
Home > Romance > 9781618857354TheTakingofClara3Crescent > Page 2
9781618857354TheTakingofClara3Crescent Page 2

by Sam Crescent

  “I’m here to see Randal,” he said.

  She lifted the phone, spoke then pointed toward the elevator.

  Tugging the older man at his side, Matthew waited by the elevators. One opened, revealing two men inside.

  “Edward, we thought you’d never arrive.”

  Matthew pushed the man inside. Edward stumbled then tried to stand as far away from the men as possible. Matthew got in and glared at the older man as the door closed and they rose upward. Matthew wanted to throttle Clara’s father for the danger he’d put her in. He kept his anger inside. No one said a word inside the elevator as they travelled upwards. The elevator stopped and the door pinged open. They passed more men before another door opened. Matthew spotted Randal instantly. The man stood at the end of the bed, fucking a woman. Her pleasured cries filled the air. Only when Randal completed did he turn to them.

  “Ah, Matthew Johnson, I wondered when you’d turn up. I’ve heard all about your contract with the lovely Clara.” Randal zipped his pants then moved toward them.

  Edward visibly shook at his side.

  Matthew shook Randal’s hand before taking a seat. He declined a beer but accepted a coffee.

  “What did he offer you?” Matthew asked.

  Randal dropped the photograph of Clara onto the table. “He offered me her.”

  He raised his fist in the direction of Edward. “You little fucker. You think offering her out will stop people coming after you?” He wanted to kill the bastard. The man may be older but what he’d done was fucking low.

  The man before him chuckled. “I don’t want Clara even though she’s tempting. She makes me hard. I’m not interested in more women, and Clara doesn’t have what I need.”

  “Then tell me what you do want.”

  “No, you tell me why you’re here?” Randal took control of the conversation.

  Glaring at Edward, Matthew turned his attention back to Randal. “I’m here to make sure nothing happens to Clara. She’s my woman. I own her and she’s mine. I don’t want to have to worry about her being approached in the street. Also, I know she’s finished with him. All he wants from her is money. I will pay you what he owes, but I want your guarantee nothing will happen to Clara.”

  If Clara wasn’t in danger he wouldn’t be here with this man. Being a legal business man put him at risk in Randal’s company. He’d do anything for Clara.

  “I agree to make sure your woman is safe I’ll do what is necessary. I’ll take his debt and in return I don’t want you interfering with what I’ve got planned for him. He owes me more than one payment.”

  They all stopped speaking as the woman Randal was fucking when they walked in left the apartment.

  “I’ll give you the amount you ask, then I want nothing to do with him.” For a time Clara would be upset but this was for her own good.

  “That sounds good to me.”

  Matthew shook Randal’s hand then agreed to bring the money to him the following day.

  “No, you can’t leave me. He’ll kill me. Clara will never forgive you if you give me up.” Edward started begging on his knees.

  He stared down at the man, feeling revulsion rise inside him. “You should have thought about that before you brought this shit to my door.” Matthew pushed the man away then left the apartment.

  The last words he heard was Edward begging. He’d done what needed to be done. Putting a call through to Luke, he told him what had happened. Once he gave his friend an update, he drove away from the hotel.

  Clara may hate him for a short time but he’d done everything to keep her safe. When he pulled into his parking lot relief swamped him. Inside Clara slept, safe, protected away from any danger.

  Luke stood at the door when he entered.

  “You’ve got a beautiful woman, Matthew. I’m jealous.”

  “Did she come down?”

  “Only after her stomach demanded, she did. She didn’t want to talk to me about anything. I’m going to stay in the guest room. Get me up to speed tomorrow.” Luke left him alone with his thoughts. Letting out a sigh, he locked up the office then made his way up the stairs. The sight that greeted him when he opened the bedroom door filled him with yearning. Clara lay with his pillow clutched in her hands. Her eyes were closed. The white negligee she wore covered her curves beautifully. He’d prefer to see her naked.

