
Home > Romance > 9781618857354TheTakingofClara3Crescent > Page 3
9781618857354TheTakingofClara3Crescent Page 3

by Sam Crescent

  “Shit,” she said.

  Why had she held herself back? Marrying him would be a blessing.

  Shaking her head at her insane morning, she walked up the stairs to the bathroom. She took a long shower before going down to the sitting room. She dialed her friend Tara. Talking to her most trusted friend would be an idea.

  “Hello,” Tara said, sounding sleepy.

  “Hiya, it’s me.”

  She heard movement over the line, followed by a few cuss words. “Hold on, Clara. I’ve got to get my mind working. I’ll call you back.” The line went dead.

  Placing the phone back in the cradle, Clara stared ahead of her. The only person she trusted was Tara.

  Her hands shook as the phone rang. She picked it up.

  “Now, I’m ready to hear you. My mind is open and the scent of coffee is working wonders for my apartment.”

  She chuckled. “I’m sorry for calling you so early.”

  “Don’t worry about it. My girl is free to call whenever she’s got a problem. I hope I can help.”

  Nibbling her lip, Clara wondered if her friend could help.

  “Matthew proposed.”

  Tara’s squeal over the line made her chuckle, nervously.

  “Wow, I can’t wait to meet this guy. Did you say yes? When is the wedding?”

  “I… erm…didn’t give him an answer.”


  Clara explained everything to Tara. She talked about the dominance along with herself being a submissive. Her friend asked little questions but listened to everything she said.

  “I don’t know what to do,” Clara said.

  “I can’t tell you what to do. Think about how Matthew makes you feel. Forget about all the other crap with regards to his lifestyle and concentrate on what makes you happy. You deserve to be happy.”

  She listened to her friend’s advice. When Tara needed to leave Clara rang off. Without Tara to keep her company, Clara felt alone. Matthew hadn’t called. Her heart felt heavy inside her chest.

  Instead of waiting for him, she decided to take her stresses out on some baking. The scent of baking always calmed her.

  Turning the oven on, Clara went in search of the bakery goods she’d need to make a simple sponge cake. She loved Matthew’s kitchen. The up to date appliances and space made it her favorite place to be.

  He walked into the house once she started baking. Matthew took a seat at the counter and watched her. She added baking powder to the mix. She stuck her tongue out as she concentrated.

  “You were gone a long time,” she said.

  “I’ve got everything sorted with regards to your father. He won’t be coming around and upsetting you anymore.”

  Nodding, she grabbed the wooden spoon to start mixing the eggs into the butter mixture.

  She stared at the yellow batter, feeling Matthew’s presence deep in her soul.

  “Yes,” she said, suddenly.

  Her words startled her.

  “Yes, what?”

  “Yes, I’ll marry you. On the one condition,” she said. Baking always cleared her head but never this much.

  “What condition?”

  “I want to see Luke with a sub. I want to see what it’s like with him. Can we do that? Go and witness it?” she asked.

  Shock widened his eyes.

  “I don’t need that.”

  “I know that’s what you say. What happens if in ten years you find you do need to be who you are? I don’t imagine being a Dom is a game. This is who you are and I respect that. Please, give me a chance.”

  She added flour to the mix then another egg. The beating helped to calm her nerves.

  “I agree.” Matthew held up the box. She paused in her beating. “Will you wear my ring?”

  Clara waited as he walked to her. He pressed the ring on her finger. “You look perfect,” he said.

  Matthew kissed her temple before stepping back. “I’ll arrange everything with Luke.”

  He left her alone to her baking. The diamond caught the light with every beat of the wooden spoon.

  Chapter Five

  Luke agreed to put on a show. Matthew wasn’t surprised by his friend’s desire to help him. He stood and waited for Clara to come out of the bathroom. He’d purchased a deep purple evening dress that molded to her curves in all the right places.

  Matthew wore leather pants with a white shirt.

  The door to the bathroom opened then Clara walked out. She looked stunning. The purple matched with her pale skin. The dark tones of her hair stood out around her. Her tits looked large while her waist appeared tiny. His cock thickened at the sight.

  He wasn’t going to be able to keep his hands to himself. She looked simply ravishing.

  “Do I look right for the part?” she asked, twirling.

  “I don’t know if Luke is going to keep his hands off you.” The diamond on her finger filled him with immense pleasure. “How are you feeling?” he asked.

  “Nervous. I want to please you.”

  “You do please me.” Brushing his lips against hers, Matthew led her out of his home. Once he seated her safely in the car, he walked around to the other side.

  Turning the car over, he pulled out of the gate then was on the road, driving toward Luke’s house.

  Clara remained silent beside him. Her fingers interlocked, fidgeting in her lap. He saw the nerves inside her. Leaning over, he grasped her hand in his. “Stop panicking. This is us, and I’m not going to let anything happen to you.”

  “I know you’re not. This is who you are. I want to please you, Matthew. This is part of that pleasure.”

  “Luke is more into the lifestyle than I am. He’s not looking for a submissive but something more. Some of the stuff you see tonight may shock you.”

  She smiled then gave his hand a squeeze.

