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Lucky In Love (Harlequin Special Edition)

Page 9

by Sinclair, Tracy

  “Sex would be a pleasant bonus you wouldn’t turn down, but it isn’t your real objective. Your primary aim is to convince me that you and Lucky are legitimate. I realize that.”

  “I thought I was making progress,” he teased. “How about letting me make love to you, anyway? You can call it a consolation prize.”

  “That would mean you were giving up—and I know you aren’t.”

  “If I did, I wouldn’t see you anymore.” He stroked her cheek gently. “A lot of the color would go out of my life.”

  His long fingers felt sensuous, although the gesture wasn’t intimate enough to object to. Michelle tried to ignore it. “I can scarcely believe I mean that much to you. We haven’t known each other very long, and most of our time together has been unpleasant.”

  “I remember it differently.”

  “You have a selective memory,” she said curtly, although she remembered the same things he did.

  “Every relationship has its ups and downs. I prefer to dwell on the positive moments.”

  “We don’t have a relationship,” she stated.

  “Not yet, but I’m optimistic.” His eyes danced with merriment at the stormy look on her face. Before she could answer, he said, “If you’re sure you won’t change your mind about that drink, I’ll walk you to your room. It’s been too nice a day to spoil it now with an argument.”

  Michelle couldn’t help agreeing with him. When they reached her room she said, “Thank you for a lovely evening. I really enjoyed it.”

  “I did, too.” He smiled. “We’ll have to do it again.”

  She hesitated, but there was no point in telling him this was a one-time event. It might lead to a quarrel and she didn’t want the evening to end on that note.

  Jonathan leaned down to kiss her cheek. That would have been the end of it if Michelle hadn’t turned her face toward him at the same time. Their lips touched and both were too bemused to draw away. After an instant his arms closed around her and the pressure of his mouth increased.

  Michelle stiffened in his arms, but when Jonathan parted her lips and probed the moist warmth inside, her resistance was washed away in a flood of desire. She’d known it would be like this. His mouth lit a fire inside her, and his hands fed the flames. As they moved over her back sensuously, she couldn’t hold back a tiny cry of pleasure.

  Jonathan’s embrace tightened and he buried his face in the scented, midnight cloud of her hair. “Darling Michelle,” he murmured. “You’re so sweet, so incredibly open and honest.”

  Her heated body didn’t want to hear any warnings, but her drugged brain was starting to function again. Jonathan knew exactly how to make her respond, but he’d gotten overconfident. Her reaction was uncalculated—too bad his actions weren’t.

  She drew away and fumbled in her purse for her key. “It’s late,” she said without looking at him.

  “Let me do that for you,” he offered, when she had trouble fitting her key in the lock.

  She pulled her hand away so quickly when his hand touched hers that the key fell to the floor.

  He picked it up, then cradled her chin in his palm and tilted her face up to his. “One of these days you’re going to trust me and we’re going to make glorious, fulfilling love. But I won’t rush you.” He unlocked the door and kissed the top of her head. “Get a good night’s sleep, angel. I’ll see you in the morning.”

  As if she could sleep when her entire body was clamoring for him! Michelle got undressed slowly, deeply troubled by Jonathan’s powerful hold over her. Was it more than just sexual attraction? Stuart had been handsome and sexy, but that hadn’t blinded her to his faults. Even before she found out about his womanizing. Could she possibly be falling in love with Jonathan?

  Michelle rejected the idea violently! He was simply a very experienced man who knew how to get what he wanted. And yet... she admired everything about him except his profession. Jonathan was intelligent and thoughtful. He was warm and kind—when they weren’t arguing. He was every woman’s dream.

  He was also helping his uncle fleece her mother out of her life savings, Michelle reminded herself. She got into bed and punched up the pillow savagely. Tomorrow she needed to have a serious talk with Evelyn. It was time they went home where they belonged.

  Michelle went to her mother’s room early the next morning, to catch her before she went down to breakfast. Evelyn was still in her bathrobe and slippers.

