The Neighborhood Series (The Neighborhoood)

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The Neighborhood Series (The Neighborhoood) Page 12

by Tarrah Anders

  “I don’t know what I’m saying right now,” he admits.

  I scoot down in the bed. When my face is level with my hand, I replace it with my mouth earning an even louder groan erupting from his mouth.

  “Shit,” he mutters.

  My mouth moves up and down on him with vigor. His hips move slowly when I pull up as if chasing my mouth. As his cock hits the back of my throat, I hum in satisfaction. He’s big, thick, and veiny. His cock is smooth where it needs to be, and the crown is an angry purple seeking its release. I pull up on him, and as I reach the tip of his crown, about to go back down, he lifts me off him. He maneuvers me to where I’m underneath him. With hands on both sides of my head, he takes a deep breath and smiles a lopsided smile.

  “You are driving me crazy,” he says in a whisper.

  “You sleeping on my couch drove me crazy,” I return.

  “It was the only way that I could properly respect you.”

  “I wanted to be fucked, not respected. But thank you for wanting to.”

  “You’re a vixen, you know that right?”

  “Your friendly neighborhood vixen, at your service. Now, what are we going to do about this erection between us?” I ask.

  “Condom?” he asks.

  “Drawer,” I direct him.

  In less than a minute, he’s gotten the condom, sheathed himself, and removed his sweats. With one hand on his cock and the other on my knee, he moves between my legs and looks at me.

  “I was serious when I said that I don’t want too move to fast. Are you sure?”

  “You have your cock in your hand and the gates are open waiting for you to enter. I want you, and you want me, doc. So, let’s do this thing!” I smile excitedly.

  “You are truly one of a kind,” he says under his breath as he directs himself to my pussy. Once contact is made, I feel like I’m melting into my sheets. He groans as he pushes himself deeper and deeper into me until he is fully seated. His head leans down and he rests his forehead on mine while taking deep breaths.

  “I’m sorry, I just need a minute,” he explains on a shaky breath.

  I’m doing everything that I can to not move my hips and wait for him to adjust. When he finally does, he smiles, and his hips begin moving in circles.

  Circle, circle, pull and push.

  Circle, circle, pull and push.

  His speed begins to pick up, and soon the sounds of skin on skin, breathy moans, and my bed creaking fills the space. My hands clutch onto his sides as he pumps into me with determination gradually building up his pace. His hand moves between us, and as he finds my pleasure center button, he begins caressing it, and soon I’m about to spiral over the edge of bliss.

  “So reactive to my touch,” he says with his voice dripping in pure sex as his shoulder muscles tense and his jaw clenches.

  “I’m so close, I’m so close, I’m so close,” I chant, moving my hand to cover his and show him what I like. As I apply more pressure to his fingers, my orgasm starts at a slow tremble.

  I can feel the clenching of my pussy wrapping around his cock and can tell when he feels it too, as while his movements don’t falter, his blue eyes get darker and a grin forms on his perfect lips.

  My toes curl, and the sensations are taking over my body. I hold my breath as I come, as if I’ve forgotten how to breathe. Pure pleasure and arousal spread through my body. Luke continues to move in and out of me, holding my hip down with one hand to chase his release until he slumps over my body with the sounds of elation muffled by my shoulder. He circles his hips a few more times and moves back up so all his body weight is on his arms as my sight goes from hazy to clear.

  My body is buzzing with awareness as I smile at him.

  “I think you caused me to blackout,” I say.

  His languid movements stop, and a look of concern etches across his handsome face.

  “Shit, are you okay?” he asks, studying my face.

  “I’m more than okay. That was…that was…orgasmic,” I state the obvious.

  He pulls out of me, and we both sigh from the absence.

  “Does, um, blacking out during sex happen to you often?” he asks, standing and removing the condom.

  “Well, it’s not often that I’m having sex. Mercy is a small town and all.” I smile lazily running my hand across my stomach.

