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Page 5

by Jason Andrews

  With the elevator now down the ground floor with a little bump, Amercia stepped out with a beaming smile walking straight to the bar. Matt, the waiter, was still parading his muscles from table to table, appearing as though he was flirting with all and sundry. It was a false behaviour she recognised from within herself. He is using that smile and body for tips, she thought, not that I have any room to judge.

  “Rum and diet cola complimented by one of our finest straws?” Matt asked, “how is your evening going?”

  “Yes please,” Amercia replied, “make it a double for me though.”

  Amercia sat back down on the bar stool only this time shaking a little; she hadn’t in any way imagined that this evening would have turned into what had just happened. Trying to discreetly straighten her wig a little before anyone noticed it had slipped, everything was starting to sink in, and she kept going over it again in her mind. Room two-three-two was a separate sleeping space operated by Sordida who have the facility to hear and watch everything that goes on within the boundaries of its walls. They can control the lock, use cameras as surveillance and microphones that listen in, yet not a trace of equipment could be seen, not even a small wire. What happens in there? Amercia wondered, why the utmost secrecy and self-importance? Pleased about the money and the preliminary escorting job, she had managed to bag herself an evening to the club. Although seeing will be believing, she knew she had to gain Mr X’s trust.

  “Double rum and cola,” Matt said, handing her the glass, giving her another wink. “Diet cola I mean, for those beautiful white teeth you have that light up the room.”

  Matt smirked knowing his cheesy lines wouldn’t wash with her. Amercia rolled her eyes to show that she’d heard it all before. She had no intention of staying in this hotel much longer.

  “Thanks again, do you know the number for a local taxi firm?”

  “Going so soon, I finish my shift in twenty minutes, how about you join me for a drink?”

  Admiring his confidence, still a trait she was trying to improve on herself, Amercia shook her head at him. Matt looked instantly disappointed.

  “I can’t, simply because I have work in the morning and a few things to take care of in the afternoon. I want a clear head but thank you all the same. Kind of you to ask.”

  “I’ll call you that cab then. The local ones out here usually take their time, so you’ll be looking at getting one about nine, nine-thirty or just after that.”

  Having finished her rum and cola, Amercia stood outside to wait for the taxi. The wind was picking up, and she felt the cold, but the rain had eased off allowing for a more bearable wait. She was standing by the entrance and trying not to inhale the smoke of nearby people who were chatting and selfishly exhaling their cigarettes near her. Not knowing what Mr X looked like, was unsettling, but that he trusted her with this money and to complete the escort job was also mildly reassuring. He could be anywhere around here, she thought, he could be one of the smokers, he could have been anyone, anywhere. Maybe even Matt, the waiter?

  The taxi slowly pulled up at the entrance; the driver wound down his window. Noticing he looked almost ninety years old and dressed as a farmer, she stepped closer. He was unlikely in her mind to be no way near as wicked as the driver that brought her out here, first impressions were that he should be more suited in a nursing home, but at least he wasn’t staring at her cold tits.

  “Cab for Amercia,” he said, in a strong village Devonshire accent, “Going back to the big Plymouth.”

  “Oh yes,” she replied stepping into the taxi from the passenger side door. “Back to big old Plymouth, please. I’ll give you directions when we’re closer if you don’t mind. I’ll be glad to get home.”

  Amercia’s phone buzzed during the journey back to indicate a text message, she took the phone out of her clutch bag, trying to stop all the loose notes of cash from falling out on the car floor, and read the screen. Saturday at 9 pm, I’ll be at the entrance. Mr X. She put the phone back into her bag and felt more excited than ever. With a wad of cash in her purse and another wad coming to her on Saturday, Amercia convinced herself that her life was changing. It might mean having to sleep your way through an entire club, but the long-term plan was for self-investment, and it was easy money for a woman with no scruples.

