Fighting for Julia [Panther Cove 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Fighting for Julia [Panther Cove 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 3

by Melody Snow Monroe

  He pulled out his phone and noticed they’d been there a few hours. Time really had flown. He didn’t remember ever being this focused on something that wasn’t related to his job before. He glanced at her work.

  “That’s amazing.”

  She smiled. “Yours is interesting, too.”

  At least she didn’t say a kid could have done better. He stood, and it felt as though his legs squeaked. He couldn’t keep his eyes off her work. “It’s peaceful.” She’d added some fog to give it a more mysterious look.

  “I’ve spent many years looking at this dock. I’ve seen the lake in the winter when the water is dark and ominous from the clouds above, and I’ve seen it in the spring, when the leaves are beginning to come back on the trees, but I think I like it best at dawn, when no one is around but me.”

  Her wistful tone connected with him. Here was a woman with dreams and hopes.

  Daven finally got up. “I’ll take the fall any time.” He pointed to the forest. “The change of season is like a time of renewal for me. It’s as if nature is trying to tell us that we need to shed the old and embrace a new beginning.”

  Dude. When did you become so poetic?

  Breck caught the smile threatening to explode across his face. For a moment, all three of them looked back over the water and seemed lost in their own thoughts. The day couldn’t have gone any better, as he got to see into Julia’s soul, but he didn’t want their time to end.

  “Anyone up for a spin about the lake?” The rowboat looked sturdy enough to hold all three of them.

  She hesitated, as if the enjoyment of the day and her desire for companionship might prevail over her need to keep her distance. “Sure. Once around the lake will be okay. Then I have to get back. It is my mom’s birthday weekend after all.”

  “I totally understand.”

  We’ve hooked her, Daven.

  Chapter Three

  Julia chastised herself for agreeing to be in such close proximity to the men, but they’d turned out to be so different than what she’d imagined. While it was clear both of them were beginners, she had to admit they each had a unique painting style. Breck’s almost bordered on Impressionistic whereas Daven’s was definitely modern. Both, however, managed to capture to essence of the beautiful setting.

  “Watch your step.”

  Daven had gotten in the boat first and sat at the bow. He lifted his hand to help steady her. She took it, even though she didn’t need the help. Her parents always claimed she must have been a goat or a cat in her past life since her sense of balance was so good.

  As soon as Breck dropped behind her and undid the ropes, she could feel their heat almost sandwich her. She’d been in their company for hours and yet neither one had brought up The Sword, The Shield, or military tactics. What kind of men were they? Maybe her opinion of men had been tainted. She’d lived in four other towns, but all had been in North Carolina. Maybe she should have traveled to another country.

  “You studying art?” Daven had picked up a blanket from the storage chest on the dock and placed it over her legs.

  “Yes, but I’ve been to a lot of universities and studied a lot of things.”

  “How do you handle the town seeing you year after year and not getting suspicious when you age so well?”

  She smiled. “I left town years ago for that reason. I only came back about five years ago. By then, most who remembered me were gone.”

  “What draws you to art?”

  She hadn’t expected the serious nature of all the questions. At first she thought maybe he might just be making conversation, but Daven’s sincerity deserved an answer.

  “I like that I’m in control of what I paint. I can create something beautiful even if the subject is ugly.”

  “So you’re an idealist then.”

  Was that true? “I hadn’t thought about it that way, but maybe.” She’d never met anyone who tried to understand who she was. All the men at the bar just wanted her for her body.

  Don’t fall for them. They could be dead tomorrow.

  That thought sobered her. “And you? What do you like to do?” She was facing Daven, but she glanced behind her at Breck, who was slowly rowing them around the lake. He smiled, and her traitorous body vibrated with need.

  “Besides running in the woods and racing up trees?”

  She knew the way shifters let loose was to be in their animal form. “Yes.”

  Daven answered. “I love all outdoor activities. We love to ride horses, rock climb, you name it.”