  “You’re up early,” she commented. Looking at her daughter more closely she said, “You should have stayed in bed longer. You look tired. Did you get in late last night?”

  “No, we got back fairly early,” Michelle said.

  “How was your dinner? Where did you go?”

  “To a restaurant in Olaca called the Sea Vista.”

  “I heard some people at the pool talking about it,” Evelyn remarked. “They said the food is excellent.”

  “It was, but that’s not what—”

  “Is it a seafood restaurant? The fish is wonderful down here, but frankly I’m getting a little tired of seafood. What did you have for dinner?”

  “I had stone crab, and Jonathan had a steak,” Michelle added, anticipating her mother’s next question.

  “Isn’t he a gorgeous man? I hope you know you’re the envy of every single woman here. He doesn’t look at anyone but you.”

  “Men like Jonathan know how to put on a good act,” Michelle answered grimly.

  “Really, Michelle, I’m losing patience with you!” Evelyn exclaimed. “A handsome man goes out of his way to be attentive to you and you can’t even say a nice word about him.”

  “You’re taken in by his surface charm. I’m not.”

  “It isn’t superficial. Jonathan is a genuinely nice man.” Evelyn looked narrowly at her daughter. “Surely you don’t think he’s like that Stuart fellow?”

  “He has nothing to do with the way I feel about Jonathan.”

  “I wonder. Stuart was handsome, too, although he couldn’t compare to Jonathan. I was glad when you stopped seeing him. I never did trust that man.”

  “You were more perceptive than I was. I don’t have any faith in my own judgment anymore.” Michelle sighed.

  “Anyone can make a mistake. You can’t let it ruin all your future relationships.”

  “I assume you’re referring to Jonathan, but even if I was attracted to him, nothing is going to develop there. In a couple of days I’ll be going home and I’ll never see him again.”

  Michelle decided it would be better not to tell her mother what Jonathan’s real motive was for being so affable. All she wanted to do was get her away from him and his uncle. She hoped to accomplish that without an argument.

  “You just got here a couple of days ago,” Evelyn said. “You can’t be thinking of going home so soon.”

  “I just wanted to escape from the cold and spend some time with you. I’m ready to leave whenever you are.”

  “I have nothing special to go home for, and I’m paid up here until the end of the week.”

  Michelle suppressed a groan. That was four more days! “Maybe they’d give you a refund. This is the height of the season, so I’m sure they could rent your room.”

  “I don’t doubt it, but I’m staying right here. You talked me into this vacation and I’m grateful to you. I’m having a wonderful time. I have no intention of leaving. As a matter of fact, I’m considering staying longer.”

  “Does Lucky have anything to do with that decision?” Michelle realized there was no hope of avoiding a quarrel.

  “He’s made my stay here very enjoyable,” Evelyn answered evasively.

  “Can’t you see what he is, Mother? Didn’t yesterday at the track open your eyes? He’s a gambler!”

  “I seem to remember we both bet on the races, too.”

  “A few dollars. He bet hundreds!”

  “Why not? He can afford to. He’s a very wealthy man.”

  “Because he told you so? You have only his word for it. I�
��m telling you, Lucky and Jonathan are con men. They hang around expensive resorts like Shorehaven looking for pigeons. You happened to be the one they picked.”

  “Thank you very much,” Evelyn said indignantly. “It’s nice to know you think no man could be attracted to me for myself alone.”

  “That’s not what I meant at all. You’re a very attractive woman, and I’m sure in time you’ll meet a nice man—not one like Lucky who is only after your money.”

  “You talk as if I’m an heiress, for heaven’s sake! Your father left me comfortably provided for, but I’m certainly not rich.”

  “It’s a mistake to think that con men don’t go after ordinary people. They’re probably easier marks. Millionaires have lawyers and financial advisers to protect them. You obviously have enough money to make it worth Lucky’s while.”

  “When did you get so knowledgeable about con men?” Evelyn asked.