  They remained silent for the rest of the journey. There was nothing else for him to say that would reassure her. When he pulled up outside of Luke’s house, Matthew sent up a little prayer and climbed out of the car.

  Clara stepped out of the car before he got the chance to open the door. She stared up at the house in wonder. “This house looks bigger than yours,” she said.

  Matthew chuckled. “Luke is a great guy but he likes big things.” Holding her against his side, he walked up toward the house. There were several other cars in the driveway, which kicked up his nerves.

  “There are more people here,” she said.

  “This is a good opportunity for you to view several parts of the lifestyle.”

  He knocked on the door, wishing his nerves would disappear. The Dom in him demanded he take control while the other kept thinking she’d scarper at any second. A naked woman opened the door. The only clothing on her was the collar she wore around her neck. Matthew didn’t recognize her.

  “Master Matthew, Master Luke has been waiting for you.” Her head remained lowered to the floor.

  Matthew took Clara inside. The submissive waited for their coats.

  “What is going on?” Clara whispered against him.

  “She’s a submissive, Clara. See the collar around her neck, she’s owned by someone at the party.”

  Nodding, Clara took his offered hand then followed him through to the party.

  “I want you to say ‘red’ when you’ve had enough.”

  “That’s a safe word, isn’t it?”

  Matthew nodded.

  Her grip tightened as they walked over to the far room. Several couples were in the room. Luke wasn’t present. When he’d discussed getting a scene together, he’d not anticipated so many people being present. Clara kept a firm grip on him.

  “How are you holding up?” he asked.

  “I’m fine, Matthew. I’m not made of glass. I’m not going to break at any moment.”

  Wrapping his arms around her waist, Matthew wished for her bare skin.

  “Why are there people on the floor with chains around their necks?” she asked.

subs. They’re at their master’s feet.”

  She took a deep breath and settled by his side.

  Luke walked in with a girl trailing behind him. A collar attached around her neck with her head bowed in submission. Luke stopped at their table. The blonde woman looked familiar. Matthew couldn’t be sure if he’d trained her once before.

  Clara froze by his side.

  “Present yourself,” Luke said. The woman went down on her knees with her legs apart. Her head bowed in submission.

  “That’s the position of a submissive,” Matthew said.

  His friend took the seat opposite.

  “I thought I suggested a smaller get together.”

  “Clara needs to know everything that is on offer. There is more to life than being someone’s wife or sub. She needs to know what she’s getting herself into.” Luke’s gaze never left Clara. A sweep of possession went through Matthew. He didn’t like the other man’s gaze on his woman. “She looks superb, Matthew. You bought the dress?”

  “You damn well know I did,” Matthew growled.

  * * * *

  Clara felt her man tense by her side. Something was going on between Luke and Matthew. She didn’t understand what but it clearly made Matthew angry. The woman on the floor looked so beautiful. The pose reminded her a little of a bronze sculpture she’d once owned before needing to sell it for her father’s debts. Her gaze couldn’t move away. She looked so beautiful even in her nudity.

  She never thought looking at another woman would be all that appealing. Seeing her now, Clara knew there was more to her than sex. The woman, in her submission, offered up her trust.

  “Why don’t you go and get us all a drink, Matthew. I want to talk with your woman. Don’t worry, I won’t scare her away.”

  Her man looked like he wanted to throttle his friend. She smiled up at him, letting him know she’d be fine. He left their table. The woman on the floor remained in her position.

  “Are you willing to try to be what he needs?” Luke asked.

  “I don’t know what he needs.”

  Luke leaned back in his seat, running a finger across his bottom lip. “I’m not sure about you. Matthew is convinced he sees a submissive in you. I don’t know whether he’s hoping there is one or if he’s blinded by need to have you.”

  Heat filled her cheeks at his assessment.

  “Surely, Matthew would have grown bored with me after having me.”

  He chuckled. She watched as he reached out to stroke the woman’s hair by his side. “Matthew trained her. Her real name is Anne but here she likes to go by Pet.”

  Clara stared at the woman on the floor. Matthew trained her?

  “I… erm…”

  “Don’t worry, they were never lovers. Matthew trained her without penetration, didn’t he?”

  “Anne is my woman. She doesn’t need a wedding band, only my ownership.” He circled the collar around her neck. Glancing down at the diamond ring on her finger, Clara felt out of place.

  “You’re clearly mistaken about me. I never approached Matthew. He came to me at all times.” She thought about the ad in the paper along with the change of position with regards to her job. She’d never done anything to improve her position.

  She’d been content to earn a wage then go home at the end of the day.

  “Matthew may think he can leave all this behind. I know him. I’ve known him for a long time. He’s put his basic nature aside to tend to you. If you loved him as much as he loves you, you should give him what he wants.”

  Glancing down at the woman beside him, Clara felt a great yearning build inside her chest. To many people the woman on the floor may look like a slave, someone to be passed by because of her weak nature. Clara didn’t see a weak woman. She saw a woman of power and strength. The love written on Luke’s face for the woman at his feet filled Clara’s heart with hope.

  Anne may not wear Luke’s ring but she wore something far greater, she wore his collar. The deeper relationship shone between them.

