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The Elusive Earl (Saints & Scoundrels)

Page 35

by Michaels, Maddison

There was an impregnable silence for a moment. “I understand,” Daniel eventually said, his voice shaky. “I am sorry. I never meant to hurt you.” He shook his head. “I will leave, as you had asked me to.”

  He turned away from her.

  “Don’t you dare leave me again, Daniel Wolcott,” she yelled down to him. “Not ever again!”

  He spun around, confusion and hope alight in his eyes. “But you said you cannot marry me…”

  “I cannot,” she told him pertly. “For we are already married, or had you forgotten?”

  Suddenly, a grin split his lips. He hollered aloud and before Brianna could blink, he ran over to the pillars of the balcony and began climbing the vines trailing down them.

  The crowd went wild with delight, cheering and clapping in encouragement. Bree heard her grandfather tell his guards to stand down, her eyes never leaving Daniel as he vaulted up toward her. She couldn’t help but grin like a mad woman. He was really here, and he really loved her.

  Her heart plummeted when one of the vines he was holding snapped. He simply grabbed another one in his ascent.

  “Oh good gracious, be careful!” she said, certain the vines would not hold his weight. She did, after all, have a good amount of experience with such things.

  But hold him they did, and suddenly, he was climbing over the railing and standing in front of her, his beautiful emerald eyes focused solely on her.

  They stood like that for a moment, just staring at each other. Her whole body was tingling in shock and happiness. She felt like pinching herself to make sure she wasn’t dreaming.

  “I meant everything I said,” Daniel whispered. “I will forever regret how I hurt you, and I will spend the rest of my life making it up to you by showing you how much I love you.”

  “And so you should, Daniel Wolcott!” Bree thumped him in the chest. If the man thought he was going to get off scot free for the pain and suffering he’d caused her, he was sorely mistaken. “I will literally horse whip you, if you ever think to break my heart again.”

  He softly cupped the side of her face with his hand, his fingers lightly caressing her skin. “I will guard your heart with my life. I love you, Brianna Penderley. I think a part of me always has, which was why I was determined to appear to dislike you instead. It was easier that way, and I admit I was a coward.”

  “You were never a coward.” She covered his hand with her own and closed her eyes for a moment. “You were just scared. I was, too. That’s why I always professed to dislike you. My pride got in the way.”

  “As did mine,” he murmured into her ear. “But you can thank your uncle for helping me to realize my folly.”

  “Uncle Walter spoke with you?” Bree looked over at her uncle, whose eyes looked suspiciously moist. “He said he had some business to attend to yesterday, but I had no idea he went and saw you.”

  “He did,” Daniel admitted. “I have never seen him so furious before, and the wily old fox knew exactly what to say, to make me see the error of my ways.”

  “Well, I shall be forever grateful that someone knew how to knock some sense into that hard head of yours.”

  Daniel’s laughter ricocheted around the balcony. “As will I. I love you so much, Bree. I was a fool to think I could live without you.”

  “Say it again,” she said

  He grinned broadly back. “I was a fool—”

  “No, not that part.” She playful hit him again. “The I love you part.”

  He gathered her in his arms. “I love you. I will always love you.”

  “It took you long enough to realize it, Daniel Wolcott!”

  He chuckled, and his head drew close to her own.

  “What are you doing?” she shrieked in delight. “Everyone can see.”

  “Exactly. I’m showing the people of Cosenza how much I adore and love their Principessa.”

  “I love you, too, Daniel.” She sighed in bliss as his lips descended on her own. He kissed her with abandon, until she felt drunk with happiness and love. Belatedly, she heard the crowd roar in approval.

  His lips parted from hers, and she could see the love shining in his gaze. “You are the love of my life, Brianna. I will love you forever and always.”

  His words filled her with a certainty and contentment unlike anything she’d ever known. She stared into his eyes and knew to her very soul that he did love her. “Forever and always, my love.”


  One year later

  Cranebrook Estate, December 1857

  “They have arrived, at last!” Mabel announced with a flourish, as she swept back from the the snow-frosted window overlooking the front of the estate. “Thank the Lord. I was just about to demand Daniel send a search party for them. One cannot be too careful after snow has fallen.”

