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Fighting for Julia [Panther Cove 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 5

by Melody Snow Monroe

  “Let me clean my brushes, and I’ll be right out.”


  Julia cleaned up as fast as she could, but her mind couldn’t help but drift back to what she and the men were talking about when she cleaned each color brush. She was using the combination yellow and blue brush when Breck asked her its color. She dipped the red brush under the water, remembering them talking about some of her favorite things to do. She shook her head. The men really seemed to want to know what made her tick. To them, she wasn’t some barmaid without a brain.


  She refocused and let the brushes soak. She’d put them away later. “Coming.”

  The rich flavors of sizzling meat and tangy sweet potatoes filled the air.

  Her two fathers, Charles and Harvey, hugged her one at a time. “Julia, we’ve hardly had the chance to see you this visit.”

  That’s because she was having wild sex with two amazing men. “I wanted to finish a painting for mom, though I do have another one I want to give her.”

  The birthday girl came out of the kitchen. “What’s that? You finished the painting?”

  Her mom had seen the one she was working on and that it wasn’t quite done. “No, I have another one that I’ll give you after dinner.”

  “Oh, good. Then let’s eat.”

  The mood was incredibly festive, but soon the talk turned to The Sword. “Don’t tell me they’re acting up again.”

  Charles waved a fork at her. “They’re always acting up, so you always need to be aware.”

  She’d been taught never to get distracted when she walked to her car. “I’m careful. I just don’t get why with all the other panther establishments, Panther Cove has to be Central Command for every uprising.”

  Harvey, who was the quieter of her two dads but the best strategist, smiled. “That’s because we’re the finest.”


  They did ask her about her classes at the college and how the opening went of Delight’s Drinking Emporium.


  “That’s good dear,” Charles said. “How about some birthday cake?”

  Julia jumped up. “I’ll get it.”

  She placed the candles in the cake and lit them. As she walked into the dining room, her fathers burst into very bad song. She sang louder, trying to drown out the lack of harmony. She set the cake in front of her mom. “I’ll get the plates.”

  She returned with everything they needed for a perfect party. Her mom was halfway through cutting the cake when both of her dads’ cell phones went off. Her heart sank, and while her mom’s lips pressed together, she sat up straighter as if trying to show she wouldn’t be crushed if they had to go.

  Her dads stood and left the room, presumably needing to speak in private. When they returned, the sparkle in their eyes had dimmed. “We’re sorry, Charlotte.”

  She waved a hand. “Go. Is there anything I can do?”

  If there had been an emergency, she’d have been called into duty, too. The women of Panther Cove manned the radios and orchestrated some things from the compound the best they could.

  “Not right now.”

  It nearly crushed Julia to watch her fathers walk out when it was her mom’s birthday. She said nothing until the door clicked closed.

  “I’m sorry, Mom.”

  “It’s the way life is here. You’ll get used to it.”

  No, she wouldn’t because she wouldn’t subject herself to the heartache. “How about I get my present?”

  That brought a smile to her mom’s face. “That would be lovely.”

  “Oh, has Randy called to wish you a happy birthday?”

  Her brother had left over thirty years ago because he decided that he, too, wanted a more normal life. As a lawyer, he enjoyed coming home to his wife and three kids each night and not having to worry about some damned tiger shifters wanting to ruin the world.

  “He called this morning when you were asleep.”

  She had been tired. “He sound good?”

  “He’s happy.”

  “I’m glad.” Julia hurried into her room, glad to know her brother was safe. She brought back the large canvas carefully wrapped. “Happy birthday, Mom.” She leaned over and gave her a kiss.

  “I can guess what this is.”

  “Bet you don’t know what it’s a picture of though.”


  Her mother eagerly tore the paper and gasped. Tears welled in her eyes. “This is stunning. Oh Julia. I remember that day so clearly.” Her hand automatically rubbed her stomach as if she was remembering the full feeling of having a baby in her belly.

  Wild images raced through her brain of being pregnant, too. She mentally looked to her right and left, and saw Breck and Daven by her side. She blinked, not wanting to be caught up with The Shield’s politics or their stupid war.

  “Thank you, dear. It’s fabulous.”

  Since Julia was about to break down herself, she gathered the dishes and brought them into the kitchen. Needing a drink, she poured both of them some wine.

  “Mom, how about if we sit in the living room and watch some television.”

  She smiled. “That would be wonderful. I think a nice romantic comedy would help bolster my mood.”

  That was proof she was worried. While her fathers were past their prime, if they were needed, they’d go in to battle in a heartbeat. She prayed it wouldn’t come to that, because if it did, both Breck and Daven would be putting their lives on the line, too.

  Chapter Six

  “Wake up.”

  The nudge jerked her awake. Charles was standing over her. She glanced around the living room but didn’t see Harvey. She blinked to focus. “Everything okay?” The television was still on.

  “Fine. Go to bed.”

  She looked to the sofa where her mom had sprawled out. “Where is she?”

  “Harvey carried her to bed. We didn’t want to wake her.”

  Julia stood and winced at the ache in her back. “I’m getting old.”

