The Alpha Takes a Mate

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The Alpha Takes a Mate Page 7

by Sam Crescent

“No, I can’t accept that.” Tears shone in her eyes. “You killed a human person, Brandon. All he did was slap my ass.”

  Pulling her from the bed Brandon held her close. “Not only did he think he could lay his hand on you, but he used another pregnant mate as a shield. This is my world, baby. I don’t let any bastard touch you.”

  “You’re touching me, and you gave me to Lewis and to Darcy.”

  “They’re my men, and they know not to touch you. The only man who’ll be touching you now and in the future is me.”

  She glared at him, still not meeting his eyes. He couldn’t handle her not looking at him. Anything else but not giving him her eyes, insulted him.

  “Glare at me all you want. Your ass, tits, cunt, and mind are fucking mine.”

  “You’re a pig.”

  “Sticks and stones, baby.” He turned her around and forced her to bend forward. She yelped as he pulled the bottom of her uniform up to her waist. He saw the virginal cotton panties she wore and thrust them down to her thighs. His cock thickened at the sight before him. Her cunt was creaming. The scent of her pussy filled the air. Licking his lips, Brandon ran a hand over her ass, loving the feel of her soft skin against his palm. There was so much more he wanted to do to her. Touching her ass was so innocent in comparison to what he actually wished to give her. She wasn’t ready for his cock, and he wasn’t ready for her claiming.

  With the other species arriving he needed to have his mind focussed on the game and not on his woman.

  She moaned as he ran his hand over her ass cheek.

  “Where did he hit?” Brandon asked.

  “The other cheek,” she said. He stroked her ass, moving his fingers across to her other. “No, I meant the other.”

  Smiling, Brandon caressed both ass cheeks. “There is no mark on this beautiful ass, but I know what you need, baby.”

  Without waiting for an answer, he cupped her pussy in his palms. She cried out but ground her pelvis against his hand. His poor mate was desperate for release. Slipping his middle finger between her silken folds, Brandon felt her wetness. The vanilla scent grew stronger making his mouth water for a taste of her.

  “What are you doing to me?” she asked.

  “I’m giving you pleasure. Open for me, Elle. I’ll make you feel good.”

  She nodded her head, opening her thighs. He added a second finger between her folds, massaging her clit. She cried out, then moaned. Her hips shook against his touch.

  “Give it to me, baby. Give me those screams.”

  “It feels so good.”

  Flipping her onto her back, Brandon tore the dress from her body. Her eyes were glazed as she stared back at him. He held her gaze for as long as she let him. Within seconds she stared at his chest then down. His cock was hard pressing against his jeans.

  “Show me,” she said.

  Their connection was growing. He was feeling her mind opening up to him. The woman beneath him was nervous but turned on. If she let him, all the walls between them would break down and he’d never have to worry about her safety again.


  Elle didn’t know what to do. One moment she was angry at him, annoyed with him for hurting someone because of her, and in the next she wanted him naked. His chest grabbed her attention. The tattoos along his back and up his arms stood out in and appeared to be alive.

  She wanted to see his cock. The thick shaft pressed against his jeans tempted her to let loose. His fingers felt so good on her body.

  Closing her eyes, she tried to fight the pull of him, but he wasn’t having any of it.

  “No, you look at me,” he said. “You don’t have to look at my eyes, but you have to look at me.”

  He opened the top button of his jeans. His cock became visible as he peeled away the layers of clothing. She gasped as the thick mushroomed head stood out in front of him. Brandon was long, thick, and totally erect. This was the first cock, apart from in books, she’d seen.

  His jeans disappeared as he joined her on the bed. Staring down her body she was aware how not perfect she was. Brandon looked like he’d stepped out of a woman’s wet dream. What did he really think of her?

  She tried to cover her body with her hands. He took both her hands in one of his. “No, you’re not hiding away from me,” he said.

  He pinned her hands above her head, stopping her from moving. “I’m taking that kiss now, baby,” he said.