  Luke disappears out of my bedroom bare ass naked. I admire the globes of his tanned ass. They’re perfectly shaped peaches as he struts out of the room towards my bathroom. He returns later with a washcloth, leans down on the bed, and opens my legs. He places the warm cloth against my sex, and I hum in appreciation.

  No man has even taken the time for after care with me before. It’s usually a situation of you got yours, albeit sometimes, and I got mine. Then we’re going to roll over and fall asleep. I haven’t had many long-term relationships, and the few that I have been in, the both of us got so comfortable that we were eventually in charge of our own orgasms.

  “Well, being a doctor and all - I want to tell you that it’s likely not a good thing that you blacked out during sex. But being a man, I can’t help but to feel like I did something right.”

  “Oh, you did something right for sure.” I nod happily.

  He sure as hell did.

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  I’m adequately fucked.

  As in, my body is sore in all the right places, and my skin tingles from all the contact.

  Luke is an extremely attentive lover, and I am quite appreciative for the false heart attack for which I was air lifted to Hollybrooke, although I’m sure my insurance will sky rocket from it.

  It was worth it.

  If my repayment was for orgasms, I think that I would be set for life.

  I should refocus and think that the repayment is whatever this is kindling with Luke.

  We’ve laid in bed discussing what we want, and we both determined that we want to see more of one another. We worked out a loose back and forth arrangement to see each other as time and schedules allow with my schedule being more on the side of loose.

  We also had more sex than I’ve likely had in the past year, and I’m not complaining about that, and neither is Luke.

  Finally, we emerge from what I will now refer to as the sex den to eat something, however once I open my fridge, I am slightly embarrassed with how bare it is. Luke stands behind me against the counter with his phone in his hand. He is wearing his low hanging sweat shorts, no shirt or socks, with his hair disheveled, and looking every bit of hot as sin standing in my kitchen.

  I lick my lips and shake my head.

  Focus, Rhiannon. You need food. Sustenance. Then more of the sexy times. Focus!

  “So, I maybe have three items in my fridge, and none of those three can make food that would make any semblance of a meal. Or delicious.”

  Luke puts his phone on the counter and comes to look at the lack of contents in my fridge.

  “Well, we have two options.” He crosses his arms coming to stand to his full height.

  “Oh yeah?” I mimic his stance.

  “We can either go shopping and grab food to cook. Or we go somewhere and eat.”

  “You can cook?” I drop my hands.

  “I can. I’m not great, but I can manage to feed myself in between my shifts.” He nods.

  “I think number two would be the better option. It would be quicker and less of a mess to clean up.” I smile.

  “But what if I want to get you dirty?” He wraps an arm around my waist and pulls me close to him.

  I put my hand on his chest and playfully push him away.

  “As much as I like getting sexed up by you, we need to eat. Food is important as it helps your body with energy, nutrition, and sex fuel.”

  “Sex fuel?” The ends of his lips curl up.

  “Yes, sex fuel. So, go put on some clothes. I’m going to make sure you eat the best burger in town. Wait, you do eat meat right? You’re not one of those veggie eaters?”

nods then retreats back to my sex den with me following behind him.

  We’re walking through the front door of The Neighborhood, and I look around to see who’s on shift. I see Deb taking an order in the back of the bar, and Miles is tending to the bar. While I get along with everyone I work with, Miles is one of my favorite people in the world. Like me, he takes care of his mom, and for that alone, we’ve been able to relate.

  I grab Luke’s hand, and we walk to the bar. I plop my bag on top loudly to get Miles’s attention, and it works. He smiles while wiping his hands, and he walks over to us. He tosses two coasters in front of us and leans toward Luke.

  “Doc, I hope that this isn’t a business-related trip?” he asks.

  Luke shakes his head and puts our joined hands on top of the bar.

  “Not at all.”

  “Good. So, what can I get you guys?” Miles asks.

