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Douluo Dalu - Volume 08 - Emperor Team

Page 3

by Tang Jia San Shao

  The two Shi brothers glanced at each other, simultaneously shouting loudly and unexpectedly throwing the enormous tortoiseshell shields in their hands, directly at Tang San and Xiao Wu.

  The tortoiseshell shields spin whistling through the air, that incomparable energy enough to make people fearful. Most peculiar were the strands of yellow spirit power that connected the back of each tortoiseshell shield with the hands of the Shi brothers. The sharp edges of the tortoiseshell shields cut the air as they passed, creating an extremely disturbing sharp hiss.

  The green mist had already inundated everyone, bringing a faintly sweet fishy smell to everyone’s nostrils, despite already having eaten Oscar’s small sausage, apart from Tang San each person of the Shrek Seven Devils felt a burst of dizziness. Fortunately the detoxifying effect of the small sausages was good, and they could persist without signs of defeat.

  Right now, a bit relaxedly confronting the other side’s strongest was Dai Mubai.

  Once again fighting Yu Tian-Heng, Dai Mubai immediately became aware that the opponent’s condition really hadn’t recovered to its peak. Although those bizarre white light petals helped cure Yu Tian-Heng’s physical injuries, the spirit power he released previously hadn’t recovered. In fact, under the previous siege of the Shrek Seven Devils his spirit power consumption was substantial, an unknown amount more than Dai Mubai.

  Bodily injuries recovered quickly, but although Yu Tian-Heng’s fractured Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon arm had barely managed to heal, he still didn’t dare exert himself. Right now he was only relying on his thunder energy to contend with Dai Mubai. With his spirit power already lower than Dai Mubai under the effect of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda boost, Yu Tian-Heng calmly chose a roaming battle, without meeting Dai Mubai straight on.

  Dai Mubai was unable to grab the chance for victory he desired, able to become a control system Spirit Master, Jade Phosphor Serpent Dugu Yan’s poison battle control capability was no small matter. Were it not for Tang San exploiting his familiarity with every kind of poison, relying on realgar alcohol to dissolve her strongest third spirit ability Jade Phosphor Violet Poison, perhaps now the Shrek Seven Devils would all have fallen.

  But Zhu Zhuqing and Ma Hongjun’s circumstances weren’t so optimistic.

  The opponents the two confronted both had seven or eight ranks higher spirit power, even though Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Pagoda’s effect was able to shrink the spirit power gap between them, but it still couldn’t make up for a difference in one spirit ring.

  One more spirit ring wasn’t just as simple as one more spirit ability, all the supplemental attributes that promoted when absorbing a spirit ring couldn’t be made up for with spirit power. Just like how Tang San when entering the thirtieth rank realm gained comprehensive improvements in strength and control.

  Although Ma Hongjun’s Phoenix Spirit was also a flying type, right now he still couldn’t fly, and could only rely on Phoenix Fire Wire to vanquish the opponent.

  But that Wind Chime Bird Spirit Master Yu Feng’s attacks were extremely crafty, constantly swooping down with wings like sharp blades, as long as Ma Hongjun was the slightest bit slow in attacking, he might be hit.

  What made Ma Hongjun even more depressed was Yu Feng’s wind abilities. Although he didn’t dare letting himself be hit by Phoenix Fire Wire, relying on his wings to instigate wind force he was frequently able to disperse the Phoenix Fire Wire attacks.

  In order to be able to keep his opponent at a distance, Ma Hongjun was forced to constantly keep up his Bathing Fire Phoenix ability, thereby bringing the Phoenix Fire Wire’s attack power to its peak. Although he was able to temporarily keep his opponent in check like this, his spirit power consumption was also substantial.

  Were it not for Oscar periodically handing him one of his big sausages, perhaps he would already have been unable to persist.

  Zhu Zhuqing’s circumstances were even more unbearable than Ma Hongjun, Ma Hongjun still had Oscar’s support, she could only rely on her own strength.

  Black Leopard Osler’s speed was under ordinary circumstances higher than Zhu Zhuqing’s, the Black Leopard Spirit in itself was an extremely outstanding existence among agility attack spirits. Zhu Zhuqing was unable to close the gap between the two even under the speed boost of Seven Treasures Great Tile Pagoda, and could only keep up a constant moving battle with the opponent.

