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Lucky In Love (Harlequin Special Edition)

Page 15

by Sinclair, Tracy

  Michelle was glad when the combo started to play again. “Oh, good, the musicians are back,” she said brightly. “Let’s dance.”

  Carter stood to let her out of the booth. “You’re tireless,” he complained jokingly. “My heart rate was just settling down after the last set.”

  Jonathan got up quickly. “We wouldn’t want you to have a coronary. I’ll dance with Michelle.”

  “I don’t really—” she began, but his hand fastened around her wrist and he pulled her away from the table.

  When Jonathan took her in his arms on the dance floor, Michelle’s protests were forgotten. She closed her eyes and let her body melt into his. For this short, enchanted time, he was hers alone.

  Jonathan felt the same unrestrained bliss. They circled the floor silently, lost in the pleasure of being together again. Neither were aware of the couple back at the table watching them.

  “It looks as if your boyfriend snapped the leash,” Carter observed.

  “That’s ridiculous!” Ashleigh stated angrily. “Michelle is Lucky’s guest. Jonathan just danced with her to be polite.”

  “If he was any more polite they’d have to throw a bucket of water over him,” Carter drawled.

  “Don’t be crude,” she said coldly. “You judge everybody by yourself, but Jonathan isn’t like you. It takes more than a pretty face to attract him.”

  “Like that fantastic bod?” When he saw she was genuinely upset, Carter’s tone softened. “Cheer up, Ash. You win some, you lose some. There are plenty of other guys around.”

  “Jonathan is mine!” she said in a hard voice. “I’ve invested a lot of time in him and I don’t intend to let some little nobody walk off with my property.”

  “Ah, love, sweet love,” Carter said mockingly. “Jonathan would be thrilled to know he’s lumped in along with your convertible and your diamond watch.”

  Actually, Jonathan couldn’t have cared less. He was as close to heaven as he hoped to get for a long time. How did he imagine he could ever forget Michelle? He’d yearned to hold her in his arms like this. And she felt the same about him, he thought joyfully. He could tell by her body language.

  “I missed being with you tonight,” he said softly.

  Michelle had trouble returning to reality. She looked up at him, still lost in a dream. Then his words registered and the dream started to dissipate. Jonathan could have been with her if he’d wanted to.

  “It’s all right. I realize you had a commitment. Fortunately, Carter didn’t,” she said coolly.

  “That’s unusual for him. Carter is known for being quite a playboy.”

  “I think people misjudge him. I don’t approve of putting a label on anyone.”

  Jonathan was unpleasantly reminded of how Michelle had been hanging on Carter’s words just a short time ago, not objecting when he held her close. Unwelcome suspicions returned to devil him. Had she decided Carter was a better catch?

  Jonathan’s embrace loosened. “It seems my uncle picked the right date for you tonight,” he remarked in a neutral tone.

  “Carter isn’t really a date,” Michelle admitted reluctantly, because Jonathan would find out, anyway. “He was here alone and he asked Lucky if he could join us for dinner.”

  “That clears up something that was puzzling me. I was rather surprised that Lucky would try to fix you up with Carter.”

  “He didn’t, but why wouldn’t he?”

  “Lucky doesn’t have much respect for underachievers.”

  “Carter doesn’t fit that category. He seems to be very good at what he does.” She chuckled.

  “You’ve very charitable.”

  “Why not? He’s a charming man.”

  Jonathan’s expression became more austere. “Would he be as charming without all those millions?”

  His frosty tone lifted Michelle’s drooping spirits. Jonathan was jealous! “I don’t discriminate against the rich,” she said demurely.

  “That appears to make all the difference to you.”

  “You’re the one who’s hung up on money. Carter has been very pleasant to me tonight. I was enjoying myself. Is there anything wrong in that?”

  “Not a thing.” He released her. “Shall we go back to the table? I’ve kept you away from him too long.”

  Michelle didn’t know what had happened. One minute everything was perfect between them, and the next minute Jonathan was cool and distant again. It was foolish to think he cared about her. This was the way things always ended between them, Michelle thought hopelessly as she accompanied him back to the table. It was time to give up the dream.

