The Alpha Takes a Mate

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The Alpha Takes a Mate Page 8

by Sam Crescent

  She moaned, closing her eyes and listening to his words.

  “You take me in your mouth wetting me with your saliva, coating me. After you’ve worked my shaft, getting me all wet, you take me to the back of your throat.”

  He talked about her sucking his cock until she swallowed his release. As Brandon spoke of her swallowing his seed, she gulped down the saliva in her mouth instinctively. He gasped, and the first wave of his seed hit her stomach.

  Opening her eyes, she watched as his cum spurted onto her stomach. The thick white blobs fell on her belly. When he finished, he went back on his knees staring at her. His body was covered in sweat. It was still daylight.

  “You’re not running away screaming,” he said.

  “I wanted this, Brandon.”

  “I want more.”

  “I know.” She couldn’t think with him this close.

  He climbed off the bed. “Stay here. I’ll get a cloth.”

  Brandon left her alone in the bedroom. He closed the door behind him. She couldn’t hear anything but her own breathing.

  Lying back on the bed, she stared at the bare ceiling. What was happening to her? Brandon returned seconds later with a damp cloth. He cleaned her stomach. Once he finished cleaning her, he threw the cloth on his pile of clothes before climbing into bed beside her.

  “It’s still daylight,” she said.

  “I’m not a vampire, baby. I’m a wolf.” He pulled her in close. “You look tired. Everything will be waiting for us when we wake up. You’ve had a long day, and you’ve not been sleeping well at night. It’s my responsibility to make sure you’re fine.”

  She settled against him. His cock was rock hard against her ass.

  “Seriously, you can go again?” she asked.

  He chuckled. “Baby, wolves are designed to go for hours. That was a starter to me. Go to sleep, and I’ll hold you while you do.”

  Elle didn’t argue with him. Closing her eyes she let sleep claim her.

  Chapter Twelve

  Brandon left his mate sleeping as he went down to where his friends were waiting. Lewis, Darcy, and Drake were sat around his sitting room drinking his expensive whisky. He got the whiskey imported once a month. Being a werewolf meant a lot of strong alcohol passed through their system with no side effects. The stronger the whiskey the more it took hold and gave him the buzz humans got. He liked the buzz the stronger stuff gave him.

  “Layla’s worried about Elle. She wants to call or visit as soon as she can. I told her she was in good hands. My word wasn’t good enough,” Lewis said.

  Folding his arms over his chest, Brandon looked among all three men. “What’s with the sombre faces?” he asked.

  “Crazy Lizzy turned up along with several witches from her coven,” Darcy said.

  “The strongest?” Brandon asked, taking a seat.

  “Yeah, they’re starting a war with the warlocks, and they don’t want them on this turf while they’re here. Crazy Lizzy is shouting about a breed of species to ruin them all. I don’t know. She never makes any sense. I’m sure the thoughts that come to her are from the books she reads,” Darcy said.

  “Crazy Lizzy scares me, but she’s always been right about everything. Look what happened to Brandon. She foretold of him taking over the pack and us being underneath him,” Drake said.

  “Yeah, but she also foretold of a strong mate for our good leader. Last time I checked a human wasn’t all that strong. If Lori got near Elle, she’d break the human like a twig,” Lewis said.

  Brandon didn’t need the image of his mate breaking.

  She’s only human. No one can protect her. They will kill her easily.

  “Elle is not getting near this. She’s staying away from it,” Brandon said.

  “You can’t face these people without your mate, Brandon. They know you’re mated. They’ll sense your claiming a mile away,” Darcy said, warning him.

  “It doesn’t matter. I’ll hide it.”

  Silence filled the room as his men looked at him.

  “You’re going to use Lori,” Drake said.

  “Everyone knows she’s the strongest of our female pack. She’s been in my bed, and my scent is all over her. None of them will be the wiser. She’ll pose as my mate in front of them. Elle is to be protected. Have you brought me any males willing to take on the task?” he asked.

  “You can’t be serious?” Darcy said, stopping him from moving the conversation along.

