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Planet Glecerus

Page 11

by Olivia Black

  “This is your last chance to back out,” Bryce told him.

  Sebastian shook his head. “No. We’re good.”

  When they reached the door, it slid open. The lights were dim, but still, he couldn’t see anything, not with the other men standing in front of him, blocking his view. The sounds immediately surrounded him, bombarding his ears with a mixture of loud moans, cries of pleasure, skin slapping skin, laughter, overlapping conversation, and a few other things he couldn’t quite identify.

  Georgie tugged Sebastian’s arm, pulling him forward. They stayed close, clinging to one another as they made their way inside behind the rest of the group.

  They passed Glecerian males, each one looking at them with lust blazing in their black eyes. The heavy scent of testosterone, pheromones, and sex clogged his senses, and Sebastian panted. His body was affected. His cock hardened, pressing against the front of his pants, and a thin sheen of sweat broke out along his brow. Sebastian dropped Georgie’s arm and did his best to conceal his erection. With each step he took, the sounds grew louder, and Sebastian’s body buzzed with excitement.

  “Oh, wow.” Georgie grabbed the collar of his shirt, moving the material fast enough to fan himself. “This place…it’s…amazing.”

  Sebastian laughed. It was something all right.

  “I’m gonna head to the bar to get a drink,” Georgie told him.

  “I think I’m gonna look around for bit. I’ll meet you there.”

  Georgie nodded. “Okay.”

  Sebastian broke off from the group. He swerved through the crowd of Glecerian males, curious to see what the pleasure club had to offer. Sebastian made his way around the males and stopped dead in his tracks. His eyes widened as he watched the scene play out before him.

  In one alcove, there was a Glecerian male and his human companion. Both of them were naked. On closer inspection, Sebastian realized that they had matching tattoos. They’re mates. That caught him off guard and made the scene somewhat sexier if that was possible. The human was tied down on a cushioned bench, his limbs spread out, his body exposed. The Glecerian wielded a short whip. He brought it down on the human’s ass, painting a series of red lines across the white canvas. The human moaned. His body trembled.

  “Please,” the human begged. “Please…please…”

  The Glecerian ignored him, concentrating on the task at hand. He continued to rain down the whip, again and again. When he was done, he dropped the implement onto the ground. The Glecerian then moved, placing himself between the human’s spread thighs. The large male pressed the head of his cock against the man’s hole and surged forward, seating his length deep inside the human’s ass. The male grabbed hold of the human’s hips and fucked him, hard. His cock looked like a battering ram as it pummeled the smaller man.

  “Come for me,” the Glecerian ordered.

  The human’s mouth fell open. He cried out in pleasure as thick, white ropes of ejaculate burst from his cock. When the Glecerian came, he shouted. They both shuddered and groaned, oblivious of the crowd gathered around, watching.

  Sebastian took a deep breath and blew it out. He lifted his arm and, using the back of his hand, wiped it across his forehead.

  “Holy fuck,” he muttered.

  The Glecerian moved back. He grabbed a towel from a nearby shelf and wiped the sweat from his chest before tending to his mate. He cleaned the human up before untying him. The male took great care in removing the restraints. He kissed the human’s wrists and ankles before carefully lifting him from the bench. He held him against his chest, cradling him in his muscular arms.

  Watching them together reminded Sebastian of what he was missing. He wanted someone to hold him and kiss him. Sebastian observed the couple for another minute before making his way to the next alcove.

  There were three men, two Glecerian and one human. The human was suspended in a harness from the ceiling, his body horizontal and level with the Glecerians. The young man swung back and forth between the two larger Glecerians. One male fucked the human’s ass while the other used his mouth.

  Sebastian’s gaze jumped from one man to the other, watching the scene play out, until all three found their release.

  Shuffling his feet, Sebastian once again moved through the throng of males to the next alcove.

  This one was set up a bit differently. There were at least a dozen overstuffed chairs pressed against the walls, creating a semi-circle. Most of the seats were filled. Some of the males had their pants down, bunched around their ankles, while others were completely naked with their thighs spread wide. Both Glecerian and humans were servicing the males. Sebastian’s gaze moved around the space. This particular alcove seemed to be dedicated to blowjobs.