  It was almost as if they knew all about her and were saying what she wanted to hear, but she knew the men hadn’t left the compound until the party. “Me, too.”

  He grinned, and his cheeks dimpled. “We’ll have to have an adventure together sometime.”

  “I’d like that.” No! Why did she say that? Because they’re being so nice.

  Since the lake was small, they were back at the dock in no time. Breck jumped out first and helped her out. He tugged a little too hard, and she found herself plastered against his chest, but she had a feeling it was by design.

  She cleared her throat and stepped back, but it was too late to stop her tits from tingling and her pussy from dampening. “Ah, thanks for the lake tour.”

  Daven hopped out, tied the boat to the dock, and then stepped behind her. “I think we missed lunch. Want to stop over and have a bite?”

  “My mom’s waiting for me.”

  Breck stepped closer and her pulse raced. He drew her close and kissed her before she had the chance to glance away. She should have pushed him away the moment their lips touched, but her hands wouldn’t move. Every dream had been centered around this moment, and for once, she listened to her body. His fresh, lemony scent filtered in her nose, causing sparks of need to burst along her spine. When his tongue begged for entrance, she could no more deny him than stop breathing.

  The fact that Daven’s chest was plastered to her back made her feel warm and safe. She opened her mouth to let Breck in, hoping she wouldn’t react to his taste and touch. She couldn’t have been more wrong. His kiss matched his vibrant style of painting, all full of primary colors that didn’t mix but rather blended into one image. He teased her mouth, electrifying every part of her. As if he was a powerful drug, she wanted more. This time she went on the offensive, darting into his mouth and exploring every inch.

  Not to be forgotten, Daven pressed his hard cock against her back and erotic thoughts filled her mind. She didn’t want to want them, didn’t need to need them, yet somehow she knew she had to have them. Just one time.

  She pulled back. “Maybe lunch would be good idea. My mom said she needed to rest a bit before getting ready for her party.”

  Breck slid his hands from her shoulders to her hands. “Let’s go.”

  They gathered their supplies and headed toward the front of the compound. When they reached Jeremiah and Mario’s old home, she had to say she was impressed. “You bought their place?” Since they were about to go inside, her question was rhetorical.

  “It made the most sense. They’re buying a house in town.”

  Kendis had told her they’d decided to rent until they found the perfect home. While she’d been to Jeremiah’s home before, when she walked in, it was nothing like she remembered. This home appeared lighter and brighter. “You’ve really been busy decorating.”

  Daven placed a hand on her back and led her to the kitchen. “We both took a bus back home to Pennsylvania and loaded up two moving vans. It took a lot of work, but I like how it turned out.”

  With two guys, she wouldn’t have expected the place to have any softness. The muted blues and pale golds and greens almost looked like one of her paintings. “I love it.”

  “We’re glad.”

  Breck moved over to the refrigerator and pulled out a plateful of lunchmeat, almost as if this day had been scripted. Since they wouldn’t have known she’d be at the compound, she didn’t comment.

  Both men worked sid
e by side to make a delicious-looking sandwich, asking her what she preferred to eat. She searched her mind, trying to think of any man who’d been so considerate but came up empty-handed.

  Breck handed her a plate while Daven poured her a coffee. “Cream or sugar?”

  Right now, she didn’t need to have any more stimulation. “Cream would be nice.”

  “Let’s sit in the living room. The view is nicer.”

  Breck motioned she take a seat on the sofa. As soon as she set down her plate, Daven sat next to her and placed her coffee next to her food. She thought he’d have taken the chair across from her, but he didn’t. Then Breck chose to sit on her other side. She would have said she needed more space, but for some reason, she liked being surrounded by them.

  She spotted two coffee table books by her favorite painters. “I can’t believe you have a book of Thomas Kinkade paintings.” She leaned over and picked it up. “He’s one of my favorite artists.” Then there was another book by the nineteenth-century American painter, Asher B. Durand, who also enthralled her. She tapped the cover. “I think the luminist movement is what drew me to landscapes in the first place.” Though she did like other forms of painting as well, she’d often ended up painting nature.