  Osler’s attacks were becoming fiercer and fiercer, and with the spirit power consumption, Zhu Zhuqing was already gradually becoming unable to resist.

  “Zhuqing, over here!”

  Dai Mubai shouted loudly.

  Zhu Zhuqing understood intuitively, figure flickering, she already appeared at Dai Mubai’s side.

  The pressure Yu Tian-Heng gave Dai Mubai was insufficient, and relying on White Tiger Vajra Transformation, Dai Mubai forced off Osler, together with Zhu Zhuqing confronting Osler and Yu Tian-Heng, creating a two versus two situation. Thus, Zhu Zhuqing’s crisis was temporarily averted.

  But when Yu Tian-Heng had Osler’s assistance, he also had the chance to catch his breath.

  The four enormous tortoiseshells cut spinning through the air, attacking Tang San from four different directions.

  “Xiao Wu.”

  Tang San made a simple gesture.

  Xiao Wu soared up, with a leap already jumping over Tang San. Tang San’s both hands used strength under Xiao Wu’s feet, Capturing Dragon force bursting out, sending off Xiao Wu like an artillery shell.

  The Black Tortoise Spirit Masters’ defense no doubt mainly relied on their tortoiseshells, right now having thrown the tortoiseshells, their defensive power naturally would have substantially reduced.

  Tang San had considered letting Xiao Wu attack the opponents’ control system Spirit Master Dugu Yan, but that was after all to dangerous. Tang San wasn’t certain he would be able to dispel the poison on Dugu Yan’s body.

  But, with Xiao Wu having left this side, right now Tang San alone had to confront the attack of two Spirit Masters with spirit power six ranks higher than his. Was he able to block them?

  Tang San revealed a confident smile, he wasn’t just a control system Spirit Master, at the same time he was a Tang Sect disciple. That martial ability not of this world was his true background.

  Moving with Ghost Perplexing Shadow Track, after Tang San threw Xiao Wu he advanced rather than retreating, dashing to meet the four tortoiseshell shields, Mysterious Heaven Skill internal strength surging, both palms already becoming a lustrous glossy jade color.

  The four tortoiseshell shields seemed to leave death the only result for Tang San, but a Ghost Shadow Perplexing Track rotation unexpectedly let him evade the sharp edges in front.

  Immediately afterward, both Tang San’s palms simultaneously clapped the leftmost side of a shield.

  Figure flickering again, again both palms swatted another side.

  Controlling Crane Capturing Dragon’s force launched, cleverly leveraging force to jolt those shields suffused with spirit power, in a moment, the four shields would crash together.

  Two muffled grunts issued from the Shi Brothers, the spirit power light connecting to the backs of the tortoiseshell shields abruptly tightened, the four shields breaking off in different directions.

  This time, it was Tang San’s face that changed color.

  It wasn’t at all because he was worried the tortoiseshell shields would injure him, with Ghost Shadow Perplexing Track, he basically didn’t have to be worried about being hit by this kind of cumbersome weapon. The reason he was shocked, was that the tortoiseshell shields no longer targeted him, but the Blue Silver Grass released from him.

  With ear-piercing air-splitting intense sounds, the four tyrannical tortoiseshell shields plunged among the Blue Silver Grass released from Tang San and unexpectedly severed more than half, especially those few strands of Blue Silver Grass connected to the other Shrek Seven Devil team members, even more all of a sudden completely severing their seven member int
egral formation.

  Tang San’s heart chilled, right now he already understood that these two appearing unflustered Black Tortoise Spirit Masters absolutely weren’t as simple minded as they appeared on the outside. Their true purpose was admittedly to attack him, but even more important was to destroy their side’s linked condition.

  Right now, Xiao Wu already crossed the covering range of the four shields, in a moment, the two Black Tortoise Spirit Masters were already in range.

  Part 2 (TL by Jax)

  “Xiao Wu, look out!”

  A sense of unease washed over Tang San from the bottom of his heart. He subconsciously reminded Xiao Wu. This was because he suddenly remembered something. The twin Shi Brothers had yet to use their third Spirit Ability. After all, they were strength based defensive spirit masters, how could they throw away their shells and not think about their defense?