  “You’ve got a lot of years left in you.”

  “Tell my body that.”

  There were circles under his eyes, but at least he was safe. After she turned off the TV, she trotted back to her bedroom and crashed on the bed without bothering to change. She’d planned to spend one more day with her mom and would hopefully get the chance to finish the picture of the lake.

  It seemed like only seconds passed before a knock on her door roused her. “Breakfast is ready.” It was Harvey.

  “Be right there.”

  They probably wouldn’t even notice that she had on the same clothes as last night. When she got to the kitchen, her dads were serving the eggs. It was nice to see her mom being treated so well.

  “I hear you met Breck and Daven,” Charles said.

  Panic raced through her too fast. “Yes.” She was pleased at how calmly she spoke.

  “Their paintings any good?” From the sly smile on his face, he knew something.


  She shoveled food in her mouth so she wouldn’t have to answer any more questions. Finally, curiosity got to her. She swallowed and drank some of her juice. “Did you see them at the command station?”


  From the way his voice wavered, there was something he wasn’t telling her. “Are they being sent someplace?” That was dumb to ask because it might show she cared.

  His eyes sparkled. “Not anytime soon. You interested in them? They’re both nice men. Your mom here sure would love a grandbaby.”

  “Ugh.” Julia stood and cleared her plate. “I think I’ll go to my studio and finish her painting.”

  Her mom reached out and grabbed her hand. “You don’t have to rush. You’re staying until tomorrow, right?”

  “Alexandre texted me and said Trish got ill and asked if I’d cover.” She hated lying to her mom, but if she stayed at the compound any longer, she might give in and crawl in to Breck and Daven’s bed again.<
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  “Okay, dear, but promise you’ll come back soon.”

  “You know, I only live ten miles away. You can always come visit me.”

  Her mom polished off her cup of coffee. “The men might need me. We never can count on The Sword to stay quiet for long.”

  “Don’t I know it.”

  * * * *

  Her mom’s birthday was over a week ago, and while she didn’t want to see Breck or Daven, she was curious why they hadn’t even called. They had no idea that she didn’t want to see them long term, so she saw no reason why they hadn’t contacted her. Damn. She so hated indecisiveness.

  Trish, her fellow server, sidled up next to her. “You okay?”

  “Yes, why?”

  “Because Alexandre has been waving at you for almost a minute and you haven’t moved.”

  She broke out her best smile. “I was just remembering how happy my mom was when I gave her the painting. I must have been in a daze.” Trish had seen both the original photo and the finished product, so she hoped she’d understand.

  “It was an awesome present. I’m glad she liked it.”

  Julia was glad she’d covered so well. She went over to the bar to see what Alexandre wanted. “You need me?” She’d already taken care of her three tables. It was Sunday night and the place was dead. Even the mechanical bull looked lonely.

  “Forgot to tell you two men called and asked about you.”

  Her traitorous heart lurched. “Breck and Daven Sang?”

  He smiled. “Those are the ones. You want me to give them your number so they can call you directly.”

  “No.” That came out too fast. So that’s why they hadn’t contacted her. They didn’t know her number. Duh.

  After seeing how her fathers had to leave the birthday party prematurely and realizing they could be called on to fight at any time, she was more convinced than ever that getting involved with Panther Cove men was just plain dumb.


  They knew where she worked apparently, so if something important had happened, they could find her here.

  Despite knowing she wouldn’t have a relationship with them, she couldn’t keep her mind from reliving the mind-blowing sex. She’d never seen two men more well-endowed nor had she been in bed with men who knew how to bring out every lustful gene in her body.

  Trish rushed up to her. “I know they’re sitting in your section, but I’ll take one of your shifts if you let me serve them.”

  It took a second for Trish’s comment to sink in. She looked up and her blood pressure soared. It was Breck and Daven grinning like fools. “That’s okay. We’re friends.”

  She should have let Trish wait on them, but knowing those two, they would have called her over anyway.

  “Those aren’t the two you met when you were visiting your mom are they?”

  Good thing she hadn’t given Trish any details. The whole town would have known about their affair. “Yes.”

  “You go, girl. They’re majorly hot.”

  “Shh.” The last thing she needed was for them to catch her gossiping about them. They’d think she was bragging about their adventure or something.

  Since their gazes were focused solely on her, she had to go over. It was no big deal. Then why are your palms sweating?

  As if they were just two more customers, she pranced over to them. “Hey, guys.” She lifted her pad and pen. “What can I get you?” From the way their cheeks sagged that wasn’t the reception they expected.

  Breck seemed to compose himself first. “You said you’d show us Devil’s Peak. We’re free tomorrow, and the weather is supposed to be great. Can you make it?”

  Rock climbing was one of her favorite pastimes. It would just be for a few hours, and she since she never climbed alone, this would give her a chance to go. “I have tomorrow off, so sure.”

  Both smiles reached their eyes. “How about if we pick you up at nine tomorrow morning?”

  She wasn’t ready for them to find out where she lived, though if they really wanted to know, they could ask Hunter, Derek, or her fathers for that matter. “How about if I meet you by the statue in Panther Cove.”