  Matthew undressed then moved to climb in the bed. He snuggled up behind her.

  She whimpered, turned over to snuggle against him.

  Her eyes opened. The moment she saw him, she smiled. “You’re back.”

  He brushed the curls off her face and smiled down at her. “I’m back. I’m not going anywhere.”

  Clara pulled him down for a kiss. “I missed you.”

  Taking her lips with his, Matthew showed her with his kiss how much he’d missed her.

  Her moans echoed off the walls as he glided his palm up her thigh. Her soft skin felt damn good against him.

  “What happened?” she asked when she broke away.

  “He’s not going to bother you anymore.”

  She nibbled her lip.

  “Ask me,” he said.

  “I don’t want to know. I’m tired of being worried about him or not knowing if I’ll be able to afford his debts. I’m done with him.”

  He heard the sadness in her voice. He wished there was more he could say to make her feel better but there wasn’t.

  “I love you, baby,” he said.

  She gasped. “I love you too.”

  Slamming his lips down on hers, Matthew claimed her completely. He pushed her negligee up to her waist as she pulled the top part down exposing her breasts.

  * * * *

  Clara whimpered with pleasure at the feel of Matthew’s heat surrounding her. Leaving her father to pay for his debts hurt her but she grew tired of defending him. Shutting out thoughts of her father, she allowed Matthew to remove her negligee. Seconds later the boxer briefs he wore were on the floor. They were both naked.

  “I’m going to love your body.” He leaned down to circle her left nipple. She gasped at the intense pleasure from the single touch. Arching her back, she begged for him to give her other nipple the same touch.

  “Please, Matthew. I need you. I need you.” He nipped at her flesh making it hard for her to think. All of her thoughts were consumed by him.

  His hand moved down to her pussy. His fingers caressed her clit, sending her closer to orgasm. Matthew slammed his lips down on hers. She gripped his hard, thick, cock in her tight grip. His cum coated the tip of it. She pumped the shaft relishing the sound of his gasp followed by the way he nibbled at her neck.

  “You’re so fucking beautiful,” he said.

  Matthew pushed her hand away from his cock. She gazed down the length of his body to see him align his cock against her then thrust forward.

  He pushed inside her to the hilt. She cried out, gasping for breath at the intrusion.

  “So fucking tight.”

  Her mind was no longer her own. Clara pushed her pelvis up to meet him with each thrust. Matthew grabbed her hands and pressed them over her head as he pushed inside.

  She cried out his name, begging him with her words to fuck her harder.

  He gripped her thigh, moving her leg over his hip. The change of angle made him penetrate her deeper than before.

  Clara couldn’t think past her name and the pleasure he created with her body.

  “I’m never letting you go. Never,” he growled the words against her lips.

  In that moment, Clara knew he owned her. Every part of her would be possessed by him.

  His grip moved to her hips. Matthew turned her suddenly so she could take control. Fingers teased her nipples as she rode his body.

  “That’s it, baby. Ride my cock. I want to feel you ride me. Take me deep inside.”

  She listened to him speak with half an ear.

  Her orgasm was close to the surface. He pinched her nipples then slapped her ass to get her to
move faster.

  “Matthew,” she said, gasping.

  “Tell me what you want. I won’t give you what you need until you tell me.”

  “I need to come. Please, let me come.” Opening her eyes, she stared down at him. His dark gaze penetrated her soul. She cried out. “Please, let me come, Sir.”

  His eyes darkened in color looking almost black in appearance.

  “Do you know what you do to me?” he asked.

  Matthew’s grip tightened on her hips. There would be bruises on her flesh the next morning, his brand of ownership on her skin.

  He pounded inside her. Clara didn’t have time to analyze the sudden change inside him. Matthew took over her body giving her so much pleasure. She couldn’t think past the thrusting.

  “Touch your clit.” She pressed her fingers to her nub. The instant she touched herself, Clara shattered. Her orgasm rolled through her stronger than any wave.