  “Serious about what?” Brandon turned his gaze to Darcy.

  “You’re going to cause shit for us doing that. Vamps, witches, warlocks, all of them are not fucking stupid. If you do this, Brandon, it could turn badly on us. They’ll find a reason to get rid of you,” Darcy said.

  “I’m not talking about this. I’m the alpha. You’ll do as you’re told.”

  “Fuck that, you’re breaking the alpha code.” Drake stood. His anger lashed out at Brandon.

  Brandon took the anger but fed his wolf the energy needed to assert his authority. “I’m the alpha. If any of you wish to take my place, tell me, and the pack can be yours.” He looked at all three men in turn. The Northern Forest pack was his. Brandon would fight to the death if he needed to.

  All three men bowed their heads, backing down from the challenge.

  “You’re the best alpha this pack has had. I’m not going to fuck that up by fighting you for it. I’m not the alpha, but I don’t think bringing Lori in to replace Elle is the right decision. You’re talking about your human mate against a tough female wolf,” Lewis said, being the voice of reason for a change.

  “What are you trying to say?” Brandon asked.

  “Lori could make a claim for Elle’s position. It has been known to happen. Elle would never win in a fight. Lori will fight for the seat by your side.”

  He considered Lewis’s warning. “Lori won’t do that. I know her. She’ll be happy to be by my side. That will be enough.”

  “Whatever. I need a drink.” Darcy walked out of the room with Lewis following behind him.

  Only he and Drake remained in the room. “I hope you know what you’re doing, Brandon,” Drake said.

  “I know what I’m doing. I’d never put this pack in danger.”

  Drake nodded then followed the other two men out the door. The weight of their disapproval settled in the pit of his stomach.

  I’m doing the right thing. Elle wouldn’t be any match against the creatures of the Otherworld.

  Brandon downed his glass of whiskey before searching for Lori. He found her on the edge of the forest.

  “I wondered when the human would bore you,” Lori said. She didn’t turn around as she faced the edge of the forest.

  “I’m not here for a fuck.”

  “Pity. I know how much you love to fuck after the full moon. Does Elle know about your passions? Another question, could she even handle what you need?” Lori asked, facing him.

  “I’m not talking about my mate with you.”

  “Yet, you’re here with me and not with her. What’s the matter, she too virginal for your tastes?”

  Brandon snapped. He may have a human mate that he didn’t want, but she was his mate. No one was going to disrespect her in his company. His hand went around Lori’s throat cutting off any laughter.

  “She’s your fucking queen.”

  Lori’s face fell. “I’m sorry, Alpha.”

  He glared down at her until he was satisfied. Letting go of her neck, Brandon stared up at the full moon.

  “The creatures of the Otherworld are arriving in a couple of days. Crazy Lizzy is already here.”

  “What do you need from me?” Lori asked, rubbing her throat.

  “I want you to stand at my side. You’ll pose as my mate for them but nothing else. You have no prior claim or any shit, do you understand?” Brandon asked.

  “Yes … Alpha.”

  “Good.” Brandon left her at the edge of the forest. He went back to his room. Elle was fast asleep in his bed.
Curling against her, Brandon wrapped his arms around her body and let sleep claim him once again.


  “Why have you brought me here?” Elle asked, folding her arms. She squealed as a frog hopped past her. They were deep in the forest. For the past two days Brandon had done nothing but take her on expeditions or exploring the surrounding forests of Grace Hill.

  “I thought you’d like to get out of the town. Working in the diner isn’t the most thrilling job,” he said. She watched as he ran his fingers in the river they’d found. Standing on the rocks she took the time to look around. The thick green forest surrounded her. The rushing water filled the silence when their conversation became stilted.

  “It’s still a job, and feeding the pack is a joy. You guys certainly know how to eat.”

  He walked toward her. Since the night he’d brought her to orgasm with his tongue, Brandon had become quite attentive of her. She didn’t mind his attention, but she started to think his sudden interest in her was down to something else. The whole pack was on alert. She’d also noticed Lori’s gloating look when she passed the other woman.