  “Can you put in an order for two Big Guys with Percy?” I ask.

  “What’s a Big Guy? Is this some strange code for a pounding? Am I getting my ass kicked?” Luke jests.

  “A Big Guy is a burger. Don’t worry, if you keep treating me right, the only pounding that will be done is in the sex den.” I pat his chest.

  “Do I really want to know?” Miles asks.

  “Likely not.” I shake my head.

  We take our seats at a corner booth along the back wall of the bar, and immediately, Luke speaks up.

  “Sex den?”

  “I’ve deemed my bedroom the sex den after everything that we’ve been doing for the several hours,” I say nonchalantly.

  “Are you real?” he asks.

  “As real as they come.” I nod.

  “So, this is where you work?” he asks looking around the space. “It’s a nice place, not gross and grimy, more on the classy side of establishments.”

  “I’m here at least four days a week, sometimes long shifts, but it’s the best spot in town. Not what one would expect from a small town, I’m sure.”

  “I wouldn’t say that. Most small towns have the best spots. I notice that Mercy doesn’t have any sort of medical facilities.”

  “We have the fire station, which has a medic. But yeah, otherwise, it’s a forty minute drive to Hollybrooke.” I shrug indifferently.

  “Do you ever need to go to the doctor?” he asks.

  “Not really, but I can’t speak for everyone.”

  “How many people live here?” He asks.

  “Enough. I’m sure there’s some need. What, are you going to open up a practice here? Ha!” I laugh. That would be ridiculous; we just met. Sure, we have had spectacular black out orgasm inducing sex, but we just met.

  When he does not answer, I do not think anything of it. At least not right now.

  Chapter Thirty

  It’s my weekend to go to Hollybrooke and visit Luke. We’ve been dating for two months and everything has been great. We haven’t yet put titles on our relationship, but I feel positive about the direction that it’s going. We talk daily, text often, and see each other at least weekly switching off on who travels to whom.

  Until now.

  I’m sitting on the side of the road just outside Mercy, waiting for a tow back to town. Something underneath the hood of my car is smoking, and my car just finally stopped whining.

  Yes. It was whining. Or maybe it was the horn?

  I tried calling Luke to let him know about my car problems, but I know he’s working at the clinic today for at least another hour, so I left him a voicemail instead.

  We were supposed to meet at the clinic and then head to dinner, but now I’m coming to the realization that I will probably not get to see him on my two days off this week and that’s bumming me out. Luke has shifts in the mornings for the next few days, so he wouldn’t be able to visit me - and for his days off this week, he had covered for another doctor in the emergency room.

  I’m coming to the realization that dating a work-a-holic doctor is tough. I don’t just expect him to drop everything, especially stuff within a career that he worked so hard for, to come and hang out with me.

  This is the first hiccup that we’ve had in our relationship so far, so I just need to go with the flow. I’ll get my car fixed, and then next week Luke and I can resume our time together.

  I see a truck a few hundred feet away and get out of my car hoping that it’s the tow. When I see the wild red hair behind the wheel as she passes to park the truck in front of my car, I smile.

  She hops down from the large truck and wipes her hands down the front of her overalls. Delia Mankin is the wife of Darshaun, our town mechanic, and one hell of a spitfire. She and I went to high school together, and if she’s still as wild as she was then, I’m sure in for a fun ride back to Mercy.

  “Well, well, well. If we don’t have Mercy’s one and only Rhiannon here. How you doing, girl? What brings you to the outskirts of town, trying to make a run for it?” she jokes, smacking her gum.

  “Was planning to visit Hollybrooke, but it looks like car issues have taken that plan out of action,” I say with sadness.

  “Business or pleasure?” She asks grabbing the tow chain from the back of her truck.

  “Pleasure.” I smile.

  Delia winks at me.

  “Well, let’s look under this here hood. Mind poppin’ it?” she asks.

  I do as asked and once the hood is pulled up, billows of smoke come up as if they were just waiting to be released. Delia whistles.