  Watching made Sebastian shiver with desire. His eyes landed on a Glecerian pair. One male guided the other. He held his head tightly against his lap as he thrust his hips up and down. The motion increased, faster and faster, as he shoved his entire length down the other man’s throat. He gasped and cried out as he came. When he was done, he pulled up his pants, kissed the guy on the cheek, and stepped out of the alcove. The blowjob giver licked his lips, grinned at the crowd, and moved on to the next lap.

  “I need a drink or three.”

  Sebastian forced himself to head to the bar, even though he was tempted to step inside the alcove. His dick strained against the front of his pants, begging for some action. Shaking his head, Sebastian cleared out his wayward thoughts.

  He found Georgie sitting at the bar, squeezed between two large males. He held a glass bottle in his hand, taking giant gulps of the brightly colored liquid. In between each drink, Georgie still managed to carry on a conversation. It was obvious he was already drunk. Georgie swayed back and forth, his voice loud enough for anyone to hear.

  “Sebastian!” Georgie waved wildly. “That’s my friend,” he announced in a slurred tone.

  Sebastian sat on a nearby barstool. “Hey, how are you doing?”

  “I’m great. I’ve been talking to my new friends about this whole predicament. And we all agree”—Georgie twirled his finger around—“the auction is fixed. It’s a conspiracy.”

  “Oh, yeah?”

  “Yeah! And I’m not going to let these people tell me what to do anymore. I’ll do whatever the hell I want.”

  “What do you want to do?”

  “I’m going to get drunk. And then, I’m gonna get laid.”

  Sebastian knew Georgie wasn’t serious. He was just hurt that he’d ended up in the singles dormitory. This slight was tearing him apart.

  “You’re doing a good job so far.”

  Georgie lifted the bottle, saluting Sebastian. “Thank you.”

  “Wow,” Grant said from the other side of Sebastian.

  “He’s a mess,” Bryce added.

  “No, he’s just heartbroken.” Sebastian turned and looked at Grant. “Why aren’t you upset about going to Sweshan?”

  “I requested to go off planet.”

  “Why would you do that?” Sebastian asked, completely shocked.

  Grant shrugged. “It was Bryce’s idea.”

  “Bryce?” Sebastian looked toward the other man. “Why would you want to go to Sweshan?”

  “I’ve got a twin brother. His name is Brian. We volunteered to come here about a year ago, but my application was denied. They said I was sick and that I wouldn’t make it to Glecerus. Since we were dirt poor, I convinced my brother to go without me. I thought he could have a better life away from Earth. While he was here, on Glecerus, he met a dignitary from Sweshan at the marketplace. They talked. Brian told him about me. The dignitary, he spoke with an ambassador, and Brian was sent to Sweshan to become the male’s mate.”

  “You’re going there to be with your brother?” Sebastian could understand that reasoning. He’d volunteered, hoping he’d see Jason again. “He contacted you? How’s that possible?”

  “I never thought I would hear from my brother again. I thought he was lost to me forever. When th
e next starship arrived from Glecerus, a package was delivered to me from the Justice Building. There was a note and a bunch of cylinders filled with this thick, goopy gray stuff.” He made a face and visibly shivered. “It was medicine from Sweshan. I drank one each day, and by the time I went back to volunteer, I had a clean bill of health.”


  “I want to see my brother, but I also volunteered to go to Sweshan because the people there cared enough to help me when there wasn’t any hope of survival. I think there are good people on Sweshan, but for some reason, there aren’t a lot of humans. I think they’re afraid, but the people of Sweshan want us. They’re looking for mates.”

  Sebastian had to admit that he was afraid. He didn’t know enough about Sweshan to pass judgement, but from what he’d heard, it wasn’t all that pleasant.