  What was going on to have the whole pack like this?

  “My woman, the feeder,” he said, wrapping his arms around her waist.

  “What’s going on?” she asked, chancing a look in his eyes. The piercing blackness scared her. She looked away. His sigh came next. For the past couple of days they’d been like this.

  “You know I’m going to have your gaze on mine soon,” he said. “I’m not fighting you because I know it has something to do up here.” He pointed against her temple. “You’re mine, Elle. I’m not letting this go.”

  “I know.” She didn’t understand why she couldn’t look at him. The fact she couldn’t look at him for any length of time bothered her.

  What kind of mate was she when she could share his bed, explore his body, but not look him in the eye?

  Talking with Layla was out of the question, and she’d never ask her parents something so personal.

  You’re alone in this. Always alone.

  They shared a bed at night. Brandon refused to let her go back to her home. Slowly, the pack brought her stuff to his home. They gave her weird looks as they each brought an item to her. She didn’t understand what was happening.

  “You’ve successfully evaded my question, Brandon. What’s going on?”

  “Nothing,” he said, cupping her cheeks. He dropped his lips against hers. She instantly flooded with warmth at his touch. “There is nothing going on. I can smell your pussy. You want me, don’t you, baby?”

  She whimpered as he claimed her lips once again. Her nipples hardened. They hadn’t done anything more than touch. She’d explored his body with her hands, stroking his cock until he reached climax. Brandon’s body was beautiful. His tats captivated her, as did his muscles. She loved watching him flex and move. He had a tight ass as well.

  “I could fuck you here,” he said.

  “Why don’t you?” she asked, then gasped. Elle covered her mouth with her hand.

  Brandon chuckled. “You’re not ready. I’ll know when you’re ready.”

  “How will you know when I’m ready?”

  “Baby, I’m a man. They’ll be no stopping you. You’ll be like an aggressive beast, hungry for my hot body.”

  She slapped his naked chest. Elle noticed over the past couple of days that most of the pack men went around without a shirt. Most of the females wore bikini tops. She’d asked Daisy about it, and apparently their bodies ran hotter than humans. Not only did they run hotter, but when other Otherworld creatures were close by, their temperature spiked because of the need to change. It was like a defence mechanism in them.

  “Are other people here?” she asked, breaking from the kiss. Her father was the one organising the event. She recalled him talking about it a few months ago.

  “Some are here. Not everyone,” Brandon said, letting out a sigh.

  “Do you need me for this? I understand if you do. I’ll be by your side, helping you.” He pressed a palm against her mouth.

  “No, I don’t need you there. This is pack stuff.”

  And she wasn’t a pack member.

  You’re a mate. A human mate.

  What did it mean? Was she good enough to fuck but not have at his side? She didn’t understand what was going on.

  She knew who’d have the answer. Glancing down at her watch she let out a sigh. “I need to get to work.”

  “Okay, hop back on. I’ll have you at the diner in no time.”

  Elle moved closer to him. Brandon caught her chin. “Look at me.” She glanced in his eyes then turned away. “I’m keeping you safe. You know that, right?”

  She nodded. “I’m getting that. I don’t get this mating stuff, but I get that.”

  He helped her on his back, and then they were walking through the forest. Brandon walked a lot faster than she did. He got through the thick forest without falling down.

  Holding onto his body, Elle rested her head on his back. She was getting attached to him. Every second they spent together the bond between them was growing. She even started to feel his presence. When she was working at the diner, she’d get a tingling along her arms. Turning around she’d watch Brandon enter the diner.

  Did he sense her presence?

  Even as their connection was growing she still struggled to talk to him. Not being able to look him in the eye didn’t help. She spent more time avoiding his gaze than not.

  Once they got to the edge of the forest he put her down. She pushed her uniform dress down her thighs.

  He escorted her around to the front entrance.

  “I’ll pick you up tonight. I’ve got some plans.”

