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The Battered Heiress Blues

Page 9

by Laurie Van Dermark

  “I want the same things.”

  “Are you prepared to quit Spencer Industries? If my father finds out, he’ll fire you.”

  “I’ll handle your father.”

  “Even with his blessing, your job is not normal. You leave on a moment’s notice all the time. If our child has a basketball game or dance recital, and you get a phone call, you’ll leave. You know you will. Those disappearing acts get embedded in the memory of a child. I want to co-parent. I don’t want to be a married single mom.”

  “I can give you what you’re asking for, but you have to give me the opportunity to show you that. Don’t just shoot me down based on speculation. Give me a chance.”

  “-A chance?”

  “That’s all I’m asking for.”

  “Okay…one chance. For the next week, and I mean seven whole days, you can not do any business. No phone calls. No emails. No quick trips. If you can make me a priority for one week, I’ll give you an answer.”

  “No business for one week and you’ll be my wife?”

  “No business for one week and I’ll give you my answer.”

  “Now, my condition. You have to wear the ring this week. You need a reminder.”

  “Agreed. Do you need a reminder?”

  “No Jewels. I promise. No business.”

  Henry took the Tiffany set diamond out of the box and slid it on my left ring finger. I didn’t want to admit it to him, but I was ecstatic. The man of my dreams just asked me to marry him. I didn’t fold quickly. He would have to prove me wrong. God, how I hope he proved me wrong.

  He kissed the ring and turned my hand over to kiss the inside of my palm. That always sent shivers down my spine. He moved up my forearm and to my shoulder, before pulling me on top of him. He pushed my hair back off my face and smiled.

  “By the end of this week, you will be Mrs. Henry Truman Walker. Julia Grace Walker.”

  “It does sound good.”

  I stared down at the beautiful ring- a diamond that had symbolized eternity to his grandparents. They were happy. Why couldn’t we share a similar fate?

  “Believe in me Julia. I just need you to believe. I’ll do the rest.”

  “I’ll believe.” I’ll do my best. “We should go back to the main house.”

  “It’s nice here,” he said, exploring my neck.

  “Yes- very, but we should blow out the candles on the path. I’m rather fond of my house.”

  We extinguished the candles as we made our way back home, walking hand in hand. The night had been perfect, even if he didn’t get the immediate answer he was hoping for. He was correct. I was a bit too practical to always be romantic and carefree. I also wasn’t one to ignore the lessons of the past. I had Henry back. I didn’t feel the need to complicate our life with a marriage proposal, but I would give his proposal the consideration it deserved. At the end of the week, I would answer his question.

  The house was quiet. There was no sign of Kate which was good since I was carrying my dress instead of wearing it. His shirt just covered my assets and I wasn’t in a state to entertain Gabe.

  I hopped onto the kitchen counter and tossed my dress aside.

  “I’m starving. Do you want something to eat?” he asked.

  He began riffling through the fridge and pantry.

  “Take your pick. I could run a grocery store out of this kitchen.”

  “That was your father. It was nice for him to think of that.”

  “It was nice for him to pay someone to think of that.”

  “You’ve got to give him a break, Jewels. You can’t hate him forever.”

  “I don’t hate- I dislike. I still love his black, cold heart.”


  He halted his mission and walked to me, placing his body between my open knees. I felt his hands rest on my backside as he scooted me forward in his hold.

  “Be sweet.”

  I gave him that grin- the one that gets me out of trouble and he relented, kissing me. I pulled back.

  “I’m weak as dishwater. How about an early breakfast? Pancakes?”

  “Bacon?” he added.

  His hands unbuttoned the shirt I was wearing and I started to giggle.

  “What if Kate comes back? Seeing her brother’s naked body would scar her for life.”

  “Danishes instead? Breakfast in bed?” he offered.

  “Race you.”