  “Well, I hope you all find what you’re looking for.” Sebastian smiled, hoping that Sweshan wasn’t as bad as he suspected. “If you wouldn’t mind looking out for Georgie, I would really appreciate it.”

  Grant nodded. “Of course. We’ll take care of him.”

  Sebastian sighed. “Thanks. I’m really worried about him.”

  Grant placed his hand on Sebastian’s shoulder and gave a friendly squeeze. “He’ll be okay.”

  Sebastian looked over at Georgie.

  He wasn’t sure if he believed that, but he hoped that his friend would find a loving mate, wherever he ended up.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Mark came for him early the next morning. Sebastian barely had enough time to say good-bye to Georgie before he was escorted up to the flight deck, where all the starships were housed. Mark handed Sebastian off to a couple Glecerian males before leaving once again.

  Sebastian stood, shaking uncontrollably as nervous energy raced through his body, making him sick to his stomach. One of the Glecerian males dressed him in thick layers of clothes, preparing him for the competition while the other male sat in the cockpit, flying the small starship.

  The competition didn’t seem like a good idea any longer. He was going to be hunted down like prey, on top of the planet, by high-ranking unmated males. Sebastian didn’t know all the details, and honestly, he didn’t care. This was a very bad idea. They were going to drop him off in an unknown environment, and Sebastian was expected to simply survive until one of the males found him. If he didn’t die from the elements, there was a good chance he would get lost and never return, which meant that he would eventually die. The end result was the same, death.

  “Here, drink this.” The Glecerian male tending to Sebastian handed him a mug.

  He lifted it up to his nose and smelled the contents before taking a sip. Sebastian sighed. It tasted heavenly. The warm liquid slid down his throat and settled in his belly, warming him from the inside out. He drank the rest of the contents, down to the last drop. By the time he handed the mug back, Sebastian was feeling a lot better. Calm, relaxed, and slightly buzzed.

  It didn’t take long before Sebastian started to feel hot and a little uncomfortable. A fine sheen of sweat covered his body, making his clothing feel tight and itchy. Sebastian groaned. He transferred his weight from one foot to the other while fanning himself with his hand. A foreign sensation hit him hard, and Sebastian was tempted to start removing his clothing. Something was happening to him, something he couldn’t comprehend or explain.

  His cock hardened, standing out straight, begging for attention. His hips jerked forward of their own accord, desperately searching for friction. In that moment, Sebastian would’ve done anything to find release.

  “What was in that drink?” he asked, his tone accusatory.

  “It’s a tea with natural herbs mixed with a mild aphrodisiac.”

  His eyes widened in surprise. “Why would you give me that?”

  “The males will be able to track your scent. Your hormones. The need. It will call them.”

  “And I’ll want to have sex with the first male that finds me?”

  The male merely shrugged his shoulders, as if it were no big deal.

  “Dear God,” Sebastian muttered.

  They were going to turn him into a mindless nymphomaniac, desperate to be fucked. Sebastian took a deep breath and slowly blew it out. He tried to control himself, even as the aphrodisiac worked its way through his system. When the ship came to a stop, Sebastian’s heart started galloping wildly. He couldn’t deny it. He was scared and completely turned on, which made things a hell of a lot worse. He could barely think clearly.

  “As soon as we return to the flight deck, the competition will begin. Follow the path the ship takes. There are hunting grounds on the other side of the planet, but you’ll be safe here. One of the males will find you soon. Okay?”

  Sebastian nodded. He had a few questions but didn’t bother asking. He simply stared straight ahead, refusing to even look at the other Glecerian males around him. He was afraid that if he did, he might do something completely inappropriate, like removing his pants and begging for them to fuck him.

  “Hold the railing and exit the ship.”

  Sebastian took a deep breath, gathering his strength. He walked down the metal stairs, leading to the planet’s surface. As soon as he was off the ship and on the ground, he stopped.

  The icy wind slapped him in the face, and he ducked his head. The power of the cold air instantly wiped away the warmth he’d been feeling and made his erection vanish. Sebastian pulled his hood down as far as he could and shoved his gloved hands deep into his pockets. He looked around, but there wasn’t much to see—snow, ice, silver-white icicle mountains.