  She smiled, kissed him back, then watched as he met with Lori. The other woman stood waiting for him a few buildings down.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Brandon joined Lori, and together they moved in the direction of the house in the far forest. Over the last few days several witches and warlocks had turned up, along with two other wolf alphas and the leader of the bears next to his.

  Drake, Darcy, and Lewis stood outside the house as yelling came from inside.

  He was thankful the woman at his side remained quiet on the walk up.

  “What’s going on?” he asked.

  All three men turned to him. They glared at Lori before turning back to him.

  “They’re getting pissed with being trapped in the house. We’re waiting for several more bear leaders along with vamps to turn up. Crazy Lizzy almost burnt the place down to the ground earlier,” Drake said.

  “What? Why?” Brandon headed towards the front door.

  “She was setting fire to towels. The flame caught the curtain, and instead of putting it out, she watched the pretty colours. Her words not mine,” Drake said, holding his hands up in surrender.

  “Where’s Elle?” Darcy asked, glaring at Lori.

  The woman at his side put a hand at his hip. His scent surrounded her. He hated touching the other woman, but the Otherworld creatures needed to be convinced he’d mated. The news had travelled fast about his mating. He didn’t know how but could only put it down to soothsayers or the witches with powers to see into the future.

  “She’s at the diner. Do not say her name,” Brandon said.

  “Don’t worry, Darcy. I’ll make them believe I’m really his.” Lori ran her hand down his shirt front. Brandon caught her hand.

  “No, don’t touch me.” He touched her, but none of his touches were intimate. Their touches were necessary in order to protect Elle. Since he’d found her, he couldn’t bring himself to look at another woman.

  “I still think this is a fucked up plan,” Lewis said, throwing his cigarette into the dirt.

  “Doesn’t matter what you think. We’re going through with this.” Brandon started forward and was stopped as Crazy Lizzy growled at him. Her eyes were glazed over.

  “I didn’t ask for this. How dare you pick her? I told y
ou I’d do everything you wanted. It should have been me.”

  Her voice was loud, screeching almost. Crazy Lizzy attacked him, slashing his face. Brandon roared as she made to attack him once again. Drake and Lewis grabbed her. The instant their hands touched her, the trance she was under stopped. She stared down at the hands that grabbed her.

  “Seriously, doggies, I can make my way into the house.” She brushed their hands aside and smiled at Brandon. “You’ve got a nasty gash, Wolfy. You should get that sorted.” Crazy Lizzy tapped his hand then walked away.

  They all stared after the witch.

  Had she just attacked him, or was he imagining it?

  “Okay, that woman gets weirder by the year,” Drake said.

  She’d been known to have her episodes. Brandon wiped the blood from his cheek. What did she say? Was that a premonition?

  “I’m going to see her.” Brandon charged in the direction she walked. The witch whistled as she moved. Didn’t she know how dangerous her actions were?

  She’s crazy.

  “Cr … erm … Lizzy, what was that all about?” he asked.

  The witch bent down to pick up a dandelion. She turned to him. Her green eyes stared back at him.

  “What?” she asked, twirling the weed in front of her.

  “You just said something back there and scratched my face,” he said, pointing at his torn cheek.

  “Shoot, I really should cut my nails back. Thank you for reminding me,” she said, moving away.

  “Lizzy, will you stop?”

  She stopped with her hands in the air. Her mouth open as she went to take another breath.

  Getting annoyed, Brandon grabbed her arms. “Stop messing with me. You sounded distraught when you spoke.”

  Lizzy blinked and sighed. “I’m over two thousand years old, Brandon. I can’t remember everything I’ve said today, let alone next century or the century just gone. We’re in the twenty-second century after all.”

  He frowned. “No we’re not. We’re in the twenty-first century.”

  “Really? Then I’m seriously ahead of schedule.” She froze, blinked, and looked at him. Her change of moods was a challenge to keep up with. “What I said was a warning, Brandon. The decision you’ve made is not a good one. You’re going to lose everything if you’re not careful. Be warned, evil lurks everywhere, and they want to tear you apart.”


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