  I woke up in his arms and all was right with the world, for this day. I didn’t want to wake him. Knowing that he was mine and hoping for the promise to bring about a happy future made me feel that elusive sense of peace that always seemed out of reach. He had promised one week of no interruptions. No business calls or business trips was his pledge. It was going to be Jewels all day, all night, and all the time for seven glorious days. I was so excited over the prospect. My hands moved to feel the smile on my face. He hadn’t agreed to quit his job, yet; baby steps. His promise of one week was enough for now.

  I ran my hands over his sculpted chest. I couldn’t help myself. He began to open his eyes as I rolled on top of him.

  “Hi gorgeous,” he said as he brushed my hair off my face.

  I began to kiss his neck with those dainty little butterfly kisses he loved so much. As I moved to his chest, he distracted me with conversation.

  “What’s on tap for today?” he asked.

  My hand moved below the sheets to answer his question. He smiled and breathed deeply.

  “You’re a naughty girl. I do need to eat, you know. You have to be hungry after last night.”

  “Not for food.”

  He pulled me up to his face.

  “I love you, Jewels. You know that, right?”

  “Yes,” I replied inquisitively.

  “Then why won’t you answer me? Tell me you’ll be my wife.”

  “Whoa- a deals a deal. One week. You promised. No pressure. One week of all Jewels all the time- no business. Keep your end of the bargain and you’ll have your answer.”

  “One week.” He smiled that devastating smile that would have weakened my resolve if I didn’t have history to remind me that I usually finished last.

  “One week,” I reiterated.

  “I have no choice.” He started to sit up.

  “Where do you think you’re going?” I locked my arms around his waist from behind which he squeezed tightly before getting up. His naked body was amazing. I felt no embarrassment in staring, pinching my arm, and mouthing the words ‘He’s mine’ to myself. He turned back and laughed, obviously invading my thoughts.

  “I need a hot shower. Care to join me? Round five?”

  “Six. I’ll be right there.”

  I lay in bed, relishing the memories of the past evening, wishing we lived in a bubble, insulated from the rest of the world. The steam was billowing out from the bathroom when his cell rang. My heart sank. I picked it up off the nightstand and looked at the number. His office was calling. I panicked, hitting ignore. What am I doing? I couldn’t leave the bed once I heard the message alert sound. I had to figure out what to do before the water eventually stopped. I could hear the shower door open and Henry questioning my whereabouts.

  “I thought you were going to shower with me,” he called out.

  I shoved his phone under the covers as he appeared, dressed in shorts, pulling a t-shirt over his head. He sat down next to me.

  “Good morning, Mrs. Walker.” He smirked, grabbing my ring finger, admiring his grandmother’s diamond.

  “Mr. Walker isn’t supposed to pressure Ms. Spencer.”

  “True. What would you like for breakfast?”

  I needed to get him out of the house to regroup and formulate a plan.

  “-Chocolate croissants from my favorite bakery?”

  “I’ll be back. Think about what you want to do today.”

  I nodded. He searched for his wallet and keys. I prayed that he wouldn’t look for his cell phone. It was time for a distraction. I’d have to throw Kate
under the bus.

  “Did Kate come home last night?”

  He stopped in his tracks, turning away from the dresser.

  “I don’t think she did. I’ll stop by her room and see if she wants anything from the bakery.”

  “Good idea. She’ll probably want a vanilla latte.”

  “Do you?”

  “No. I’ll just take the croissants.”

  He kissed me.

  “Love you.”

  “What’s not to love?” I replied.

  As he left laughing, I answered my own question out loud. What’s not to love? That I have no faith in you. That I’m sabotaging your phone because I know you’ll screw this up. I rolled over and looked at our framed picture on the nightstand, talking to him; don’t screw this up, Tru.

  I looked at that phone for a long time trying to decipher right from wrong. If I trusted him, there was no need to tamper with the phone, but the ringing of it halted my quandary. Once again, Spencer Industries was calling. They weren’t going to play nice. Neither was I. Flipping over the phone, I removed the battery and placed it on the floor next to the dresser. He’ll just think it slipped out of his pocket last night.

