Fighting for Julia [Panther Cove 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Fighting for Julia [Panther Cove 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 2

by Melody Snow Monroe

  Jen twisted around and gave him a kiss. The tenderness sent a need deep inside Julia. She’d waited a long time to find someone to love her like that.

  “I’d be happy to.”

  The party was winding down, and yet Breckenridge and Davenport were still here, which kept her off-balance. She wished they would go. Jeremiah had fetched them several cups of coffee, almost as if they knew she didn’t want to be near them.

  Mario nudged her. “Why don’t you take a break? I bet your feet are killing you.”

  Every time she waitressed, she stood for hours at a time. Her feet weren’t the problem. It was her pussy that kept imagining all sorts of wonderful things these men could do to her that was making it hard to stand there. Too bad she’d never give them a chance to try out any of it.

  “I’m fine.” No she wasn’t, but she’d never admit it.

  For the next half hour, she couldn’t help but glance at the intriguing men. While they’d come in with two others, who she later learned also worked security at The Cove, it was the Sang brothers who fascinated her. She figured looking at eye candy wouldn’t do any harm. It was actually dating them that could cause a problem.

  * * * *

  Near the end of the party, Daven rushed behind Breck as he left the store. “Wait. Why are we leaving?”

  His brother jumped in the front seat of the car, and Daven followed suit fearing Breck would leave without him.

  “You saw her. She was taking a break and walking toward us.”

  Now his normally rational older brother was losing his mind. “Wasn’t that the point of hanging out for hours? To see if we could interest her?” Sometimes his brother lacked common sense.

  Breck stopped at the corner of Willow and MacLeash Boulevard and leaned back in the car seat. Though no one was on the road, he didn’t pull out. “We need to play hard to get.”

  “Seriously? That’s your plan?”

  He finally adjusted his cock that was pressing against his fly. He never remembered being rigid for this long. Having a mate was already distracting them from their job. Christ. He’d barely been able to keep up with some of the conversations this afternoon. All he could think about was sinking his dick in to Julia’s sweet ass.

  “Yeah. The most important thing is not to tell her she’s our mate. That’ll make her run.”

  He agreed with that assessment. “It’s no secret we’re part of the new security at the Cove.”

  “True, but from the way she was looking at us, she’s hot for us.”

  That didn’t settle well with him. “I don’t like deception.”

  Finally, his brother made a right and headed back to their place. “It’s not deception. We’re just not telling her we’re her mate. Look, a girl’s got to know that we want her for who she is, not because some internal clock has clicked and has let us know she’s the one for us.”

  “That’s not how the mate thing works.” He’d heard that when the woman who matched a shifter’s ideals came within a certain distance, one’s body activated his inner panther.

  “It doesn’t matter. Fact is, she’s the one we’re going to spend the rest of our life with and that’s that.”

  Sometimes, Breck could be so damned stubborn, but if he had a plan, he’d consider going along with it. “When are going to see her again?”

  He turned left on to the road leading up the mountain. “When do you think we should see her?”

  “So I get to have a say-so?”

  “We’re going to share her, aren’t we?”

  “Naturally.” As much as he wanted to turn around, he understood that like any good covert operation, it would take planning. “Let’s find a way to visit her in a few days.”

  Breck grinned. “Now you’re thinking.”

  He rubbed his crotch, hoping his poor cock could last that long. “I think it was Derek who mentioned her parents live at Panther Cove. Maybe if we explain things to them, they’d be willing to help us out.”

  Breck grinned. “I like how you think, little brother. I say, let’s land us a mate.”

  Chapter Two

  Alexandre kept his hand on her back as he escorted Julia to her car. She didn’t need a bodyguard. “I’m fine.”

  “You’ve been distracted tonight. Hell, you’ve been distracted for the last three nights. I don’t need to lose a waitress.”

  She reached her car and clicked the button to open the door. “I’m good. Really.” To be honest, one never knew when someone from The Sword would pop up, wanting to take revenge for some imaginary wrong, but since she wasn’t anyone special, she considered herself safe.

  She pulled open her car door and looked over at him. Alexandre had to be the sweetest boss ever. So why couldn’t she have fallen for him? He was good-looking, an entrepreneur, nice, and a panther shifter. Except for having to break up a fight or two, his job was safe. What more could a girl want? Two men who want to share me.

  “Drive carefully. I’ll see you in three days.”


  Her mom had called and asked if Julia would spend a few days at home since it was her mom’s birthday. Julia could hardly say no. As she headed down the very familiar road, she watched for any animals that decided to cross the road. Since her car was the only one around, she let her mind wander to two men in particular, though why she insisted on tormenting herself she didn’t know.

  Sure, they were easy on the eyes, but there was something about those two that drew her. Was it the easy way they laughed or how they walked around the room introducing themselves to the townsfolk as if being part of something was important to them? Or was it that she hadn’t had sex in so long, her priorities were getting messed up?

  She struggled with the answer but came up blank. Good thing her house appeared as she rounded the bend or she’d still be struggling with the dilemma of having her body want one thing while her mind wanted another. She pulled in to the drive and cut the engine, surveying the dark and rather dreary house.

