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All I Need is You

Page 6

by Cassie Cross

  She squeezes me tight. “I love it. And I love you.”

  I pull a tissue out of my dress pocket and dab her cheek with it. “I love you too. But you’re going to ruin your mascara.”

  “Thanks,” Hayley says with a sniffle. “Did you get all the pictures you need for your portfolio?”

  I nod. “Jesse helped me.”

  She gives me a sly grin. “I noticed. He’s been helping you a lot lately.”

  “Marin had an obligation with her grandmother in New York last night, so she couldn’t get down here in time to help set up. Jesse offered to do it. He’s trying to be a good friend,” I reply, even though I’m starting to let myself believe that friendship isn’t all Jesse wants from me.

  Hayley gives me the side-eye. “Alexa, c’mon.”

  I sigh. “I’m just a little gun-shy after what happened last year. It took me longer than I’d like to admit to get over that. I don’t want to set myself up for something worse.”

  “He got scared, and he made a mistake. You’d be making a mistake if you didn’t give him a second chance.”

  She’s right, I know she is. But… “Tonight isn’t about me, it’s about you. And Hunter.” I turn my wrist and look at my watch. “Who is going to be your husband in about half an hour.”

  Hayley looks absolutely giddy at the thought of it. She reaches out and takes my hand. “I’m so happy.”

  “I’m so happy you’re so happy,” I reply with a grin. “Did you imagine we’d be here when we first met?”

  “No,” Hayley replies with a laugh. “I thought you were just some annoying jerk who whispered too loudly in the library. And here we are…you’re getting married and I just don’t know what I’d do without you. I wouldn’t be getting married right now if you hadn’t pushed me to go out that night. Maybe I’d have…”

  The night she met Hunter was one of the best and the worst in both our lives. I’ve often wondered what would’ve happened to both of us if I hadn’t dragged Hayley out to that club that night, if everything had happened in her apartment instead of at that club.

  But now isn’t the time for what-ifs. “You’d have found Hunter sooner or later,” I assure her. “With how sickeningly sweet you two are together, no way the universe could’ve kept you apart for much longer.”

  “That’s a nice thought,” she says, taking a deep breath as she reaches over and picks up her bouquet.

  “You ready?” I ask.

  She nods. “So ready.”

  “Okay,” I tell her. “Let’s go and get you married.”



  Hunter is leaning against the railing on the boat dock, watching as Hayley and Alexa laugh about some private joke Alexa told. The two of them sway along the edge of the dance floor, not joining in, but keeping up with the rhythm of the music. I crack a smile because I’m pretty sure neither one of them realizes they’re doing it.

  They’re both nursing glasses of champagne, and they’re softly lit by the stringed lights Alexa had me drape over anything that couldn’t move earlier this afternoon. I thought it was overkill then—and I’d teased her relentlessly about it—but I have to admit the effect is nice, especially on Alexa. I haven’t wanted to take my eyes off her all night.

  Hunter is having the same issue, if the way he’s looking at his bride is any indication.

  “How does it feel being a married man?” I ask as I walk up, then clap him on the shoulder.

  He takes a sip of his beer, then grins. “It’s great. Better than I thought it could be,” he says, smiling at Hayley in a way that makes him look like a complete sap.

  “The ceremony was beautiful.” I can count on one hand the number of weddings I’ve been to, but this one was by far the best.

  “We have Alexa to thank for that,” he says, nodding in her direction. “Your girl did an amazing job.”

  I know Alexa well enough to know that she’d bristle at someone calling her my girl, even if we were in a relationship. Hunter isn’t the kind of guy who would usually refer to her that way, so I figure he’s doing it to get a rise out of me.

  Even so, I respond. “She’s not my girl.”

  “We both know she’s your something,” he replies, looking way too pleased with himself as he tips back his beer.

  I can’t argue with him there.