  Due to her mental capabilities, self-awareness and intelligence, it was insulting being considered a prostitute. She planned to provide an upmarket service to an upmarket clientele. Amercia was confident she was on the road to success with her newly open for business pussy.



  ake Parker sat alone in his room waiting for Amercia to arrive for today’s session. He had sixty pounds cash in his hand eager to hand it over to the escort he had spent many hours looking at photos online before selecting her as his number one choice. Initiating discussions with Amercia about his past felt empowering, a mutual understanding of being able to confide his thoughts to an escort knowing that due to the nature of her profession she could hardly be judgemental. Jake admired her performance as a make-do psychologist in his choice of role play; her counselling skills were more valuable than what she seemed to give herself credit for because he could see her naivety. From the conversations he had with Amercia, he could see for himself the tormented stain of hopelessness within her personality.

  Motivated by greed was clear from her persona, but Jake did not know a great deal of her past because the sessions focussed on his own life’s torments. Strangely he found that he enjoyed her company, even if it was only for an hour here and there at a slight expense. He enjoyed the candid discussions and watching her body language as he spoke of his sexual history knowing she was naïve to a world outside the realms of vanilla sex. Amercia’s charm was in her friendly nature because as an escort she was not all that forthcoming. She didn’t throw herself at him as others had in the past, and as an ordinary woman trying to make extra money through sex and accompanying lonely men to random locations, he got the impression she wasn’t that much in demand. Jake was as captivated by her as he assumed she was in him; Amercia had charisma with an underlying hint of devious.

  The most striking pair of legs walked past the window in red leather thigh high boots just as Jake had requested. Amercia arrived in a short black suede skirt, red thigh high boots and a charcoal top with what appeared to show lace down the chest area exposing her black bra. Rushing to the door, he opened it to let her inside before she had a chance to knock. He handed the cash before stepping aside to allow her to walk past him. Her perfume filled the hallway, a light sweet scent he approved which reminded him of women who were out to impress.

  “Someone’s keen,” said Amercia, walking inside and heading straight for his room. Jake followed behind her taking in the view of her arse.

  “Thank you for attending today, Mr Parker. I hope you have some dirty secrets to discuss with me today. I bet you need to unload badly?”

  Jake felt nervous slightly; he was never comfortable talking about himself despite a need for his escort meetings, his mind was trying to focus on the job at hand. Amercia opened her legs, and he glanced an eyeshot enough to notice that she had shaved her pussy, wearing no knickers as requested she had everything out on display. His eyes fixated on the baldness of beauty that was starting to make his cock hard. Fuck, that’s inviting, he thought, I want it.

  “I appreciate you are wearing what I had asked for, Amercia. I’ll enjoy the temptation as I talk to you, but I like how I’m distracted by you sexually, it makes me comfortable to talk more to you about my personal life. Torn between the demands of my mind and that of my cock right at this moment, I’m not sure what to prioritise.”

  “I enjoy your honesty completely Mr Parker, now let us begin with our session.”

  For approximately fifteen minutes, Jake had bored Amercia with the troubles from his past year that included women continually putting him in the friend zone, a lack of support from his family. She had noticed he
didn’t seem to be trembling as much as before and considered that now he had seen her a few times he was less nervous, but his blank, expressionless face when he spoke was perhaps a fixture of his communication methods, it slightly worried her. Not that her counselling skills were professional, but Amercia could identify the genuine underlying issue with Jake was that he was almost thirty years old with no stability. For the whole time he talked, she desperately wanted him to mention Sordida. With no intention of her informing him about last night’s weird events with Mr X at the hotel, she did not want to be the first to bring up Sordida in this current conversation.

  Continuing to keep a clear mind to focus on the interaction element, she teased Jake by showing and subsequently hiding her shaved vagina from his view. Pretending to be a psychiatrist in a pair of thigh-high boots weren’t typically how she’d choose to dress for the role because, in her ideal world, she’d be sat head to toe in expensive jewellery while being spoiled with designer dresses. Just knowing that there were women out there treated like queens for being mistresses gave a little hope she could make it too.