  I spent my time in the shower arguing with myself. I got nowhere. I considered replacing the battery, but I couldn’t work out a better solution. No one knew he was with me. That information was highly classified so my father wouldn’t feel betrayed. The cell phone was his link to the outside world. He promised one week.

  I dressed and stopped by Kate’s room. Her bed wasn’t slept in and it made me snicker. Good for them. Gabe seemed like a man in desperate need of a good time. Kate was just the person to give it to him- all night.

  I made a pot of tea and some coffee for Tru. The kitchen door creaked open and Kate skulked half way across the room before I called her out.

  “Is this the walk of shame?”

  “There is no shame in what we did last night.” Laughing at her conquest, she searched around the room. “Where’s my brother?”

  “He went to the bakery. You’re safe. Just tell him you got up early to go for a walk–explains the made up bed.”

  “I never knew you had such a devious side.”

  I just shook my head in agreement, knowing Henry’s phone battery was in the pocket of my shorts.

  “You won’t tell him?” she wondered aloud.

  “Secrets to the grave, remember?”

  “Can I have a cup?” she asked.

  “Henry is bringing you a latte.”

  “Great.” She plopped down on the bar stool.

  “Spill. What’s the 4-1-1 on Gabe?” I inquired.

  “There’s nothing to tell. We played scrabble all night.”

  “And I’m the Queen of England.”

  She smiled a very satisfied smile.

  “And how was your night?” she asked with a wink and nudge.

  “It’s kind of weird to talk to you about sex with your brother.”

  She covered her ears and began singing, “La, la, la, la, la. Good point. That’s gross. How can you do it? I mean, he’s Henry.”

  Over Kate’s shoulder, I saw his rental car coming down the long drive.

  “You better go change your clothes. He’s coming down the driveway. We’ll leave your latte and a croissant on the counter.”

  “You’re the best. What are you doing today?”

  “We’re taking the boat out. Do you want to join us?”

  “I’d have to say definitely no. You have that freshly shagged glow about you and a lot of time to make up for. Have your fun. Gabe and I are taking Mattie to the beach.”

  “You should pack a basket of food.”

  “I suggested that but Gabe pointed out that kids don’t eat caviar. We really need some normal food around here.”

  “We’ll get groceries on our way home from the marina. Hurry, he’s walking up.”

  “Have fun.”

  Kate flew up the stairs just as Henry opened the door.

  “Was that Kate?”

  “Yes. She got up early and went for a walk.”


  He unloaded his bag and cardboard drink holder.

  “I made you coffee.”

  “That’s why I bought this.”

  “Not nice,” I scolded.

  “Hello again.” He held me, kissing my lips.

  “I thought we could go down to the marina and take the boat out,” I suggested.

  “That’ll be fun. I just need to get my togs.”

  “I already packed them and some food. We’re ready to go.”

  “What about breakfast?”

  “I’ll eat on the way.”

  “Are we rushing for a reason? Why don’t we change into our suits?”

  “I already packed them, silly. I want to beat the Sunday cruising crowd. The crew is expecting us. We can change on the boat.”

  “Okay. Let’s hurry, Jewels. I’m tired of waiting on you. Go, go, go.”

  Henry shooed me out the door making fun of my haste. Half way to the marina, he realized that he didn’t have his phone. He inquired whether I brought mine, but I alleviated his concern by mentioning that the ship had a radio in case we needed to communicate with the outside world.

  The day was spent on my father’s yacht. With only the captain and a crew of two, we felt very alone. We laid on the deck, side by side, enjoying the sun and making plans for our future. The water was barely warm when we anchored for a swim. Henry talked me in to riding the Jet Ski which was an adventure. I felt a little sea sick after enduring the bumpiness of the waves created by his hairpin turns. Three hours had come and gone when the captain asked us about returning. Henry tried to talk me into anchoring and sleeping on the boat, but I felt the need to go home. Connor was there, without me.