  Hunter ran into Carlos and me at happy hour a few days ago, and Alexa came up in our conversation. Carlos was giving me shit about how much time I’ve been spending with her, and Hunter just sat there with a smug grin. He didn’t say anything at the time—he didn’t have to—but when he stood up and paid the tab he said, “It’s good to see you living again.”

  “Just trying to get out more,” I’d replied, hoping he wouldn’t make a big deal out of it. I figured he was just acknowledging that I was working on the things he told me I needed to work on in order to get assigned back out in the field. Now? I’m not so sure.

  “Hey Hubby!” Hayley calls, wearing a blissed-out smile. “Get over here and dance with your wife.”

  “Who am I to deny a gorgeous woman?” As Hunter walks past me, he hands me his beer. “Life’s too short, man. Put your cards out on the table.”

  I raise my brow, not sure what he’s getting at.

  “Just some life advice from a happily married man.” He walks away, grinning like he knows some big secret.

  One thing about working for Hunter is that he’s usually pretty generous with the life advice, and he’s been giving out twice as much since he got engaged. His love-makes-the-world-go-’round view on life these past few months has been annoying as hell, but maybe he has a point here.

  Or maybe I’m just tired of waiting.

  Alexa walks over and says a soft, “Hey.”

  “Hey,” I say, looking down at her. She’s in this light blue dress, her messy curls falling down her back. She’s never been more gorgeous.

  As we both look out at the dance floor she says, “Thanks for helping me out today.” She wraps her arms around the crook of my left elbow and rests her head on my bicep. The warmth of her seeps through my shirt.

  “It was my pleasure,” I tell her. “I’m happy to be your knight in shining armor when it comes to battling those terrifying step ladders.”

  “Jerk,” she says with a soft laugh, but there isn’t any anger in her eyes. Not like there would’ve been when we first saw each other a few weeks ago. So much has changed. “They are really terrifying though.”

  I can’t help but laugh. She makes me happier than I ever thought I could be, and when she smiles at me I want things I never thought I’d deserve.

  I place the bottles I’m holding on the railing, then reach for her hand.

  She looks at it curiously for a few seconds, then finally takes it, and I lead us toward the dance floor.

  “What are you doing?” she asks.

  I’m putting my cards out on the table.



  Jesse and I sway together, the two of us not so much dancing as kind of holding each other to the beat of the music. I’m not sure if it’s the cool night air, the three glasses of champagne I drank earlier, or just general happiness, but I feel safe here in his arms. I press my cheek against his chest, loving the warmth of his body and the way he smells. The stubble from his chin pricks against the top of my head, and there’s a soft intermittent pull at the nape of my neck where I’m pretty sure Jesse keeps wrapping a strand of my hair around his fingers.

  The whole world disappears, and it’s just us.

  I could stay here like this forever. Spending time with Jesse these past weeks basically tripled the want I have towards him. The more time I spend with him, the more I want…more.

  I’m terrified of reaching out and asking for it. I’m scared that I’m misreading things and that I’ll be rejected again. I know I can trust him with my life, but I’m not sure I can trust him with my heart.

  Standing here with him like this though, taking the next step
doesn’t seem so scary.

  “You’re gorgeous,” Jesse says, his voice deep and low in my ear. His fingertips send an electric charge skittering down my arm where he touches me, and when I look into his eyes, all I want to do is push up on my tiptoes and kiss him. “You’re the most gorgeous thing here.”

  Butterflies crash against my stomach as Jesse pulls me impossibly closer, his hand drifting dangerously low on the small of my back.

  His compliments make my cheeks too warm, but I have to get closer. I’m floating here in his arms, and I don’t want to come back down to earth. My breaths come quick and shallow, but it’s fine. Normal breathing patterns are overrated anyway.

  The song ends and another one starts in its place, but Jesse and I aren’t even moving anymore. All of his attention—his very intense attention—is focused solely on me.

  He slides his finger along the curve of my bottom lip, cradling my chin with his finger like he thinks I’m going to look away.

  “I’ve never wanted anyone like I want you,” he says. “I fucked up, Alexa. I told you I didn’t think—”

  I reach up and gently press my finger against his lips. I definitely want to have this conversation…we need to have this conversation, but not here.