  “We prefer the Dutch Little Masters.”

  Damn. From the way they painted, she never would have guessed such realistic artists would have appealed to them. “Interesting. You’ll have to show me your collection sometime.”

  “Absolutely.” From the way Breck’s lips turned up, she bet he wouldn’t know a Vermeer from a Renoir.

  For a change she wanted to be herself and not worry about anything for the next few hours. Catching them in a lie wouldn’t do anyone any good. When Daven asked about things to do in Delight, she talked about her favorite places. “If you like rock climbing, then Devil’s Peak is the best place. For a slightly less rigorous climb, then I suggest River’s Bend Overlook.” She’d climbed them all many times.

  He leaned in and placed an arm around her shoulder. She caught the subtle move, but decided she liked having his arm around her.

  “Will you come with us sometime?”

  “Sure.” She often went with a group of friends to climb. It wasn’t safe to go solo.

  When she bent over to pick up her sandwich, she didn’t remember finishing it. Hmm. The time had flown by.

  She tried to come up with a reason why she should leave but found none. These men seemed to be altering her mind. First, they connected with her artwork and then with her desire to float around the lake and absorb the beautiful surroundings.

  Breck stood and extended his hands. As if on autopilot, she placed her palms in his and let him pull her to a stand.

  Their gazes met, and her lips parted in invitation. He maneuvered her to the middle of the living room and drew her close. When he reached up and tucked an errant strand of hair behind her ears, she knew she was lost.

  Flashing red lights lit up her brain, but she chose to ignore them. Daven must have moved behind her because he picked up her hand and kissed each finger before drawing her index finger into his mouth. The moisture and tension undid her resolve to keep her distance.

  When Breck kissed her, it was like floating away on a leaf down a lazy river. She could almost see the haze lift off the water as the sun tried to push its way through. Colors spun as the kiss intensified. She wasn’t sure if it was Daven’s wet mouth or Breck’s kiss, but soon she was swept away in a sexual haze so strong she couldn’t let go. With her free hand, she wrapped it around Breck’s neck and pressed her breasts against his hardened chest.

  He pulled away, and his eyes glazed over. “Maybe we should take this someplace more comfortable.”

  “Yes.” She truly hadn’t meant to say that word, but it had escaped.

  Instead of going to a bedroom or a den, Daven lowered her arm, reached around her stomach, and unsnapped her jeans. Two could play at this game. When she glanced down, she nearly froze at the size of Breck’s bulge. She’d slept with a few shifters, but this man seemed unusually large. Wanting to see what he had in store, she tried to slip her fingers underneath his waistband but stopped when Breck placed his hand over hers.

  “Uh-oh. Daven, I see we have an eager beaver.”

  She wasn’t sure she liked that term. “I thought if you planned on undressing me, then it was only fair that I get the chance to do the same.”

  Daven nuzzled her neck. “That’s not how it works, kitten.”

  “How does it work?”

  In a heartbeat he swooped her up in his massive arms. “I think it’s time we show you.”

  For some reason a giggle escaped, probably because she’d never been with men like them. She was the one who liked to take control and tease her men, not the other way around.

  Breck opened a door down the hallway, and Daven entered. She’d assumed they were going to one of their bedrooms, but one look at this place convinced her this was no ordinary bedroom.

  It looked more like a sex shop than a place to sleep, even though there was a four-poster bed in the middle of the room. The fact that velvet ropes hung from each post attached to cuffs convinced her they liked to play rough.

  She might have jumped out of his arms and run, but the problem was, she loved it that way, too.

  Chapter Four

  Daven set her down, but his hands didn’t leave her body. His knuckle caressed her cheek as he kissed her throat. His heavenly, spicy scent shot straight to her pussy, and every cell went on high alert waiting for more of his touch.

