He Brings Out The Hood In Me 3

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He Brings Out The Hood In Me 3 Page 13

by Nikki Brown

  “Got damn you gone take all of it.”

  “Kahlil! You know what? Go sit with your daddy.” Sutton shook her head holding in her laugh. “I don’t know what to do with you.”

  Once the nurse was done, she excused herself and said that the ultrasound tech would be in shortly and then she would see the doctor. Sutton looked at Kahlil who was sitting on Kahleno’s lap looking like he chewed him up and spit him out.

  She couldn’t believe that this was her life but she wouldn’t trade it for nothing. They had been through so much in the short amount of time that they had been together but it made what they’d built that much stronger.

  Sutton had never felt so complete and she couldn’t wait to hold the baby she was carrying in her arms while she yelled out for Kahlil to stop cursing. A lone tear made its way to her cheek and she didn’t bother to stop it. That was for her mother, what she would do for her to see her now.

  “You good Sut?”

  “Yeah just thinking about ma, she would have loved the two of you.” She smiled and Kahleno returned it. All he ever wanted to do from this day forward was to put a smile on Sutton’s face. She didn’t deserve anything less. He couldn’t wait to spend the rest of his life with her.

  The ultrasound tech came in and told Sutton she needed to get undressed from the waist down. Kahleno drew the curtain to give her privacy, he wasn’t sure why she had to do that but he was sure he would find out.

  With Kahlil, he wasn’t as present as he would be with this baby. He was still running the streets but now that he had it set up that he didn’t have to be out there like that he would definitely be more hands on.

  “Alright, so what we are going to have to do is an intravaginal ultrasound. I’m going to cover this probe with one of these things that looks like a mini condom, we’re going to insert it in your vagina and look at the baby that way.”

  “Is that a plastic dick?” Kahlil tried to whisper but he failed miserably. The ultrasound tech turned towards the wall so they wouldn’t see her face as she worked overtime to hide the smile that had broken through. The nurse that was in here before had already warned her, she thought she was prepared but she was definitely wrong.

  “No, they gone use it to see the baby,” Kahleno tried to explain as simply as he could.

  “Where they gone put it?” he looked from the machine to Sutton and then back to his father. “Nah!” he shook his head. “It go up her butt?” his eyes stretched and Sutton covered her face to laugh.

  “Mannnnn I don’t think you need to be in here with this,” Kahleno laughed.

  “Well what I can do is try to see the baby from her belly first, if it doesn’t work then we’ll have to go the other route. Going from her last period, it’s about eight weeks but you said you weren’t sure because you weren’t regular, correct?” Sutton nodded her head. “Okay so let’s see what we can do right here.”

  The tech squeezed the cold gel on Sutton’s stomach causing her to giggle. Then she turned on the screen so that Kahleno and Kahlil could see, but they both got up and moved in her direction. Reaching for her hand, he leaned down and kissed the back of it and let his lips linger. The feel of her skin always took him to a place of bliss and he needed that sometimes.

  “Alright here is your-” she started but her words trailed off. “Oh wow!” she said clicking a few more buttons on the screen.

  “What? Is something wrong?” Sutton tried to sit up to look up at the tech to read her expression but she couldn’t. “What’s going on?”

  “Umm it’s nothing bad,” she said but didn’t sound confident. “So, this little bean with the little limbs is baby A.”

  “Baby A?” Kahleno said more to himself than anyone else but everyone heard him.

  “Yep and this one over here is Baby B.” The tech smiled and looked down at her chart. “Congratulations! Aren’t you excited?”

  Kahleno squeezed Sutton’s hand and she jerked it back. When he turned to face her, she had the cutest mug on her face. He shrugged his shoulders and rubbed his hands together and sent a quick prayer up for a boy and a girl.

  My First Night with You

  “What’s good witcha nigga?” Cassidy dapped Vinny up when he walked up to the porch of the house that he shared with Key. It was nearing seven o’clock and the sun had already tucked away behind the clouds for the day.