  Bree glanced up from hanging an ornament on the Christmas tree, toward Daniel’s aunt, and then winked at her. “See, Aunt Mabel, I told you there was nothing to fret over.”

  Milly, who was assisting her with decorating the tree, giggled before turning it into a cough. “Fret?” she whispered to Bree. “Your Aunt Mabel has been wearing a path in the carpet with her pacing.”

  Yes, “fret” was a polite way of describing what they’d all had to endure, as Aunt Mabel had paced back and forth across the drawing room floor, alternating between worry and concern, for the better part of the past hour as they all waited for Daniel’s sister Sophie and her family to arrive.

  Aunt Mabel pursed her lips, adopting a stern expression. “You are an impertinent gal, Brianna!” But she couldn’t hold her austere countenance, as a twinkle of humor danced in her eyes. “Exactly what my nephew needs! I am so glad your Uncle Walter listened to my suggestion all those years ago about how well suited you and Daniel would be.”

  “You didn’t?” Bree felt her jaw drop open in shock.

  “Of course, my dear.” There was an expression of complete satisfaction in her countenance. “Just as I let slip to the Queen how perfect Sophie and Devlin would be for each other. I have knack for these things, you see.” Mabel once again looked out the window.

  Well, who would have thought dear old Aunt Mabel to be so shrewd? Bree couldn’t wait to tell Sophie.

  Bree’s gaze followed Mabel’s out passed the glass to where the Duke of Huntington’s gleaming black carriage was just visible as it rounded the bend at the top of the lengthy drive, making its way slowly but steadily down the snow-covered grounds toward the house.

  A huge smile spread across her face at the thought of finally seeing her best friend and now sister, Sophie, again. It had nearly been two months ago since Bree and Daniel had traveled to Huntington Court to meet the new addition to the family: Sophie and Devlin’s son, James Markham, the Marquis of Windom and the future Duke of Huntington. And the little man, who at that time had only been a few weeks old, was simply perfect. Bree couldn’t have been happier that Sophie had found such love and happiness with the Devil Duke, who, as Bree had suspected all along, had never really been a devil at all and was completely besotted with his family. And as much as Daniel still grumbled about the man, even he couldn’t deny how smitten Devlin was.

  Now they would all be spending their first Christmas together. All of Brianna’s family and Daniel’s, united together under one roof for the festivities.

  Well, everyone except for Alessandro, who had stayed in Cosenza due to the unrest in surrounding areas, as calls for the unification of Italy continued to strengthen. But with Alessandro in charge, her grandfather had felt safe leaving Cosenza to visit them once again. Although as she watched her grandfather escort Aunt Mabel back to the settee with a decided sparkle of appreciation in his eyes, Bree rather suspected that Mabel herself might have something to do with her grandfather’s constant visits of late.

  Bree hid a smile as she resumed decorating the Christmas tree, a task made all the more difficult this year by her cumbersome belly.

  Speaking of which, the little one chose that moment to do what felt like a
double somersault, accompanied by a swift kick to the area just under her ribs. Her whole stomach clenched tightly in response for several seconds. She grimaced for a moment and then took in a deep breath and exhaled slowly.

  “Is everything all right?” Milly asked, her hand paused in midair, a decoration dangling from her fingers.

  Bree nodded and rubbed her belly. “Fine. Just the little one moving about.”

  “He does like to kick you a lot, doesn’t he?” Milly stated as she resumed her decorating.

  “He?” Bree adjusted one of the bells she’d just hung from the pine needles.

  “Oh yes. I have no doubt it’s going to be a boy.” There was a certainty in Milly’s voice as she stepped back for a moment to admire her handiwork. “Well, I am done, and I think I am in need of a cup of tea. Would you like one?”

  Bree shook her head as Milly turned and wandered off towards where the others were sitting, sipping their tea and nibbling on Cook’s cakes.