  Breck pulled her out of Daven’s embrace. “We need to get her naked.”

  The desperation in his tone made her panties dampen. Never would she have imagined she’d love being possessed. It was almost as if they were holding her hostage. She thought about wiggling and trying to get away but feared they might let her go. This one time, she wanted to forget the future, forget her hang-ups, and just live in the moment.

  “You aren’t going to fuck me, are you?” I so didn’t say that out loud.

  Breck’s eyelids looked heavy, and his dark, smoldering eyes seemed to transform into pools of wanton lust. “Is that what you want?”

  “I’m not sure.”

  His body froze. “What do we have to do to convince you?”

  Numerous things came to mind. “Maybe I could tie both of you up.”

  His laugh came from deep within his chest. “Never going to happen, babe, but you’re welcome to try.”

  Her fathers had taught her when to retreat. “Gotta give me credit for trying.”

  “She’s awfully sassy, Daven. Maybe we need to spank her ass.” He glanced back at her. “Would you like that?”

  Daven was already unzipping her jeans.

  This was her wildest fantasy. She’d always been taught to avoid pain, but the one time she’d been spanked, she finally understood the glory that followed. Perhaps it was her panther blood that made it easier for her to take the initial ache. Cuts and bruises never lasted long. “Yes.”

  “Whoopee. We’re going have a spank fest.”

  She had to laugh at his antics. Breck slipped his hands under her long-sleeved shirt and lifted it over her head. She had no idea what had possessed her to put on the nearly see-through, black lace bra, but she’d picked the most risqué one she’d owned for some reason. Maybe it was the shower last night that caused her to believe that if she wore the bra, she could vicariously experience both men. The fact they were standing in front of her, about to make her dreams come true, made it that much sweeter.

  Breck whistled then spun her around. “Look at this, bro.”

  Daven’s eyes widened. “Holy shit but you’re hot.” He reached down and adjusted his crotch. Wait until they saw the crotchless panties.

  “Need help?” She shot a glance to his hand in case he didn’t know what she wanted.

  He grinned. “As a matter of fact I do.”

  So they weren’t into being Doms as she’d first thought. Not that
she had a problem with getting on her knees and having them tie her hands behind her back and maybe even blindfolding her, but it would be nice to watch them squirm when she sucked their cocks and grabbed their balls.

  “Mind if I see what you’re offering?”

  Breck unhooked her bra and the material popped forward. Her thoughts raced to what his expert fingers could do to her nipples. She inhaled to gain some semblance of control and caught a whiff of her own arousal through her jeans. This was bad.

  Daven grinned, as if he, too, knew what effect all this touching was having on her body. “Help yourself.” He edged closer.

  Her fingers failed to cooperate as she tried to undo the top button of his jeans. She expected him to give aid, but he stood there with his arms crossed as if he was enjoying her struggle. Finally the damned thing gave way, and his chest deflated. It must have felt like she’d twisted the valve on a steaming teapot and the pressure released.

  Now came the good part. With both hands on the either side of his fly, she tugged hard, and as she’d hoped, all the buttons popped open. Just as she opened her mouth to exclaim her appreciation for the view, Breck pinched her nipples. The sharp prick of need raced straight to her pussy.

  This teasing might sound good in theory, but in practicality it sucked, no pun intended. She had to have one of their cocks inside her soon or she’d be climaxing all by herself. With considerable force, she tugged his jeans over his ass.

  “You need to take off your shoes.”

  “It’s your show.”

  Damn him. Even though she loved how Breck was masterfully manipulating her nipples, twisting and tugging on them, she wanted to get Daven’s shoes off so she could suck on his cock. Fortunately, Breck released her nipples as she dropped to her knees.

  Daven smiled. “Now this is where a woman belongs.”

  Had his eyes not twinkled, she might have grabbed his crotch and given him a good yank. “Remember, I’ll be the one with my lips around your cock.”

  He leaned his head back and laughed. “I love a woman who can dish it back.”


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