  Nodding her head, she waited for his lips on hers.

  Don’t look at him.

  Why not?

  I don’t know. I can’t look at him. I’m not allowed to look at him.

  Before she got chance to analyse the words, Brandon’s lips were on hers. Elle lost all sense of thought when his lips touched hers. He was a dream with his mouth.

  His tongue licked her lips. She opened to him. Brandon delved in, caressing her tongue and mouth. He made love to her mouth. Was this what he intended to do with her body? Did he want to love her pussy like he was loving her mouth?

  One of his hands held both of hers captive while his other explored her body. He broke the kiss, staring into her eyes. She fought the urge to look away and lost. He sighed but didn’t stop the magic he was creating with his touch.

  “When you’re in my company I never want you to cover up. I love your body.”

  His words struck her hard.

  “Why?” she asked, desperate to look him in the eye.

  “Because you’re all woman. You’ve got large tits.”

  She winced at the word. Brandon continued on regardless of her reaction. “Your tits are large, and I love the way you look in tight dresses with them heaving over the top. I can’t wait to have them swinging over me as I fuck you hard.”

  Against her better judgement, his words turned her on. Her pussy creamed at the image he gave her. She saw herself straddling his hips. The picture of his thick cock thrusting inside her as she pushed down on him, invaded her mind.

  “You can picture us together, can’t you?”

  She jerked her head unable to say the words out loud.

  “That’s okay, baby. It won’t be long until I have you cussing and telling me what you want to do to me. First, I’m going to kiss you a little longer.”

  His lips were on hers as his fingers stroked her nipples. She gasped, opening her mouth. Brandon took full advantage, plunging his tongue inside. His cock throbbed against her leg. She moaned, opening her thighs wider.

  She’d been close to orgasm before he stopped. What was it about the man above her? She’d never desired another man.

  Brandon’s not entirely human.

  “I’m going to let your hands go. Don’t fight me,” he said.

  His hold released. Her hands were free. Both his hands were on her body, sinking into her hair or moving down to stroke her breasts.

  Why aren’t you attacking him?

  You don’t want this.

  I do. I want him. I need him.

  He’s yours.

  Brandon, the alpha of the Northern Forest pack is your mate.

  She tightened her fists, unsure what to do.

  “I’m your mate, Elle. Touch me. I’m all yours.”

  His words were whispered against her ear as he kissed her neck.

  Stop fighting.

  Growling in frustration she sank her fingers into his hair and held on. He gazed up her body. She’d fought one battle, but she couldn’t handle the staring. Her gaze turned away.

  “Soon,” he said. “Soon I’ll be the only person you can stand to look at.”

  I want that more than you know.

  Tugging on his hair, she pulled him close. His mouth was inches from her own.

  “That’s it, baby. Take what you want.”

  Leaning up, she pressed her lips against his. He gave up to her willingly. Brandon was a million times stronger than she’d ever be. There was no way she’d ever overpower him. He held all the power, but he was giving her this. She took what he gave wishing there was more c

  “I’m all yours,” he said.

  His words helped to calm her rioting nerves inside.

  Fingers sank into her hair, pulling on the strands. Brandon pulled her into his lap. They were both naked on the bed.

  How did that happen?

  She wrapped her legs around his waist.

  “Nothing is going to happen that you don’t want it to,” Brandon said. “You’re safe with me.”

  Elle didn’t know why, but she trusted his word. He tugged on her hair, pulling her head back. Her neck was exposed, and he went in. She felt his lips sucking on the flesh of her neck.

  She fidgeted on his lap trying to get some contact to her pussy. Why was he making her wait? Elle was more than ready for the taking.

  Are you really?

  Chapter Eleven

  Elle’s wet naked pussy was rubbing against his cock. It took every ounce of will-power not to push her to her back and fuck her hard.

  Be a good boy, Brandon.

  He really didn’t want to be good. Being bad would be so much more fun than being good.