  I take his hand and lead him over to where Hayley and Hunter are standing, sipping champagne and talking to some friends.

  “Hey,” I say softly, trying my best not to be rude. “We’re going to head out if that’s okay.”

  Hayley gives me this appraising look, then turns to Jesse. A slow smile creeps onto her face. “Yeah,” she says. “Get out of here.”

  I give her a hug. “You were beautiful, you look so happy. Your honeymoon’s gonna be amazing.”

  “Thank you for everything,” she replies, giving me a tight squeeze. “Love you, now go have some fun.”

  I playfully roll my eyes at her as I pull away, then give Hunter a quick hug and promise that my crew will clean up the mess in the morning.

  Without a word, Jesse takes my hand and leads me around the side of Hunter and Hayley’s little lakeside cabin.

  I think we’re headed to my car, but Jesse takes a detour and presses me up against the side of the house, then cradles my face in his hands.


  “I don’t want to wait,” he replies breathlessly, leaning in close. “I’m going to kiss you now.”

  I grip Jesse’s wrists in an effort to anchor myself to something.

  His pulse is a strong thump, thump, thump against my thumbs, and all I’m thinking is yes, yes, please kiss me now.

  Like he can read my thoughts, he presses his lips against mine. They’re so full and warm. He tastes like champagne.

  My hands slide up his arms and I tangle my fingers in the hair at the nape of his neck, which he must like a lot considering the noise he makes when I do it. I could get addicted to that noise, it’s going to be my personal mission to be the reason he makes it over and over again.

  The din of the crowd and music behind us just fade away as Jesse’s hands go everywhere. Down my sides, along the small of my back, across my ass. He lifts me up, and I instinctively wrap my legs around his waist. The move surprises me, and I pull back with a gasp.

  Jesse is an absolutely gorgeous man under normal circumstances, but the way the soft light from the party cuts a shadow across his face, he almost doesn’t even look real. His eyes are half-lidded, his lips swollen. He’s growing harder against me, so I grind down on him, just to be a tease.

  He’s breathless, and so am I.

  He traces the curve of my cheek with the backs of his fingers, igniting a heat that makes its way down to my toes.

  I can’t believe this is happening. He doesn’t even seem real.

  Jesse smiles softly, then goes in again. He gives me a long, lingering kiss then moves down my neck and across my collarbone. My head lolls back against the cabin’s siding, and I sigh. Anything we can get up to here is never going to be enough.

  I want everything. Now.

  He caresses the underside of my breast and works my nipple through the fabric of my dress, and I let out this involuntary high-pitched keen that I’m sure the wedding guests can hear.

  We’ve got to leave before I spontaneously combust.

  “Jesse,” I whisper.

  He hums against my collarbone where he’s doing his best to draw out a hickey.

  “We need to stop,” I tell him.

  He lifts his head the second he processes my words, and I miss the feel of him immediately. His hair is all crazy and my lipstick is smeared across his lips. “Stop?”

  I shake my head. “Not like…for good, just for right now because…ugh, you’ve addled my brain with all the amazing kissing and I can’t get the words out right.”

  He looks so cute and disappointed that I can’t help but wrap my fingers around his tie and pull him back down into a kiss.

  But then…

  “We really do have to stop,” I say, following it up with a little peck.

  Jesse sighs and rests his forehead against mine.

  “Let’s get the hell out of here,” I tell him. “Take me back to the hotel.”

  When he realizes what I’m asking, he grins.

  He takes my hand and says, “C’mon.”

  We stumble our way into Jesse’s room, located in a tiny bed and breakfast at the end of the mostly deserted Main Street of the town Hunter and Hayley’s little shack is in. It’s the only hotel within a 20-mile radius, and the entire wedding party is squeezed into every room they have.

  Jesse and I are pawing at each other like a couple of horny teenagers who aren’t particularly graceful or quiet, and Jesse’s lightning-fast reflexes stop a lamp from meeting its fate on the floor after I accidentally bump it while I’m trying to undo his tie.