  Growls shattered the air and they lay together seconds later, exhausted but sated.

  Matthew ran his hands down her back.

  “Thank you,” he said, kissing her shoulder.

  With his cock still inside her, Matthew turned her to the side. “Aren’t you going to pull out?” she asked.

  “No,” he said, shaking his head.

  “Why not?”

  “Because this is where I’m supposed to be. You’re my woman, Clara. I’ll be sleeping inside your snug little pussy for the rest of our lives.”

  His body was so much larger than hers.

  “Will my father—”

  “Don’t ask about him, Clara. You’ve done everything you can for him. You’re only concern now is me.”

  “And about your domination?” she asked.

  He smiled. “Have you been thinking about it?”

  “I went into the room before my father interrupted. I’m intrigued about it, and I want to know more.”

  “I’ll teach you, baby. Everything you need to know. It would be a pleasure for you to be my submissive but I’ve got one more thing to ask you before we move on to that.”

  “What? What do you need to ask me?” Her curiosity got the better of her. She never intended to deny him. BDSM may not be in her knowledge bank but she was more than happy to learn from him.

  He chuckled. “All in good time. I want you to sleep.”

  “How can I sleep?”

  “I’ve told you to sleep.” He kissed her nose then settled down. “This is the best part of my day.”

  “Going to sleep?” she asked.

  “No, having you in my arms. You’re all I care about, Clara. You need to realize there is nothing I wouldn’t do for you. You own my heart.”

  “And you own mine.” She snuggled against his solid warmth. In her mind she finally closed the door on her father. Edward Baines, in his time, had caused too much heartache. Sometimes, in order to move on, people needed to get rid of the people who hurt them the most. Her father, the main cause of all of her problems, needed to be let go.

  That night, Clara finally let go of the soul who’d been destroying her happiness. Once she’d pushed him away for good, Clara slept peacefully.

  Chapter Four

  Waking up next to Clara would never get old, at least to Matthew. He’d never get tired of it. The sun shone through the curtains, highlighting her beautiful body. She looked peaceful in sleep. “I’ll never let anything happen to you,” he said.

  When she made no move to wake, he climbed out of bed and chuckled.

  She looked exhausted from last night’s love making. Her soft sigh escaped only to be replaced by a small snore.

  Putting on a pair of sweat pants. Matthew made his way downstairs. He found Luke in the kitchen making coffee. “I thought I heard you up.”

  His friend turned to him. “Where’s Clara? I thought you’d be fucking her into this afternoon.”

  At the raised brow on Luke’s face, Matthew chuckled. “I take it you heard us?”

  “I heard you. I’m surprised the house hasn’t fallen down around us. You were pounding the wall some with the bed. Didn’t you feel that?”

  “You’re only jealous I’ve found a submissive and you’re still training them.” Matthew poured himself a generous cup of coffee then went toward the front door. The paper boy already posted that morning’s paper. There was nothing about dead bodies or anything suspicious, which Matthew felt relieved to know. With no dead bodies turning up that could only mean Edward was still alive. Matthew hated the man but Clara would probably be upset if her father died.

  He checked to make sure nothing about her father appeared inside.

  “I like training them.” Luke took a drink of his coffee. “I’m not looking for a permanent relationship anyway.”

  “You say that now. You haven’t lived until you’ve found the right woman to complete your soul. Clara is my other half. I’ve never felt more alive than when she’s in my arms.” Matthew smiled, walking back toward the kitchen.

  Luke didn’t say a word.

  He checked his mail before calling his banker to arrange for the money he needed. Then he called Clara’s landlord and terminated her contract with him.

  “That’s a bit heavy handed. She’s only agreed to be with you for paying off all of her debts.”

  “No, she told me she loved me last night. There is more to her feelings than paying her debts. Clara is mine, and I intend to propose to her today.”

  Luke folded his arms and stared at him.


  “You’ve not collared the girl or experimented in the lifestyle. Marrying her could be a huge mistake,” Luke said.