  Cassidy had called earlier and asked Key if he could take her out tonight, she was shocked at first but eventually agreed. Vinny volunteered to watch Kane. She hated to ask him but when she suggested that he call Cami he flipped out and said that his nephew was good.

  “Not shit.” Vinny looked up at Cassidy.

  “Don’t start your shit nigga.” He laughed but stopped when he realized that Vinny wasn’t laughing.

  “Seriously, don’t fuck her over. Her last nigga really did a number on her, she wasn’t right for a long time. She won’t be able to handle that again.”

  “I got you man, I ain’t built that way. She good.” Vinny nodded because Cassidy had always proved to be a man of his word. He never gave him a reason to think any different.

  “I know nigga.” They dapped up again and Vinny stood up to walk in the house right as Key came out. Vinny looked at her and then kissed her on the cheek. Shooting Cassidy one more look, he headed in to the house with his nephew. He prayed that Cassidy was the nigga he thought he was because his sister deserved the best.

  A sexy smirk appeared on Key’s face causing Cassidy to pull his bottom lip into his mouth and lightly bite down on it. He had seen her plenty of times but tonight was different. He saw her differently and the bulge in his Armani slacks elaborated that thought.

  “Damn,” he hissed as he adjusted himself in his slacks. They were set to go out to eat with his brother’s and his parents. Kahleno called and said to meet him in the restaurant, he couldn’t resist the chance to take her out.

  Donned in a black fitted tube dress, that came right around mid-thigh. She wasn’t overly shapely, so the length was very tasteful but it increased the amount of testosterone flowing through his body.

  Her long curly hair was in a big bushy ball on the top of her head giving a perfect view of her beautiful face. His eyes traced her thick lips and he had to make himself stop thinking about all the things that he wanted her to do with them.

  “You are fucking beautiful, you know that?” Cassidy finally spoke after what felt like forever.

  “Thank you, you clean up nice yourself.” She complimented on his very expensive, black slacks and teal dress shirt. As her eyes traveled down below the waist, she focused in on his thick print that was out for the world to see. Inadvertently licking her lips caused Cassidy’s dick to jump and in turn made Key look away.

  “We’ll have plenty of time for that, but right now we got to go before my brother throws a hissy fit if we’re late.”

  “Where we going?” she asked as she took one step at a time like the world was her runway. Time stopped just for a second, and Cassidy really took in the fact that this woman was about to be his date for the night.

  “To our restaurant.”


  “Me and my brothers.”

  “Y’all own a damn restaurant? Shit let me borrow twenty dollars.” Key stopped and placed her hand on her hip and held her other hand out. Her head was cocked to the side and she had the widest smile on her face.

  Cassidy loved a woman who was independent and worked hard, doing whatever she needed to do to survive. He knew that’s the kind of woman that Key was just by the conversations that they had. He knew that her and Vinny were good because he pulled in a lot of money by working their street shit, but Cassidy was eager to make her his responsibility because he felt like she deserved it.

  That was rare for him to look at a woman and want to help her and her kid. Key needed that and not just because she was a single mother that had been through a lot, but because her soul was pure. You could see the positive aura around her and people like t
hat deserved the world. If she played her cards right, she would get just that.

  “Keep doing what you doing and you’ll get more than that.” Cassidy smirked and pulled her into him.

  At first, she was caught off guard and looked at him like he was crazy, but the minute their eyes connected, her body relaxed in his arms and she smiled. Key felt her heart flutter and it made her nervous, his stare made her nervous. She found a piece of lint on his shirt and began to pick at it.

  Picking up on her cues, Cassidy grabbed her chin with his other finger and lifted it so that she was looking at him. Without taking his eyes off of her, he leaned down and pressed his lips to hers. Allowing them to linger increased the connection that the two already felt.

  “Y’all can get away from here with that bullshit!” Vinny yelled and waved them away right as a car pulled up behind where Cassidy was parked. Cassidy knew that car and well, the person in the car just sat there. He didn’t know what she was waiting on, well he did, she was waiting on him to leave.