  “Fuck,” he muttered. Sebastian turned, ready to board the ship once more, but the stairs had already disappeared. “Wait!” he shouted. “Don’t leave me here.”

  The ship rose, lifting off the ground. It flew away, heading back home, toward the warmth Sebastian desperately craved.

  “I’m going to die,” he muttered.

  Sebastian thought about waiting to be rescued by one of the males but decided the best thing he could do was to start walking. He followed the ship, heading in the same direction, like he’d been told to do. Even though he was covered from head to toe, he was still cold. The wind slammed against his body, forcing him to lean sideways. He pushed onward, forcing himself to keep moving.

  He walked for a really long time, the icy ground hard against the soles of his boots. As he continued his journey, the ground started to slope at a steep downward angle. Sebastian had to turn his body sideways and take careful, calculated steps. He went slowly, looking out at the horizon. The whole planet appeared to be a wasteland of white-silver nothingness. The light from the small sun above Glecerus provided enough light from him to see, but it didn’t provide any warmth.

  Without warning, Sebastian’s boot hit a slippery spot. He tried to right himself, but it was too late. As he fell, Sebastian’s hand shot out to catch himself, but it crumpled under his weight. He fell, his body slamming against the ground. Sebastian tucked his arm against his chest as he slid down the slope.

  When he hit the bottom, he groaned in pain. Sebastian whimpered. He lay there on the ground, staring up at the sky for several minutes.

  His body was sore, and his mind was a jumbled mess. He wanted to curl up into a ball and cry, but he knew that wouldn’t solve any of his problems. Sebastian gathered the rest of his strength and forced himself to stand up. He cradled his arm as he continued moving, shuffling his feet against the ground.

  Where the hell were the Glecerian males? Why hadn’t anyone found him yet?

  He was freezing. Sebastian’s body shook, and his teeth chattered together so hard he thought his jaw might break. He didn’t think he would be able to make it out of the frozen tundra alive. There was no way for him to survive out in this harsh land. He was an ill-equipped human with no survival skills whatsoever.

  Sebastian wasn’t sure how much time had passed. Exhaustion set in, and his stomach grumbled, turning itself inside out. Losing hope that anyone
would find him, Sebastian decided it was time to take a break. He slowly lowered himself to the ground and pulled his legs up against his chest. Sebastian ducked his head, tucking his chin down. The position provided some protection against the wind.

  “Sebastian,” a concerned voice said beside him. “Sebastian, are you okay?” A warm hand touched him, pulling Sebastian from the edge of sleep. Lifting his head, Sebastian came face to face with Auden.

  “Y-you did th-th-this,” Sebastian accused, his teeth chattering.

  “I’m sorry.”

  Auden wrapped his arms around Sebastian and picked him up, cradling him against his chest. He carried Sebastian into a nearby cave away from the icy wind. The temperature changed. It wasn’t warm, but it was a hell of a lot warmer than outside. Auden placed Sebastian on top of a layer of thick furs and lay down behind him. He plastered his chest against Sebastian’s back, wrapping his much larger frame around Sebastian’s body. Heat poured off Auden, cocooning Sebastian in warmth.

  “I’m sorry,” Auden said once more.

  Sebastian wanted to respond, but he was afraid to speak. The last think he wanted to do was curse the High King. And now that he was starting to warm up, he wasn’t willing to piss Auden off.

  “Are you okay?”

  “No,” he whined. “I’m cold, and my arm hurts.”

  Auden turned Sebastian over so that they were facing each other. He started removing Sebastian’s clothing. Sebastian’s cock, which had deflated due to the cold, came back to life, hardening once more. It seemed his body liked the idea of getting naked with Auden.

  “Don’t.” Sebastian smacked his hands away.

  “If I remove your clothing, you’ll warm up faster. Our combined body heat will help. And I’d like to check your arm.”

  “You’re the one who put me in this situation to begin with.”

  “I know,” Auden agreed. “I’m sorry.”


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