  Due to having been handed five-hundred pounds by Mr X for part of her agreement to attend a greedy girl’s night at Sordida, Amercia had been tempted to cancel Jake this afternoon due to a hard morning at work surrounded by bread, fruit and vegetables. She wished she could have found something full-time office based or at least meet the millionaire man of her dreams. Not wanting to lose Jake’s custom she thought better of a no-show in the end but was now starting to tire from his dreary role play games.

  “Amercia, you mentioned when I called you last that you might have found Sordida’s location, you didn’t go did you?”

  Finally, Amercia thought to herself; I can now force this conversation into the swinger’s club direction.

  “No. I haven’t been to the swinger’s club. I kind of know where it is though on the outskirts of town because I searched for it online, but I’ve not had it fully confirmed. I don’t drive and can’t get there easily, nor would I waste my money on a taxi either.”

  “I’m glad; I wouldn’t want to see you mistreated. Continuing from where I left off when I had my last session with you; I know I told you about Kerry, her husband and the cocaine incident. I didn’t get to detail what happened next did I?”

  “No, because you implied you ran and left feeling embarrassed. Called a taxi home if I remember too once you reached the industrial estate.”

  Jake swallowed a build-up of saliva, his mouth felt dry with nerves in the idea of discussing the club again, he felt fearful of the wrong people finding out he had disclosed information if she was to get too close. Looking at Amercia today and how she dressed made him want to fuck her desperately, it had been awhile since he last felt the gush of a woman on his dick, but the purpose of this roleplay was to restrain himself. Giving and fucking her on the sofa would make him feel like he failed and defeated the object of the game. Inadvertently this situation between them made him learn a lot about himself. It was pleasant to talk, especially better to talk to a sexy escort looking for extra money that he could offer, who would do anything he wanted for a price tag, but his self-restraint was now a testament to his character. It’s a whole new me, Jake thought about himself, I’ll probably wank like fuck when she’s gone.

  Jake continued the conversation back to hunt evening he attended at Sordida, he could see her interest in this conversation peak.

  “I left the room after fucking Kerry, that night and when she and her other half were getting it on after laughing at me; I saw another room with the door open on the way down the stairs. Before I left Sordida, I stopped to glimpse into this room to see what was going on because at first, I thought I imagined it. My situation with being watched by crowds behind mirrors was bad enough, but I didn’t realise what other shit people were into.”

  “Oh, my fucking god what did you see, Mr Parker. What was going on in that room?”

  “I saw a woman handcuffed to the bed in a room much larger than what I had just fucked inside. The light was dim, but I was still able to see that her handcuffs looked like they were encrusted with diamonds because of the bright reflection of light that glistened on the walls when she writhed around a bit. The handcuffs were solid and looked like an expensive jewellery piece rather than a kinky submissive sexual aid. I could hear her pleasurable moans as it appeared her lack of control was enjoyable, but she was blindfolded while fucking a fat guy who looked like a bear. He was furry from head to toe with sweat dripping off his body. I’m convinced she didn’t even know who was fucking her because she was blindfolded.”

  Amercia’s eyes opened wider with anticipation of what happened. Next, everything about Sordida was coming across from Jake as extraordinary.

  “There were about two other large men in the room with her too, yet the disturbing bit was that as one guy was fucking her, another bent himself over licking her pussy and clit at the same time. I could see his tongue vaguely lash over the whole of them fucking, pussy to cock, cock to clit then back to pussy. I think they call it fuck-licking or cuckolding or something like that. The other guys stood around naked and tugged their cocks over them. The one fucking didn’t seem to mind that another guy was splashing his tongue over his cock as he fucked. One of the guys on the outside then walked closer heavy breathing; I saw that he shot a load of cum over her body and rubbed it into her tits with his own bare hands. The guy who was originally licking her pussy as it was being fucked then started to lick the other guy's cum off her. Nobody even looked surprised. Mortified, I then continued to walk faster more towards the exit.”