  What she didn’t know was that Cassidy didn’t care. She was just someone that he dealt with from time to time. He hated sleeping with random women so he had one person he messed around with, but he told her that there would never be anything with them. So, he guessed that she finally took the hint after three whole years.

  “Why you out here checking for me Vinny, that’s a little creepy bro.” Key shook her head and then looked at the car. “Who the fuck is that? Better not be no bitch or I’m telling Cami.” She pointed at her brother.

  “Fuck Cami, I ain’t fucking with her like that right now.” He waved her off. “Don’t worry about me.”

  “Stop fucking worrying about us then nigga. Better be glad I didn’t bend her sexy ass over and long stroke her ass out here on the got damn car like I wanted to.” Cassidy pulled Key closer to him and kissed her lips.

  “Keep fucking with me with ya big ass.” Vinny pointed. “Don’t let the age fool ya boy!” Cassidy laughed and Vinny looked at the car. “Why the fuck yo goofy ass still sitting in the car Jayla?” Vinny threw his hands up causing both his sister and Cassidy to laugh. “I swear it’s hard to find decent pussy around this muthafucka.”

  “Well if you stop playing with Cami’s feelings then you wouldn’t have to worry about that.”

  “Shut the fuck up Key and go on about ya business. I ain’t ask you shit. Ain’t y’all got somewhere to go?” He waved them off and Cassidy laughed because he knew that Jayla wasn’t getting out of that car until Cassidy’s car pulled off. He decided to stop messing with her and leave, plus they had like fifteen minutes to get to the restaurant that was twenty minutes away.

  “Aight Vinny, take it easy on her.” Cassidy winked at him and he frowned his face up and then looked back and forth between Jayla’s car and Cassidy.

  “Man got damn!” Vinny threw his hands up and went in the house and slammed the door leaving Jayla outside in the car praying that her cover hadn’t been blown.

  “What was that all about?” Key asked once they were in the car.

  Cassidy looked at her as he crunk the car. He was battling within himself with whether or not to tell her the truth, but it was something about her presence that wouldn’t allow him to lie to her.

  “Jayla is someone that I deal with from time to time. I’m picky with who I spend my time with because I don’t believe in wasting my shit. So, I don’t put energy into someone unless I feel that they can add value to my life and I theirs.” He took a second to glance from the road to look Key and he had her full attention. “But I also don’t believe in that sleeping around shit either. So, Jayla was my comfortable place. When I wanted sex, she was there but that’s all it was.”


  “Wow what? I’m being honest. She knew from the very beginning that I didn’t see myself with her long term. From the moment I met her she knew that. Now she wants something that I can never give her, so I guess she moved on.”

  “She won’t get that with Vinny either. His stubborn ass is feeling Cami but he’s too dumb to act on it.”

  “That’s the thing with Jayla, she’s a fixer. If she thinks there’s a problem with you, she will do everything in her power to make sure that she puts herself in the right position to make you need her. She gives too much and expects too little. If I was a grimy nigga, I could have taken advantage of her but that ain’t me.”

  “Ah hell, Vinny’s ass will take her through it.”

  “That’s on her but she knew what it was. My time is too precious to be leading bitches nowhere special.” Cassidy shrugged his shoulders. “Jayla deserves to be happy though, I’m just not the nigga for her to do that with.”

  “Okay, I see you brother.” Key threw her fist up mockingly.

  “Shut the fuck up.” Cassidy glanced at her with his award-winning smirk and the two shared a laugh.

  “Seriously, that’s dope how you think. I like that.” She nodded her head and then looked out the window. “I wish more men were like you.”

  “There’s only one Cassidy baby.” He reached over and grabbed her thigh giving it a light squeeze. Her pussy immediately became drenched, she adjusted herself in her seat to attempt to stop the throbbing that was in between her legs. “That won’t help, the only thing that’s gonna help that is if I wrap my tongue around your clit and suck until you beg me to stop,” he said as coolly as if he was just talking about the weather.