  Stop feeling sorry for yourself.

  “Suck it up, Julia.”

  She hauled herself in to the house and turned on every light, and the brightness helped cheer her. Before she forgot, she traipsed into her studio that held her paintings. Since she was going to spend a few days at Panther Cove, her mom had suggested she bring a warm coat, in case it got cold, and do a painting of the lake for her. That would be her present.

  Between going to school, waitressing, and working a few days at the coffee bar, she hadn’t had time to pursue her artistic passion. Getting to spend a few relaxing hours doing what she loved was a luxury.

  Instead of packing, she hopped in the shower to wash off the stench of beer from her skin. Tomorrow, she’d get up early and head on up to see her parents. She’d already cleared it with her professor to miss Friday’s class.

  The first beads of water relaxed her. She dropped back her head and let the stream pour over her scalp. When she dropped a palmful of shampoo on her head and rubbed, those damned erotic thoughts blasted her. She tried not to imagine standing in the shower with two naked men, one of whom would be rubbing her tits while the other would be dipping a slippery finger into her pussy, but she failed to halt the movie racing through her mind.

  “Stop it!”

  She plastered her hands over her ears to halt the musings. Like that helps.

  Maybe if she went out with them one time, she’d get them out of her system. She’d surely discover that all they talked about was themselves. She had no doubt that they’d want to discuss military strategy since her fathers now worked directly with Hunter and Derek on fight tactics, and they’d think it a coup to pick her brain. Politics would be their next favorite topic just like it had been her dads’ when she was growing up in the compound.

  “Ooh.” Her pussy clenched. She looked down and found she had dipped two fingers into her needy cunt. “Oh, my God.”

  This torment had to stop. Not only was it affecting her work, she hadn’t gotten a good nigh
t’s sleep since setting eyes on them.

  As quickly as she could, she rinsed and stepped out of the shower. Towel drying as fast as she could to prevent thinking about them personally rubbing her dry, she rushed into her room and pulled on her softest nightgown. The pink and flowered gown had been a present from her grandmother, and it brought her a lot of comfort wearing it to bed. The fact it was ugly made it all that nicer.

  After she crawled under the covers, she flipped on the television in the hopes the show would take her mind off of having sex. Her luck, all she could find were stories that involved loving couples. Yuk. As long as those two men were stuck in her head, she wasn’t in the mood to be happy for anyone.

  * * * *

  As soon as Julia pulled in front of her parents’ home, her mood brightened. It had been too long since she’d visited. Even though her mom said she wanted a painting of the lake, Julia had already made something else for her. She’d found an old photo of when she was about six, and had made a painting from it. It showed all four of them standing in the field behind the complex. Harvey, one of her dads, was saddling a small pony for her, while Charles, her other father, was by Mom’s side, his arm wrapped around her waist. Her mother was eight months pregnant with her brother. It had been Julia’s birthday, and this was the first time they were letting her ride. She’d never forget that day. For once, they didn’t seem worried about The Sword attacking.

  With her suitcase and present in hand, she strode up to the front door. She set down her case to ring the bell. Right away her mom answered.

  “Julia!” Without asking, she grabbed the suitcase. “Come in, darling.” Once her mom set down the case, she gave her a strong hug.

  “It’s good to be home.” Julia meant it.

  “Let me fix you some lunch, and then you can go out and start that painting I want.”

  Her mom was the one who’d encouraged Julia to work on her art, but she never remembered her being anxious to shove her out the door before they had a chance to chat. “I’m here for three days. I have time.”

  Her mom brushed her hands down her pants. “But it’s such a nice day. You know how fickle the mountain weather is. One minute it’s sunny, the next it’s storming.”

  She laughed. While the weather was unpredictable, it wasn’t that bad. “You trying to get rid of me already?”

  “Of course not. Come into the kitchen and I’ll fix you a hot coffee.”

  “Where are my fathers?” She thought they’d be here.

  “They’re at the office.” Her lips thinned.

  “Planning more strategy?”

  “Yes. There’s been some unrest in Washington, and Charles and Harvey want to make sure we’re safe here.”

  “When do they plan on retiring?” They’d worked here for close to eighty years.

  “Never, dear. They love Panther Cove and The Shield.”

  She’d been proud of Jeremiah and Mario for their willingness to do something else with their lives. They seemed happy. “Maybe I’ll stop by Central Command.”

  “You do that, dear. They’ve been looking forward to your visit.”

  Since her mom seemed anxious to have her start the picture, after Julia got her coffee, she gathered her art supplies.

  “You want a chair to sit on, dear?”

  It would be more comfortable to paint sitting on a chair, as the ground would be too cold. “Sounds good. I’ll get one.”

  Once she stepped outside, her spirits lifted. Communing with nature made her feel whole. Perhaps she’d get so immersed in her art that she could rid her mind of two particular hunky men. Before she reached the lake, she’d figured out the vantage point that would give her the perfect picture. Not only did she want to capture the fountain in the middle, but she also loved the trellis-covered dock with the comfortable lounge chairs, outdoor kitchen, and warm fireplace. Maybe after she painted, she’d take the rowboat out for a spin.

