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Stalked (Rogues Shifter #2)

Page 3

by Gayle Parness

  “Your healing aura is strong. However, I understand that you killed an older vampire in battle.”

  “Yes. He was one of Eleanor’s nest.” As much as Antoine had deserved his death, having been responsible for the death and torture of hundreds of innocents, the fact that I’d been the cause still brought on some horrible nightmares and even tears on occasion. He’d had a soul. Who knows what kind of person he was before Eleanor turned and corrupted him?

  “I am familiar with the complexity of the feelings involved, although I am not a healer and so have never experienced them myself. Jacqueline, I am curious about the battle. You used my son's blade? You were able to wield it?” His eyes penetrated mine with such force that I couldn’t have looked away even with the help of the lines.

  “Yes. The blade saved my life.”

  "Your ability to use it saved your life." Caelen turned again to look at Liam so I smiled in his direction and was relieved to see the corners of his mouth turn up.

  He sent, “You’re doing well. My father can be—intense—but he is not your enemy.”

  Caelen spoke again. “There are fae who would not be able to use that blade. I’m most impressed.” He smiled at me warmly and ended his third degree.

  During the remainder of the meal we all spoke more casually which gave me a chance to check out the rest of the family. Aedus was just as compelling as his father when he spoke, which was not often. He seemed to prefer to observe, storing information for a later date when it might prove useful. He was heartbreakingly handsome, but his smile was thin like his mother’s, probably because it wasn’t used often. Lady Silvus was also rather reserved, but she looked at her son and her husband with such love, that I couldn’t fault her for her reserved manner.

  Lady Erin on the other hand was friendly and garrulous, asking many questions and freely answering all of mine. Lord Caelen seemed extremely fond of both of his ladies and I sensed that their entire family was close and that each member was respected and loved. Their auras were all clear with shining golden edges, a sign of good health in Faerie.

  When dinner was over and the plates cleared away, Farrell returned with Samson. My big furry boy was very pleased to be back, and wagged his stubby tail as he curled up on the floor next to me and yawned loudly. He’d managed to consume two delicious meals, no wonder he was tired. “He’s greedy like his dad.” I sent to Garrett, teasingly, and saw him smile and glance quickly at me before answering one of Lady Silvus’ questions. We were both enjoying ourselves and excited to see what the council meeting would bring.

  Three large tables appeared magically, then platters of desserts of all varieties were brought in and set on every table, as well as wines: a rich red and a lighter honey mead. Fae began to slowly file in, all of them looking over at Caelen’s table, some more directly than others. Garrett switched seats and casually draped his arm over my shoulder, holding me close to him. He must have seen my slightly panicked look. Lady Silvus and Lady Erin had gotten up to speak to some of the other fae, But, Liam, Aedus and Lord Caelen stayed at our table, facing the room.

  Each table’s occupants were dressed in a different color scheme. Garrett pointed out the three Council members to me. Lord Argon’s table was In shades of burgundy and red, Lady Dinestri’s clan dressed in greens and Lady Jorrenn’s table wore yellows and oranges. At their tables sat their families. Garrett explained to me that family members were allowed at meetings but had no actual power to change council decisions, so they were probably just here out of curiosity.

  “They came to see the shifter girl who hooked the hot vampire?”

  “They came to see the powerful magic user who killed the ugly vampire.” We both laughed and a few of the fae stared at us curiously.

  Lord Caelen turned to us, looking intrigued and asked, “You mind speak?”

  Garrett nodded. “Yes. It actually saved my life once. Jackie was able to send me energy through the lines from fifty yards away.” He leaned in and kissed me on the cheek as we both remembered Garrett’s capture by a group of angry werewolves and a witch who practiced the black arts. I’d contacted him mentally and he was able to feed on my energy from a distance by using my body as a conduit. He’d escaped with the help of his cousin Aaron and our team of shifters. Lord Caelen only nodded quietly, a small smile turning his lips up at the corners.