  Just as Tang San had predicted, both faces of the Black Tortoise Spirit Masters changed, just as their body shone with a purple hue. Their thousand year spirit ring activated[ Trap card activate!].

  Xiao Wu naturally had heard Tang San’s cry, but at that point in time, her body was still in mid-air. There was nothing she could do. However, during the critical moments, Xiao Wu demonstrated her quick reflexes. Her second and third spirit ring lighting up at the same time. Dazzling and mesmerizingly, with red eyes, she intensely gazed upon Shi Mò.[ 629? *wink wink*]

  The Soft Bones Demon Rabbit’s second spirit ability, Demon Confusion, the effect, depending on the opponent’s spirit power, it would leave them in a frozen state. The length of this effect was dependant on the difference in their spirit power. However, if there was a large difference in their spirit power, it would backfire.

  Just like before[ During the third stage of tests into Shrek academy when they got wrecked by Zhao Wuji], when they were fighting Zhao Wuji, he directly reflected Xiao Wu’s Demon Confusion ability. The twin Black Tortoise Spirit Masters before them obviously didn’t have such an overwhelming difference in Spirit power, thus they could only be frozen for a very short period of time. However, Xiao Wu, using a momentary outburst of power could still obtain the desired result.

  Shi Mò’s entire person was still for a while. The purple glow around his body naturally dulled a little. Taking advantage of this split second opportunity, Xiao Wu used her teleportation ability to, as before, charge ahead. Just using the teleporting abilities’ range of five meters to dodge in front.

  To lure the enemy in deep. The Shi brothers had dealt with Xiao Wu, using Tang San’s very own method of dealing with Yu Tian-Heng before..

  The four tortoise shells, that had cut Tang San’s blue silver grass before, with a speed that was hard for the human eye to catch, were recovered. Every Tortoise shell glowed with a purple light as it was explosively rendered into sixteen diamond shaped pieces and shot off within moments. It just about sealed anyone in the vicinity of the defensive Black Tortoise Spirit Masters. At this time, if Xiao Wu’s waist still had Tang San’s Blue Silver Grass, then maybe he could’ve still pulled her back. But now, in the air, she had nothing else to rely on.

  The Black Tortoise Spirit Masters’ Tortoise Shell Burst[ (龟甲爆裂)] was a kind of area of attack, mainly used to protect themselves and attack the enemy at the same time.

  Each Shi Brother’s Tortoise shells had split into thirty two pieces[ their tortoise shells originally split into 2, now split into 16 each again. Thus its now 32 per brother]. With an area of effect of ten Meters squared, the pieces raced around them in the air, making a sharp piercing sound as they spun around the spirit masters, violently distorting the air within the coverage of their shell burst. To others, it looked like a giant meat grinder.

  No one knew when the Shi Brothers had split up and moved, but in order use their third spirit ability to their fullest potential, they had to avoid meeting each other, thus preventing the shell fragments crashing into each other.

  When Xiao Wu teleported five meters, she could escape the incoming tortoise shell, but she was unable to dodge the shell burst attack. Her delicate body turned in the air, blood splattering as Xiao Wu painfully cried out, the vigorously rotating shells in the air, had shredded her, causing her to spin several times before falling to the ground.

  Seeing Xiao Wu fall into the enemies’ Tortoise Shell Burst range, Tang San’s heart broke. Unable to maintain his composure any longer,

  “Xiao Wu!”

  The Blue Silver Grass finally caught up to the falling Xiao Wu, wrapped around her waist and quickly pulled her back to safety.

  Xiao Wu’s eyes were shut tight, her body trembling fiercely. Her right arm, the right side of her waist and even her thigh was bloody and cut, blood already staining red half her body. Even more serious, the Black Tortoise Spirit Masters’ spirit power had penetrated her body, already injuring her internal organs.

  Tang San’s heart beats just about stopped. With his right hand, he was quickly pressing and blocking the pressure points around Xiao Wu’s injuries to seal the veins so that she wouldn’t bleed too much. With the other, he was pressing on Xiao Wu’s back, using the warm Mysterious Heaven Skill’s to quickly push spirit energy into her, combining her spirit power with his own, forcing out any lingering malicious Spirit Power inside her. While this was happening, the shell fragments merged back in the air, once again becoming the tortoise shells on the backs of the Black Tortoise Spirit Masters. Their attack, had been a great success. Not only were they able to cut off Tang San’s support, they had also heavily injured Xiao Wu.