  “Well darlin’, it’s the radiator. You need a new one and probably a shit ton of other things. When was the last time you got a new battery or any sorta maintenance?” she asks, looking around the hood at me.

  I’m almost too embarrassed to say, but I answer her honestly, because you want to be honest to three people that you come across in life: dentists, doctors, and mechanics.

  She hooks up my car to the truck, and I jump up into the cab of hers for our trek back to Mercy. By the time I’ve finished with all the paperwork for the shop, I notice that I have a missed call and two text messages, all from Luke.

  I wait until I’m walking to view and reply to them.

  Luke: Damn. I wish that I had a teleporter

  Luke: Call me when you can, I’m worried about you.

  I return his call. We both are bummed about the situation, and I just wish that we lived close enough to one another to have easier access. But I can’t move to Hollybrooke; I need to take care of my mother. And he’s got his job at the hospital and clinic. It would be asking too much for him to move here; that daily commute wouldn’t be good, plus it’s too early in the relationship to makes those kinds of decisions. I keep my mood positive during our conversation despite the amount of bummed out that I am, and we hang up with a plan to FaceTime later tonight to make up for the lack of time together.

  The walk to my house is quick, and I check in on my mom before heading over to the front of the house. I tap on the front door before opening it to find my mother sitting naked in her recliner chair. She’s got a dazed look on her face and vomit down the front of her chest. Her hair is knotted in a bun on top of her head, and she’s absently staring at the glowing television in front of her with a bottle of vodka between her legs.

  “Mom!” I yell, slamming the door, then immediately opening it to get some fresh air in; damned if anyone from the street looking in sees her in her current state.

  She doesn’t look up from the television until I’m standing directly in front blocking her way. Only then do her glassy eyes look up at me.

  “What do you want, girl?” she slurs.

  “You need to start taking care of yourself; I won’t always be here to do this for you. Get up!” I say sternly.

  “I don’t need you,” she sneers.

  “Well, that’s a lie, because I’m guessing this is day old puke on account for how flaky it is. Do you not even realize that you’re throwing up?”

  “Go away.” She tries to push me away.

  “Just quit squirmin
g, we need to get you into the shower,” I say, trying to get my arms underneath her, but she won’t stop wiggling.

  I give up! I think to myself and then shake my head. No, I really do!

  “I give up! This has been a shitty day, and if my damn car was working, I wouldn’t even be here. Figure it out for yourself. And…and I’m going to need you to move out!” I say out of anger and storm out the front door.

  Chapter Thirty-One

  Despite the car issues from yesterday and the one sided fight with my mom, I’m making the best out of my days off from work and away from Luke. I did some self-care, which I have been slacking on, and after pampering myself all morning, I feel like a new person.

  I’m getting ready to head over to the mechanic when a knock interrupts my thoughts and confuses me.

  Who would be knocking on my door at nine in the morning?

  I look out the peephole and my mouth goes dry.

  What is he doing here?

  I open the door wide. “Hi,” I breathe out.

  “Hi,” Luke returns.

  “I thought you had morning clinic?”

  “I did, but I switched with the doctor who I did a favor for, and here I am. I have to go back tonight though. But I just really wanted to see you in person and didn’t want another week to go by without,” he explains. “Can I come in?” He motions.

  “Shit, I’m sorry. Duh.” I move aside, and he starts in, stops, and kisses me on the cheek then moves past me.

  “So, where is your car and what’s wrong with it?” he asks.

  “I was actually just about to head over to the auto shop to find all that out. Yesterday, Darshaun ran a bunch of tests and said to stop by in the morning for the run down.”

  “Is that normal?”


  “Wouldn’t he have just told you over the phone?” he asks.

  “He could have, but this is Mercy. We do the face-to-face a lot here. Why talk on the phone if you can walk the block or two to see the person you want to talk to?” I ask with a tilt of my head.


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