  Tugging on her hair he exposed the delicate flesh of her neck. Her scent surrounded him.

  I want him.

  Brandon paused as her voice entered his head. Pulling back he stared into her face. She held her gaze from him. He wasn’t in the mood to argue. The only plans he had for the rest of the night was to wipe the sounds of the human’s screams from his mind. The human hadn’t given him a choice. Once the human pushed his beast was released, and then his choices were taken from him. Their secret was imperative. Every species from vampire to witch agreed to hold their secret. The humans who knew about them were kept in places like Grace Hill or were loved ones. If any human ever posed a threat, the rule was they had to be taken out regardless of the consequences.

  He’s done his job.

  When no more sound came through his mind, Brandon went back to kissing her neck. Her pulse pounded against his lips inviting him in. He licked the pulse feeling it pick up beats. The scent of her arousal was addictive. If he got his way he’d have her in a constant state of arousal.

  “More,” she said, moaning.

  Letting go of her hair, he ran his hands over her breasts. Brandon lifted their weight in his palms. Licking the tips of her nipples, he gave each bud his attention. He tongued the hard peaks until they were rock hard.

  She whimpered, cried out, and ground herself on him more.

  Her fingers pulled on the hair at the nape of his neck. When she wasn’t satisfied with that hair, she moved onto the next hair.

  He growled as her free hand went between them. She fisted his cock, pumping the length.

  Brandon released her body, tightening his hold in the sheets.

  “What’s the matter?” she asked.

  Her touches were innocent.

  Wrapping his fingers around hers and slowed down her movements. “If you’re going to do it, then do it properly.”

  She stared between them. The tip of his cock leaked pre-cum. She ran a finger through the cream and rubbed the natural lubricant along his cock.

  “That’s right, do it slowly to start with.”

  Her actions slowed to his pace. Elle’s gaze never moved away from his cock.

  “You’re so hot,” she said. “Are you supposed to be this hot?”

  “I’ve never got my cock out or asked another guy if having a hot cock is normal. I don’t see how a hot cock can enter a conversation.” He teased her.

  Tucking hair behind her ear he relished her chuckles at his joke. His cock was rock hard. His will-power wasn’t going to last much longer with her sinful touch. He was close to losing it already.

  Taking some of his pre-cum onto his finger he pressed the digit to her lips. She opened licking his cum off his finger. His cock thickened. The sight of her licking his finger was deeply erotic.

  “I’ve just done something dirty, haven’t I?” she asked.

  “Don’t worry. Your dirty little secret is between you and me.”

  She laughed, pumping his shaft.

  When he couldn’t stand her touch any longer, Brandon pushed her to the bed. He locked her hands around the head of the bed with the Velcro straps he kept around the posts.

  “What are you doing?” she asked. Fear entered her voice.

  “I’m going to make you feel good. Trust me, Elle. You’re my everything. You don’t need to be frightened. I’ll take care of everything.” He pressed a kiss to her lips.

  She relaxed at his words. He started at her heart-shaped lips and moved down her body to the tops of her breasts.

  Sucking each bud into his mouth, Brandon worked his way down her body. He dipped his tongue into her belly button making her giggle.

  Her legs opened as he went between her thighs. Opening her pussy with his fingers, Brandon took the time to look at her cunt. Her clit was swollen and peeking up at him. His mouth watered as her scent grew thicker.

  Her breaths came out in small pants.

  Using his fingers, he moved them up and down her pussy. She cried out. The sounds she made echoed around the room, filling him with pride. His mate was experiencing pleasure at his hand. He’d give everything to hear nothing but her pleasured screams.

  “That’s it, baby. Give me everything. Let me hear it all. You’re mine,” he said.

  She gave him everything. Her legs opened wide accepting him. When he could no longer touch or look, Brandon used his tongue. The first touch of his tongue on her wet slit had her crying out.