  Key cleared her throat and sat up in her seat causing Cassidy to chuckle. He loved the effect that he had on her, she couldn’t control it and that only meant it was real.

  “Ummm.” Key started but nothing else would come out. She suddenly kicked herself for not wearing a bra, but the dress that she opted to wear tonight didn’t call for it. She smoothly crossed her arms across her chest to attempt to hide how turned on she was.

  “I mean I can lick them too baby girl, you just gotta tell me what you want.” Cassidy leaned over in her direction and said.

  His eyes never left the road, but he could see the rosiness of her cheeks in his peripheral.

  “Are you always this forward?”

  “Life is too short to not say what you mean and mean what you say. If I want something I go after it. Why wait?”


  “From the moment I watched you walk through the house in those tight ass leggings that was all in your ass I knew that I could see you in my space. I didn’t know if it was as a friend or much more but I knew it was something,” he told her honestly.

  “I was intrigued,” Key simply said.

  She watched his profile while he moved in and out of the traffic on highway 77. His chocolate skin was smooth, his low-cut fade gave him a mature look. His dark eyes told a story that could easily put Key to sleep but she was trying to practice a little restraint.

  “If you keep looking at me like that, I’m gonna pull over and give you what you’re trying not to want.” It was like he was reading her mind and she didn’t like that. She felt as if her thoughts weren’t safe.

  “You are something else.”

  “Just get to know me and you will see just how true that statement is.” Cassidy turned her way and smiled right as he eased on to the off ramp. “So, tell me about you Akiya, what makes that heart of yours tick so I can find my place and settle in.”

  She laughed and shook her head, “I’m a simple girl, I love to do hair and take care of my family. That’s about it. You met Kane’s bad ass-”

  “He’s not bad, he’s a boy that needs a little guidance, that’s all. Oh, and stop yelling at him like you crazy.” He frowned at her and then turned back to the road. “And I don’t care about you looking at me like that, I know that’s your son but I’m telling you, you talking to him like that won’t make the situation better it’s gonna make it worse. On top of everything that he has going on in that little mind of his, you yelling at him will make him feel like you don’t love him and it will only make him act out worse. Try talking to him.”
  “I’ve tried that Cassidy; it just gets so hard. I can beat him a thousand times and he just goes back to doing what he was doing before.” She shook her head because she was so frustrated with Kane lately and she hated feeling that way.

  “Where’s his daddy?”

  “Where the hell he needs to stay, away from us.” Her words were bitter and full of hate. Cassidy decided to leave the situation alone and revisit it at a later date. He wanted tonight to be fun and stress free.

  “I mean I can relieve some of that bass you got in your voice if you want.” The car fell silent for a second before the both of them fell out laughing.

  “Seriously, something is wrong with you Cassidy.” She shook her head and laid it back against the seat.

  “I promise when you find out what it is, you’ll love it.” An uncomfortable silence filled the space around them and they remained that way the rest of the way to the restaurant.

  Not My Heart

  “Adoreé stop,” Icelynn whined as she moved his hand from in between her legs as they sat at the table with the rest of the family. They were waiting on Kahleno and Sutton to get there. They called and said that they were running a few minutes late.

  “I can’t fucking help it,” he whispered in her ear, the warmth of his breath against her skin caused her shoulders to shudder as memories of their most recent love making session came rushing back to her mind. “I can feel the heat radiating from between your legs.”

  “Because you won’t stop.” She leaned into him and he stole a kiss. He couldn’t keep his hands off of her. After the two of them revealed their truths it was like gravity pulled them to each other even closer than they were.

  He had called the doctor that she recommended and the both of them were due to go see her in a few days. He knew that he needed it but he was still hesitant about talking to anyone about what he had been through other than Icelynn. He was still a little weird around his family even though they tried their best to show that nothing had changed.

  AD loved his mother and there was no question about that, and he also knew that he didn’t want a relationship with Ziva. It was something about her that wasn’t clicking with him. He just needed a little time to get over the initial feeling of betrayal. That didn’t mean that he was going to alienate himself from them. He still needed them in a sense, they were his family.


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