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Flesh: Part Eight (The Flesh Series Book 8)

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by Corgan, Sky

  “You're so fucking hot right now.” He kisses my mound.

  “I'm so sexually frustrated right now,” I growl.

  “Good. I like seeing you like this.” If he ever looked any more pleased than he does right now, I can't remember a time.

  “If you're not going to make me come, then you should...” I hesitate on the word 'fuck'. It sounds so crude. There's a part of me that doesn't care anymore though. I know he wants to hear it. I know it will please him, make him finish what he started. “You should fuck me.”

  “Should I?” He begins moving his fingers in and out of me slowly. It does little to soothe the aching between my legs.

  “You're absolutely horrible.” I curl my fingers into the comforter.

  “If I remember correctly, when you came here, you didn't want to have sex with me.”

  “Oh God, Lucian.” I cover my face with my hands. “Don't use that against me. You're getting what you wanted.”

  “Don't make it sound like you're not getting what you wanted too,” there's a hint of warning in his voice.

  Before I have a chance to respond, his mouth is drawing me to that heavenly place again. I pant as his lips close around me. His fingers work harder into me, moving effortlessly with the lubrication that my body provides. I hiss and close my eyes and pray to every God out there that he doesn't stop this time.

  Thankfully, he doesn't stop. His mouth nibbles and sucks and teases, making me feel like a paraglider riding the wind up and down until I crash so hard that the earth seems to crumble around me. My fingertips quickly move to pinch and tweak my nipples, intensifying my orgasm. I'm all moans and breathlessness by the time Lucian pulls away and gently puts his hands on my legs to unhook them from around his neck.

  When I finally open my eyes, he's standing over me smirking. It makes me feel exposed.

  “What?” I grunt at him.

  “You.” He slides his pants down over his hips, his gorgeous cock springing forth and standing straight at attention. I watch it bob as he moves, licking my lips, wondering what it tastes like.

  “What about me?”

  “I could feel your legs tense when you orgasmed.”

  “So?” I scrunch up my nose.

  “So, it was kind of cute.” He shrugs before pulling himself up onto the bed beside me.

  “My orgasm was cute?” I try to process what he's saying. It just doesn't compute.

  “Come here.” He moves higher up on the bed, and I roll around and follow him, crawling on my hands and knees.

  He has his legs spread as if he wants me to sit between them. My eyes are zeroed in on his crotch though. As soon as I reach him, I find myself dropping down to my elbows and looking up at him.

  “Hi,” he says nonchalantly.

  “Hi,” I reply, sticking out my index finger to rub the tip of his cock.

  “Careful,” he hisses as if my touch burned him.

  “Sensitive?” I slick my finger over the small bead of pre-come that's starting to gather and stick it in my mouth. He tastes musky and salty, as most men do.

  “Fuck, Amy. You're so sexy.”

  “Has anyone ever told you that you have perfect balls.” I sit up beside him and wrap my hand around his shaft, lazily stroking it. It feels like warm steel beneath my fingers, so amazingly hard.

  “Perfect balls, huh?” he lets out a short laugh.

  “Yes. You don't have all of that extra sack skin that a lot of guys have.”

  He laughs so hard that he falls over on the bed, causing me to jerk my hand away from him. For some reason, his reaction makes me feel embarrassed, like I said something wrong. Maybe I shouldn't have said anything at all.

  After a minute, he sits up and nods, an ear to ear grin plastered across his face. “No, I've never been told that I have perfect balls before.”

  “Yeah. Well, you do.” I wrap my arms around myself.

  “Come here.” He motions for me to sit between his legs. I do, though my mood has faltered a little.

  Lucian wraps his arms around me and kisses my neck. I can feel his cock pressing hard against my back. It feels kind of weird. Even more weird to be sitting in his bed like this cuddling.

  It's not cuddling for long though. Soon, his hands are wandering again. They slip around my sides to grope my breasts, two small handfuls. He splays his fingers so that my nipples fall between them, then he pinches and pulls them, causing a shiver to ignite the spark between my legs again.