  She set up on the lawn, placed her canvas on the easel and pulled out her pencil to do an outline of the lake. The red and green rowboat tied to the dock added a wonderful element.

  She’d completed her preliminary sketch when she heard a commotion behind her. When she turned around, she let out a grunt. What the hell were they doing there?

  Breck and Daven seemed to have spotted her, and grins broke out on their faces. She would have thought this was a bit contrived except for the fact everyone used this dock and these two did live here. Uh-huh. She hoped they didn’t think she’d come just to get a chance to meet up with them.

  She gave them a light wave and returned to her painting.

  “Well, well. Look who’s here.”

  That was Breck. If she didn’t want to appear rude, she had to acknowledge them. “Hi.” She’d never officially been introduced to them, but her upbringing made her extend her hand. “I’m Julia Wilson.”

  Daven stuck his hand out first. The moment their palms touched, it was as if a bolt of electricity shot through her body. For a second, she thought he might have had a buzzer in his hand, but she knew a military man wouldn’t stoop to something that low. Besides, they couldn’t have known she’d be out here.

  “Davenport Sang, but everyone calls me Daven.”

  Breck moved closer and shook her hand. “Are you related to Charles and Harvey Wilson by any chance?”

  Since so few people lived here, he had to know she was. “Yes.”

  “I’m Breckenridge Sang by the way. We’re in training with Hercules and Casius.”

  “Nice to meet you.” Her damn pussy was throbbing and begging for their cocks. Stupid body. “If you’ll excuse me, I have to create a masterpiece for my mom’s birthday.”

  Daven’s brows rose. “Really? That’s so nice of you. When is her special day?”

  “Tomorrow.” They’d think she was lying, but her mom said she didn’t care when it was done.

  “Mind if we join you?”

  Only now did she notice they each had canvases and paints with them. This was public ground so to speak. “Sure.”

  Breck unfurled a blanket right next to her. Didn’t the man understand personal space? It would look rude if she asked them to move, and maybe they, too, decided this was the best vantage point. So much for immersing herself in the wonder of her art and forgetting about the men.

  * * * *

  Too bad neither he nor Daven had a clue about painting. They’d purchased the supplies right after speaking with Mrs. Wilson. To say she was thrilled about their daughter finally finding her mates was an understatement. Even Breck had to admit, he was uncomfortable when she asked how many children they wanted. The number two popped into his head, though he was certainly open for negotiation.

  Taking a clue from Julia, they both set their canvases on the easel and began sketching the lake. He and Daven had decided to take it slow and not spook her, so they didn’t say anything and let her do her work.

  He really concentrated on getting the scale right. When he finished drawing in the dock, he wanted to erase it all and start again. The dock shouldn’t be larger than half the lake. He glanced over at Daven’s picture. His brother had carefully drawn a grid, probably to make sure the proportions would work.

  Using a heavier stroke, Breck drew over his first attempt. Since this painting wasn’t destined to go anywhere but the trash, he decided to begin. Daven’s idea of emptying half of the paint tubes had been brilliant. That way, it wouldn’t look as if this was their first attempt at art. Their mom had encouraged both of them to be more well-rounded, but did they listen? No. Now he wished he knew something about art, theater, and classical music.

  Julia began her painting with the trees behind the lake. She blended soft greens, browns, and golden tones to create a softness that evoked romance. His heart ached to make love to her right there. He, too, thought romance needed to play a strong role in a person’s life.

  Pass me the green. His brother’s comment broke him out of his reverie.

  The problem was that there
were at least five shades of green, not to mention the possibilities of combining blue with yellow. Since Julia was painting the trees, he looked to see what she’d mixed.

  “What color is that?”

  She waved a brush. “I mixed phthalocyanine blue with cadmium yellow.”

  Got that, bro?

  Daven pulled the box of paint closer and must have turned over each tube to see if they had those two. “Don’t think I have that blue.”

  Breck nearly groaned out loud. Way to act like a rube. To save face he picked up a chromium oxide green and handed it to Daven. “Start with this.”

  Breck caught the slight lift to her lips. His cock hardened thinking about running his tongue along the seam of her plump lips. He bet she’d taste sweeter than honey.

  Julia nodded to his painting. “What kind of style of painting do you prefer?”

  Yours. “I like all kinds.” Help me out, bro.

  Daven dabbed his brush into the green paint. “We’re more modern in our approach.”

  Way to go. He was hoping for something more specific. If he’d said he like post-modernism, she might ask him who his favorite painters were. Since he couldn’t name a one, he’d look like an idiot. Instead of mixing the paints on the palette, he decided to do something very abstract. He’d outlined the trees and did a streak of yellow next to a streak of blue, hoping the eye would mentally combine them into green.

  For the next half hour, he really got into his new technique. Even Daven’s painting kind of looked like a lake. He’d made the water fountain the painting’s focus. Since colored lights from beneath the fountain changed the tint of the water, Daven had painted multiple colored streaks shooting upward.

  His looked more like a bunch of elongated dots smooshed together, but he had to admit, if he leaned back and closed one eye, he could picture himself in the rowboat with Julia.

  She pushed back her chair. “I think I need to take a break and stretch my legs.”


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