  “It doesn’t take a genius to figure it out He found out how much Dad left you, and then got you interested in some vague invention you can’t even describe. If I told you I intended to invest in a pie-in-the-sky deal like that, you’d tell me to have my head examined!”

  “Just to set the record straight, Lucky didn’t ask me to invest, I asked him. And after agreeing initially, he’s evidently having second thoughts. I’ve mentioned it to him several times and he keeps putting me off.”

  “Don’t you see? That’s a classic come-on to make you so eager you won’t ask for details. He’s probably hoping for a blank check.”

  “I’m disappointed in you, Michelle. You have a completely closed mind. You won’t even admit the possibility that you might be wrong about Lucky.”

  “Have you ever considered the fact that I might be right?”

  “You’re not,” Evelyn said, calmly but firmly. “You have many admirable qualities, but you aren’t a very good judge of character, as you yourself admitted. I hoped you would like Lucky once you got to know him, but I’m afraid that isn’t going to happen. It’s too bad, because I intend to go on seeing him.”

  Michelle’s heart sank as she realized she was fighting a losing battle. The knowledge forced her to change tactics. “He’s a very charming man, I’ll admit that.”

  “Well, it’s a start,” Evelyn said dryly.

  “Maybe you’re right about my not giving Lucky a chance. I guess I jumped to conclusions when you told me you’d discussed your finances with a man you’d just met. It was so unlike you.”

  “That wasn’t the way it happened. Lucky and I had an instant rapport. We discussed our mates and what good marriages we’d had. I told him how concerned your father had always been about his family, how he’d provided for me if anything should happen to him, as it did so unexpectedly. Lucky didn’t pump me for the information.”

  Michelle groaned inwardly at the way her mother had been manipulated without even realizing it. Trying to sound sincere, she said, “That makes a lot of difference. I was worried because you’re usually such a private person.”

  “I always used to be. I even surprised myself, but Lucky is so easy to talk to. That’s one of the things I love about him. It’s nice to have a man’s viewpoint. I’ve missed that since your father died.”

  “It’s certainly understandable. Friendships are important. And since you enjoy this one so much, you should be careful not to have any business dealings with Lucky,” Michelle said artlessly. “Nothing can fracture a friendship faster.”

  Evelyn gave her an outraged look. “You haven’t changed your mind about him, just your tactics! Did you really think I’d be fooled by such a transparent ploy?”

  It was useless for Michelle to pretend innocence. “I’m desperate enough to try anything. I don’t want to see you wind up penniless, which is what will happen if you continue to think Lucky is just a charming southern gentleman. Enjoy his company. Have a ball. Just promise me you won’t give him any money.”

  “I don’t have to promise you anything! It’s my money and I’ll do whatever I like with it.” Evelyn’s anger caused her to overreact. When she saw her daughter’s stricken face she was sorry. “I know you’re concerned about me, darling. I wish there were some way to assure you that I’m neither gullible nor stupid, but I guess you’ll simply have to take my word for it.”

  “I know you’re not stupid, Mother,” Michelle said miserably. “I just want you to have a good life and be happy.”

  “Then trust me.” Evelyn smoothed her daughter’s hair lovingly. “You’re much too serious for such a pretty girl. What is it you young people say? Lighten up.”

  “I’ll try.” Michelle forced a smile.

  “Good. Now run along and have breakfast with Lucky and Jonathan. They’ll be waiting. Tell them I’ll be down in a few minutes.”

  Michelle left her mother reluctantly, yet what else was there to do? She’d just have to bide her time and hope Lucky made a serious mistake. It was a long shot, considering the fact that he had Jonathan to do damage control. Those two were formidable opponents.

  Chapter Five

  Michelle knew she had to be cordial to Jonathan and Lucky from then on or risk alienating her mother, which could have tragic results. Starting immediately, Michelle worked hard at being pleasant. She agreed to everything any of them suggested, and then pretended to be having a fine time. Jonathan was puzzled at first, especially by her failure to give as good as she got when he baited her. Then he figured it out.