  Amercia thought that fuck-licking sounded an interesting sexual technique because having her pussy fucked and licked both at the same time was not an experience she had ever imagined before. This idea excited her, to be ravished by two strong men had always been a fantasy of hers although in her mind the traditional three-way would be sucking one guy while being fucked by the other. Amercia though could only dream of owning diamond encrusted handcuffs, yet they’d be locked away in a safe, or at least sold to the highest bidder and never such valuables used for sexual experiences.

  “I guess at Sordida; you can be as open or as adventurous as you like it seems. It sounds like somewhere people can go to be fucking filthy. Must have been a real eye opener, did you not get tempted to join in?”

  “No, I just wanted to get the fuck out of there, but because the door was wide open, and I was passing it was like time stood still as I witnessed a group of chubby, sweaty men fucking and licking her as she lay tied to the bed. Now though, because I was mistaken, I wonder if she too was on display for others behind a room full of mirrors.”

  “Maybe, has it not crossed your mind that she might have been enjoying it. Did you even see mirrors in that room; how have you not wanted to return there again out of curiosity?”

  “When I stopped watching that room, I managed to get back down to the immaculate white entrance having wondered through corridors, bars, and god knows wherever else. The security guy warned me on the door on the way out. He implied the club would be able to find me and repeated the word, consequences a few times. It came across very threatening, and you’re the first person I’ve ever told. I can’t even remember if that room had mirrors or not.”

  Amercia nodded getting back into action; she parted her legs giving him a full view.

  “Mr Parker, I’m glad you have divulged this information. Sordida seems every bit the club for the freakishly erotic and animalistic. Maybe you should have surrendered your guard and lowered your boundaries. You’ve been a filthy boy. I am impressed with you.”

  Jake had to remind himself to blink. For a few seconds, he was speechless because the temptation was getting the better of him. Amercia was seductively teasing him with occasional views of her shaven pussy. He wanted it so bad, but it felt wrong, a wrong that was an urge to be suppressed. He took a few deep breaths to stop the onset of a potential panic attack and w
as starting to feel embarrassed that his erect cock could be visible from his jeans. It was pushing so hard against the buttons; it needed unleashing.

  “I’ve still got fifteen minutes left,” Amercia asked, slightly sexually aroused by the bulge emerging from Jakes groin, “would you like me to come closer?”

  Jake nodded in anticipation; he began to unbutton his jeans because the pressure was becoming uncomfortable. Amercia stood up and pulled her skirt above her thighs to show Jake everything that was on offer.

  “I want to watch. Don’t touch me; I don’t want to fuck you, I want to watch you.”

  Jake tugged on his proud seven inches of solid cock from having been aroused by the sight of Amercia’s glowing pussy that had teased him this whole session. He pulled his foreskin back and forth over his glans, moistening the tips of his fingers using saliva he pleasured himself as Amercia stood no more than a few feet in front of him with her bald pussy virtually in his mesmerised face. Slowly she started to walk closer and closer while rubbing her tender clit in the direction of his stiff dick. Jake was wanking harder and faster alerting her that he might cum any minute soon.

  Amercia grabbed Jake’s hand and placed it on her pussy allowing him to caress her gently, she had no intention of fucking him but enjoyed the tease. He didn’t resist, and she could see his chest pumping faster as his breathing increased, he was about to blow. Jake removed his finger from inside Amercia, he very swiftly lifted his sweater with one hand, while continuing to wank faster with the other. In a light groan, a stream of spunk hit his hairy stomach and chest, it was quite a substantial amount. He removed his sweater and wiped his chest with it to clear the dripping semen from his body; Amercia stood in front of him grinning as she enjoyed watching the pleasure she had allowed him. Jake pulled up his boxers and jeans, feeling some relief from emptying his balls, he placed both hands over his face and cried! Amercia look stunned, feeling awkward she adjusted her skirt, stepped backwards and shrugged her shoulders.


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