  We stopped briefly for groceries. Kate would be happy. I bought some beautiful hydrangea blossoms from a roadside market to put on Connor’s grave. We rode in comfortable silence listening to music and taking in the scenery.

  Kate was waiting for us in the kitchen when we returned. She looked perplexed, but Henry didn’t notice. He just announced that he was going to take a shower and went upstairs.

  “What’s the matter?”

  She handed me a note pad full of scribbled writing- messages for Henry from the office.

  “This is just the first page. Why isn’t he answering his phone? That’s not like him.”

  “I removed the battery.”

  “You did what?”

  “He promised me no business. I’m helping him keep his promise.”

  “He’s not going to see it that way, Jewels.”

  I took the pages from her hand and crumpled them before tossing them in the trash bin.

  “We’ll see. Don’t worry. I’m going to take these flowers to Connor. Do you want to come?”

  She hesitated, still worried, but finally shook her head in agreement. I opened the kitchen door and she followed me out. Our walk to the cemetery was filled with sailor talk about her night with Gabe. I took the opportunity to tease her about her heart being stolen, as I had predicted earlier. She brushed off the observation, but I could tell that she was head over heels in love- or lust, at least. Love would follow. Gabe seemed like an awfully good man. They were in short supply these days.

  Kate left me to walk over to the cottage. Gabe was making hamburgers with Kraft macaroni and cheese for her and Mattie- his favorite. She mentioned that she might stay over again under the guise of giving us our privacy. I sat awhile longer, listening to the birds chirp and the calming sounds coming from the fountain. The sod Henry bought for the grave was a magnificent green. The blooms on the crepe myrtles were snow white. I touched my belly, remembering a time when he was thriving and kicking inside me.

  I figured Henry would come looking for me, but he never did. After an hour, I made my way back to the house. His car trunk was open and the kitchen door was slightly ajar. His briefcase and papers were spread out over the table. He quickly s
huffled them into a pile as I made my entrance, but he never acknowledged my presence. He was on the landline, conversing with someone, wearing a suit and tie- not proper attire for a casual evening at home with me. My heart sank. He screwed it up- again.

  I sat down at the kitchen table while he closed his briefcase and walked outside. I heard the trunk close. I slid the diamond ring off my finger and laid it by his keys. He walked back in and sat down next to me, picking up the ring.

  “What’s this?”

  “The answer I promised you.”

  “There’s a crisis at work. One of the lawyers I left in charge screwed up the land contracts for a big deal we’ve been working on for months. I’m the only one who can fix this. By the way, I got an ear full from your dad about not being able to get in touch with me. Would you know anything about that?”

  The jig was up. I slid my hand into my pocket and pulled out the battery, depositing it next to his grandmother’s ring. I stood up and walked to the island, leaning against it for support. I knew that this was a possibility. The odds were 50/50 at best, but I had hoped for a better outcome.

  “That’s just perfect.” He took his keys and the battery, placing them in his pants pocket, purposefully leaving the ring.

  “What do you want me to say? Sorry? I’m not sorry.”

  “You have very little faith in me, Julia.”

  “Well, you lived up to my usual expectations.”

  Henry stood and walked over. He was geared up for a fight. He wanted an excuse to leave- just like before.

  “You don’t trust me. You don’t trust that I can do both things well.”

  “Trust is earned. I’ve been here before, remember- déjà vu.”

  “Yes, I recall. Now we just need a bloke to stand in for Jackson. Gabe will do, I suppose.”

  “You should go. You should go before you say something else stupid.”

  “Why did you do it? Why did you sabotage me and put my job in jeopardy?”

  “I knew you’d make the wrong choice. You couldn’t possibly put me above business. It was mean for you to get my hopes up this time- especially now.”


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