  She winced as another pain gripped her, and she had to pause for several seconds. Goodness, they were starting to get uncomfortable and rather frequent. Perhaps she’d just been on her feet too long? “Judging from the strength of your kicks,” Bree whispered down to her belly, “I would have to agree with Milly that you are a boy.” Although Daniel did keep reminding her that it was she who had a penchant for kicking, so he was of the belief she was carrying a girl. Hmm…he might have a point, though she’d never admit so to him.

  Just thinking of her husband brought another smile to her face. Daniel was the most wonderful man she’d ever known. So kind and caring, yet so strong and protective. He was her everything, even though on occasion he still infuriated her with his stubbornness. Which had only gotten worse in the lead up to the birth of their child.

  The prospect of one more month being pregnant, whilst Daniel grew even more overprotective, stretched endlessly before her. Though she loved how attentive and concerned he was over her well-being, it was starting to move from adorable to extremely arduous. He’d even gotten his good friend, Doctor Alec McGuiness, to spend Christmas with them, so that they had a doctor close as Bree drew nearer to her confinement. Clearly, Mabel wasn’t the only one in the family with a proclivity for worrying.

  Thank goodness Sophie would be here soon. She would help to keep Daniel in check. Though Bree didn’t know why he was so nervous; it’s not as if she could really do anything when she could barely even see over her massive belly.

  He was due back any minute, which would be particularly good timing to welcome his sister and her family. And she did miss him when he wasn’t near.

  In fact, since he’d serenaded her in Cosenza and declared his love, they hadn’t spent a night apart. Even just thinking of how his hands had stroked over her last night was enough to send a delicious thrill of anticipation coursing through her entire being. The feeling of his fingers, gentle yet firm, as they started kneading and massaging away the kinks in her lower back had felt magical, and then when they’d begun roaming all over her body until they reached her very core, and he caressed her until she’d reached the peaks of her limits, was simply delectable.

  His body always did amazing things to her own. He was so masculine and virile, it made her feel so feminine and petite next to him. And the very memory of his manhood, smooth and hard as it pressed against the junction between her thighs and then filled her, still sent a hot flush from her head to the tips of her toes.

  Thankfully Dr. McGuiness had assured them it was perfectly fine to continue being physically intimate, at least until it got too uncomfortable for Bree. Which she knew would be all too soon, as she was looking and feeling as big as a house. Though she would try to delay the inevitable for as long as she could because when she and Daniel were intimate, she felt so whole and complete, unable to tell where she ended and he began. It was intoxicating.

  “Excuse me, Your Highness,” Stokes, the butler, intoned as he stepped through the doorway and swiftly glided over to where Bree was standing. “The Duke of Huntington’s carriage is pulling up at the entrance, and you asked to be informed of their arrival.”

  Bree took in a deep breath, calming her heated thoughts, before she thanked Stokes and followed him out toward the entrance hall, with Aunt Mable and Aunt Edith following behind. Her slippers padded slowly across the ebony and white marble floors, her gait cumbersome as she leaned slightly backwards, trying to balance the large weight of her belly in front of her.

  She finally crossed over the entrance hall just as Daniel strode in from outside. He wore a scowl on his handsome brow, along with a white dusting of snow sprinkled on top of his golden head.

  “I hope you’re not going outside to greet my sister,” he said roughly before leaning in and pressing his cold lips against the warmth of hers. “I don’t want you to catch a chill.”

  But then before she could even get cross with him and formulate a reply, Sophie waltzed through the door, holding the hand of her young ward, Nicholas, as Devlin followed behind, cradling their infant son in a large blanket.

  Sophie murmured something to Nicholas before releasing his hand and rushing up to Bree, her golden curls bobbing wildly under her bonnet. She pushed Daniel aside to enthusiastically embrace Bree. “I’ve missed you so much! And look at how big you’ve gotten.”

  “Nice to see you, too, sister,” Daniel muttered, flicking the snow from his head before he gave Nicholas a quick pat on the shoulder and shook Devlin’s hand.

  Sophie and Bree laughed as they pulled apart, and Sophie turned and gave Daniel a quick peck on the cheek. “No need to be so grumpy, brother.” She stepped back and glanced at Bree’s stomach. “My goodness, are you certain you have over a month to go? You’re even bigger than I was when my little man decided to arrive.”