  Elle tried to pull away from his tongue, but Brandon held onto her. He was going to give her this.

  Her taste exploded on his tongue.

  No words described her taste. He was drowning in her essence. She was turned on, and he relished every drop she gave him. Swirling his tongue around her clit, he moved down to her cunt before going back to her nub. He drew out her pleasure.

  Wetting his fingers, he drew the moisture back to her anus. He was going to fuck every part of her. Anyone who got near her would scent him around her. His scent was another barrier of protection. Only an idiot would take a mated woman.

  She’s mine. No one is taking her away from me. My mate. My woman. My life.


  His tongue needed to come with a warning. There was no way she’d be able to survive being on the receiving end of his desires. They’d been in the room together an hour, if that, and he’d nearly exhausted her.

  Brandon wasn’t going to let her go until she came apart begging for him to leave her alone. Could she leave him alone?

  Something was happening between them. She didn’t understand what was happening, and not knowing frightened her.

  You trust him. How could you trust someone you don’t know?

  The questions only served to confuse her. Her lack of understanding or general caring, upset her.

  Don’t think. Feel what he’s doing to you.

  His tongue worked its magic as he touched her clit. The moment his tongue caressed her nub she was panting to keep sane. No coherent thought was possible as he attacked her clit.

  “That’s it. Come for me, baby,” he said.

  After he said those words his mouth never left her pussy. His teeth nibbled on her nub.

  The tight coil of release built inside her. She was powerless to stop the orgasm consuming her. The knot tightened until finally she screamed her release. A rush of euphoria washed over her. Elle held onto the straps of the bonds around her wrists while Brandon held her in place with his hands and mouth.

  He kept licking her even after she’d come. His constant licking sent her over the edge into another orgasm.

  When her second climax finished, he eased away from her pussy. His fingers stroked her leg.

  “You liked that, baby,” he said.

  “I know I did.”

  Brandon got to his knees on the bed. She saw his large cock pulsing against her leg. “What about you?” she asked.

  “What about m

  “I’m not stupid, Brandon. You should have your release.” She pointed at his cock.

  “I’ll find my release in the shower.”

  Elle shook her head. No, he couldn’t find his release there. She deserved to see him lose himself in at least one climax. “You don’t want to share this with me?” she asked.

  She was unprepared for the hurt inside her chest at his words.

  You didn’t want to be mated, and now you’re upset because he won’t share his release with you.

  I need to see it.

  “Please don’t go to the bathroom. I want to see you come. Let me see it.”

  He remained silent but released her hands from the bonds.

  “You’ve seen me lose control three times now. Let me catch up,” she said.

  She didn’t know why it was important to her to watch him come, but it was.

  Reaching between them she stroked his shaft. In response he groaned thrusting his hips against her hand.

  “Please, Brandon, let me see you come apart.”

  He batted her hand away without any words spoken. She lay back as he knelt between her legs. Elle watched as his hand surrounded his cock. He worked the length in his palm in a tunnelling action. The tip glistened in the light.

  She couldn’t believe she was doing this, lying on Brandon’s bed watching him masturbate to release.

  What will you do next?

  No answer came to her, but excitement filled her at the possibilities. Licking her lips, she chanced a glance at his eyes.

  “What are you thinking?” she asked, averting her eyes when she couldn’t stand it anymore.

  “I’m thinking about your mouth wrapped around my dick.”

  “Tell me,” she said.

  “You’re not going to run away screaming?”

  She shook her head. She was far too curious to run away screaming. Brandon gave her something in the passion he was sharing with her. She didn’t completely understand it, but then she didn’t need to understand feelings.

  “Tell me,” she said. Feeling bold she pressed a finger between her slit touching herself in the same way Brandon had.

  His gaze dropped to her hand. He picked up speed, fucking his fist harder.

  “I’m thinking about coming back home after a run in the forest and imagining you waiting for me. You’re naked on the floor, and your mouth opens. You want my cock in your mouth.”


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