  “I thought you’d forgotten who you came with.” Ashleigh greeted Jonathan with a thin smile.

  “I’m sorry. Michelle and I had some things to talk about,” he explained.

  “It must have been a fascinating conversation,” Carter remarked.

  “Depending on how you look at it,” Jonathan drawled. “We were talking about you.”

  “You’re more generous than I’d be.” Carter gave him an amused look. “When I hold a beautiful woman in my arms, I guarantee you we don’t talk about other men.”

  “I’m sure of that.” Jonathan turned to Ashleigh. “Would you like another drink?”

  “Not now,” she said sulkily.

  “We’re ready for another.” Carter signaled to the waiter.

  “None for me, thanks,” Michelle said. “I have to go home.” She’d had enough of both Ashleigh and Jonathan.

  “The evening is just starting,” Carter protested. “I thought we’d go to a jazz joint I know of downtown. The place doesn’t begin to rock until after midnight.”

  “It sounds lovely, but I’ll have to take a rain check. I just arrived this morning and I’ve been on the go ever since. It’s been a very long day.”

  “You do look as if you didn’t get much sleep last night,” Jonathan commented with an enigmatic expression.

  “You’re right, I had a miserable night,” she answered.

  “Then I’ll take you home.” Carter stood and helped her out of the booth. “Never let it be said that Carter Babcock isn’t a compassionate man.”

  “I would never say that,” Michelle told him. “You’ve been the brightest spot in this entire day.” After saying a brief good-night to the other couple, she walked to the door with her head held high.

  “They’re perfect for each other,” Ashleigh said waspishly. “I never did like Carter. I don’t know what women see in him. Your friend was certainly dazzled by him, though.”

  “A lot of women find him charming,” Jonathan answered neutrally.

  “It’s all that money, not his scintillating personality. He wouldn’t be so smug if he realized that’s all they’re after—Michelle included. He couldn’t get to first base with her if she thought he was poor.”

  “You’re probably right.” Jonathan looked at his watch. “Well, it’s getting late. Shall we leave?”

  “Where would you like to go?”

  “I thought I’d take you home.”

  “It’s barely midnight!” Ashleigh exclaimed. “And this is the first time I’ve seen you in a week.”

  “There will be other nights. I have a lot of things to do tomorrow.”

  “Is that the reason? Or is it just that you’re bored, now that Michelle left?”

  Jonathan sighed. “Don’t be difficult, Ashleigh. I’m too tired to argue with you.”

  “But you weren’t too tired to dance with her!” she said shrilly.

  “Pick up your purse,” he said in a steely voice. “We’re leaving.”

  Her manner changed as she gazed at his rigid face. “I’m sorry I was such a shrew, darling. Will you forgive me? I can’t bear it when you’re angry at me.”

  “I’m not angry.” He sighed. “Let’s just go.”

  “I didn’t mean to overreact, but you can’t really blame me,” Ashleigh pleaded as they walked to the door. “You did dance with her for an awfully long time.”

��I explained about that. We were simply talking. You could see us on the dance floor. What else did you imagine we were doing?”

  She didn’t think this was the time to mention how close he was holding Michelle. Instead, Ashleigh took a different approach. “It was all Carter’s fault. I never would even have noticed if he hadn’t made such a big thing out of it. When he told me you were romancing Michelle right there on the dance floor, naturally I got upset. Wouldn’t you if you thought I was making a play for another man?”

  They had reached the carport in front of the country club. Before Jonathan was forced to answer, a parking attendant came over to them.

  “I’ll have your car brought around right away, Mr. Richfield. Did you notice there’s a scratch on the right rear fender?”

  “Yes, somebody dinged me in a parking lot,” Jonathan said. “It wasn’t your fault, Tommy. Don’t worry about it.” When the man had gone to get the car, Jonathan remarked, “Some drivers are a menace to society.”