  I place my hands on his forearms, feeling the strong muscles flex as his hands tease and explore. I lean back against him, inhaling the scent of his cologne, happy that I'll smell like him after we're done. It will be a reminder of what happened tonight, of all the sweet things he said and did that were completely unexpected.

  I turn my head towards him, and he takes the queue to find my lips, kissing me as the roughness of his touch increases. His cock throbs against my back, and it makes me regret getting too embarrassed to give him the blowjob that I was planning on. Oh well, his loss. That's what he gets for laughing at me. A thick, pent-up, twitching cock. My mouth waters thinking about it, thinking about how he tasted.

  I think about going for it again. For as many times as he's eaten me out, the guy has earned at least one blowjob, even if it's a quickie. But as soon as I start to turn, Lucian maneuvers himself in front of me.

  I grab his cock, my palm sliding down the velvety length, but he pulls out of my grasp, crawling over me like a predator. I'm forced down on my back, his gaze locked onto mine. He's ready for sex. I could feel it when I was sitting in front of him, and I can definitely see it in his eyes.

  When I'm flat on my back, Lucian leans over to open the bedside table drawer. My heart sinks as I realize that he's back in BDSM mode. Everything we've done together tonight has been amazing and wonderful. Maybe I can give a little. Compromise. Allow him to throw a pinch of kink into a night that's been fairly romantic.

  When I see him pull out a length of rope though, stubbornness sets in. If it had been anything else, I might have considered it. Not this.

  “No.” I place my hand on his arm before he has a chance to close the drawer.

  “No?” He looks at me as if I've just insulted him.

  “No.” I shake my head. “Not tonight.”

  He seems contemplative for a moment, staring down at me with an expression that suggests there's some kind of internal debate raging within him. Then he finally sets the rope aside before returning to me.

  I sigh in relief, worried for a moment that we were about to get into an argument over it. He relented though, and for once I'm going to get my way. For the first time since we met at Flesh, tonight seems all about me.

  Lucian kisses me as he positions himself between my legs. I spread my thighs to give him easier access, ready to have him inside of me. His glans presses against my entryway, and I hold my breath as he pushes into me, connecting us as one.

  I close my eyes as his lips move down to my neck, his hips sinking deep, causing me to gasp from being painfully filled. It only lasts for a fraction of a second before it melts into pleasure as my body adjusts to his girth. He moves slowly, and it's exquisite to feel every centimeter of him.

  I moan softly, expecting him to pick up the pace. He takes my hands in his, holding them above my head and curling our fingers together. It feels like another form of bondage, but I don't complain. His lips find mine, and he kisses me again and again and again as he continues to move on top of me. Steady, slowly, rhythmically.

  He presses his forehead against mine, closing his eyes. It looks like he's really into what he's doing, as if he's actually taking the time to enjoy every small sensation that comes from being entwined with me so intimately. And then it hits me like a ton of bricks. A feeling that swells my heart and makes me melt and heightens my pleasure.

  For once, he's not fucking me. He's making love to me.


  To be completely honest, after the first few times that I had sex wit
h Lucian, I thought I was completely ruined from ever enjoying love making again. The sweet slow motion of two bodies meeting never seemed to make me orgasm. Lucian's carnal fucking always did. The friction of his cock pumping into me and his pubic bone rubbing against my clit had a way of driving me to climax every single time. It was amazing. Dizzying, even. Nothing had ever felt so good.

  I lay beneath Lucian, thinking about the surrealness of the situation. All around us are pictures of his dead wife and child. They're watching us. They're seeing him with me like this. Maybe not literally, but it feels like it.

  He has confessed that he has feelings for me...of some sort, and now he's proving it. He's giving me the romance I told him I wanted. And he's far better at it than I think he gives himself credit for.

  I practically purr as I enjoy the feeling of his big cock spreading me. Seeing him move on top of me, knowing that he's doing his best to make me happy, knowing that he's enjoying it, stimulates my hormones to an almost unbelievable level. Even though he's not jackhammering into me, I can still feel the familiar throbbing sensation between my thighs. It won't be long before I come again.