  “I keep no secrets from her.” Luke stroked her cheek. “She’s my everything. I’ve never taken another woman.”

  Licking her lips, Clara wished for the same kind of relationship with Matthew. She saw him walking toward them. Without him knowing she was looking, she took the time to observe him.

  Matthew could give up the lifestyle of being a Dom but the way he looked at the couples he passed, clearly meant he couldn’t. She felt yearning in her heart to be his. The yearning on his face displayed an entirely different emotion. He missed being a Dom. A woman in the far corner was being spanked over her master’s knee. The flush to his cheek could be seen from where she sat.

  They could live happily together but their life wouldn’t flourish the way Anne and Luke’s clearly had.

  He handed her a drink then took a seat next to her. Luke smiled then toasted to new beginnings.

  Sipping the strong liquid, Clara watched everything with a keen eye. She stared at the couples and saw everything differently.

  Luke left with Anne by his side. She watched the two together, seeing the love shining between them.

  “They’re in love,” she said.

  “Luke doesn’t do love. He never has.”

  Glancing up at the man by her side, she wondered how long he’d been wanting her, to have missed his friend falling in love.

  Chapter Six

  Staring down into her beautiful eyes, Matthew wondered what she was thinking about. Her thoughts were usually reflected in her eyes, easy for him to determine. They sat together on the sofa near the far wall. No other couples approached them. He placed his arm across the back of her chair and watched the others in the room. His cock thickened as she curled around him. Her hand rested on his leg, her fingers stroking his thigh.

  “Do you want this?” she asked.

  I want this with you more than you could know.

  Matthew smiled down at her not wanting to answer the question.

  She moved to her knees before him. Her lips near his ear.

  “I want to try this with you,” she said.

  Matthew gasped and turned toward her. “You want to be a sub?”

  Clara shook her head. “No, I want to be your sub.”

  “Do you even have any idea what you’re letting yourself in for?”

  She shrugged.

  He gazed at her, wondering where her change of mind had come from. Instead of answering her, Matthew wrapped his arms around her and held her close to him. Several scenes took place but he made sure they were not close to the action. A sub got a punishment by her man for not addressing him properly.

  They witnessed a collaring. Clara stared intently at the scene before them.

  When Matthew had enough of watching, he grabbed Clara and moved her out of the house. Luke looked startled by his sudden abrupt movement.

  The Dom inside him demanded he take Clara back to collar her.

  “What’s going on?” Clara asked.

  Ignoring her question, he walked round to the driver’s side. He turned the engine over the moment they were safely inside.

  “You didn’t even say goodbye.”

  “We didn’t need to. Luke understands.”

  She slapped her thighs, gaining his attention. Matthew pulled into the first available spot to look at her.

  “What the hell is the matter with you?” he demanded.

  “Luke knows you’re going to forget who you are because you think it’s what I need. You shouldn’t close a part of yourself off because of me,” she said.

  Her chest looked flush and her eyes shot fire at him.

  “I’m not prepared to make you choose, Clara.” He reached over to cup her face. “You’re the one I want.”

  She covered his hands with her own. “I love you, Matthew. That’s never going to change but trying to pretend you’re something you’re not is wrong.” Clara kissed his palm.

  “I don’t know what you’re asking of me.”

  Clara sighed
looking frustrated. “I’m asking you to train me, Matthew. Teach me how you want me to be. Train me to be your sub and no one else’s.”

  His heart stopped. Ever since he’d set eyes on her, hearing her say those words had felt a million miles away.

  “You don’t know what you’re asking for.” Lifting her finger with his ring on, Matthew kissed her fingers.

  She pulled away. “I’m not going to marry you until you train me to be what you need.”

  He wanted to deny her request. Clara held her hand up and stopped him from speaking.

  “You’ve given me a great deal in the last few weeks. The last thing you could do for me is allow me the pleasure of giving myself completely to you.”

  “But I don’t need it,” he denied. Even he felt the words were a lie.

  “I see it in your eyes. I saw it as you walked toward me. You’re a Dom and you shouldn’t be forced to push that aspect aside because you think you’ll frighten me. Teach me, we’ll learn each other together. Please.”

  Matthew sighed, resting his head against the steering wheel. He wanted to jump at the chance but still he held himself back.

  “You won’t marry me unless I train you?” he asked.

  He’d been hoping to avoid this. Clara didn’t have a clue what she was asking for.

  “When we get home, we’ll talk about it.” He pulled away from the spot where he’d parked.

  “Yes, Sir,” she said.

  His cock hardened. Clara didn’t have the first clue what she’d let herself in for. With Clara as his sub, he’d train her how he wanted her to be. She’d answer to him.

  Pulling up outside of his home several minutes later, Matthew cut the engine and stared at her. “I want you to think before you enter our home, Clara. When we go inside you’ll be mine. I’ll train you how I see fit. I will never hurt you or harm you. You’ll be my sub and your body will become mine. We’ll talk about your safe word along with everything else. I’m going to go inside. If you follow me, then I’ll take that as your agreement.”

  Matthew walked into his home. Clara followed him inside. Her training would soon begin.


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