  Ashleigh was aware of his evasion, but she decided not to press him for an answer.

  When Carter had driven away from the club a short time earlier, he asked Michelle frankly, “Are you really tired, or did you make a late date with Johnny?”

  “Certainly not! How could you think such a thing?”

  “Very easily.” He chuckled. “Your performance on the dance floor was quite revealing. Ashleigh was doing a slow burn.”

  “She’s a very tiresome woman. I can’t imagine what Jonathan sees in her. Not that it matters to me,” Michelle added hastily.

  “Which one of us are you trying to convince?”

  “Believe me, there’s nothing going on between us.” Unfortunately that was true, she thought somberly. “Jonathan and I don’t even get along very well, and tonight was no exception. We started out trying to be friendly toward each other—that’s when you and Ashleigh got the wrong impression. If she hadn’t jumped to conclusions she’d have seen that the only heavy breathing we were doing was out of annoyance with each other.”

  “What do you argue about?” Carter asked curiously.

  She shrugged. “We had a misunderstanding when we first met, and everything went downhill from then on.”

  “How did you two meet?”

  “My mother and Jonathan’s uncle are interested in each other.” Michelle gave him the abbreviated version. “That’s why we try to get along, but I’m afraid it’s a lost cause.”

  “I must admit I’m not sorry.” Carter turned his head to smile warmly at her. “I hope this means we still have a date tomorrow. I said I’d show you the Bahamas.”

  Why not, Michelle asked herself? It would be a nice way to spend her last day in Miami. Tomorrow she intended to tell her mother that she was going home.

  “I’d love to spend the day with you,” she told Carter.

  “Great! We’ll fly to Nassau for lunch, then lie on the beach or drive around the island, whatever you like.”

  “It sounds delightful. I’d like to see a little of the Bahamas before I leave.”

  “Okay, we’ll do it up right—sight-seeing, dinner and dancing, the works. Although I refuse to accept the fact that you’re leaving so soon. Be prepared for a lot of gentle persuasion.”

  “As long as you’re gentle.” She smiled.

  “Sweet little Michelle. I’ll be anything you want me to be.” He brought her hand to his mouth and kissed the palm.

  “I don’t want you to be any different than you were tonight,” she answered firmly. “You’ve made this a very enjoyable evening.”

  “I’d like to do a lot more,” he murmured.

  “I suspected that,” she said dryly. “But I’ll be up-front with you, so there are no misunderstandings. I don’t intend to sleep with you. It’s no reflection on you, but we just met. If this means our date for tomorrow is off, I’ll understand.”

  “I must say your candor is refreshing,” he said with amusement.

  Michelle shrugged as they turned into Lucky’s driveway. “It saves a lot of unpleasantness.” When he stopped the car in front of the house she unsnapped her seat belt and said, “It was really nice meeting you, Carter.”

  “You, too.” He got out of the driver’s side and came around to walk her to the door. “What time shall I pick you up tomorrow?”

  She looked at him in surprise. “You still want to go?”

  “More than ever. I enjoy people who are unpredictable. The women I know aren’t noted for their originality. You’re different. You don’t play those stylized man-woman games. I like that.”

  Michelle looked at him skeptically. “I meant what I said. I get the feeling you’re going to try to change my mind.”

  “Of course I am,” he said cheerfully. “But you can always say no. One way or another, we’ll have a fun time together.” He put his arms around her and lowered his head.

  Michelle didn’t draw away. She wanted him to kiss her. Carter was a handsome, exciting man. He was exactly what she needed to forget Jonathan, who had become an obsession.

  Carter’s lips moved lightly over hers. When she put her arms tentatively around his neck, his embrace tightened and he made a male sound like a low growl.

  His expertise was awesome, she thought clinically. Women must be incredibly aroused by his suggestive technique. Unfortunately it didn’t work on her. She tried to feel something, but it just wasn’t there. When his hand grazed her breast, she drew away.

  He released her immediately, but his fingers caressed her cheek. “Okay, doll face,” he said in a husky voice. “I won’t rush you. But I’m not giving up, either.”