  Originally, the Shi Brothers didn’t even think about using their third spirit ability, even Qin Ming had previously reminded them not to mortally injure any of the opponents.

  But Yu Tian-Heng’s heavy injuries had caused them to be very angry, even though their expressions didn’t show it, in reality, they were infuriated. This caused them to pull all the stops and thus their full force attack resulted in the current scene.

  Dugu Yan happily shouted:


  Opening her mouth, she once again spit out another mouthful of thick poison, causing the poison mist on the stage to become even thicker. Oscar and his small sausage was finally already starting to show its ineffectiveness.

  The two Black Tortoise Spirit Masters leaped with large strides towards Tang San, very clear that they only needed to take down this control system Spirit Master. Then, today’s spirit battle would end in their victory.

  The Emperor team came to the same understanding after looking at Xiao Wu’s injury. Tang San would soon have to face the Black Tortoise Spirit Master twins who had the support of the Jade Phosphor Serpent from behind.Thus all at once, they engaged they other Shrek Seven Devils in their own all-out battles. Their objective was simple. To ensure that Tang San’s teammates would not get the opportunity to save him.

  Xiao Wu’s injury had all the same ignited the flames of fury in the other Shrek Seven Devils’ hearts. Ma Hongjun no longer spared any remaining spirit power. His Phoenix Fire Wire painted a horrifying picture of fire in the air, rushing towards the Wind Chime Bird Spirit Master.

  “Air Surge”[ (风起云涌) Literally “Rising Winds, Rushing Clouds”, an idiomatic expression for turbulent times or violent developments. ]. At the critical moment, the gust could no longer be maintained, the purple spirit ring lit up. Floating in the air, both wings rapidly flapped. A layer of green coloured cloudlike spirit power was being released in waves, inviting Ma Hongjun’s Phoenix Fire Wire to slap against it.

  The green spirit power gathered in the air, forming the shape of a giant bird and swooped down. Ma Hongjun’s Phoenix Fire Wire mightily clashed with it.

  “Ah!…” The intense pressure and Xiao Wu’s injury had brought out the darkness in Ma Hongjun’s heart, even though his spirit power was comparatively weaker than his opponents, at this moment, the Phoenix Fire on his body was burning with a heat incomparable to before.

  With the Bathing Fire Phoenix out in full force, he
grabbed a sausage from Oscar who was beside him and swallowed it. Once again, spitting out an intense Fire Wire.

  Ma Hongjun clearly knew that at this side wasn’t just him alone, there was also Oscar and Ning Rongrong. Once he was unable to block the enemies’ spirit ability, then the support from the Seven Treasures Glazed Tiles Pagoda would be lost. Which would only make matters worse.

  The purplish red coloured Fire Wire, under Ma Hongjun’s rage slowly turned a deep purple colour. The third spirit ring ability, wind surge, should’ve broken through the fire, but under these circumstances, was currently being held back by force. The originally ability shaped bird’s body had even started to show signs of being burnt.

  Yu Feng felt a special sort of pressure coming from Ma Hongjun, making him feel, from the bottom of his heart, a pressure as if Ma Hongjun had an indisputable, tyrannical strength .

  He of course didn’t know that the current situation was just like the female Spider spirit master’s situation when Tang San faced the Mad team. This was the sort of pressure brought about by the difference in battle spirit.

  Ma Hongjun had the Phoenix spirit, even if it was a Evil Fire Phoenix Variant, it was a phoenix all the same. Phoenixes were the emperor of birds, the strong ones capable of even commanding the heavens. This standard was naturally something the wind Chime Bird wasn’t comparable to.

  Thus, even if Yu Feng’s Spirit power was much higher than Ma Hongjun, in this battle of spirits, the pressure brought by the Phoenix was inescapable.

  Of course, it was because of this difference in both parties’ spirit power that this pressure was only brought out under such conditions, when Ma Hongjun’s body was showing all its potential.


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