  I start laughing, absolutely drunk on lust, and Jesse smiles as he shushes me, deciding that kissing me is the best way of keeping me quiet.

  No objections here.

  I’m fumbling with the buttons on his shirt, my fingers unsteady with pent-up sexual energy that I can’t wait to get out of my system. There’s a fire in Jesse’s eyes that lets me know that he wants this as much as I do.

  “Here,” he says, wrapping his hands around the placket of his shirt. He just rips the thing off, buttons plinking across the floor as they disappear under the bed and the nightstand.

  “Shirt murderer,” I tease, pulling the thing off of him. I press my lips against his warm skin, kissing and licking my way across his chest.

  He lets out this low, soft rumble every time I move, one that I know it’ll be easy to get addicted to. When I wrap my lips around his nipple, he cups my cheeks and pulls me up into a long, dirty kiss that makes me want a million more.

  “Want you so much,” he says breathlessly.

  I go in for another kiss, but Jesse makes his way down my neck, licking and sucking and driving me absolutely crazy. Then he turns me around and presses the front of my body against the wall, pulling down the zipper of my dress in one long, fluid motion. No nervous fumbling like I had, no sir. Straight to business.

  He slides his hands everywhere he can reach, like he wants to touch all of me at once and can’t decide where he should start. His fingertips run up across my shoulders, pushing my dress down my arms. He takes my bra and panties along with it, and they all wind up in a puddle at my feet.

  Jesse wraps his arms around me, his hands cupping my breasts, his erection pressed against the small of my back. I’ve never felt this combination of turned on and safe before. It makes me feel brave, so I wiggle my ass, making Jesse groan against my neck.

  He kisses his way down my spine, getting down on his knees behind me. I’m still wearing my heels as Jesse explores every inch of my legs, kneading his thumbs along the backs of my knees.

  And wow, I never knew that was a move that could set off all my bells and whistles. Jesse lets out a rumbly chuckle as I rest my chest against the wall, just wanting to feel and no
t worry about holding myself upright anymore. He gives my ass a playful nip before he stands up, then focuses all his attention on my shoulders and neck.

  I’m desperate to turn around, but it’s almost like Jesse’s teasing himself, wondering how long he can hold out like this. It’s not until I take advantage of my position and leverage myself against the wall so I can grind against his erection that he finally loses his patience.

  He grips my hips and turns me, letting his gaze roam all over my body. I feel comfortable under his watchful eyes; I like seeing the way his lids get heavy with lust.

  “You’re so beautiful,” he says, leaning in and pulling me closer, letting his lips blaze a trail across the tops of my breasts. “And you taste good.” He settles his hands between my thighs, his fingertips sliding against the wetness there, before he starts working my clit.

  “Jesse,” I whisper, a little frustrated. It’s not that I’m not enjoying the foreplay, there are times in my life when I would’ve killed for a guy to take his time with me the way Jesse’s doing right now. I’m just too keyed up to be patient right now, and I’m desperate to finally have him inside me. “Please. We have all night to take our time, just…please don’t keep me waiting.”

  He snaps in an instant, surging forward and kissing me with a hunger that he’s only hinted at before. I cup his erection before I fumble with his belt buckle, my hands shaking in my hurry to get his pants off. When I finally manage, I push them down, and Jesse takes my nipple between his teeth and gives it a little pull. I grip his hair, just needing to hold onto something. Jesse lets out this growl, making my skin hum with the vibration.

  He grips my ass and lifts me up; I instinctively wrap my legs around his waist. He’s so strong, but his pants are still around his ankles, hindering his path to get us to the bed. He makes it, only tripping at the very last minute, sending us both crashing onto the mattress.

  We both laugh, and he kisses me with a smile. I’ve wanted him since I met him, and I’ve thought about this moment for nearly a year. I knew it’d be sexy, but I wasn’t expecting this fun, this lightness.


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