  Michelle went inside with a feeling of despair. If she couldn’t respond to Carter, who was everything a normal woman could want, there was no hope for her. Maybe in time she would forget Jonathan—or at least it wouldn’t hurt as much—but right now she doubted it.

  Chapter Eight

  Jonathan was as miserable as Michelle about the rift between them. After taking Ashleigh home, he drove around for hours, unable to get Michelle out of his mind. He thought his decision to forget about her and get on with his life ended the matter, but one glimpse of her tonight told him he couldn’t.

  Maybe it would be easier when she left town and wasn’t a constant distraction, he told himself. But Jonathan knew that was only wishful thinking. The mere thought of her leaving made him desolate. How could he get through even one day without seeing her?

  After hours of searching for a solution, he realized that since he couldn’t live without her, he had to give Michelle the benefit of a doubt. She was welcome to his money; he simply wanted her to love him, as well. Maybe she would if he stopped acting like such a jerk.

  Jonathan turned the car around and headed home, feeling a lot more cheerful.

  Michelle slept late the next morning and then had to rush to get dressed, since Carter was picking her up at eleven. She had intended to tell her mother she was leaving the next day, or as soon as she could get a plane reservation. Now it would have to wait until she got back from the Bahamas, which meant she wouldn’t be able to leave until Wednesday at the earliest. Thursday was probably more realistic.

  Michelle hadn’t asked Carter what to wear. She had read that dress was casual in the Bahamas, but he might want to have lunch in a fancy restaurant. There were also casinos and posh resorts in Nassau—Carter’s kind of places. She finally settled on white linen pants with a ruffled, gauzy, turquoise-colored blouse and white sandals. A broad brimmed straw hat with flowers circling the crown completed her outfit.

  When Michelle got downstairs, voices were coming from the sunroom. She left her hat and purse on a chair in the entry and went to tell her mother she was going out.

  The sunroom was a cheerful solarium, furnished informally with comfortable furniture covered in a floral print. Wide glass windows looked out on the garden and the boat dock at the foot of the lawn.

  It was a lovely view, but all Michelle saw was Jonathan. He was sprawled in a chair with
his long legs stretched out and crossed at the ankles, looking completely relaxed. Obviously he hadn’t spent the troubled night she had!

  As Michelle froze in the doorway, her heart racing, Evelyn called to her. “Good morning, dear. I was starting to get worried. You don’t usually sleep this late.”

  “Perhaps she was out late last night,” Jonathan remarked pleasantly.

  Michelle didn’t notice the bleakness in his eyes. She was too upset over the fact that he didn’t seem to care that she’d been with Carter. What time had Jonathan gotten in—if he went home, that is?

  “Michelle is on vacation,” Lucky said indulgently. “She doesn’t need to keep set hours.”

  He had given her a perfect opening to mention that she was going home, but before she had a chance, Evelyn looked at her approvingly and said, “You look very nice. I don’t think I’ve seen that blouse before.”

  “I brought it with me, but I never had a chance to wear it.”

  “It’s very attractive,” Jonathan said politely.

  “Thank you,” she answered formally.

  Lucky tried to stifle his impatience with them. “Since Michelle is all dressed up, why don’t you take her to lunch, Jonathan?” He kept his voice casual.

  “I’m sure Jonathan has work piled up at the office,” Michelle remarked hurriedly. “I’m surprised you’re not there already,” she said to him.

  “I went in early this morning and took care of everything that was urgent, and then I took off for the day,” he said. “Would you care to go to lunch?”

  Michelle knew Jonathan was only asking her because Lucky all but told him to. She wanted to tell Jonathan he needn’t bother.

  Instead she said coolly, “Thanks, but I already have a luncheon date.”

  Evelyn gave her a surprised look. “With whom?”

  “Carter asked me last night.” Michelle looked at her watch. “He should be here any minute.”

  Lucky slanted a glance at his nephew. “Well, if you’re both free tonight, maybe we’ll all have dinner together.”


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