  There must have been some kind of silent signal because everyone who wasn’t already seated sat down. Lady Jorrenn stood and said, “The Council meeting one turn before Midsummer Prime Solstice in the time of Queen Fionna shall begin. We will speak in English at today’s meeting for the sake of our two guests, Garrett Cuvier, and his lifemate Jacqueline Crawford Cuvier. Lord Caelen has asked to speak first.”

  Lord Caelen stood as she sat. “I would like to welcome Garrett and Jacqueline to Faerie. As you know, Garrett has the status of my sponsorship and friendship which gives him certain freedoms that outsiders do not have. I have had the opportunity over the last two hours to get to know Jacqueline and would like to offer her the same status, under my sponsorship of course.” There was a slight murmur as the crowd quietly discussed the idea.

  Garrett sent, “This is an amazing honor. If the Elders approve his suggestion, you’ll be well protected and the fae will come to your aid instantly if you need them. Of course, you’ll also be expected to help them when called upon.”

  “Why didn’t they help you when you were captured?”

  “The witch blocked the message from reaching them.” I remembered Miranda's death at Garrett’s hands, and surprised myself by shuddering.

  “And when you fought against Eleanor?”

  “That was vampire against vampire. They could not get involved. That’s why Kennet was able to be a neutral judge at the duel.”

  Lady Jorrenn spoke again. “Please tell us your reasons, Lord Caelen.”

  “Garrett is already an ally and has proven himself to be an invaluable friend and fellow warrior, helping our people on many occasions. Jacqueline is a powerful warrior in her own right. She defeated an older vampire through her own ability to manipulate magic and also by using an extremely powerful enchanted fae blade that I feel many fae would be unable to use effectively.

  "Garrett and Jacqueline share a unique bond. They mind speak, and Jacqueline can feed Garrett her energy from a distance. She is a cheetah shifter and a powerful healer. Perhaps the most interesting fact is that she has been chosen by a cu-sith, a Faerie dog, and although Samson is not a pureblood, he is cu-sith nonetheless.”

  Samson lifted his head at the mention of his name and I scratched behind his ears, wondering how Carly had come to own a cu-sith Faerie dog. “My son Liam, who serves Garrett, feels that Jacqueline is more than worthy of this proposed status.”

  “Thank you Lord Caelen. Would any Council member like to question Jacqueline Crawford?”

  Lord Argon stood. He was also tall, with long blonde hair, shining purple eyes and a prominent nose. His Lady sitting next to him looked more like Kaera’s twin sister than her mother. Next to her sat Kaera, absolutely stunning in her exquisite burgundy tunic, yet her expression was still intensely serious. “Please tell us how you were able to use the fae blade.” Lord Argon's voice was accented and harder to understand than Lord Caelen’s, as if he rarely spoke English.

  I stood up because it seemed the way things were done at council meetings, and I took a moment to organize my thoughts. “As soon as I held the blade in my hand the etchings on the handle turned green and I felt it tune to my aura. When I pulled it out of its sheath during the battle I felt…” I stopped for a moment trying to remember how the blade had responded to my rage. “I was able to feel its hunger for Antoine’s blood. It became an extension of my body and it seemed to feed from my anger. When the blade was knocked out of my hand I could still feel it nearby, so I willed it to come back to me, promising it Antoine’s death. I used it to kill him, and when he was dead, the hunger was gone and the blade quieted.”

  At first
there was silence, then the audience began to whisper excitedly. Lord Argon nodded to Lord Caelen, seemingly satisfied with my answer. Lady Dinestri stood next. She was 6’ tall with lovely thick dark hair that hung down her shoulders to her waist in perfect waves. Her skin tone was a rich mahogany and her amethyst eyes stood out like shining gemstones. “Why did Liam allow you to use the blade, Jacqueline? Fae weapons are not usually offered to non-fae.”

  My eyes locked with Liam’s. I knew what I'd say and I hoped that they'd feel it was enough. I turned back to Lady Dinestri and said, “I can’t speak for Liam, but I believe that he felt if I died, Garrett wouldn’t have the heart to win his battle with Eleanor even though he had the power to destroy her. Liam honors his duty toward Garrett, so he helped to save my life in order to protect Garrett’s life.” She nodded and sat down while I released the breath I'd just been holding. I wasn't prepared to explain my friendship with Liam to any of them, especially since he was ordered to keep out of the affairs of other supernatural groups.