  “I know what I want. If Clara doesn’t like the lifestyle then I’ll leave it behind.” Matthew spent the better part of last night once she’d gone to sleep thinking about their future. If she couldn’t be part of the BDSM lifestyle then he’d step away from being a Dom. He didn’t need control in order to make his life work. Clara meant more to him than wielding a whip.

  “I can’t believe I’m hearing this. You’d give up being who you are for her?”

  He shrugged. “You don’t know what it’s like to have the woman you love by your side. Clara means more to me than giving a spank.”

  “We are far more than giving a spank. You insult every Dom by saying such a thing.”

  Luke looked ready to hit him.

  “I can’t stand by and watch you destroy yourself.”

  “Please, don’t fight because of me,” Clara said.

  They both turned to see the object of their discussion standing in the kitchen doorway. The robe she wore concealed little with the sunshine behind her. How did his woman always manage to stand in front of the sun that showed her gorgeous body off to perfection?

  “We’re not fighting about you,” he said.

  He ignored Luke’s snort and moved closer to her.

  “You are. I heard everything that you said, Matthew.” He paused in front of her. The hurt in her eyes surprised him.

  “I promised I’d give everything a try… including that.” She pointed toward his office.

  “I can wait for that.”

  He made to go down on one knee. She stopped him.

  “No, I don’t want you to propose to me. Not when you’re prepared to turn your back on who you are. I could never live with myself if you did that. It’s unfair of me to even ask that.” She looked around him at his friend. “I’d never dream of coming between you. You’re friends and that should mean something.”

  Matthew couldn’t bear for her to be in the same room and not touch her. He reached out and stroked her cheek. She didn’t pull away or recoil. Her eyes softened at his touch.

  “I love you. I love everything about you. I’m not prepared to let you turn your back on something you’ve known your whole life.”

  “You’d be willing to try, for me.”

  She touched his cheek. “I’d try anything for you.” Clara went on her toes and kissed his lips.

  His love
for her became stronger.

  “Am I wanted? Or should I leave?” Luke asked.

  “Leave,” Matthew said.

  When he took Clara to his playroom to explore what he wanted, he didn’t wish for his friend to be present. The sound of the door closing filled the silence between them. Not tearing his gaze away from hers, Matthew walked her back to his office. Her back hit the door to his playroom. His thick cock, pressed to her front. “Are you sure about this?” he asked.

  “I’m sure about you.”

  She reached up, pulling down the key for him. “Let us explore this together.”

  Taking the key from her, Matthew placed the key inside the lock. He shook his head, but refused to open the door.

  “No, I want to ask you something.”

  Clara stared up at him, waiting for him to respond. Matthew got down on one knee in front of her. Her eyes widened. “Clara, will you marry me?” he asked.

  Matthew didn’t care if they couldn’t explore domination and submission together. With Clara in his life he could gladly leave the playroom and the lifestyle behind.

  * * * *

  Clara stared up at him shocked by his sudden proposal. She was more than prepared to explore the lifestyle with him. Part of her felt excited about giving herself over to him while another part of her feared the unknown.

  “Say something,” he said.

  “You don’t need to propose to me, Matthew. I’m staying here with you.” Clara didn’t want him to feel he needed to propose.

  “I’m asking you because I want you to be my wife, Clara.” Matthew stood up. “I’m not taking you into that room unless you’re my wife.”


  “Because I don’t want you to have a reason to run from me.” He pressed a hand against the door. “You and Luke may think I need this but I don’t. I love being a Dom, but being a Dom is not the only part of me.”

  He cupped her cheek and then walked away. “I’ve got to go out. I’ll need your answer when I get back.”

  Matthew left her standing in his office, alone. She’d hurt him. Hurting him never entered her head. She’d rather cut her own arm off than hurt him.

  The sound of the front door closing pulled her out of her troubled thoughts. She ran to the window in time to see he’d driven away.


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