  They glanced at each other. “Sure.” Breck seemed to exchange some mental communication with his brother. “We thought we’d toss a tent in the car in case we want to spend the night.”

  “Devil’s peak is only a two-hour hike in from the road, so there’s no need. The mountain is just an hour’s drive.”

  Daven leaned back. “We’ll bring a tent with us anyway.”

  “It might be too cold to camp. At that altitude and given the time of year, it might drop into the low forties.”

  Breck laced his fingers together. “Are you saying you’re too much of a wimp to camp?”

  They sure knew how to press her buttons. She slid into the booth so that no one would overhear her response. “I love camping, but it’ll be too damn cold to have sex.”

  They both burst out laughing. “Who said anything about sex?”

  “Shh. You’re telling me you’ll keep your hands off me?” She worried she might be the one to give in.

  Don’t go with them.

  “We’re there to climb rocks, and we’re merely looking for some way to blow off a little steam.”

  They could shift and race to a high point if they really wanted get a good view, but her dads had said they enjoyed the challenge of seeing how far they could push their human side. For some reason she didn’t want them to see her back down from a challenge. “What do you want me to bring?”

  “We’ve got everything. Just make sure you dress warm.”

  “That I can do.”

  The men scooted out of the booth and left, not even trying to kiss her or hug her. Maybe they, too, realized that the three of them could never be. Both men, and especially Daven, seemed very focused on being the best security man at Panther Cove. That was okay by her. Having them as friends worked perfectly well. She’d get to go rock climbing without having to haul all of the gear. She remembered the time when Trish had gone with her, and Julia had ended up lugging everything.

  Once the men left, no one else came in. That sucked as far as tips went, but it would give her time to figure things out. By closing time, she’d wiped down the tables, filled the salt- and peppershakers and the ketchup bottles.

  After she made sure the money balanced, she waved good-bye to Alexandre. “I’ll see you on Tuesday.” She wondered how the men knew Monday was her day off. Would Alexandre have let on, or had her dads been the culprits? It didn’t really matter how they’d found out.

  Once she arrived home, she sorted through her gear. Besides her climbing shoes, harness, and favorite rope, she tossed in warmer gear, some food, and a few other necessities into her backpack. The men were strong enough to carry a car up a hill if they had to, so she didn’t worry they’d be burdened if they had to bring the supplies.

  By the time she got ready for bed, it was rather late, but at least she was tired enough to fall asleep. She must have been in a deep rest mode, because she nearly jumped when the alarm sounded. She crawled out of bed and headed straight in to shower to get the cobwebs from her brain. During this last week, she’d learned not to spend any more time than needed washing. Too often, she found herself tweaking her nipples and remembering how Daven had plucked and teased them until they were so swollen that when his lips caressed the tips, streaks of joy radiated all down her body.

  She dunked her head under the water, and the warm flow helped revive her. She wanted to be at her peak performance, determined to show the men she was their equal. She scrubbed her body hard, almost to the point of pain, because letting her mind wander wouldn’t be good. As soon as she was clean, she shut off the valve and towel dried. A quick pass of the hair dryer and she was all set.

  Her pack sat by the front door, so all she needed to do was grab a cup of coffee and eat breakfast and she’d be good to go. Her phone sat on the counter, and only once had she been tempted to call and

  You can do this.

  She told herself that if she could have fun with these two men and not have sex, then she could rid them from her mind. It had to work.

  She’d just dumped her dishes in the sink when there was a knock on the door. Since the person hadn’t pounded, she figured it wasn’t an emergency. Placing her eye to the security hole in the door, she spotted Breck and pulled open the door.

  A ton of questions poured through her mind.

  “I know you said you’d meet us, but we didn’t see the need for you to drive all the way up the mountain when we just had to drive back down.”

  “How did you know where I lived?” She motioned they come in.

  “Babe. It’s our job to know. We need to protect Panther Cove and have to keep our finger on the pulse of the community.”

  That was a bullshit line, but she let it be. “Great.” She picked up her pack and slung it over her shoulder.

  Daven moved closer. “You going to be warm enough?”

  “While the sun’s up, I’m good in this.” Hiking always kept her warm.

  “Okay. Let’s go climb a mountain.”

  Chapter Seven

  The hike in to the woods had been glorious, especially with having a large rushing river run parallel to the path.

  She hadn’t taken the time to commune with nature in a long time, and she’d missed the oxygen-rich environment and the pristine forest. Daven motioned to a break in the trees that led down to the water. “Want to sit by the stream and have lunch?”

  “Sounds wonderful. The climbing wall is less than a mile away, so it’s a good idea for us to load up on carbs before we summit.” There was a lot of daylight left, and they might be able to get in several climbs.

  To her surprise, the men hadn’t brought up their bedroom play or talked dirty to her during the hike. It was as if they were happy to get out from the intensity of the training and planning for a potential Sword attack. Actually, they acted like they really did just want a guide to the site.

  I am not disappointed.

  She chuckled.


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