  To my relief, no one else questioned me. The Elders voted unanimously to make me an official ally, much to Garrett and Liam’s delight. Lady Jorrenn asked me to come to her in the center of the room, and so I did, my throat feeling parched again from nerves. She placed her cool hand on my forehead and her other hand firmly on my upper arm and spoke a few soft melodic words that I didn’t understand.

  Suddenly the room no longer looked like the standard meeting area found in any hotel chain. It became a room of light and color and immense beauty. It couldn’t even be called a room; it was more a space without definition, neither inside nor out. Turquoise, pink and purple flowers crawled up the walls, (or were they trellises…or was there nothing holding them there at all?), emitting the most extraordinary bouquet. Rainbows and auroras of light covered the sky or the ceiling or perhaps it was the heavens. I could hear the musical splash of a waterfall, as delightful as a favorite song, and taste the sea on my tongue, the most delicious taste imaginable. At least until I turned, scenting and tasting the grapes from the nearby vineyard, and heard the perfect song of a flock of bright red cardinals.

  Lady Jorrenn’s hand on my arm kept me from falling, but as soon as I swayed, Garrett was holding me, as I knew he always would be.

  As he cradled me close, I continued to look around, feeling as if I’d fallen down the rabbit hole. I sent, “Is this what you see? What you’ve been seeing the whole time?”

  “Yes, this is Faerie. Visitors aren’t allowed to experience its true beauty. They wouldn’t want to go home. You’re no longer just a visitor; your aura is tuned to the gate and all of the common areas and gardens, so we can walk around now as we please.”

  Some of the Elders came over to welcome me along with their family members. They were interested in my impressions and so I tried vainly to put into words Faerie's indescribable brilliance and my overwhelming awe at seeing it truly for the first time.

  I found it odd that Keara stayed at the table speaking quietly with her mother, and that she avoided looking at me. When I mentioned it to Garrett he just shrugged it off, saying that perhaps she had important matters to discuss with her family. Many of the fae spoke to Garrett like old friends and some even went over to Samson and whispered strange words into his ears as they scratched the top of his head. He was definitely enjoying the attention.

  A messenger arrived with a note for Lady Jorrenn. She opened it and responded to the messenger then asked everyone to please sit down once more.

  “Lord Kennet has requested an audience with the Council. I told him to come now.” She smiled at Lord Caelen who smiled back mischievously. Garrett and I took our seats and I snuggled in close to him, not happy about seeing Lord Kennet again.

  Lord Caelen noticed my unease. “Garrett has told me of the request Kennet made after the duel. Please don’t be concerned. You are now protected by us all.” I suppose when a 3000 year old fae tells you that you're safe, you should listen. Still, I felt my body grow more tense with each passing minute as we waited for his arrival.

  Samson sat up and started to growl, a sound deep in his chest that made me shiver and caused the Elders glance at each other in surprise. I reached out to quiet him as Kennet arrived with two of his men. When he located Lord Caelen, and then saw Garrett and me sitting next to him, he looked surprised, but then quickly regained his composure.

  “How can we help you, Lord Kennet?” Caelen spoke in English so that I could understand.

  “I had invited Jacqueline Crawford and her mate to the MIdsummer Celebration tomorrow night, but I see that she is already here meeting with you. How did that come about, Caelen?” He looked angry.

  “The Council of Elders invited them a day early so that we could take care of some business. You’ll be happy to hear that like Garrett, Jacqueline is now designated an ally under my sponsorship. They still intend to attend the celebration tomorrow night.” He didn't mention with whom.

  “I see." The look he gave Caelen wasn't friendly. "I have been without a mate for two years now and have been searching for someone suitable. I have chosen Jacqueline to become my Lady and will begin to make arrangements for a binding ceremony. Her vampire consort is a ally which is why I'm approaching the Council at all. It is fortunate that she is here, so we can begin proceedings tonight.”

  I shrunk back into Garrett's arms, needing the physical contact. He hugged me tighter as his anger grew along with my fear.