  Sophie’s “little” man had been born well over nine pounds, and yes, Bree’s belly was far bigger than what Sophie’s had been. Though it was only to be expected with Daniel as the father.

  “She does appear larger than I did, doesn’t she, darling?” Sophie said, turning to Devlin, a soft smile gracing her beautiful features as she glanced over to her husband.

  Devlin gave her a rather lopsided grin, love radiating from the depths of his gaze, before he turned his cerulean blue eyes upon Bree. His gaze was magnetic, and Bree could see once again why he’d had such a reputation with the ladies. No wonder Sophie had been unable to resist him; he was extremely dashing. Although Daniel was infinitely more handsome, of course.

  “Brianna, you look radiant,” Devlin said. “And that is all I shall say on the matter.” He turned to Sophie. “I learned my lesson well when you were pregnant, my love. A man should never ever comment on a pregnant lady’s appearance, particularly if it relates to her stomach size.”

  “That’s only because you likened me to an elephant.” Sophie folded her arms over her chest and frowned across at her husband. Bree could see the twinkle of amusement in her green gaze as she tried to appear stern, though was failing miserably. “I hope my brother has not made such a comment towards you, dear sister?”

  “I’m no fool,” Daniel’s voice rumbled as he placed a protective hand on Bree’s lower back. “Now, come. I don’t wish for my wife to catch a cold, nattering away in the entrance hall.”

  Everyone chuckled at the protectiveness in Daniel’s voice before they all turned and began walking down the hall towards the drawing room.

  Such a sense of contentment and peace overcame Bree.

  Here they were, all together, and about to celebrate Christmas. Could it get even more perfect?

  Bree froze. Her pleasure instantly evaporating as she felt a gush of wetness flow down her legs. Oh good gracious… how mortifying.

  “What is it?” Daniel followed her eyes toward the small puddle now forming on the tiles at her feet. His gaze shot back to her, a look of pure panic in their depths.

  “I think the baby may be coming.” It was odd, but seeing his alarm seemed to calm her, even though the
pains in her back and stomach were starting to get frightfully intense.

  “But that can’t be right. It’s a month early…” His voice trailed off, as something akin to dread began swirling across his features.

  “Tell your child that,” Bree had to grit her teeth against another surge of pain. “Because I don’t think he cares.”

  “Alec!” Daniel’s deep voice bellowed, the sound reverberating down the hall and bouncing off the walls as he yelled for the doctor. “Get your bloody medical bag and get here now!” Bree was certain there wasn’t a single person on the entire estate that hadn’t heard him.

  Everyone stopped in their tracks and swiveled back towards where Bree and Daniel stood. Sudden understanding lit most of their faces, and then slight pandemonium broke out. Sophie hurried over to them, while Aunt Edith began directing the others to go and fetch clean sheets and hot water. Bree noticed that her grandfather had turned rather pale, though was gallantly assisting Mabel over to a settee. Probably a good idea, as the dear woman did tend to have a tendency to faint.

  But then all thoughts of everyone disappeared as another jolt of searing pain doubled her over, and wave after wave of tightness gripped her belly.

  Vaguely, she became aware that Daniel had picked her up and was striding through the house. A minute later, he gently deposited her on their bed, as Sophie, Aunt Edith, and Dr. McGuiness bustled in from the door behind.

  Bree gritted her teeth as another contraction gripped her. It hurt so much.

  “Damn it, it’s too early!” Daniel growled towards Alec. “Do something to stop it. She’s in pain, for goodness sake.”

  Alec calmly walked over to where Bree was writhing on the bed, placing his medical bag down beside her. “If she’s in labor, I won’t be able to stop it.” His hands gently began to feel across her belly.

  “But it’s too early.” Daniel dragged a hand through his hair, musing it up in the process. “Surely this can’t be right?”

  “She’s in labor.” Alec placed a solid hand on Daniel’s shoulder and regarded him steadily for a moment. “I will do my very best, but I can’t have you here distracting your wife with your worry.”


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