  I hook my legs around Lucian's hips and hold him against me, moaning softly into his ear as he picks up the pace ever so slightly. The sound of his labored breathing only makes my core pulse more. He grinds heavily into me, his pubic bone drawing long strokes across my clit. I feel so overwhelmed with pleasure and happiness that wetness comes to my eyes. Tears of joy. I feel like an idiot for crying right now, but I just can't help it. This is what I wanted from him all along. All of this.

  I hold my breath as each thrust pushes me closer to the edge. Lucian kisses my neck and his body passes the threshold of gentle for a few quick seconds. I cry out, my nails digging into his back as the world dissolves around us and all I see is everything we could be together. It's an orgasm on both a physical and emotional level, something I've never experienced before.

  He presses deeply into me, giving a few shallow thrusts. I can feel his dick swelling and twitching and spilling into me. It makes me want to hold him even tighter against me, but I don't think that's possible. We're so connected that there's no space between us. My hips are bucked up to meet him, drinking everything in. I can feel his rapid heartbeat pounding against my chest. It's amazing. Incredible. Unbelievable. I don't ever want it to end. Not ever.

  I lick my lips and then kiss his face, holding it in my hands, making sure I don't miss an inch of skin. His forehead, his cheeks, his eyes, his chin. The small bit of stubble feels funny against my mouth, but I don't mind much. This is me taking in all of him.

  When I'm done, he gives me a quick peck on the lips before rolling off of me. We lay there together for several moments, just breathing and staring up at the ceiling. There's a giddy feeling swirling inside of me that's pushing at the surface. Even though we just had sex, I feel like I have enough energy to run around the world. I want to get up and jump up and down and whoop as if I've just conquered the greatest feat ever. Maybe I have, because I think I might have conquered Lucian Reddick's heart. At least, I hope I did.

  With my breathing finally calm, I roll over to cuddle Lucian. Almost the second that I do, he sits up to get out of bed. My heart sinks so hard that I think it might have left my body. This is his classic after sex dismissiveness. The happy tears that were streaming down my face only moments ago turn to sorrow and shame. He's about to kick me out.

  I draw my legs up to my chest and hug them, watching him, waiting for him to get dressed and tell me to leave. He doesn't put his pants back on, but he does head toward the door, not even bothering to look back at me.

  “Lucian,” I call to him before he has a chance to disappear.

  “Yeah?” He turns back to me.

  “Where are you going?” I absolutely loathe how pathetic I sound. Right now though, I feel about as fragile as a thin piece of porcelain being handled by a rowdy child.

  “I'm going to get us some water. I don't know about you, but I'm thirsty.” He wipes a thin sheen of sweat from his brow.

  “Oh.” I cower a bit, though I don't know why. This doesn't mean he's not going to kick me out immediately after we're hydrated.

  Perhaps he sees the concerned look on my face because he walks back into the room and sits beside me, reaching a hand out to rub my back. “Are you alright?”

  “Yeah.” My face sinks behind my arms. “No,” I admit.

  “What's wrong?”

  “Would you like for me to leave? After we drink our water, of course.” I do my best not to sound pitiful, but it doesn't work too well.

  His head cocks back a bit. “No. What would make you think that?”

  “Never mind.”

  Lucian places his hand on me knee. “I'm going to go get us some water, and then we're going to take a shower.”


  “Yes. Together.” He grins, brushing a strand of hair away from my eyes. “And then I'm going to hold you hostage all night. You're going to fall asleep in my bed and wake up in my arms.”

  “Really?” My mood perks up from his romantic words.

  “Really.” He kisses me on the forehead before standing. “I'm parched. I'll be right back.”

  “Alright.” My body relaxes as I watch him go, my legs flattening out on the bed.

  Maybe things will work out for us after all.

  From the Author

  I hope you've enjoyed Flesh: Part Eight. Part Nine will be available shortly.

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