  He had asked her to go for a drive after dinner. She made some excuse to get out of it, but Evelyn and Lucky urged her to go. Instead of arguing as she would have before, Michelle forced a smile and gave in immediately.

  Jonathan didn’t comment on her changed attitude until they were driving along the ocean. It was a beautiful night. Moonlight had dusted a sparkling path across the calm water, and the palm trees were fluttering in a soft breeze that also ruffled Jonathan’s dark brown hair. It was all so lovely that Michelle felt relaxed and curiously happy. Until he turned his head and gave her a sardonic smile.

  “I’m glad you allowed yourself to be persuaded, even though you didn’t really want to be alone with me. What happened? Did your mother tell you to make nice?”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Realizing her tone was too curt, Michelle modified it. “We might not agree on most things, but that doesn’t mean we can’t be friends.”

  “I’m delighted to hear that. I just wish you meant it.”

  She slanted a watchful look at him. “Why would you doubt it?”

  “Because you have such a wonderfully expressive face. You’d like to tell me to get lost, but you’re forcing yourself not to.” He chuckled. “Don’t ever play poker, honey. You’d lose your shirt.”

  “You would know more about that than I would,” she said tartly.

  “There, that’s better.” He grinned. “That’s the Michelle I’ve grown accustomed to.”

  “You complain when I snap at you, and you complain when I don’t,” she said lightly. “I don’t know what you want from me.”

  “I haven’t made any secret of it.” Jonathan pulled off the road and cut the engine.

  Michelle stiffened warily, but she kept her voice casual. “I’ll say one thing for you, you don’t quit. But you should know by now that meaningless affairs don’t interest me.”

  He reached out and stroked her cheek sensuously. “It would be very important to me. Making love to you would be an experience no man could ever forget.”

  When he linked his arms around her waist and urged her toward him, Michelle braced her palms against his chest. “Don’t spoil things, Jonathan. We’ve been getting along so well the last couple of days.”

  He smiled charmingly. “That’s what gives me hope.” He dipped his head until his mouth was just barely touching hers. “You seem like an entirely different person lately.” The tip of his tongue traced the line of her closed lips, teasing them apart.

  Michelle tried to shake off his hypnotic spell, b
ut when he was this close it was difficult to remember why she had to. Jonathan was so irresistibly male. She wanted to lie in his arms in the moonlight and let him fill her with joy.

  “You want me, too, don’t you, darling?” he crooned.

  He must never know how much! The intensity of her desire frightened Michelle. It gave her the strength to push him away, but it also made her incautious.

  “I know exactly what you’re trying to do,” she said angrily. “You’re completely without scruples. You’d make love to me just to distract me so Lucky can fleece my mother. Sooner or later I’ll make her see that.”

  “You already tried, didn’t you? What did she say? Shape up or ship out? You’re really in a difficult spot, aren’t you, angel face?”

  “The game isn’t played out yet,” Michelle said grimly.

  “I’ll be sorry to see it end—especially since you have to be nice to me now,” he teased.

  “Not for long. Mother only planned to stay till the end of the week, and the week is almost over.”

  He looked amused. “A lot can happen between now and then.”

  “Don’t count on it,” she said curtly.

  “I hate to waste our remaining time together arguing, so I’ll make a deal with you. I’ll promise to make Lucky keep his hands off your mother’s fortune, if you promise to be nice to me.” When her eyes started to smolder, Jonathan laughed. “I mean nice in the purest sense of the word.”

  “Yeah, sure,” she muttered.

  His laughter died and he cupped her chin in his palm, looking deeply into her eyes. “I would never try to force you into my bed. It wouldn’t be any good that way. Someday you’ll come to me because you want me as much as I want you, and I’ll do everything in my power to make it as wonderful for you as it will be for me.”

  His deep velvety voice evoked pictures of a darkened bedroom with filmy curtains floating in the breeze from an open window. Moonlight glittered in Jonathan’s eyes and gilded his splendid nude body as he knelt over her, murmuring arousing words of love.


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