en-suite bathroom, and while she was in there, I stripped off my clothing, then sprawled out across the bed naked before proceeding to wank my cock hard and fast. As horny as I was, the alcohol had taken its toll. Kerry had then appeared from the bathroom fully naked with some condoms in her hand which helped, and she too got onto the bed where she started to suck me off slowly. My cock got solid in an instant because I hadn’t even realised what was going on around me even at that point.”

  “Meaning?” Amercia asked, “did her husband barge in and catch you both at it?”

  “No, it was much worse than that. Kerry had told me she liked to fuck on top, so as I was beneath her - she lowered herself onto my cock and started to ride me slowly at first. I then thrust my cock into her pussy that was so fucking wet I could barely feel anything. I did notice that she kept looking behind her, I thought she liked watching herself in the mirror. Not once did I think she was performing for an audience.”

  Amercia gasped. Placed a hand to her mouth and clamping down not to roar with laughter in his face while still trying to appear sensitive to his issues.

  “She was filming you?”

  “The whole time I was pounding away at her, a fucking group of god-knows-how-many were watching us from the other side of the mirrors. That fucking bitch had purposely taken me there to use me for her show. I felt like I was a victim of a hunt, trapped and put on to be displayed which was just awful. Vile. It turns my stomach.”

  Jake sat up, shook his head.

  “I couldn’t fucking believe it because I genuinely thought she was interested in me, and it made sense as to why they were all dressed up. We must have been the entertainment that evening; she worked there and set the whole fucking thing up. Once I had exhausted myself fucking her doggy style admiring the view of my body pressing in hard to hers, hearing my balls bang her to the point where I knew my cock could go no deeper, I cum in an absolute roar. It was such a relief, but withi
n seconds the door flew open. Kerry just stayed there on the bed smiling; she’d turned over and parted her legs. The guy I now know is her husband, all suited to the hilts applauded us both. I was stunned. Great show, he had said, well-done wifey, best one in a while, superb catch!”

  “I’d have gone fucking nuts,” said Amercia, “I would have gone total fucking mental!”

  “I was still part drunk, grateful that I’d had a fuck at least. The door was left open, and I could see a flurry of people walking away. I never got to see the other side of those mirrors, but then it got even more fucked up.”

  Amercia looked at Jake in surprise to how such an evening could get any worse if you hadn’t have planned it this way.

  “Her husband was about six-foot-tall, looked ex-military and shut the door. He then took off his clothes revealing his fucking great snake dick which was aroused by watching me fuck his Mrs and then he asked her where the packet was.”

  “What, a packet of condoms?”

  “No, Amercia, not even close. Kerry reached over to the bedside cabinet and took out a small packet of what could only have been cocaine. At this point I was slowly starting to get dressed again. I remember not even being that disappointed, it just all felt surreal. I should have been angry, but the environment I was in had me outnumbered. As I was doing up my jeans, her husband sprinkled the cocaine over her pussy that I had just fucked. He bent down over her and sniffed it all up from her labia. They both just started laughing at me. I had been used, and then just disgraced. As both Kerry and her husband started to get it on themselves, I walked out of the room, could feel my eyes welling up a little with the feeling of embarrassment and I just ran. Then ran and ran and ran. Past the trees, down into the industrial estate and called a cab.”

  “I’m speechless,” Amercia replied, “that’s terrible!”


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