  Lord Caelen smiled at Kennet, but there was no warmth in the expression. “Jacqueline is now an ally and also the lifemate of Garrett Cuvier. This—proposal of yours cannot be approved. How could you imagine that we would allow it?” Lord Caelen’s dark eyes had begun to spin with golden anger.

  “He is an undead. A former shape shifter. He is of no account. His ridiculous vampire mating ritual has no power under Fae law.” He waved his hand toward Garrett as if he were a fly to be swatted away. I clenched my fists and glanced down at the mark on my wrist.

  Lord Caelen, Aedus and Liam stood. “Garrett Cuvier and Jacqueline Crawford are under my personal protection.” The room was suddenly very quiet.

  “I do not intend to harm her. I intend to raise her to the position of Lady to a wealthy and powerful Lord. A position that many other females would desire to fill.”

  “What happened to the last three Ladies that you so generously raised to that position?” Lady Jorrenn was standing as well. Garrett rose out of his seat and brought me up with him, pushing me slightly behind him. His eyes were swirling with a silver heat and his fangs were beginning to poke out. This could turn ugly fast. I didn’t want us to be the cause of a battle between Fae Lords.

  “As you know, Lady Jorrenn, two of them became seriously ill and the other had a tragic fall. It has caused me great sorrow.” Hearing that his last three mates had died, made me draw in a sudden breath. He turned back to look at me, his reptilian smile making me freeze in place.

  He spoke softly and intimately and his dark violet eyes pulled at me, making my body want to move closer to him. I forced myself to stand frozen in place, all the while knowing that he was only using the smallest amount of his power. He could force me to crawl to him if he wished it.

  “Jacqueline, You would be wealthy beyond measure. I can teach you more about how to use the lines than your vampire or your half-seelie friend. I am a skilled lover.” He looked me over hungrily, the icy fingers of his magic making me shiver. He smiled, misinterpreting my response. “You would enjoy our time together and you would give me the heir I desire.”

  Dozens of purple eyes turned in my direction. I looked at Lord Caelen for permission to speak. He nodded somberly, but I could see the glint of anticipation in his eyes. Liam nudged me mentally. “Stay very calm, Jacqueline.”

  “Liam, I’ve got this.” I could sense his mental groan so I took a deep breath to calm myself, narrowed my eyes in concentration and faced Kennet, keeping my voice steady and forcing my emotions to stabilize.

  “Lord Kennet
, it is a pleasure to see you again.” He nodded at me with a sly smile since his ego wouldn’t let him hear the sarcasm behind my words. “However, I do recall telling you at the battle three weeks ago that I was not interested in becoming your Lady. I am Garrett’s mate for life and that will never change. I don’t desire your sizeable wealth or your magical expertise or your proficient bedroom skills. I will never give you an heir. I appreciate that you feel you're honoring me with this offer, but I’m blissfully happy in the life I’ve chosen for myself. I must refuse you, again.”

  The entire room was silent for a few moments as Kennet’s expression morphed from smug to angry. “You will come to me, Jacqueline.” Kennet turned to Lady Jorrenn. “Thank you for the opportunity to speak, Lords and Ladies of the Council.” His voice dripped with undisguised scorn as he turned around and left, his two men following silently behind. Samson was growling again.

  My knees gave out and I sat down with a thump: shaking from the tension of keeping myself in control. Garrett was grinning as he put his arm around me and held me close to him.

  “Most enjoyable.” He sat and kissed my cheek. I melted against him and continued to tremble.

  “Was it too much?”


  I sent to Liam because his expression was serious. “Did I screw up?”

  “You’ve made a dangerous enemy. His comment that you will eventually come to him sounded very much like a threat. Because of his ego, he’s been humiliated in front of the council. Yet, he gave you no choice." Liam smiled. "You stood up to a powerful fae with great dignity and no hint of fear. You did not allow your anger to cloud your judgment. I am very proud of you. My father is impressed."

  Lord Caelen and Aedus were both grinning widely and looking from me to Garrett and back to me. Except for the hair, they could have been twins.


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